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"Dave, I don't see a wedding ring, but I don't hear any of the bitterness of a divorce. I hope I'm not putting you in a compromising position with your wife."

I shook my head no, and said, "cancer, six years ago."

She hugged me, and then she motioned for the couple to come over to where we were sitting. When they got there, she said, "Kathy and Joe, this is Dave Preston, the last of the great romantics. Dave has a room, I have a room, most rooms have two beds. So here's the deal. I am giving you the voucher for my room and Dave is letting me sleep in his second bed."

That young lady's face lit up like a 300-watt spotlight. Her husband, obviously the more pragmatic of the two, said, "can we do that?"

I spoke up. "Of course, we can do it. If we ask for permission, United Airlines might easily say that we are not supposed do it, but here is the plan. You guys stick right with us, and when they call us to the shuttle bus, you get up and walk with us. If anyone challenges you, just point to me. Don't say a word, just point to me. Chances are that no one will ever say a word, but it they do let me do the talking."

When they announced our shuttle would be in the ground transportation area in 15 minutes, all four of us stood, and we walked together down the concourse. We were soon standing in front of the door labeled ground transportation. A bus with the correct name on it came up, and I approached the door and I started toward it. Not only did Cheryl, Kathy and Joe follow me, but ten or so other people were right behind us.

As we opened the door, the driver stepped off and opened a luggage bay under the bus. He took a few of the carry-on bags from the passengers and stowed them underneath. Then, with everyone on, he got back in the driver's seat and drove the six minutes to the hotel. I took Kathy and Joe aside and said, "we have to make this look good, so be sure and do just what I tell you. Give us your bags, then you two go straight to the hotel restaurant and tell the hostess that there will be a party of four, but the other two are in the check-in line and you would like to be seated immediately. Order coffee or a soft drink. Tell your waitress that you are waiting for friends who are in the check-in line, and we will all want dinner when we join you. Cheryl and I will check in, join you in the restaurant and after we all eat dinner, we will give you your room key. Understand what you need to do?"

Joe nodded his head and the two of them headed for the restaurant as Cheryl and I approached the check in counter. There was a line, and when I was in front of the receptionist, I asked "Even though this room is being paid for by the airline, this hotel is a partner in the frequent flyer program, so can I show you my card and still get the points?"

"Of course, sir. Just let me see your card to get your account number." I handed her the card and as another check-in agent motioned for Cheryl to step to her counter, I said, "don't forget to show them your frequent flyer card. This room still qualifies for points."

I waited on her as we left the desk and took the luggage tags they had given up. We went to the bell desk where the bags that came off the bus were lined up on the floor. I put one of the tags I had on the bag that I had been carrying and the other two tags I had been given on Cheryl's bags, and her tags on to Kathy and Joe's bags. As I watched them put the tagged bags on a luggage cart, we headed toward the coffee shop.

"What was that frequent flyer crap and why did you bring it up? Who would have thought about that?"

"Certainly not a customer in the middle of pulling a classic scam, right?"

"You mean that by giving them something else to worry about, they were so glad to get us through the process that they didn't really pay much attention to anything else?"

"Yep, now let's get dinner."

We joined the newlyweds in the restaurant, and the waitress immediately brought us menus. "I am hungry, but I don't want anything heavy. How is the blackened salmon you have on the specials board? Is it decent?" I asked her as she sat the coffee I had just ordered down.

"Actually, it has been well received. We've sold quite a bit of it, and no one has complained. Our chef if pretty good with seafood, and we have great desserts. Our cheesecake is good but the toppings are all canned, and we are out of all the fruit pies. They make them fresh every morning, so they are good if you get here while we still have them. And our carrot cake is always well received."

I ordered the blackened salmon with grilled vegetables and rice pilaf. Everyone else ordered the same thing, and I told the waitress to bring up two checks, since we would be dining on United Airlines that evening. Then I looked at Joe, who was sitting just opposite me. "Joe, you can see the bell captain's desk from where you sit. There is a luggage card with a whole bunch of bags on it beside the desk. We put our bags and your bags on it. They will wait until that cart is full and then they will deliver the bags to the rooms. So I need you to let me know when they take that cart away. After our bags have been delivered to the room and we have finished dinner, then we can join them. Now, I realize that you two are probably a little anxious to get some time alone, but at least you will have a hotel room."

It was Kathy who spoke up. "You will never know how much we appreciate this. Two hours ago it looked like I was going to spend my wedding night sleeping on the floor of an airport, now you two have solved that problem and we appreciate it. So thank you from both of us."

"Bags are gone." Joe spoke up. "They took the first cart away and are now loading a second one."

"Good. Now, Cheryl, give me your key." I looked at the two keys. Rooms 606 and 608. We were all about finished and I told Cheryl to put her voucher in the folder for the kids, which would be charged to her room, and I put mine in the folder that went with my room. We all walked to the elevator and rode it to the sixth floor.

"Well, kids, I know this is your wedding night and all, but please try to keep the noise level under control. There are people trying to sleep next door."

Everyone just sat there and I said, "usually when I make a smart-ass remark like that, at least half of the people laugh." Then Cheryl and Kathy both giggled. Anyway, we gave them the key to 608 and headed for 606.

As Cheryl and I entered the room, she grabbed me, pushed me down on the sofa and kissed me. Not a peck, not lightly brushing me but a fully loaded kiss. And like I said, she was kinda cute. And stacked. And I kissed her back. When I felt her tongue touch my lips, they opened. And when my tongue joined the battle, so did my hands. I felt her boobs and was shocked. Firm, smooth skin and just as enticing as the tits of the twenty something friend of my daughter I had been shagging back home. As I looked at her, I realized that we had never turned on the room lights. The ambient light that came from the Cleveland skyline in the distance was so dim you really didn't notice the wrinkles on her face. And frankly, I didn't feel any wrinkles on her boobs. And Cheryl was head and shoulders better kisser that any of the younger women I had dated over the past few years.

What the hell, it was snowing outside and I didn't have to worry about driving on slick streets in the morning, and at 53 I still had normal hormone function. In other words, I had an erection. And I picked Cheryl up from the couch and carried her over to a bed. We were engaged in what seemed like a face sucking contest. She may have been old, but the lights were dim and she damned sure could kiss. She was unbuttoning my shirt with the same frantic speed that I was doing her blouse. When the blouse dropped, I unsnapped her bra, and first impressions were correct. Her tits were cute, pert, erect with very little sag and absolutely smooth skin. And when I rolled a nipple between my thumb and index finger, she moaned. Then she pushed me on my back. She already had my slacks off, and she grabbed the waistband of my undies and pulled them down. She nudged me when they caught up on my butt cheeks and I raised up and let her get them by that roadblock. I held up my leg when she need to clear my knees and my ankles. I was laying there totally naked and this old woman, really cute older woman, had my dick in her mouth and very quickly I understood that she knew what to do with it.

I thought I owed her the courtesy of a warning. "Cheryl," I warned, "I'm getting close to a climax. Be forewarned."

She stopped and took her mouth off my dick long enough to tell me, "I want your whole load in my mouth." Then she opened her mouth and engulfed my dick again. I was getting closer and closer and suddenly, close was now. She had me deep in her mouth when the first spasm of ejaculation overcame me, and she kept me there as she got into a pattern. Suck, lick, swallow. Suck, lick, swallow. God it was mind-blowing.

When I was completely drained, Cheryl simply collapsed beside me on the bed. She was laying there in my arms and she started talking to me. "Dave, that was something. I like giving head, I love swallowing cum, and I have met very few men who have your stamina with their dick in someone's mouth. Suppose if we lay here and cuddle up a bit, you might get it up again tonight?"

"Oh," I said, "that can probably be arranged. Should be able to get it up again in ten or fifteen minutes. So what other events do you have a gold medal from the bedroom Olympics?"

"Never heard it referred to that way before, but I think I like it. Besides the obvious of oral, what other events would you think there are in these bedroom Olympics?

"Missionary, cowgirl, rear entry vagina, rear entry anal, front entry anal, double penetration, then the ultimate event, freestyle fucking."

"Well, Mr, Dave Preston," she said as she kissed me, "you are leaving out an award where you would certainly almost always win a medal. Foreplay. You are without a doubt a world class kisser"

As we lay on the bed and kissed some more, I guess I forgot the circumstances. Of course, I knew not to do what I did. After all, I had always been told that you just didn't go down on older women. You know, somehow they were supposed to have some sort of unpleasant taste or odor. But remember, the lights were dim, she was a great kisser, and about fifteen minutes ago, she had given me a really great blow job. And I did tell you she was really cute, right?

Well, the first thing you know, my tongue is licking up her slit and my lips and tongue are toying with her clit. And there was nothing off-putting about the taste or smell of her pussy. But the sound a woman makes when I am licking and sucking on her clit and have a finger or two in her pussy is the most intoxicating sound in the world to me. And Cheryl was making those sounds. God was she making those sounds. She was bucking her body up underneath me, she was gyrating her hips around as my lips were locked on her clit and her muscles were getting tighter and tighter and tighter.

Turns out that Cheryl was not one of these women who had the moaning and gasping orgasm. She was a scream and yell orgasm type, and did she ever scream and yell. And of course, I had figured out what I needed to do to get her to this point, and she I just kept on doing it. Funny thing is, the more she yelled and screamed, the more I began to get turned on, and soon I was back at full blown erection. So I climbed up and slipped my dick into her pussy.

The lights were low she was an active and appreciative partner, and we fucked until we both reached out respective nirvanas together. The two of us collapsed into one heap of flesh and simply lay silently together. It was about twenty minutes before Cheryl said anything, and her like of conversation caught me totally off guard. "Dave," she asked, "are you one of those men that can get aroused by watching porn on line?"

Strange question coming from a sweet little old lady, but not stranger that the whole situation. So what the heck, I answered. "Cheryl, I can get a real kick out of watching erotic videos."

"Good," she said, "give me a couple of minutes." She went to her largest carry-on bag and took out a really expensive looking laptop. She sat it on the dresser and signed on to the hotel Wi-Fi. Then she turned the screen toward me and said, "can you see this from where you are?"

Turns out, I could see just fine. The room was pretty dim, there was no glare hitting the screen, and her computer had the biggest screen I had ever seen on a laptop. I was surprised at how well I could see it, so I replied "amazing. I can see it very well." Then she typed some more, and I could see as she opened what was clearly a porn site, entered a password, and then clicked on an icon that said something about Granny's First Gang Bang. And then on the screen came a video of a woman kneeling between a man's legs with his dick in her mouth, and with a man behind her fucking her doggy style.

This was obviously not an amateur video, they were cutting back between close ups of the woman with a dick in her mouth, close ups of the second man's dick pounding her pussy from the rear, and establishing shots showing the action as simultaneous. Cheryl came back and lay down with her head on the pillow beside me. She propped her head up and then she said, "here comes the really good part." As she said that, the camera showing the blow job panned back just a little bit, and the woman let the dick fall out of her mouth as she looked right into the lens and smiled. And no mistake about it, when she looked right at the camera, it was clear that the star of the show was Cheryl.

'My oh my," I said as I looked at her. "Who'd a thunk it?"

She reached her hand down to my dick and sure enough, it was as hard as it had been at the beginning of the evening. She kissed me, and then she pushed me down on my back, there one leg over me, and straddled me. She grabbed my dick with one hand, positioned it at the bottom of her pussy and she almost impaled herself on me. She bounced up and down, and I thrust up to meet each of her down strokes.

Most everyone has heard of the movie the perfect storm, where every single weather variable come together to create the greatest storm of the century. Well, for me, that night was one of those perfect storms. It had been three weeks since I had had sex. All of the hotels where I had stayed had both gyms and pools, so I was able to keep up with the exercise regimen I had started back home about three months ago, so I was probably in the best physical shape I have been in since high school. And where most Americans primary learning mode was visual, my primary learning style was auditory. And some research has shown that learning style has an impact on arousal. Cheryl was the single most auditory woman ever to share my bed. She was sighing and moaning and cooing from the minute my hand first felt her boobs through her dress. Even when she had my dick in her mouth, she was making all these really sexy little sounds. So I had the prefect story of sex. Different Granny videos were running on her laptop, and she was making the same sounds in the video as I was hearing in real life. We would fuck for thirty or forty minutes, I would climax, and ten or fifteen minutes later, I was as rigid as a tent pole. What the hell, I could recover when I got home. We fucked all night. The only thing she was not open to was anal, and while I would have loved to pop that little rectum open, there was plenty of things her mouth and her pussy would do that kept me very occupied for hours.

When I was nineteen, the night some vixen of a college classmate took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom, I fucked all night. When I was thirty one, I got close to the same performance on my honeymoon with my second wife. But come on now, it just ain't supposed to happen to a fifty-three year old man. But it did.

At about ten o'clock the next morning, there was a knock on our door. Cheryl had on a robe, so she went to the door. It was Kathy from next door who told her that the airline had called her room and that she was on a flight that left for Los Angles at one twenty and she needed to get back to the airport. Then Kathy looked at the two of us and asked, "could you guys hear us having sex last night?"

Chery was very quick to assure her that we had not heard a peep all night from long. Kathy then grinned at her and said "you know, a peep might be the only thing we didn't hear out of here last night. I just hope when Joe is fifty something he has anywhere near Dave's stamina."

As Cheryl was leaving the room to catch her shuttle, she looked at me and said, "Dave, it will come as no shock to you to for me to say I like sex. And I really liked having sex with you. Just think about this. None of the videos you saw showed the face of any of the men. Those men are not porn stars, they are just lovers from my everyday world that really enjoy helping me supplement my social security in my retirement years. Would you like me to send you a letter that tells how a retired legal secretary becomes a granny porn goddess and even outlines an idea I have about you being in one of my videos?"

I nodded yes, gave her one of my personal business cards that had my home mailing address, and she hurried toward the elevator. As I was getting ready to hit the shower, my room phone rang. It was United telling me that my flight would leave at four for Seattle with a connection in San Francisco. So as I got myself through the shower, packed my bag and headed for the airport. I knew that I would in fact be sleeping almost all the way, but I did wonder what whoever was sitting in the seat beside me would think could possibly be the cause of the huge smile I would have on my face.

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roveroneroveroneabout 3 years ago

What HOT story...!!

and Anon 4 yrs ago re MD-80 thought same as I soon as I saw pay phone

-I LOVE women and Cheryl DEF a one in a million...agile mentally as big a turn-on as agile physically

did think he made too much of a big deal at beginning about her being older

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Cute, but how did she go from braless at the airport to a bra in the hotel room?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
snowbound great story.

Many years ago i had a one night stand with a stunning older lady. She was 51, but with a body of someone half her age. She was the tightest and most sexual person I've ever met. She would squirt across the room. We lived at different parts of the country with London in between us. Tight pussy, squirter, cracking sense of humour, it was almost love. Happily married now to a woman 17 years younger than myself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Not bad

I had an affair with an older woman who could have orgasms until I had cramps in my tongue. I always meant to count them, but I always lost track. Maybe 20 an hour.

But for a male to have four erections an hour, no way. On the best day of my life, I had maybe two orgasms in one hour.

dani_lrlmdani_lrlmover 7 years ago
Lovely story

I myself will be 91 next week, so it strikes a chord.

Thank you for sharing it with us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
This was not fiction; no way

Great detail. Great setup and back story. Had to have happened. " phone", one engine blown, two remaining; had to be an MD-80. Who would go to the trouble of mentioning these details if it hadn't actually happened.

Loved it. And yeah; I'm jealous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Hi, nice story plot and verrrrrry realistic. Now for the critique, in the bar she flashed you her BRALESS TITS but in the room when you were undressing each other you UNSNAPPED HER BRA....whoops on the proof read

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Very well written 5*

I myself love the touch of an older woman so your story was well received.

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