So Many Parameters - Custom Bras


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One finger slid in effortlessly: she sighed, groaned, and muttered into her pillowing arms "My GOD, Kevin... such sensations! I have always been sensitive there, very sensitive, but I had no idea!"

Then, softly, "Tell me, Kevin -- is that merely one finger?"

He admitted it, asked gently "M'Lady Rhonda would care for more, perhaps?"

M'Lady in fact DID so care, and shortly it was two, full-depth, playing firmly on her g-spot. After several minutes of slithery explorations, slow and deep, she reached back to grip his wrist.

He paused.

"Kevin, I am going to be very bold and suggest another expansion of this experiment. I find it extremely exciting to have your fingers inside me this way, and I would like very much to give myself an orgasm. With you helping exactly this way, of course. Would that be possible, and okay with you? To make it work right, I will have to get up on my hands and knees so that I can rub my clitoris. A quite ridiculous position, I'm afraid."

"But I realize that you are not at all embarrassed by these things, and therefore although I haven't your experience, I will not allow myself to become embarrassed either. Regardless, I would REALLY like to have an orgasm now!"

He laughed delightedly, waggled his deep-struck fingers: "Nothing would please me more. Go for it! And if you want me to do anything specific, do NOT be afraid to tell me!"

She shifted onto knees and elbows, settled, found the properly comfortable pose. As she reached for her crotch and began, she muttered "I have no experience doing this with another person involved, but you seem to understand what I need, perhaps better than I know for myself. So please, Kevin, just do what you think is best!"

In less than three minutes she harvested two more delightful, extremely strong orgasms, then declared, "I can no longer breathe! We simply MUST have a halt for a few minutes."

As she lay gasping, her hand crept out and over to his thigh, across it to his crotch, and gripped his perpetual hard-on snugly, familiarly. It stroked several times, rendering him harder yet. He lay passive now, enjoying himself, wondering what to propose next.

That musing hadn't finished before his role of expedition-leader, or chief scientist, was usurped, and in the nicest possible way. Rhoda quietly and shyly suggested that perhaps, just possibly, it might be possible to expand the experiment yet again, this time to include him doing some interesting deep explorations of her bottom using another tool, a much more appropriate tool, she believed - explorations she'd heard about but never quite believed in, but which suddenly had become quite the desirable direction to go, and which might just conceivably result in some relief for his pent-up "unrequited lust" deep inside her body, perhaps even with her accompanying him in the relief?

Rhoda's idea worked to perfection: his releases left her rectum fully loaded with sperm -- sperm that had no chance whatever of fulfilling their primary mission. And shortly thereafter, when he once more rolled her onto her back and lay between her wide-spread thighs, hovering his mouth above her clit, she didn't deny him landing rights. After all, they had just proven conclusively that there were no bad associations to be dealt with!

With only his mouth he quickly, repeatedly, made her wonder whether her skull was actually still intact, whether she was going to shortly have a full-body cramp, or merely a week of ongoing soreness in calves and thighs and toes from making foot-fists.

Enthusiasm arose and prevailed. After her second intermission for recovery, Rhonda suggested a rematch: Kevin of course agreed, and whilst atop her doggy-style, cock struck fully into her bottom, he came for a second time as she played finger-arpeggios on her clit.

Then, working team-wise, they maintained their connection as they relaxed together down onto the towel. For minutes they lay there, silently soaking in one another: Kevin, as was his style, remained fully hard inside her, occasionally giving a wriggle just to remind her of their lovely connection, each time producing little brain-body flashes for her enjoyment.

After several minutes of silence, she reached up and back with one hand, caught his head, waggled it, pulled his face down against her neck, and asked if it might be possible to rearrange to be face-to-face, without breaking penetration.

They managed, with a few minor clumsinesses. Settled that way, holding his weight well above her on stiffened arms but staring down into her in his soul-to-soul mode, Kevin began yet another bout of long, slow stroking, sensuously grinding their pubes together with each bottoming-out of cock in butt.

Rhonda lay there as he worked, obviously enjoying herself but staring back into him very, very hard for perhaps twenty seconds. Then her arms came up, encircled his neck rather firmly, startling him into motionlessness.

"Kevin... Can you do for me a little favor? Just a small one?"

He nodded: "Again, you only have to ask. What?"

"Close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to open them."

He complied, wondering.

What happened was utterly unexpected. With no telegraphing her intent, she took a huge, shuddering breath and pulled their faces together. And with a voracious hunger and heath she took possession of his entire mouth, held the kiss for at least two minutes.

She finally dropped her head back onto the pillow and whispered "There! Finally! Open your eyes now! You are the only person I have ever met with whom that could possibly have worked. And I am very surprised to find that I actually enjoyed it. I have been thinking about it, contemplating it, for maybe the past ten minutes -- but only with the small part of my brain that was not otherwise occupied! Getting up the courage to try was very much like getting ready to take a middle-of-the-winter dip in a river through a hole in the ice! Did I do it right?"

Kevin told her, with obvious delight: "Exactly right. Very expertly: very sensual, very sexy. There are lots more where that came from -- if and when you wish, just ask and I'll be happy to provide. I am greatly honored, Madame. And pleased beyond measure!"

She squeezed his neck hard in her arms, cocked her head sideways: "Before I ask for another, there is something else. I know there is a great deal to learn about all of this, and I would like very much to learn EVERYTHING. Would you mind another expansion of our experiment? I think it would be quite wonderful if you didn't leave my apartment until after breakfast tomorrow. I promise you, I really can cook! If you will stay here tonight and also volunteer to continue to be my personal sex-trainer and teacher, then I will promise, scout's honor, to be a very good pupil!"

Stay he did. Rhonda awakened at least an hour earlier than he, and in musing she convinced herself of the silliness of some of her fears -- and she hatched a plan. Contemplating the plan produced a huge rush of moisture between her legs.

Kevin slept more soundly than she, but when she leaned over him and gently dragged her breasts across his face, he did wake up. And took advantage of the position to mouth her nipples once again. She let him play for several minutes, watching the steady rise of the sheet over his crotch. When she judged the bulge properly developed, she pulled the cloth away, and freed her breast.

"I have been thinking... I seem to be in many ways a new person this morning. It is quite interesting, the changes! So - may we try something else new?"

No dummy, he -- Kevin nodded, said "At your service... what wouldst like to try?"

She turned pink in the face -- but not extremely so. Kevin correctly read that as a lessening of embarrassment, a serious relaxation and acceptance of the situation... and of her own responses.

"I should like to sit on top of you and put your erection into the so-called "correct" place. Into my vagina, my pussy. Not to stay so long that you will have your orgasm, but just as a little test. I think I have convinced my subconscious that it would be okay and I hope to override the bad associations."

"Then, after a minute or two, if it would be alright with you, we can put you into my bottom again and perhaps we can give each other a lovely waking-up present. Is that an okay plan?"

It was okay; and it worked perfectly. Complete with renewed kissing throughout. At one point Rhonda grinned broadly down at her partner, said "Even now, with all these preoccupations and distractions, there is always a scientist in me, watching. I am surprised at the number of parameters there are in our experiment, Kevin -- mental, physical, psychological, social... a very complex parameter-space. But it is SO MUCH FUN to be navigating it and learning all this new stuff!"

During breakfast, Kevin had his own brain-flash. "Can we spend the morning together -- go somewhere special in your car? I have a surprise for you."

"Of course... staying together through the morning is a wonderful idea. But what surprise?"

"It's a secret until we get there. Across the river, over near where I live. Maybe a 20 minute drive."

Half an hour later, they pulled into the four-car driveway of a small, old house in a residential district: there was a small sign in the yard: "The T Emporium" (plus a phone number) was all its information.

"What is this place?" she asked, curiously: "What does it mean, 'T Emporium'? Tea for drinking?

Kevin smiled: "Nope. T stands for tatas, or titties. Breasts. They make custom brassieres, nothing else at all. How much do you spend on a bra when you buy one?"

She gave him a puzzled look: "I'm not sure, maybe fifteen dollars, perhaps twenty. It's been a long time, I'm not sure about prices here, today. Why?"

"Because," he said, "...any woman who hasn't owned a custom bra simply hasn't lived. This will be my treat! You have lovely, sensitive boobs and I would like to contribute to you having a better-balanced appreciation of them. Besides, it'll be fun! Not as much fun as some of our recent activities, but fun nonetheless. Come on, let's go inside."

The proprietress met them at the door, a middle-aged, busty-but-petite woman who introduced herself as Marie.

Kevin explained: "Marie, this is my friend Rhonda. She has never had a bespoke bra. She needs two -- one for work and social occasions, the other for bicycling. The best. My treat, a special gift for a very special person. I understand you have seamstresses on the premises and can make them even while we wait?"

"Indeed we can -- but it does take a couple of hours for the construction -- plus the fitting time of course, both before and after construction. So if you choose to wait, you might go shopping or at least for coffee during actual sewing-time."

Then, to Rhonda, "Tell me, dear, have you ever been properly, professionally fitted?"

Rhonda looked a bit bewildered, perhaps amused, certainly vaguely embarrassed. She shook her head 'no'.

"Lovely!" said Marie -- "A brassiere virgin! What a treat you have in store! Now, just for our eventual amusement, what is your bra size?"

She turned to Kevin: "Asking this is almost as much fun as asking a man what his waist size is. Everyone has an answer of which they are quite certain, but only about 2% are accurate!"

Rhonda thought, grinned, replied "Um... It has been a long time since I bought one. I believe I'm 40 with a C-cup."

Marie just shook her head silently, steered them towards the fitting room, paused at the door. "This can be a nice couples exercise, or entirely private, for just Rhonda and me... which shall it be, dear? I'm sure we can both figure out HIS preference!"

The invitation was issued, accepted.

In the fitting room, Rhonda removed blouse and underlying tank-top. Marie raised an eyebrow at the garment, but said only "My -- you have lovely skin -- good tissues and tone. You will be a delight to work with!"

Kevin grinned at her flummox, said "Told you so!"

Rhonda volunteered "But I truly hate brassieres. I always have hated the idiotic things, ever since puberty. Ick."

Marie nodded vigorously: "You're hardly alone in that! But let's get you properly measured and fitted and see if we can't -- just maybe -- change your mind! First thing is to get you properly sized -- the A, B, C, D-cup nonsense is just exactly that! Poppycock. We'll measure you and get all the angles right, then choose fabrics and talk about construction details, and care, and of course getting into and out of the contraptions properly. We'll have to do two very different constructions."

Rhonda asked "Why is that?"

"Well, dear, you just pushed my button, so here comes my little spiel. Consider -- when you're on a bike, gravity is acting at a very different angle on your tissues from when you stand and walk about."

"Plus in bicycling there is the problem of rapid repetitive motions at a fairly high intensity -- impact loading and deformation and so forth. Elasticity -- which varies with location in every boob on the planet, no two alike! Different conditions, different design considerations entirely. There is such a multitude of parameters that must be considered. After all, every human body differs from all others, and the two sides of any one body are different -- often strikingly so. The "photograph my good side!' phenomenon."

"Every woman's breasts arise at slightly different heights on her chest. No two women's breasts sit or hang or move the same way, or point in the same direction relative to her frontal plane -- some look nearly straight forward like those idiotic Indian temple statues, others point almost sideways! On any one woman, the two often point in quite different angles relative to her vertical axis and saggital plane. Some up, some down, some sideways."

She sighed and kept right on - "Some breasts begin far back under the armpit, others sit on the chest like half-oranges. Some pairs have very little separation over the breastbone, others more like yours have a hand-width or more of non-breast there."

"What bra company provides even for THAT? Answer, NONE! Much less does any big manufacturer consider all those other variables."

"Some women have a huge expanse of back, others the opposite. The entire CONCEPT of a mass-made brassiere, built like the modern tomato in 'standard' sizes, is ridiculous. No commercial bra exists that has different cup sizes left and right, yet I've never seen a genuinely symmetrical set of boobs."

"So PISH! No wonder so many women hate the stuff you can buy at Macy's -- or even Victoria's Secret! And we have yet to mention boob-variables like texture, and volume, and how much wiggle and jiggle a woman wants -- and WHY she wants it that way. It's a very complex sociological, psychological and engineering problem, this business of providing comfortable, healthy support for a woman's twin girls."

Rhonda eyed Marie with sudden intuition, asked "Are you an engineer?"

"Yes" came the matter-of-fact reply: "I have a BS in mechanical engineering from a long time ago. Why do you ask?"

"Because so am I -- an engineer. You are using proper engineering terms, but for bras! Why are you here, doing this?"

Cheerfully, Marie replied: "Because I love to sew, and to do practical design. Just for fun, you should take this little book with you while we build your new bras."

The title made Rhonda giggle: 'Stress analysis of a strapless evening gown, and other essays for a scientific age.'

Marie said "It's actually serious." Rhonda handed it to Kevin.

A long pause ensued as Marie rechecked several measurements.

"Next comes an exercise you may appreciate, Kevin," said Marie; "We need an accurate measurement of the volume of each breast -- rather like Salomon ski-boots which are sized by volume, not foot-length."

The next several minutes were occupied by the two women shivering and shaking Rhonda into a series of volumetric fabric cups, an exercise which verified Marie's prediction. As she finished, Marie nodded to herself, shrugged, hefted both Rhonda-breasts, studied them briefly and muttered "By the usual system you're a 38, actually a 37 but of course the commercial makers don't make odd-number sizes! -- and you're double-D on the left, single-D on the right. Not quite what you thought -- if you've been buying 40C bras, no wonder you have never liked them!"

She caught them both by surprise with her next 'measurement'. "Almost done measuring. Now to deal with a few other considerations, less measurable things but quite important. Kevin, come here and give me your hand, please."

She cupped the proffered hand beneath Rhonda's right breast, said "Demonstration -- you'll understand in a moment. Kevin, please fondle this nipple. Be sexy with it, please."

In five seconds the nipple was erect. Marie grinned, said "You can stop now. This was a test -- Rhonda, you have prominent and mildly aggressive nipples. Now -- how much nipple do you want to be visible through the fabrics? We'll choose fabrics and elastics and such in just a moment."

Rhonda went scarlet, glanced at Kevin, muttered "None -- I've always..." She paused, studied Kevin's face, then reversed herself and said shyly "Since this is all new to me anyway -- let's say SOME. But not a lot. Can the bras be built that way?"

Kevin listened, then chimed in: he liked the idea of some but not strident visibility, materials couldn't be too coarse or thick, and had to be at least marginally 'feminine" although hardly frou-frou.

After some minutes, Rhonda relaxed and got well and truly into the exercise, letting herself play "girl" for once.

The final designs were optimized or nearly so, along the several most important parameters.

Coffeeshop for two hours, reading aloud from "Stress Analysis', and footsie under the table. The bras were ready when they returned: checking them out took only a minute, a short lesson in shimmying into the two -- different techniques for different constructions. A booklet on care and feeding.

In the car, now wearing her new social-affairs bra, Rhonda looked at Kevin, sighed, shook her head, and said "The most wonderful gift EVER in my life. Such comfort!" Then, "Kevin, these must have been terribly expensive!"

The figure was close to $400, but Kevin didn't care and wasn't going to tell. He just said, with a wide grin, "Worth every penny, especially if I get to help you into them, and especially out of them, once in a while!"

She smiled, almost smirked at him as the car went in motion:

"I am told that practice makes perfect. Is it okay with you that we should drive home NOW and begin practicing?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Sehr gut!

Very good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I loved this story. In every conceivable parameter it deserves 5 *.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
so many parameters

Great tale!

As for Seattle weather...No deluges? Ha!. OK, a cloudburst every so often that drowns rats. I don't know that Seattle received HEAVY snow on Christmas Eve, but much of the region was dusted in white by sun-up. That alone is a Seattle rarity.

But...the boobs...ah, yes we were talking about boobs, the magnificent appendage of a grown woman. Who could resist the delectable charms of a woman, and what scoundrel would intervene in her life to render her less than proud? After all, a woman is a treasure to behold, and she knows it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Silly, wonderful story - well written

Silly, funny, and wonderfully well-written story. Loved the German sentence structure, and the understanding of at least how some women think, plus the semi-nerddy behavior was spot on. Fun. OTHO, everyone knows it never deluges in Seattle, just like we never get a heavy snow on Christmas Eve. Perhaps that is something you could put in your next story.Great job.

colrbtddscolrbtddsover 6 years ago

Extremely well written. Delightful excursion into whimsy. Well done - keep writing!!

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