Social Media Star Ch. 07

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Boy becomes a true sissy femboy with mom's and sister's help.
2.6k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/12/2020
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[All characters are age 18+]

I spent the rest of the day at FemBoy Inc. headquarters signing new contracts and getting some new required "enhancements" to my body. I went from windowless room to windowless room -meeting countless women who examined almost every part of my feminizing body. As the hours passed, I knew my life would never be the same. Although I lost track of time, I must have been there for many hours after that initial meeting in the boardroom. I had hormone injections, lingerie fittings, and endured some other things...

It was dark when I got home. The headquarters people had ordered me a taxi for the nearly one hour trip from downtown LA back to my mom's house. The buses were no longer running. But that didn't really matter anyways -my new attire would have made taking the bus home quite a challenge. When the Uber finally pulled up to the house, I got out and walked slowly to the front door with my new high heel shoes audibly clicking on the concrete paving stones. I was still getting used to them and thankfully managed to keep my balance. My attention was really divided between not trying not to fall on my face and not letting my clothes blow open in the wind. All I was wearing was a dark brown trench coat and not much else. I could feel the cold breeze on my nearly naked body underneath. The clothes I had worn earlier in the day had long since been thrown out.

I grasped and fumbled with the oversized coat as I made my way onto the front porch and then stepped into the house. Closing the large door gently behind me, I paused and listened. I heard the TV playing. They were still awake. I could hear more sounds coming from the living room. Biting my lower lip, I paused and collected myself -I knew I had to get this over with. I had to tell them everything. I had no choice at this point.

Trying to find some courage, I took a deep breath and walked down the carpeted hallway and towards the living room. They heard me coming.

"Timmy? Is that you?" asked my mom.

"Yes mom. I'm back," I replied as I walked into the dimly lit living room. My mom and my sister Miley were curled up on the sofa watching TV and playing with their iPads. They were in their pajamas and had a blanket over them.

"Where were you? We were worried sick... I thought you said you would be back hours ago," she asked with concerned look on her face.

"I know. I'm sorry. It took longer than I thought," I answered.

"And where did you go?"

"Downtown mom. I had a meeting with the FemBoy corporate people..."

Miley looked up and added, "Really? I thought you quit working for them? And why are you wearing high heels and a trench coat? You look ridiculous." She then took a sip of her tea. Both women remained sitting on the sofa but were starting to eye me more closely. They knew something was off.

"I know... I went there to ask for my job back. I thought if I went there in person, they would let me come back. I told them I made a mistake and asked if I could model for them again..."

"And what did the corporate people say?" asked Miley.


"That's wonderful Timmy! What a surprise! I'm so glad you did this. You've been so down and sad since you quit working for them," my mom replied gleefully.

"Why don't you sit down and tell us what happened?" Miley added.

"That's ok... I kind of have to tell you anyways. The FemBoy people... as part of my new contract... well, they want you to be more involved..." I revealed as I stood nervously in front of them.

Both women looked at each other. Miley tilted her head to the side and asked, "What exactly do they want from us?"

I had been dreading this. It was time for the big reveal. When the corporate suits had told me about this new requirement, I nearly had had a panic attack. But the contract was signed -I couldn't back out now without incurring huge penalties.

It was time. My mouth had gone dry. Looking at my mom and Miley, I reached into my coat's front pocket and pulled out two folded pieces of pink paper. I kept one and handed the other to Miley's outstretched hand. I stepped back from the sofa, and stood before them, perched on my 4-inch heels.

Looking down at the paper in my hand, I opened it and began to slowly read the handwritten text -text I had copied only hours before. The company had given me a pre-written paragraph for me to copy in my own handwriting. This was all their words. This was all pre-planned. The company had explained to me that they made all their newly-hired sissy boys read this aloud to their moms or girlfriends. It was company policy.

But I remembered what I had to do. I looked down at the page and I read aloud:

Dear Mom and Miley,

I am proud to announce that I am again part of the FemBoy company family. As part of my new arrangement with them, I have agreed to some new changes...

First, my new name is Tammy! Please call me by this name now and forever. My new name symbolizes my transformation into something new and beautiful.

Second, I am now taking FemBoy's full range of female hormones. This new regime promises to make me the best femboy ever! You will need to make sure I take my sissy medication every day and punish me if I don't.

Third, I am now required to wear... a chastity cage... at all times. You will need to be my keyholders. I am not to be let out of my cage without the company's express approval. I will show you my new cage shortly.

Fourth, I am required to keep my asshole -or what I will henceforth call my boy pussy- stretched and exercised every day. I will need to be pegged as often as possible -this you can help with...

These changes are just the start. My journey is only beginning. With your help, I know I can reach my full sissy potential!

When I uttered the last word, I stopped staring at the page and looked up from the letter trembling in my hands to catch a glimpse of their faces. Both were in shock. But I could tell that they were also excited. But then, I remembered that I wasn't finished. I still had more to show them.

"That was beautiful, Tammy," Miley said. "I always knew you had it in you."

"I'm so proud of you, Tammy," my mom added. She reached over to Miley and held her hand. "This is a wonderful surprise. But I have to be honest... I don't know what a 'chastity cage' is..."

"I think he is -sorry- she is gonna show us mom," Miley replied. "Aren't you, Tammy?"

"Yes, Miley. The company was very clear. They told me to present myself to my new keyholders as soon as I got home..." I replied. That was the truth -and the reason why I was wearing such a large coat and not my normal clothes.

"Well..." said Miley with just a hint of impatience.

I could tell she knew exactly what a chastity cage was. But I had to go ahead anyways. I reached down to my waist and slowly undid the belt and buckle around the coat. Once I got it loose, I opened up the coat and let it fall off my bare shoulders and to the ground. It easily slid off my naked body and crumpled at the ground around my shoes.

There I was -standing naked in the living room in front of my mom and sister. Wearing nothing apart from my girly shoes and a chastity cage.

The cage itself was the company's bestselling model -a small steel device with a traditional two-part design: a cock cage and scrotal ring. The cock cage component was only three inches or so length, but it provided ample space for me. I knew the company sold smaller models, so I hadn't said anything when they fitted it on me hours earlier. This was the exact device that had been in the mystery box at the boardroom meeting. Two company reps had helped me put it on shortly after that meeting ended.

A miniature brass lock at the top of the device secured the cage and ring components together. This chastity device was not going to come off unless it was purposely unlocked -it's solid design and heavy-duty lock attested to that.

The chastity cage dangled from my body and moved ever so slightly as I kicked the coat away from my feet. I could feel its weight as it pulled down on me.

The two women had been sitting on the sofa completely mesmerized. But they quickly grew more curious and got up for a closer look. I remained standing with my hands behind my back -I had been given strict instructions earlier to allow my keyholders the opportunity to inspect my new cage.

"My god Tammy! It's amazing! I've never seen one before... at least not in person!" Miley exclaimed as she knelt down in front of me.

My mom knelt down and also added, "It's tinier than I thought. It's like a little prison for her penis."

Both her and Miley then reached out -without asking- and began to feel it with their hands.

"Wow! It's so cold!" shouted Miley.

"Oh you're right! The metal bars... Tammy what does your chastity cage feel like?" my mom inquired.

I looked down and answered, "It feels tight, I guess. And heavy. I've only had it on for a few hours..."

Miley pulled on the padlock. It clinked against the metal of the cage. Satisfied that it was secured, she got up and went back to the sofa. After a while, my mom also got up and sat down next to Miley.

It was then when Miley remembered the other pink letter. She picked hers up off the leather cushion and opened it up. Two gold chain necklaces fell out of the letter and onto the floor. She quickly reached down and grabbed them. Attached to each chain was a brass key.

"Are those our keys? To his chastity device?" asked my mom as she took notice of the two keys.

"Yes mom. This letter explains everything," replied Miley as she scanned the paper now resting on her lap. When she finished reading, she handed one of the necklaces to my mom and put the other around her neck. One of my precious chastity keys now dangled against her chest, glistening in the light. I tried to not stare at the keys, but both Miley and my mom caught me.

"And what did the letter say, Miley? What does the company want us to do?" asked my mom as she reached over and took the paper from Miley. She too read the letter as Miley sat there grinning at me.

My mom read it quickly and then put the paper to the side. She looked over to Miley and said, "Well I guess we have a lot to do. The company gave us a long list of instructions."

"I know. We have to get started on the first one tonight. Right now really..."

"Can we use your phone?" asked my mom.

"Yes. Let's do it now..." replied Miley as she reached down into her bag on the floor and brought out her phone.

"Now Tammy, just stay where you are with your hands behind your back. Your sister needs to take a photo of you and your new cage," instructed my mom.

"Why? Why a photo?" I asked nervously as I shifted my weight in my high heeled shoes.

"That's what the instructions say, Tammy," Miley retorted. She held her phone up vertically and pressed the screen repeatedly. The bright flash went off a few times. I knew the deed was done.

"All done Tammy. Next time you should smile! Don't look so glum," giggled Miley.

"Can you post them now, Miley?" asked my mom.

Miley nodded and said, "Doing it right now..."

Now growing increasingly alarmed, I asked, "Post...where?"

"Your Instagram page, Tammy," my mom answered as she looked over at Miley's screen.

Miley kept tapping her screen until she shouted, "Photo posted and shared! We just have to wait a minute or so..." She put her phone by her side and looked hungrily back at me.

Feeling flustered, I said, "I don't understand why you had to do this now. But whatever. Can I at least go now? These shoes are starting to hurt..."

"Don't you want to stay and see the results?" my mom answered. I could tell that she was somehow toying with me.

I took the bait and asked, "What results? I'm tired of these shoes..."

Miley clapped her hands together and said, "The results to your chastity sentence! Don't you want to know how long you have to stay locked?"

I could feel the blood drain from my face and from another part of my body. "Chastity sentence?" was all I could reply.

My mom pointed to the letter and said, "The FemBoy company asked us to post a photo of you in your new chastity cage. Post it directly on your Instagram page. The number of 'likes' the photo gets in a minute equals the amount of days you stay locked. And speaking of that... Miley, it has been about a minute...wouldn't you say? How many people 'liked' Tammy's chastity cage photo?"

Miley looked down at her phone and then reopened the app with her thumb. Her eyes immediately went wide and a huge grin formed on her face.

"Oh my god! It got 56! In only a minute! And it's still going up! 60! 62! Oh no Tammy! Ha ha!" Miley shouted as she stared transfixed at her phone.

"What!?" I stammered. I didn't want to believe it. This couldn't be happening. As I mentally grappled with my new chastity sentence, Miley just stared back at me and started laughing uncontrollably.

"56 'likes' Tammy! It's actually at 66 right now, but let's call it at 56. That's almost two months in chastity! Looks like you are going to stay locked for a looong time!" Miley replied as she mindlessly played with the key dangling around her neck. She didn't even bother looking up from her phone.

"Don't worry Tammy... I'm sure it will go by quickly. Remember sweetie, we are here to help," my mom said with a satisfied tone. My cage began to feel tighter and tighter as she said those words.

"Look he's even getting excited!" shouted Miley as she teasingly pointed at my cage.

I looked down and saw bit of precum beginning to drip from the end of my imprisoned cock. I noticed my mom raise an eyebrow when she saw the clear bead of precum drip slowly onto the floor. My total embarrassment was interrupted when Miley suddenly leapt off the sofa and came to my side.

Before I could say anything, Miley put her hand gently on my waist and looked at me and whispered, "Now why don't you go upstairs and get on my bed? And best be on all fours. Mom and I will be right up. We need to get our strapons..."


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HotAss4UHotAss4U6 months ago

Tammy has such a wonderful life ahead.

ThegentlesoldierThegentlesoldier9 months ago

Incest at its best , almost

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Come va a finire vorrei t’andò leggere

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

We want next part

Mamut22Mamut22about 1 year ago

love this story pls next chapter as soon as possible

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hes hemocinante me hencanta

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love Tammy I love the story I look forward to more installments for this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

More please

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great series. Being a stepmom and sister makes it extremely hot. Thanks for writing,,,,my only request not critique would have been more corporal punishment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved it wish i was tammy what a lovely kinky family..if only that was my mom and sister. Cant wait for next part. Hopefully theres more to come ..

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Don’t stop your story’s, there just wonderful, and I just can’t wait for the next one to come out!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I 💘 the whole series! Tammy is one lucky Femboi. I sure hope Tammy's adventures continue, Thank You!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. I dream of this all the time.

daveflydaveflyover 2 years ago

god, i need more, please please please, i’m hooked, i want to be Tammy

Lgw197Lgw197over 2 years ago

Really good story so far

ls2256ls2256over 2 years ago

I so love this. Glad he knows what he is taking and can not wait for the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is a wonderful story and I eagerly anticipate the chapters to come. Tammy is the luckiest little gurl. She has a generous corporate sponsor and the most supportive family. I'm green with envy.

Mamut22Mamut22over 2 years ago

great story a look forward to next chapters

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