Something We Need To Talk About Ch. 03

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Why can't we just talk?
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 08/22/2010
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Hello Readers, I am back with my, next installment, I don't mind bad comments, but again, if you already read my first installment, and were convinced that I should not write any more, So would like to remind you "Lit policy" that readers who does not want to read a story won't be forced to read. And those who wants to read please comment and tell me where did I do wrong, Again those who wanted me to improve, and wanted to see next can read it. Hope you will point out my mistakes, friends I am really trying to improve. It may be very hard for some readers, to understand it, so Best of Luck.

"How bad it could be?"

"It's better We don't talk about that."

"Why not, what could be worse than her affair itself?"

"Believe me Laura, it was most hurtful moment of my life, it would bring nothing but pain in my heart, Why don't we just say Goodnight to each other."

"I was just...OK you are right...I am sorry...I just thought you need someone to..."

"I really needed that Laura, Really, more than ever I needed someone, who could tell me that I was still the man, hell I could not even feel alive Laura...", his face was looking like he was going to break right there. He looked at Laura for a moment.

"See? I told you... May be I still need someone... But... I think I should go now."

"You are right you need someone, obviously not me..."

"What? what made you think that?"

"Come on, you don't need a woman like me..."

"What do you mean by woman like you?"

"You know, an escort...", she hesitated.

"What? you think...I am sorry Laura, if I gave you that expression, I never thought of you like that... really."

"Then why do you act like I am some disease or..."

"What are you talking about Laura? I never...what did i do which made you think..."

"See, you hire a prostitute, to seduce a man, actually two...and working for almost a month, and.. come on a prostitute you are paying, and you never even once..."

"I never thought you were interested."

Laura could not help laughing.Jonathan felt confused, what this woman talking about, and what in the is so funny about saying the truth.

"You are dumb you know that?"

"What? you wanted me to make move on you?"

"No, not like that, I am not saying you should have, all am saying is that, anyone in your place would have, and you not making move, made me think that you don't want to do anything with a prostitute or you don't find me attractive or at least not as much as your wife."

"You must be kidding, Who does not want to be with you? I know those who are dead, but again I doubt about that, and about my wife, lets just say that you are far more beautiful that her, and you have something she does not have."

"Oh and what is that supposed to be?"

"A kind heart."

"Wow that was very sweet thing to say."

"Believe me I am saying the truth only."

"You are a good guy John, I would like to be you friend, after this is over."

"Well this is over, most probably, and we are still friends aren't we?."

And there were laughters.

Phone was ringing. Susan picked it up.


"Hello, Susan, Its me, Rich".

"What do you want Rich?"

"Susan I want...I need to see you."

"No I don't want to."

"Please Susan, I love you really, believe me, Its just some misunderstanding."

"Tell that to Judge Rich, I am not buying anything you say."

"Please Susan, Someone's trying to trap me, I am in deep shit."

"OK Rich when you prove she is wrong, I will think again."

"Susan, I am not doing anything against her, she is ready to drop the case, she just wants me to stop harassing her."

"So, she was right, you did what she claimed."

"No Susan, I still don't understand why did she do that, but I am trying to find it out, but not legally, I don't need this to reflect on my career."

"OK Rich, do what you have to, if you can't prove it to me, It's over between us."

"Thank you Susan, you know I love you."

"Good bye Rich", and she hung up.

"Damn it, why can't she believe me, I was just flirting with that woman. What would I do without her.", he thought. He really loved Susan, he was not sure to make it permanent before, but now everything going on, she would be free from her marriage soon, and then he could see if it works.


Susan opened the door, John was standing there, its been three months since she had seen her husband. he looks so fit, he must be working out.

"Come in Johnathan, you look good."

He entered the house. Before he could say anything Susan went on,"Kids are with my parents, how you been doing?"

"Susan? Cut this bullshit, and come to the point, what do you want?"

"I...I...just wanted to talk to you."

"Well I knew it was waste of time, I am leaving,"he turned to leave, Susan, started saying what she wanted to before he leaves.

"I broke up with him, Johnathan, we are through."

He turned and stare at her for a moment,"well what it has got to do anything with me?"

"I thought you would want to know."

"Well, no I don't want to know anything about you"

"Johnathan we cant try again, a family we used to have."

"Don't waste my time Susan, if you don't have anything important to say, let me just go."

"What? I"

"You thought, you thought, you thought... fuck you, and what you think, I don't give a rat ass about what you think or want.", coldness in his eyes could be seen without a doubt, he did not seem to say these to hurt her, he was just saying these as matter of fact.

"Johnathan I still love you."

"Then take your love and shove it up your ass, don't tell me, anything about you, If you are through with your lover find another one, or two as you want. You don't need one husband, have two or three, but hell leave me alone. If you don't have something to say anymore, I am leaving now, there is my friend waiting outside."

"Johnathan...I... you", no words, what could she say, he don't give rat ass about her and her lover, he doesn't want to listen about her love for him", Johnathan cant we try again."

"you must be kidding,"he said almost laughing,"who wants to be with you? you are no fun, no loving, just the opposite, you are disgusting woman. I don't like you, your moral values are lower than street whore."

"Jonathan...",she screamed. well she lost control. how could someone be so mean, to her, how could a husband say those things to her wife, mother of his kids.he was so cold.

"Well I told you it was not a good idea"

"How could you be so mean to me, I am still your wife, bastard."

"Nah,, I am not bastard, bastards are those who are born in relation like you and your lover has. If you are lucky you will be raising your lover's bastards."

She almost ran towards him to slap him, but he was fast enough to stop her, by stopping her hand.

"Don't try this woman, otherwise you would be in hospital, It was not me who wanted this talk, I don't hit woman., and don't force me to."

"You never loved me, I was right, i was just some possession to you"

"I never loved you? I never loved you? fuck you bitch, maybe you are right, you are not someone who should be loved, you disgusting whore, and whore are not to be loved, they are to be fucked and paid money, for that. What I did for last 16 years."

She knew he never loved her. She just knew. But listening to those words coming out of his mouth, torn her apart. He said something she could not figure it out, what, then he turned and left. She, just standing there, thinking about what was said, just in last fifteen minutes. How could you live with someone and not know him, how could he live with her for sixteen years and not love her. How?

But what about her, she loved him, what would she do without him now. Thing almost over with Rich, what is she going to do.No she cant let Johnathan go, she needs to stop divorce.


A week later, Rich was talking to woman who claimed that he harassed her sexually.

"Listen Rich, I would remove all charges, if you just stop harassing me."

"But when? I did no such..."

"OK you want to play, I think it was bad idea, let the cop handle this", She tried to stand and leave,, when Rich stopped her.

"OK, I agree with you, you wont see me again."

"OK. but if you did again, I will not be kind to you."

Then she left. Susan who had been sitting on next table listening to their conversation came to table where Rich had been sitting.

"Well every thing is clear now, bastard, don't ever call me again."

"Susan ...listen she is playing some game I don't know what but I will find out", but she was not there anymore, she had already left. Damn it, how am i gonna make her believe me. That woman is conspiring against me, and I don't know why? This idea of calling her in private and asking her to drop charges, and make her confess that she was lying, and Susan at next table, would know that she was lying. but it failed.


Almost a month later Susan was coming out of mall, when she saw, Johnathan passing through in his car, there was some woman sitting on the other seat. She took a quick taxi to follow them. They stopped at some house. Woman entered with him,when he went into the house. It must be some friend of his, or he has girlfriend. she sat their for 15 minutes and woman did not come out. She waited for 10 more minutes and then rang the door bell.

"Susan? what are you doing here?"

"So this is your hiding place hum?" she entered into the house, looking carefully. searching for something.

"What do you want? How did you know, I am staying here."

"Well-well,..", then she realized he was in his bath robe only. Bastard must be.

" You..",she could not finish her sentence when a famine voice interrupted her.

"Who is it John?", Susan looked towards the room door opened, a very beautiful woman, in a shirt and it seems only shirt on her, only few buttons closed, standing on door.

"Oh you, so you found him?"

"What who are you?, who is this woman Jonathan and why is she... naked...", then she suddenly recognized the woman, and what does it all mean.

"You bastard, you set this all up. You set him up, you and this slut.How did you know him?"

"Get the fuck out of here whore, or I would call the police."

"Don't be so harsh on her, John," She moved towards John, and gave him a kiss. Susan standing there looking at them like they were from other planet. She could see her husband with this woman, kissing her, in front of her. This woman, she trapped Rich. Woman started laughing.

"You were right John, she is fat ass, And those shagging tits. Oh my god what did you see in her, in first place, Poor boy you must never had better one to compare with, she is not beautiful as me."

John almost laughing,"Stop it Laura, you being naughty again."

"Oh really you think so, get rid of her, and I will show you how naughty i can be, I am waiting for you lover", and she kissed him and then went inside the room, but before entering she said again, "Don't make it very long lover, get rid of her fat ass soon," and then she was gone.

Susan standing there, humiliated, in anger, pain. whatever she did to deserve it, Fat she was not fat, tits? they always hang after you give birth to three children and nurse them. But they were not shagging, they were not in that slut's league but they were not shagging.

"How could you? How could you stand there and do nothing when a woman humiliated me in front of you, how could you?"

"How could I what bitch? I will tell you, what you were doing when You Lover was humiliating me?"

"He,...we never humiliated or bad-mouthed about you"

"Cut this crap Susan, he was banging my wife, for a year, in my dictionary it was insult to me, what were you dong when he was doing it?"


"You were being fucked, you were enjoying every moment of it, at my expense Susan, at my expense. so pardon me If I cant stand for you."

"I am mother of your children for god sake, I bore your kids, these fat ass, these tits, because of ..."

"may be you are right..but that does not change the fact that your not in her league, and she can say whatever she want, One thing I learned from you is that if you are superior you can say anything to your inferiors. Your lover and you disrespected me, and now Laura did that to you, it seems OK to me, now if you don't mind. I have business to take care of, so it would be nice of you if you just leave."

He walked towards the room in which Laura had gone. "Susan? you have answer to every question you are asking me, you just don't want to accept that. and please close the door when you leave." and he was in the room.


"Who cares..?.bitch thought she can have affair confront me and carry on, and I would never know who she's been banging for a year. How dumb she think I am."

"Good now come to me Lover."

"Where else would I go?"

Susan could almost hear everything, he had to know who Rich was, Of course he knew, How could he not, he would have someone follow her after she confronted to him about her affair, he did not waste any time. How stupid she could be, knowing that her husband knows about her affair and would not find out with whom. She could hear voices coming from room, they did not even wait for her to leave. What can she do now? She just left.

******* "Rich?"

"Susan, is that you?"

"Yes Rich its me."

"My god Susan I waited for you, I missed you so much"

"Listen Rich, I just called you to tell,..that I believe you that you never harassed her."

"My God Susan, I knew you would believe me, finally, we are good again right?"

"No Rich, we cant, too much had happened, my marriage is mess, my family, my home everything is mess, just because I confronted my affair with you to my husband."

"You cant mean that Susan,Everything would be right, Susan, everything will be OK."

"Good bye Rich. and I ..." and she hung up. Tears coming out of her eyes, she turned. That is when, she got biggest shock of her life, standing there on door was Cindy.

"Cindy?...", that is all she could say before Cindy ran out to her room and locked it from inside. Susan ran to her room.

"Cindy, baby open the door."

"Go away mom, I don't want to talk."

"Cindy please listen to me, let me explain."

"You don't need to, just go away."

"Cindy...", well now is everything mess. Her daughter knows about her affair, how would her other kids will behave when they know. She had no idea. She chased their father away. How would she explain it to them.

She has to convince Johnathan to stop divorce, then everything will be OK. They once again would be one happy family. But what about that slut? She has to go away. While she is around Johnathan he would never come back to her. She needs to find a way to stop it. Yes she will fight.


"What do you want?"

"I decided to fight the divorce."

"Good for you."

"What do you mean? I said I want to fight."

"And I said good for you."

"Aren't you going to give me some advice."

"You can have as many as you want from your lawyer."

"But you are my lawyer."

"No I am not, I not taking you case, find someone else."

"Why? what happened?"

"What happened? my own marriage is wreck, just because you could not keep hiding that coward's crying face in your cunt, you whore, now I see adultery is adultery, no matter why you did it, you broke the promise, trust, the one you so claimed you loved"

"What? why are you blaming me, what it has anything to do with you and your marriage."

"You slut, there is nothing I say is going to go through your thick mind, strong woman my foot, all strength you thought you had and were passing it to your lover, trough your cunt is just, your imagination, this is real world, and in real world people get hurt. now please leave before I do something, you remind me on nothing but...just go, I don't want to do anything with cheaters, and certainly not fight for her."

Susan made her way out. Not exactly getting anything. Why did she suddenly changed. Sh had been so supportive to her. And now? What happened to her. Why everything is against her? Why her? her daughter probably hates her, it just matter of time when her other kids would know about it, and would do the same. She has to do something, something to make it right. Jonathan just had to stop the divorce, or she everything would be shattered.

Finally she found a lawyer willing to fight for her. She will fight, for her family, for husband, she is a strong woman, she just need to keep trying.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

You desperately need an editor, second when are you going to write the ending? Because if that’s the way you finish your story, it’s pitiful on your part as a writer.

wheelman53wheelman53about 2 months ago

I have just two things to say. Get an editor, and "maybe" Is one word.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I am trying to be gentle and sympathetic, understanding, etc., but these three chapters are some of the worst I have read on this site. Your English is SO bad it is simply atrocious. It was a painful, disjointed read and truthfully, I could not understand a lot of it, maybe most of it, so I ended up with sort of the gist of what was going on. Back in chapter 1 Susan says to Rich: ""He has my coronation videotaped". What in the world did that mean? Coronation? Did Susan suddenly become the queen of some place? I could understand that possibly you meant "confession", and not coronation, but maybe you meant something else entirely. I have no idea. On top of this, the dialog was banal, long and tiresome. I could probably sum up your entire 3 chapters in a few paragraphs. The good news is all you can do from here is better.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This was a painful read. You really need an editor the language was very bad. I had to repeatedly skip to the end to help me move on. Please please please get an editor.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Re-write would be good but an ending would help a lot.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Maybe later after you practice and learn some more English, a re-writer would be better.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Is this a translation from Klingon? Where are the grammar police and editor's. Not a good read. You might not have heard of the word "grima", but you have almost certainly felt it.

It's a word to describe the feeling we get when we hear the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard, or a knife scratching a plate.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Swimwriter: did uou ho to school? Is English your native language? Because you are completely illiterate. You have not a basic grasp of the English language. I had to quit reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story and plot. However, the grammar was so bad it was distracting.

MasterKoteMasterKoteover 1 year ago

Not a bad story and sucks there was no proper ending. Also, this is an amatuer website for writers, so not sure why ppl expect a professional writer or editor on here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You have no concept of grammar, tense, context and spelling. Please return to your native language.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

good thing this guy stopped posting lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I’m sorry, but I had to stop reading this. The English and writing is just terrible. Even if English is your second language, you could have asked someone to read and correct it before posting. Just terrible!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Seems to me there should be one more chapter Then again maybe i am wrong

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

You really need an editor that English is their primary language. The storyline was good, too bad you didn't write a conclusion, also the sentence structure and grammar was bad, really bad.

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