Solstice Ch. 03


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"Thank you, Cletus."

"You're very welcome, E'papas. Let me know if you need anything else."

"I will." Alex felt everyone looking at him. He looked up and confirmed the feeling. "What?" he asked, puzzled.

"We're waiting on you to take the first bite," his mother told him.

"Mom, is this 'herb' free?"

She laughed. "Completely. Take a bite. We're all starving."

He looked around the table. Everyone was still looking at him. Glancing into the living area he saw that the others were too. Alex shook his head and chuckled. When he turned back to the table a fork went into his mouth with a strawberry on it. Fingers began snapping and everyone finally looked away from him and toward their plates. Alex looked to see where the fork had come from. Alexandra sat there blushing but grinning as she put the fork back on her plate. Aphrodite was grinning at her.

"Thanks, Alexandra," he said.

"They were about to mutiny if you didn't hurry up," she said.

"Sorry, I just woke up."

"We know. It's almost noon, Alex," his mother told him.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Tradition, but don't get used to it. It only works on the morning after the feast of promises."

"If I had read the book, I would have known that, wouldn't I?"

"Uh huh," his mother replied.

Alex looked at his father. "I screwed up, okay? I'll give you the book as soon as we get home," his father said. Alex rolled his eyes.

"Anything else I need to know before we leave today?"

"You remember Alexandra, I believe?" his mother asked.

"Yeah, she's hard to forget," Alex replied, smiling at Alexandra.

"Alexandra has been chosen to be your consort," Aphrodite explained.

"Which means what?"

"Within the family, you have your sisters and I as your women. Society frowns on that. You'll need someone to be your companion when the three of us wouldn't fit in. Alexandra lives nearby and will essentially function as your girlfriend. That is, of course, if you're agreeable with it," his mother replied.

Alex looked at Alexandra and smiled. She was looking at him anxiously. "I like your choice. Is there something I need to do to make it official? There seem to be protocols for everything else?"

"You're learning," his mother replied. "You have to ask her father. If he agrees, then you ask Alexandra."

"Who's her father?"

"Cletus," Aphrodite replied.

Alex stood and walked into the kitchen to Cletus. "Sir, it would give me great honor if you would allow your daughter, Alexandra, to be my consort."

"It would be my honor, E'papas." Cletus hugged Alex.

"Thank you." Alex turned and walked to Alexandra. He took her hand and helped her to stand. "I've asked your father, and he's agreed. Would you do me the honor of being my consort, or girlfriend?"

"Yes, E'papas. I'd like that very much," she replied.

"Kiss her, bozo," Ariana said, grinning.

Alex took her in his arms and kissed her. "Can we talk after breakfast?" he asked her.

"I'll be helping you get ready to leave. We can talk then, okay?"

"Sure, that'd be great."

Alex returned to his seat. As everyone finished their meals they left. Alexandra had finished hers but had stayed at the table. When Alex got up, she went with him to his room. He sat on the loveseat and patted the spot next to him.

"I assume you know more about this than I do."

"Probably, so. What would you like to know?"

"You might as well start at the beginning."

"As your consort, girlfriend is probably a better term, I do what girlfriends do. We can go on dates, whatever. I can be your friend, girlfriend, servant, personal assistant, or whatever you decide my role should be."

"Did mom just pick you?"

"No, it's a voluntary position. After the promises ceremony your parents came to me to see why I hadn't put myself in for consideration. They suggested, that if I was interested, I should."

"Why didn't you?"

"After your father took my virginity last May, I really wasn't much interested in sex. You changed that attitude when you came to me on your birthday. I thought it was too late by then. After talking to them I applied and was chosen this morning."

"I'm glad they chose you. You mentioned servant a moment ago. I don't want a servant. I want someone to be a partner. I want us to be equals."

"Except for family functions, I can do that. At those, I come behind your mother and sisters."

"In title only. If you're going to be my girlfriend, it has to be that way."

"You should speak to your mother about that. It's a bit non-traditional."

"Is it breaking some rule?"

"Not that I'm aware of, but Mamas is the expert and our leader."

"Can you separate the family part from the girlfriend part?"

"I don't understand what you mean," Alexandra replied.

"In the family thing, sex seems to be the norm. In a boyfriend/girlfriend situation it's different. They do things because they want to. If you and I have sex, I'd want it to be because you want that. Not because it's part of the job."

Alexandra grinned. "That won't be a problem. I've had a crush on you since we were little."

"Any idea how much time we have before we leave?"

Alexandra looked at the clock. "You have a little over an hour and a half before the closing meeting."

Alex grinned. "Wanna join me in the shower?"

"I'd love to," she replied.

Alex turned to her and unfastened her robe, then pulled it off her shoulders. She stood letting it fall to the floor. She removed his and they walked to the bathroom. For the past two days, Alex had been blessed with an almost perpetual erection. Today was different. It seemed normal somehow and didn't spring into action immediately. It felt good. As they kissed and lathered each other in the shower, he realized that although he wasn't being enhanced by the elixirs, he was more sensitive to physical contact than he had been over the last two days. Her touch was more exciting. He liked the feeling. When his fingers went between Alexandra's legs, she was wet and ready for him. He stepped behind her after a few minutes. She bent forward and he entered her. Alexandra moaned as he filled her pussy with his cock. He couldn't get over the heightened sensations he was feeling. The elixirs had obviously dulled his sensations while doing the rest of their magic. It was like the first time to him. As he slid his length in and out of her, she moaned, obviously enjoying it as much as he was. His hands caressed her breasts and hard nipples. They had been at it for several minutes when she stiffened and moaned loudly as her orgasm began. He continued his steady thrusts as she came. About a minute after she recovered, he reached around between her legs and slid his fingers over her clit gently. She came again after just a short time. This time, Alex came and emptied into her. The sensations he felt were off the scale, making him grunt with each ejaculation. When he was finished, he held her to him for a long time before going soft and slipping out.

"Wow!" he said.

"Double wow," she agreed.

They finished their shower and after drying went back to the bedroom. Alexandra helped him pack. Once packed and dressed they went back to the living area.

"I've got to go finish packing. I'll see you at the meeting," she said, kissing him goodbye.

Alex went to the kitchen and was munching on the strawberries when his mother walked in. She was dressed in normal clothes for the first time in two days.

"It's even better without the elixirs, isn't it?"

"Mom, it was amazing. I could feel everything."

"Did she suck you?"


"Wait 'til you feel that. It'll blow your mind."

"Is that an offer, Mom?"

She smiled and walked to him, then pushed him back against the counter, and knelt in front of him. His mother unfastened his shorts and pulled them down along with his underwear, then took his limp cock in her mouth. Her tongue seemed to encase the entire thing. She held her head still and used only her tongue as her got hard. He felt himself filling her mouth as he grew. His entire cock was in her mouth as she put both of his hands on her head and moved them, showing him what to do. Alex began moving her head on his cock. He was face-fucking his mother when his father walked into the room and sat down to watch. Her hand was cupping his balls as he moved. It only took a few minutes before he exploded and pulled her head hard onto him. He moaned with every release. She didn't resist as he filled her mouth and shot down her throat, all the while looking up at him. When he finished, she pulled off.

"How did I do?" she asked.

"I'm speechless. That was amazing," he replied, still catching his breath.

"Your mother's the best. Ariana and Demi are almost as good. She's been working with them."

"Almost," she added. "I'm still the best. I didn't have to share this time either. Thanks for the snack, Alex."

"You're welcome, Mom."

She stood. "All packed and ready to go?"

"I'm ready. What's the meeting Alexandra mentioned?"

"Just a little closing ceremony and goodbyes. You get to keep your pants on for this one. Then we head home so your father can give you the book." She turned to her husband and made a face at him.

"Lighten up. It was a simple oversight."

"Xander, you had one job to do with your pants on, and you screwed it up," she said.

"Yeah, but I did everything I was supposed to with my pants off," he replied.

She chuckled. "Yes, you did. I guess I can overlook one error."

"Thank you, my love."

"You're welcome. Will you boys get the car loaded? I'd like to leave right after the closing."

Both began collecting bags and loading the car. As his father closed the tailgate he turned to Alex. "Once we get home, the sex mostly reverts to private. Well, it did in the past. We're all adults now, so I guess it doesn't matter much. Over the next couple of months, we'll be having visitors to greet you. The women that come don't expect it, but it will honor them if you'd have sex with them. You aren't required to, but it's a nice gesture."

"How many are there?"

"Thirty or forty probably."

"I hope they don't all come at once," Alex said.

"They won't. Your Mom and sisters will be making a schedule to keep them spread out."

"Dad, how am I going to keep up with three women at home, a girlfriend, and the visitors?"

"I suspect your mother and sisters already have that figured out. They're in charge. You and I serve the women. In return we get all the sex we can handle and are treated like kings."

"So, we're servants?"

"We are, just like monarchs and elected officials are supposed to be. When it gets right down to it, we provide the sperm that keeps our line pure. I still have that job until you turn twenty-one, then it falls to you. That reminds me, you mother has an elixir that'll prevent you from making sperm if you take it regularly. When you stop taking it you make sperm normally. You still ejaculate normally. It doesn't affect anything else."

"Why would I want that?"

"Birth control, specifically. If you aren't making sperm, you won't get anyone pregnant."

"I figured that. Are you taking it?"

"No, I'm the sperm donor. You and I will likely be having sex with the same women. If someone gets pregnant it's important to know who sired it."

"Why is that important?"

"Just for tracking lineage. You wouldn't believe the records that are kept. Grandma Phoebe has data all the way back to Gaia."

"Do you believe all that?"

"I believe the lineage."

"How about the Gods part?"

"Alex, our line is special. I don't know how special. I've never met anyone who could fly or make thunder and lightning, and I certainly can't do it, but who knows, maybe they could do that at one time. It really doesn't matter, does it? That and five bucks might get you a small coffee at Starbucks."

Alex chucked, "Maybe."

They went back inside, and the family walked to the closing meeting. After Aphrodite made some closing remarks, everyone joined hands in silence for a moment. Finger snapping began again for a minute or so then everyone began their goodbyes. When Alex got a minute, he traded numbers with Alexandra and agreed to call that evening. Everyone made a special effort to pay their respects to Alex before they left.

During the drive home Aphrodite turned to him. "When we get home, you need to move the things from your room into the master. Your father is trading rooms with you. We're going to have that room redone so until it's finished, he'll be in the guest room."

"Mom, this is getting stranger by the minute."

"What's strange?" she asked.

"Dad's moving out of the master and I'm moving in. Where are you going?"

"Nowhere. You and I share the master bed now."

"Mom, it just seems weird."

"Since when is it weird for a husband and wife to sleep together?"

"You know what I mean," he said.

"Your father isn't going to be lonely. He'll still have me, your sisters, and the rest of the women in that family. It's how we do things. He hasn't been demoted or anything. He now has more freedom than he's ever had."

"I guess," Alex sighed. "What if I want Alexandra to stay over sometime?"

"She can join us or, if you prefer, I'll sleep with your dad or one of the girls, maybe both. It won't be a problem."

"Are you going to schedule times for me to be with Ariana and Demi?"

"Certainly not. We'll schedule family visitors for you, but you can decide when you want to be with your sisters and me. We have your father and each other to keep us occupied in your absence."

"How about school?"

"Honey, nothing at home has really changed. You'll be starting college just like we've been planning. You still have all your friends. You can date, whatever."

"Too weird."

"You do want to keep what happens within our family to yourself," his father added.

"And if you bring your friends over you probably shouldn't let them hang out in your room," Demi said.

"You mean with mom?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, society disagrees with our family traditions," Demi replied.

"Are you and Ariana going to date?"

"Not guys. We'll still have guy friends, but if we need a little more than we're getting at home, we've got plenty of willing girlfriends," Ariana said.

"And you're both okay with that?"

"We are."

"Alex, we've all been aware and living this lifestyle for a while. You first learned of it three days ago. To you, it's a major change. To us, the only thing that's changed is that we have you with us now."

"What's the next family deal?"

"Fall equinox, the conception festival. Your father will be doing most of the work at that one."

"What's that all about?"

"The women who want to conceive get fertilized there. It'll likely be only a few women. When E'papas is named, the women tend to wait the three years until he becomes Papas."

"Dad mentioned a birth control elixir. Do you think I should be taking it?"

"Not a bad idea, especially if you're going to be having sex outside the family," his mother replied.

"I doubt I'll be doing that. No side effects?"


"I'd like to start it, I guess. It sounds like the responsible thing to do," Alex said.

"You've already taken the dose for this month. We'll start it in a couple of weeks," Aphrodite replied.

Alex put his hands between both of his sister's legs. They smiled and parted them further. Both unfastened their shorts and pulled them down along with their panties, allowing him full access. Over the next ten minutes or so he brought them to orgasm.

"What can we help you with?" Ariana asked.

"Nothing at the moment. I was just testing the waters."

"You're sure. All you have to do is say something," Ariana replied.

"I'm good right now. Can I have a raincheck?"

"You don't need one. We're available whenever you want," Demi said.

"I'm going to love this," Alex said, grinning.

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mrdata9770mrdata9770over 2 years ago

(2/4/2022) I swear, I did not read ahead before commenting on the previous chapter. But I did peruse the submissions list after commenting. This series has twenty-three short chapters with each submitted only a few days apart. It would have been better if the chapters were larger in wordage and less in number, IMO. It was nice to see Alexandra added to Alex’s inner circle. His character needed someone special to add a bit of romance to this narrative, IMO. There’s always someone special needed, especially in a harem dynamic. The Olimpic theme gets more and more interesting as this narrative moves along. I liked this chapter. But, I would have enjoyed a single 18k or 20k chapter instead of three short ones. I probably would have given it five stars. But that’s me.


Alex continues growing into his role, FAMILY helping him with VERY important, especially for an 18-year-old, new to this lifestyle...

Looking forward to the rest of the story...

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 3 years ago

I'm disappointed that the two sisters are more into doing their duty than having emotional ties to their brother 😢. However, I'm thrilled that Alexandria is falling in love with her half brother/cousin ❤. That made this installment pleasant for me. I'm hoping that Demi will fall hard too. It's time for Mom to slowly return to Dad and ease out of the picture.

booty77loverbooty77loverover 3 years ago

mmmmmmm im loving this thanks 100% HOT

DocWordsDocWordsover 3 years agoAuthor

Hopefully, Solstice Ch 4 will be up soon. It’s been pending review since Feb 3.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Loving it, so many angles this wildness can take with 4 women at his call whenever the desire meets. I am all for Di getting lots of attention and Alex missing a few birth control drinks. Truly claiming her for himself and breeding her good.

JobeiJobeiover 3 years ago
Love back story

Very much enjoying the back story and process. Not often one finds something new and you are hitting it out of the ballpark. Looking forward to more

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Amazing story so far. Hopefully this will turn out to be many many chapters and not fall into the quick ending that so many do.

Colin66Colin66over 3 years ago
Great story

Really enjoying this story, it's refreshing to read something with a different story line than the average story in this category. Keep up the good work and please hurry up with the next chapter!

SymmonsSymmonsover 3 years ago
Going and going and....

This is one of the hottest series in a long time! I can hardly wait for the next chapter. Keep going and going and...

tallman441tallman441over 3 years ago

Great story. Very different. I agree with Smoking Hot, you need one more installment. Curious about what is in the book. His relationship with Alexandra and the others. 5 stars from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Time for Part 4

Keep it comin Doc

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago

Great fantasy tale - I hope you keep it going. It's refreshing to read a well written piece like this that's outside the norm. I love how you capture the sex and the complex relationship issues at same time. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Keep it going!!!

Love your work!! Dint make us wait too long fir the next chapter!!

laughdruidlaughdruidover 3 years ago
More please

Love this story and hope for many more chapters. I want to be Alex, lol.

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Solstice Ch. 02 Previous Part
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