Smoking Addiction in Seven Lessons


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For Ryan, it was an entirely different experience than what he had ever felt masturbating. The creases in the hand could never compare to the wet, fleshy walls of a vagina that encompassed every part of his dick. It was soft and scratchy at the same time. "Oh, God," he gasped as he began to move his pelvis back and forth instinctively. "That's so...oh, Karen.Fuck, that's so good." He brought his cigarette up to his mouth. He needed to feel a powerful blast of smoke engulf his lungs. And when he inhaled one puff, he immediately began another until he felt as if her were literally flying above this beautiful Asian smoker, tethered only by his dick between her legs. "Nothing compares to this," he said between pants. "Oh, Karen. Nothing...nothing...Oh, God!!!!"

Immediately Karen felt the dick in her pussy bulge and then begin squirting uncontrollably. She hollered her lover's name in orgasmic delight. The sensation of liquid flowing into the vaginal canal was exhilarating. The climax that accompanied it? It was a sensation like nothing else she had ever felt in her life. For a few seconds, she felt as if time had stopped. It was life changing. She was a woman now. She had been ripped. Her virginity was part of her past life. If her cunt wasn't so sore from it being the first time, she would do it again and again and again.

Ryan made a few more soft thrusts with his pelvis, compelled as he was by male instinct to insert his dick as far as he could into her vagina to plant his seed deep into the soil of her womb. The fact that the soil was fallow made no difference to instinct. When he stopped from exhaustion, he kissed her madly. Never before had he felt so close to another human being. He was overwhelmed with the joy of being inside of her; not just cumming inside of her, but literally joining with her; being a part of her. Together they were one. Tears formed in his eyes.

"Are you crying?" Karen asked, touched by this emotional reaction.

"You make me so happy."

"Oh, Ryan," she said hugging him close to her. She wasn't ready to say out loud what she thought he wanted to hear, but she was willing to say those words to herself.I do love you. And I always want to be part of your life.


Over the next two days, the two lovers spent their early evenings together without any interruptions. With her Mom at the conference until Friday, and Ari at work or with Brad, Karen and Ryan had the house to themselves. They pushed the boundaries of their sexual relationship. Ryan wanted to try anal sex, which Karen was not a fan of but acquiesced. She preferred oral sex, and even brought out her cigarette holder to the delight of Ryan. After making love, they would work on their homework together at the kitchen table while smoking. Karen tried Ryan's brand - Marlboro Menthols - but couldn't get used to the stronger hit. Besides, she was wedded to a 120. It just didn't feel right between her fingers to smoke a 100.

When Friday finally arrived, and Ryan had driven Karen home after socializing with friends at Rosie's, the two spent several minutes kissing in the car while parked in the driveway. Karen had told Ryan that she didn't know what time her mother would be back, and so they should not risk being caught in the act.

"You know," he said to her with a smile, "parents are not nearly as stupid as we tend to think they are. She's gonna figure out what we're doing eventually."

"Take it slow," she counseled.

Ryan was laughing inside.Take it slow. This from the girl who couldn't wait for me to fuck her. But he didn't argue. By now he, too, had come to recognize her OCD. He didn't want to take advantage of that, but he also knew that she would want him inside of her again soon enough. He was a patient man.


As it turns out, Myung had called Ari to tell her that an accident on the Interstate was making it impossible for her to get home that night. She would find a motel and then head home early the next morning. Karen cursed when Ari told her this, regretting that she didn't let Ryan stay.What's done is done. She would use the free night to catch up on her homework and review her copious research and journal notes for her pscyh project. And in doing so, she came to a stark realization: it was time to quit. Her experiment had gone on for three weeks now, and her report was due the following Friday. She could no longer avoid the necessary action she would have to take to complete this assignment: breaking the addiction. Immediately she felt anxious until she lit a cigarette which she found helped to calm her down.How ironic, she wrote in her journal while taking a deep puff,that what helps me deal with the anxiety of quitting smoking is the act of smoking a cigarette.

Karen got up from her desk and walked into the kitchen where her sister was drying the dishes with a cigarette dangling from her lips. She sat down at the table with a heavy sigh and said, "The time has come."

Ari looked up at the clock. "Time for what?" she asked perplexed.

Karen looked longingly at the cigarette between her fingers. "Time to quit."

"Ohhhhh," Ari said drying another dish with the towel in her hand. "Well, you knew this day would come." She watched Karen take a puff.There's no way I'm going to let this girl try and quit. Not until I know that she'll fail.

"There just doesn't appear to be anything left for me to experience about smoking, and I have to start writing this report."

"If you believe that there isn't anything left for you to experience," Ari chided as she rested her long cigarette in an ashtray, "then you need to expand your imagination." She put away the final dish and picked up her cigarette before taking a seat at the table. "There is one last lesson to smoking, but I wouldn't recommend it," she said with a twinkle in her eye which clearly indicated shewholeheartedly recommended it.

"What is it?" Karen asked eagerly as she leaned towards the ashtray and stubbed out her cigarette. Any excuse to keep the experiment going was something she was willing to hear.

"Chain smoking," Ari replied.

Karen looked at her quizzically, wondering if Ari was just making all this stuff up to keep her smoking.

"Oh, you're addicted already to be sure. But chain smoking is a whole 'nother level." Ari tapped her cigarette over the ashtray on the table and brought it back up perpendicular to the side of her face.

"In what way?" Karen asked with great interest.

"It's when you literally don't stop. You finish one cigarette and immediately light another; and then another; and so on and so forth."

Karen was intrigued. "What does it feel like?"

Ari placed the cigarette in the side of her mouth and held it there between her lips as she picked up her phone off the table. She quickly typed something into Google, puffing and inhaling the smoke up through her nostrils as she did so. As always, Karen was enchanted by her style.

"You remember reading inGoblet of Fire when Harry experienced the Imperious curse?" She handed the phone to her sister.

It was the most wonderful feeling. Harry felt a floating sensation as every thought and worry in his head was wiped gently away, leaving nothing but a vague, untraceable happiness. He stood there feeling immensely relaxed, only dimly aware of everyone watching him.

Karen looked at her sister with a smile.

"I'm pretty sure J.K. Rowling was chain smoking when she wrote that," Ari said with the point of her cigarette, "because that's what it feels like. An incredible desire to just give in to the power of the smoke."

Karen had to admit that this experience sounded erotically enticing. To be a slave to the smoke was so alluring. What a sensuous experiencethat would be. "This is what you and Mom do when you work in the garden, isn't it? You chain smoke. That's why you both have a glassy look in your eyes and this sense of serenity on your faces."

"Of course, it's terrible on the body," Ari said after taking a massive puff. Thinking about chain smoking was making her very horny. "It feels good in the moment, but afterwards you feel like shit." She again gave her cigarette a light tap over the ashtray. "And there is something both alluring and, honestly, disgusting about it. I'm not fully sexually satisfied until I've transformed a boyfriend into a chain smoker; but once I have, then being around him when heconstantly smokes a cigarette is, well, kind of gross. So I dump him."

"Is that what happened to Roger, the last one?" Karen asked with a wicked smile.

"It's what's happened to all of them!" Ari exclaimed. "And it will happen to Brad, too. As you probably noticed last Saturday, he's nearly there already. If they can't help themselves from chain smoking, then I'm no longer in control - so I don't want them."

Karen looked at her sister with awe. "You really are an evil person," she said in admiration.

"Thank you," she said as her whole face scrunched up in a smile.

"So how does one become a chain smoker?" Karen asked, picking up her pack and caressing it.

"There's nohow to it," Ari said softly. "You it."


After her conversation with Ari, Karen went back into her bedroom to focus on her homework, lighting a cigarette from a freshly opened pack after she sat down at her desk. She loved the feeling of smoke floating in her lungs as she read her Chemistry textbook. Occasionally she would pause to exhale a stream of uninhaled smoke, admiring its opaque form as it shimmered under her desk lamp. She would then move her face towards the white mass and inhale as much of it as she could. She smiled to herself.Smoking is so much fun.

When she stubbed out the Virginia Slims, she pushed the ashtray to the side. Then she remembered Lesson 7. Ari said it was rough on the body, but she would be quitting very soon, probably in a few days. Why not give it a try? She pulled out another 120 and lit it, then refocused on her homework. She spent a good ten minutes smoking it before stubbing it out. She then immediately lit another. This was the first time that she had had three cigarettes in a row without a pause. There was now a smooth, almost synthetic feel to the smoke as she inhaled puff after puff; but she found it burdensome to keep the cigarette between her fingers, constantly having to bring it up to her lips. Instead, she decided to place it in the corner of her mouth as her mother and sister do when working in the garden, and just leave it there so that she could puff on it continuously, removing it only when she needed to tap off some ash or stub it out in the ashtray before lighting a new one. It was at that point that she realized that her sister was right. Breathing in the smoke literally every few seconds did have a calming effect on her.

The passage fromHarry Potter she had read was apt. By the fourth cigarette, she began to feel untethered to the world as the nicotine flowed through her veins like a gentle brook. Her body seemed to hum, as if there was a low voltage electric current circulating through her nervous system. She felt herself slipping even deeper into addiction as she could understand why chain smoking would be so appealing if it were not so harmful health wise.

And, of course, it was making her horny as hell. As she stepped away from her desk towards the dresser, she spent a moment watching herself smoke in the mirror, the cigarette clenched in her teeth or dangling from her lips. She had the uncontrollable desire to masturbate. With this much chemical stimulation in her body, she understood it would not take much physical stimulation to set off an orgasm. After laying on the bed, she lit her fifth continuous cigarette and called her lover.

"Hey," Ryan responded when answering the call on speaker phone.

"Hey," she replied dreamily, also on speaker phone.

"Whatcha doin'?" he asked.

"Smoking," she responded, and took a deep drag on the shrinking 120.

"Wish I was there to watch," he offered in a seductive tone.

"Ohhhhh, I wish you could feel what I'm experiencing."

"What are you experiencing?" he asked.

"I've gone on to the final lesson: chain smoking."

"Mmmm, sounds fun. Describe it."

"It's like I'm walking on clouds." She took a massive puff, snapped it back, and slowly let the smoke ooze out of her mouth.

"You sure that's tobacco you're smoking?" Ryan asked with a snicker.

"Oh, yeah," she said gratifyingly as she stubbed out the cigarette. "Virginia is taking me to new heights."

"Cool," he responded.

She pulled out a cigarette and touched the flame of her lighter to the tip. "I just lit my sixth in the last 30 minutes."

"Fly high, my smoker."

She began to caress the outer lips of her pussy. "I wish you were here," she said with her eyes closed as she moved her head in a circular motion. "I want your tongue between my legs."

"I know what you're doing right now," he said in a wicked tone. "I hope you're thinking of me as you're doing it."

"Oh, only of you, my love," she said with the insertion of her fingers. She began to stimulate her clit, fantasizing about Ryan's amazing tongue action in their last encounter. "My one, true love."

"Karen," he said in between heavy pants, "there's something I want you to know."

"Oh, yes, my love what is it?" she begged.

"I don't want you to quit smoking." There was silence, and then a low groan. "I want you to stay addicted."

These words, and the sexual moaning that accompanied them, only heightened her excitement. "Oh, my love, I'll never quit smoking. Never. I'll always be a smoker!" She took a massive puff and snapped it back.

"I want to see you always with a cigarette between your fingers," Ryan said in a lustful tone, his voice rising passionately. "I want to watch you bring it up to your lips and make the tip glow."

"I'll make it glow brightly." She kept the cigarette between her lips and began puffing over and over with the 120 at an angle. She'd inhale and then immediately start puffing again, exhaling only through her nose. "I'll never stop puffing. The tip will always glow just for you."

"I want you to breathe in that smoke and obey its power!"

"I'll obey it!" she yelled in a smoky exhale after pulling the cigarette out as she vigorously fingered her clit. "I'll always obey the smoke!"

"I want to cum inside your mouth," he groaned wildly. "To mix my jizz with that rich, creamy smoke."

"And then I'll swallow it," she replied lustfully, her imagination running wild as she fantasized that she was sucking him off again. "I want to watch you light a cigarette and then ejaculate inside of my mouth!"

"Oh,fuck," she heard Ryan gasp.

Immediately, her body began to quiver in orgasmic delight. "I'm cumming!" she whimpered. "Oh, Ryan, it's so strong." She puffed non-stop on her 120, dropping ash onto the bed covers as she snapped back the smoke deep into her lungs.

"Ohhhhh," she sighed with a creamy exhale of total satisfaction. "Oh, Ryan..." Her head was spinning. If she had not been laying on the bed, she was sure she would be on the floor right now. "Oh, my love, did you cum a lot?"

He chuckled. "It'severywhere."


Karen chain smoked two more cigarettes before getting off the phone with Ryan. She could have easily turned out the light and fallen asleep after such a powerful orgasm, but she wanted to continue smoking to see how far she could take the experience. She felt trapped in the grip of the smoke, and she loved that feeling. She looked forward to writing a whole section on it in her paper, and she meticulously took notes in her journal over the next 45 minutes. She then masturbated again, smoking three cigarettes in the process and producing an orgasm that reverberated in her body like rolling thunder over a Midwestern plain.

By the time she was ready for bed, she had no idea what number to write down in her journal as she had lost count of how many cigarettes she had smoked that evening, let alone that day. She had opened a new pack when she started her homework. She picked up that pack and shook it, shocked to hear the sound of only two, maybe three cigarettes rattling inside. Had she really smoked almost an entire pack of cigarettes in the last two hours? Was that even possible? The ache forming in her chest told her that it was. Karen took a double-pumped puff on the cigarette in her mouth, inhaled, and then pumped on the 120 once again. She quickly pulled out the cigarette, snapped back the smoke, and crushed the filter in the full ashtray as she exhaled through both her mouth and nose simultaneously. She had no desire to light another one. She was satisfied that she had experienced chain smoking. It wasn't something she wanted to do again.


Until the next morning....

When Karen awoke, she experienced something new and disturbing: a mucus filled smoker's cough. It took her at least a minute to clear her throat. "Oh, man," she groaned after spitting into the trashcan next to her bed. Her chest ached and her eyes were red and moist. She thought she was lucky the last three weeks without developing a cough despite increasing her intake. The chain smoking was a game changer. Ari was right. Her body felt like shit.

And then Karen reached for her pack and lit a cigarette while still sitting in bed. Once she finished, she got up to go the bathroom and decided to light another while sitting on the toilet.This is insane, she thought to herself.Why am I smoking so much when I know now what it's doing to my body? She continued puffing as she changed out of her pajamas, combed her hair and put on her face. She was still puffing on her second Virginia Slims as she walked into the kitchen and saw Ari sitting and smoking at the table with an empty cereal bowl nearby. She walked over to the cupboard.

"Ari," she said as reached for a coffee cup, "when did you know that you were addicted to smoking?"

Her sister was lost in thought for a few seconds, and then she grinned from ear to ear. "When I realized I wanted the whole to smoke."

Karen found this to be a very odd answer, and yet there was something sensible about it. She had attained tremendous satisfaction in watching her friends - both old and new - at Rosie's smoke. She stubbed out the cigarette in an ashtray near the sink and immediately lit a fresh one, her third of the morning, letting it dangle from her lips as she poured her coffee into the cup.

Behind her, Ari smiled approvingly. She loved making new smokers. But then she felt a pang of guilt. This wasn't one of her boy-toys; this was her sister. And with her sister's obsessive behavior, getting her to try chain smoking was probably a bad idea. "You know," she said as she watched her sister take deep draws on the 120 which she had moved to the corner of her mouth, "the reason that Mom and I only chain smoke once a week when we work in the garden is because cigarettes are so expensive. We'd go broke pretty quickly if we smoked as much as you are right now."

Karen was silent as she looked out the window above the sink, holding that long cigarette to the side of her mouth. She brought it to her lips and took a slow-burning puff.

"If you're going to be quitting soon, as you say you are," though Ari didn't truly believe that she was, "then you should stop chain smoking now."

Karen turned towards her sister, a blank expression on her face. She slowly brought the cigarette horizontally to her lips for a puff, inhaled with a cracked smile, and exhaled a long stream of smoke towards the kitchen table. She knew Ari was right...but oh, how good this aspect of addiction felt. She took three successive puffs, snapped each one back, and then turned to put the mostly smoked cigarette under the faucet before throwing it in the trash.
