Solstice Ch. 04


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"Beats me," he answered, apparently unconcerned.

Aphrodite took out her cell phone and called her mother.

"Hi Mom. We have our answer. It's real. Can you call a council meeting in the next few days? I'll present the information there."

"Are you sure, Di?"

"I'm sure, Mom. Let me know when and where. I'll get my group together."

"Okay, bye, sweetheart. Or should I say Gaia?"

"Let's stick with sweetheart." Aphrodite ended the call.

"Mom, what's going on?" Alex asked.

"Nea archi, the new beginning. I'll fill you all in at dinner tonight. Make sure your sisters and father are here. Alexandra, you need to be here too."



Following dinner, Aphrodite presented her evidence. Alex quietly listened the entire time and didn't speak. Everyone else seemed excited with the news. After the meeting, Alex quietly left the room and went into the back yard. His father came to him a short time later.

"Alex, I'm going for a walk. I'd like you to go with me."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know. Just taking a walk. That's how I clear my head sometimes. Come on, it'll do us both good."

Alex and his father left together and walked to a nearby park with a pond. Xander sat on a park bench and patted the seat next to him for Alex to sit. Alex sat quietly and after a moment his father turned to him.

"You're troubled?"

"Sure, I'm troubled. I don't see why everyone is so hyped up about this mess," Alex replied.

"What part of it bothers you?"

"How about the idea that you aren't my dad?"

"Of course, I'm your dad. I may not be the sperm donor but I'm as much your father as a father can be. That hasn't changed."

"It doesn't bother you?"

Xander put his arm around his son's shoulders and pulled him close. "Not in the least. What makes you my son has nothing to do with biology. It's a bond between us that makes us father and son. Nothing will ever change that. You've always been my son and you always will be. That's love, not biology. Next item."

"Dad, I don't want to be some kind of a God. I just wanna be me."

"This isn't about being a god. It's about continuing our family line in the purest way possible; giving your descendants better bodies and better tools so they can create better lives. No one is going to open the 'Church of the Almighty Alex,' and start passing a plate with your picture on it. That's what religion does. We have tradition."

"But Mom...she created the girls and I by herself. Only a God could do that."

"Your mother isn't a god, she's a woman. Gaia, whatever she is, worked through your mother to do that. She's still exactly the same as she's always been."

"What about all the changes in me? Look at me. I've put on twenty pounds of muscle and grown two inches in the last few weeks, not to mention the other, more subtle, stuff."

"The more subtle stuff can be done with elixirs. You've experienced some of them. Your body chemistry has changed and now you don't need the elixirs anymore. The growth, who's to say that wasn't going to happen anyway. Our bodies change constantly."

"So, you think this is all normal?"

"That's not what I said. It certainly could be normal, but I think it has more to do with Gaia and your role in the family."

"Well, I've still got almost three years to decide about that."

"I'm afraid not. This has affected the timetable. At the fall equinox, assuming the council agrees, you'll become Papas."

"Why the change?"

"You're going to impregnate your mother. Only the Papas can do that."

"What?" Alex asked.

"Part of the prophecy. Your mother's birthday is September twenty-second, the fall equinox. If she's impregnated on that day, the child, a boy, will be born on the next summer solstice. That boy, your son, will be the next E'papas, then Papas."

"And the next E'mamas?"

"The prophecy calls for your sisters to each have only one daughter, but there are supposed to be three daughters. I'm have no clue where number three comes from."

"Can I read the prophecy myself?"

"Phoebe has it. You'll have the opportunity to read the whole book before the council meets, if that's what you want."

"Mom asked me a week or so ago how I felt about having a child with her."

"What did you tell her?"

"That if it made her happy, it would make me happy."

"Good answer, but how do you really feel?" his father asked.

"Dad, I'm only eighteen. I have no way to support a family."

"You are still planning on college, aren't you?"

"Yeah, but that's going to take another four years at least."

"As Papas and Mamas, the family supports you until you're able to support yourself and your family. During your time as Papas, you'll have more than enough opportunity to pay them back. We're servants, remember? They subsidize us for that service. Your mother is subsidized too, but since we have a good income, she waived that."

"They've got it pretty well organized, huh?"

"They've had over three thousand years to figure it all out."

"Thanks for the talk. I feel better about things now."

"Good. Ready to head back?" Alex nodded.


Phoebe had been able to arrange the council meeting later in the week. The day before the meeting, Alex and his mother drove to her house so that he would have access to the prophecy book. They were met at the door by his mother's parents, Adonis and Phoebe, the former Papas and Mamas.

"Good heavens, son. What got into you?" Adonis asked.

"I've grown a bit, huh?"

"I'll say. You went from a boy to a man in about a month. I'm glad I wasn't paying for your food."

"Dad, he's been eating us out of house and home," Aphrodite said.

"I'll bet he has. I'll leave you three to your task and get out of your hair," Adonis told them.

Phoebe led the way to the vault and let Aphrodite open it. They took Alex inside and showed him the different items kept there.

"Alex, the originals are priceless and over two thousand years old. They're all in Greek. We have Greek and English translations too, but they're also very old and fragile. The only thing kept here that you aren't allowed access to is the Mamas book. No one, except for Mamas and E'mamas is allowed to read those," his mother told him.

"Have Ariana and Demi read them?"

"They have. Women are introduced to the family traditions at age sixteen. At eighteen they're brought into the fold. In your sister's cases, they became E'mamas when they turned eighteen and read them shortly after that."

"Demi has also read the prophecies. With her being Phoebe, the oracle, we understand her interest now," his grandmother added.

"Are they going to develop special gifts?" Alex asked.

"Demi already has a little. She senses some things before they happen. At twenty-one, when she becomes Mamas, I suspect her abilities will expand. Ariana, being Eurybia, the sea goddess, we aren't sure yet. Time will tell." Aphrodite replied.

"Who's the third one, going to have a daughter, that Dad mentioned?"

"We aren't sure. It's got to be somewhere in the prophecies, but we haven't located it yet," his grandmother said. "Let's take the prophecy book to the den so you can go through it."

Alex carried it into the den and gingerly laid it on the table. His mother showed him the proper way to unwrap it, showed him the nea archi prophecy, then they left him alone to read. He had been at it for about four hours when his grandfather came to him.

"How's the reading going?"

"There's a lot of interesting stuff in here. The nea archi prophecy is just like Mom said. I think she's right."

"She usually is. Just between you and me, your Grandmother would love some attention from you tonight, if you get the time."

"You're okay with that, Grandpa?"

"I am. She's chomping at the bit to get that big dick of yours," Adonis said, grinning.

"I'll make the time then. Are you going to be with Mom?"

"No, the only time I was ever with your mom was the night she became E'mamas. Don't keep your grandmother all night and we can both get a little. By the way, the reason I came in here was to tell you dinner is ready."

"I hope they made plenty. I'm starved."

"There's plenty."

Adonis left him. Alex got an idea as he was marking his page and closing the book. He reached into his pants and began massaging his cock. In a moment, as it began to rise, he felt a drop of pre-cum. Touching his finger to it, he carefully withdrew his hand. He walked to the kitchen to his grandmother.

"Close your eyes and open your mouth, Grandma."

She did as he suggested, and he touched his wet finger to her tongue. When she tasted it, she smiled. About twenty seconds later, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh my," she said, and squirmed a little. "I hope you don't intend to leave me like this."

"Just until after dinner," he said, grinning.

"I certainly hope you plan to eat quickly."

Everyone sat at the table and began eating. His mother had seen what he had done to his grandmother and gave him a knowing smile. Phoebe couldn't seem to sit still during the meal. Alex wasn't helping. Sitting next to her, every time she seemed to relax, he put his hand on her thigh. She would start squirming again. It finally got the best of her and she stood, pulling down her pants and leaning over the table.

"Fuck me, boy. Put down that damned fork and fuck me," she said.

Aphrodite and Adonis started laughing. Alex stood behind her and dropped his pants. He was already hard. He teased her pussy with the head of his cock for a minute or so then slowly slipped into her. Aphrodite stood and began clearing the table around them. It only took a few minutes before his grandmother was flushed and breathing rapidly. She came hard on her grandson's cock. She was just beginning to recover when his mother looked at him.

"Do it," Aphrodite told her son.

Alex came in his grandmother, setting of a second orgasm before she had even recovered from the first. Phoebe screamed loudly as she came. Alex was pounding her so hard the table was shaking. He slowed, then finally stopped, and pulled out. His grandmother was still laying across the table, but now exhausted. Alex pulled up his pants and sat down to finish his dinner. Adonis stood and walked over behind his wife. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his already hard cock and slipped it inside her.

"No more, please," she said.

"You've got at least one more in you girl. Relax and enjoy the ride," he replied.

Adonis was pounding her mercilessly. Her flush had never cleared from the last orgasm.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh my god!" she cried, as she came again.

Her entire body was trembling. Her daughter grabbed her arms to keep her from slipping off the table. Adonis came inside his wife with several satisfying grunts, then as he went soft, he withdrew. He gave her a hard smack on the ass as he stepped back.

"Want another shot, Alex?" his grandfather asked.

"Noooo!" Phoebe shouted, as she tried to stand.

Everyone laughed, and Adonis helped his wife get her pants back up and put her back in her chair. She was still breathing hard.

"Desert, Mom?" Aphrodite asked.

"I'd put my eye out with the fork. I'm still shaking."

"I heard orgasm is good for shaking," Alex said.

"Causing it, not fixing it," his grandmother replied.

Alex turned to his grandfather. They high fived each other and grinned. It was several minutes later before Phoebe returned to eating her dinner.

"Grandma, would you like me to help you with the dishes?" Alex asked.

"You've helped enough. Go finish your reading," she chuckled.

After dinner, Alex returned to the book and by bedtime had been through the entire thing. His mother was sitting in the bed reading.

"Find anything interesting?" she asked.

"Did you realize there were a lot of predictions in there that have come true?"

"Quite a few. The prophecies were written by the Oracle."

"It would be cool to have someone who really knows history go through the book and match things up."

"Not unless they were in the family. That book should never be seen by the outside world. Part of our job as Mamas and Papas is to make sure that never happens," she told him.

"What's going to happen at the council tomorrow?"

"I'll present the evidence. We'll all discuss it and then decide together if we should follow through on it."

"What if they disagree?" Alex asked.

"I don't think that'll happen."

"But what if it did?"

"As Mamas, I have veto authority. It won't come to that. Why don't you hit the shower and come to bed?"

When Alex returned after the shower, he turned off the light and cuddled up behind his mother. When she felt his erection touching her butt, she pulled the back of her nightgown up for him. Alex slipped his cock between her legs. She was already wet. Without any further exploration he slid himself inside her.

"Mmmm," she sighed, as she began moving.

They quietly continued for a long time, just enjoying the pleasant sensations. When Alex began picking up the pace, his mother matched him. He came quietly, but the contact with his semen triggered her orgasm. Aphrodite moaned into her pillow. They fell asleep still joined.

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mrdata9770mrdata9770over 2 years ago

(2/6/2022) Any critique I write here would be redundant. The comments below say it all. But I'd like to say that I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn't expecting this.


This story, and it's twist on history/Greek mythology would have driven my college literature professor MAD!! She was really into this stuff, travelled to Greece quite often, even as an older lady...I would really like to be around to get another prof's reaction...SO HILARIOUS!

Alex is maturing well, taking to the education quickly and with a lot of understanding, it seems...DocWords is really spending time developing the background/characters/daily passing...

Alexandra OBVIOUSLY is the candidate for the 3rd daughter...has already been chosen as consort, she and Alex are melding their lives without issue (yet...none I hope!)

Needs a little more editing/proofreading; small errors pop up & distract from the story, just enough to be noticeable when caught...still...**5**STARS!!

ChemalkaChemalkaalmost 3 years ago

The story keeps getting better and better, and I’m looking forward to coming chapters already. The one thing I don’t get is why mom and both sisters will become the wives of the next e’papas? Alex’ aunt Helena did not become his or his father’s wife after all.

Keep up the excellent work, and we readers will keep enjoying it.

booty77loverbooty77loverover 3 years ago

OMG im really injoying this storie 100% hot thanks .

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Fucking hilarious

Upload the next chapter as soon as you can it's an awesome story I'm looking forward for the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Chapter 5,6,7,8,9..... Hurry please this is awesome

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 3 years ago

This is really thought out.

Enjoying it a lot.

Please, continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wooow, Part 5 ASAP please!!!!!!

bluerowdybluerowdyover 3 years ago

You have updated Greek Mythology and created a great story! Looking forward to more chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
PART 5!!!!!

Part 5 part 5 part 5 part 5 part 5

Please please please please

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