All Comments on 'Something Wicked Ch. 02'

by GirlintheMoon

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

something doesnt sit right with me with this i normally like these stories and not the ones where either goes over the top but i think she was forgiven too easily if the guy wasnt a psycho she would of had no consequences as her husband just forgave her

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

A good story that demonstrates that true love can conquer all problems. Those pathetic scum who criticise stories like this that have a happy ending have no idea what true love is like and they should keep living in their parents basement cause no one will ever want them.

Cracker270Cracker270almost 3 years ago

Well crafted story. You are a skilled writer, had me on the edge of my seat for an hour. That is hard to do. As for the plot and ending.? Two things. My vows said “ for better or worse” and I believe it takes a big person to forgive and a stupid one to forget.

des67des67almost 3 years ago

What an incredible, well-written story... I couldn't stop reading until I was completed the series... 5 Stars...

King_WillieKing_Willieover 2 years ago

You are truly amazing!

Such a masterfuly crafted story, told in such a clear and almost visceral way that I could envision it happening before my eyes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A brilliantly crafted tale of unforseen repercussions and the strength and understanding that can be derived from wounds.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

no issue with RAAC

this is one of the better ones anyway

But what irkes me is the part/scene where she is able to move back in the house.

From the readers POV it may be understandable but since the husband didn´t know what we do (Zach realy waiting for her)...

I tried to imagine "my cheating spouse bursting into the house calling my name and crying saying the psycho waited for her and being concerned about my saftey"

... since crying and being sorry are cheater 101 behavior (sincere- like in this case or not), as is lying.... Would I trust her so quickly and without doubt that after her weeks and weeks of silence about the cheating followed by months (?) of separation to simply say "okay why not"? Why would/should he change his opinion about her moving back because of this outburst, could it not also be an act of desperation to come back?

I think a couple of more sentences could have made the transition smoother?

Anyway she got what she deserved, there was charakter developement followed an good climax and the reconciliation. All in all well and solid executed!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A wonderful cautionary tale! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellently written.

Why does everyone always forget that bad news never gets better with age. A swift confession leads to swifter consequences and quicker resolution.

Could easily be made into a movie!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I know it happens in some marriages, but I could not let it go for more than a week, if that long, and not confront my wife about why we weren't having sex, much less 9 months... there isn't much of a chance this marriage will last much longer no matter how close the drama pulled them back together... the excitement of the drama, like the marriage will wear off soon enough and reality will rear its unyielding head unless they get help... even then, the odds are slim.

DrgwngDrgwngover 2 years ago

And a little sex will fix it all. This author writes stupid, wimpy low self esteem men very well. It is so gratifying how men are viewed in general. Women's can do anything they want, and disrespect hubby, but it will all be ok after bed time. Of course, this is accurate because this is the direction society is moving. In a few decades or less, we will have only willing cucks, or single men. The rate of marriage is dropping and women everywhere are bitching about the lack of men willing to commit. Well after decades of toxic feminism, they are getting the results, just maybe not what was planned. We are now in the midst of of a coordinated marketing campaign to further subjugate men,and make ducking mainstream and acceptable. Welcome to the new society.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Extremely well written.

I do have one problem with this story as well as many authors that is this.

No man worth the soldier with a brain in his head when that lack of communication lack of sex and to the siege one for more than a week or 2 without really starting to dig into the reasons why.

It's something that happened.

And if it did happen after months of that only an idiot would refuse to consider that his wife was having an affair and take measures to determine if it was sure enough.

Very few people are stupid enough to live in denial for months on end

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

well written, interesting plot. A few unrealistic points but nothing too distracting, nice job!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

"I don't know why"

Is a constant mantra of reconciliation authors who don't take the time or effort to craft an honest reconciliation. Most professional councilors note that it takes 2-5 years to recover from the trauma of infidelity. Getting cheated on is one of the most devastating and damaging things that can happen in a person’s life. It can lead to emotional distress, anxiety, depression, an increase in risk-taking behavior and actual physical pain. A partner’s infidelity can even change our brain chemistry.

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 1 year ago

Laura cheated just before Abigail's wedding. Then, many months later, she and Brendan go to Abigail's wedding. Was there a postponement, or did the author forget by the second chapter?

One read through, not an editor, can find this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So.mamy timing inconsistencies in this story. It IA a taut emotional thriller, but first it says has been a couple months, then six weeks. Ok no biggie. But then it says it has been 8 months since her one night stand. And it is her anniversary. Right. Except her last anniversary, the one Brendan missed because he graduated from medical school and was out drinking and smoking with buddies (wtf, your anniversary dude!) was one week before the creep Zach snagged her in the other casino. But anniversaries are every year, i.e. 12 months. Huh? And to top if off the Bachelorette party in Atlantic city is several months before the wedding? That is not typical. Well written but wow, needed some editing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


"I know things weren't great between us. I knew we weren't having sex. We even talked about it. Do you remember?"

I sniffled and leaned against the wall. "I do."

"Just wait for me until I'm done with school. That's all I asked. Just wait. Be patient." He snickered. "What a fucking fool I was."

===> yes you were Brendan. For seven months while studying in med school you cut your wife off completely? Wtf? Commenters are harping on here about the 2 months no sex after her one night drunken stand. And that woukd alert hubby. Of course it would normally. But they hadn't had sex for 7 months prior to that. Moreover, he missed their anniversary. He didn't just see her for granted, but instead just pit her on hold. Their marriage meant shit all while he was focused on graduating. I remember working on my PhD thesis and needing to work super hard for like 4 months to land it in time, after a couple years of specific research on the topic. I still made time to have sex with my wife at least once a week. Probably. More. Sure it wasn't romantic. No time for date nights. We still snuggled and touched each other and had at least a bit of intimacy. Finally the last 2 months were insane. I needed zero distractions. I packed her off cross country to her in-laws, and I inverted my schedule working from like 4 pm to 10 am every day so virtually no humans overlapped with me. I finished, defended my exam, my wife flew in that day, we went out to a department party in my honor of friends and students, with my wife also in attendance, and then she and I made love, played in bed, and fucked like crazy for a week. Your spouse is supposed to be thr most important person in your life until kids arrive and even them, come on. His solution is 7 months of celibacy? She takes 2 months (or six weeks depending on wjwre in story) to be wooed back (and try to bury her guilt) to have sex with hubby again. Which is bigger 7 months or 2 months? Brendan was an idiot. Wife is angry from missed anniversary, feels her husband doesn't desire her, forced celibacy for 7 months, has to be aching for release at her age, drunk, and being pushed by a fucking predator, is anyone surprised she had a one night stand. To her credit she got sick afterwards, showered and left that room. Brendan is SOOO upset that she came. Wtf? After 7 months she sounded freaking restrained. If it weren't for the psycho stalker entering into their lives, any husband who pulled that shit and then wouldn't forgive her especially Ithaca all her guilt and remorseful would be an inconsiderate, pompous asshole. Not condoning cheating, but the set of circumstances were insane and a big part of it was his fault. Yeah he is a fool. He didn't just let the fox in thr hen house. He left the gates wide open, burned the fence, painted the hen house with zebra blood and wa surprised that a tiger (albeit a crazy one) came by and decided to dine on the chickens (i.e. his wife). Sure they reconcile. But therr is zero examination of his own fucked up part of this whole sordid and dangerous mess. As an aside, wouldn't a medical doctor with a knife know better how to incapacitate someone when he isn't paying attention to him? Just a stab in the gut / side? He might not have been able to cut an artery or nerve that woukd have dehabilatated Zach's arm, but he could have almost certainly stabbed in a number of places that woukd have made him incapacitated or quickly die. Like the neck? Cut the carotid? Spine? Hell even kidney on that side. Good luck aiming a gun properly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

By the wicked shall the wicked be punished!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Don't know if you based this off Bradbury's sci-fi title or not, but it had some of the same creepiness. Would never have taken her back. Forgive, yes for his sake as well as her's but never in a million years would I chose a person who was so wounded by cheating and yet did it anyway. She has no concept of what love is and probably never will. She was scared for what she'd loose, more than the pain she caused others. All the way through all she wanted was to feel better by everyone forgiving her. Your attempt to paint her as even marginally a victim has fallen on deaf ears. She got off so easily and Brendan has made the pathetic choice of paying the price for her slut selfishness the rest of his life. He made a bad deal, she simply isn't worth it.

nestorb30nestorb30about 1 year ago

Anonymous pointed out Brendan's responsibility in the wife's indiscretion. Yeah she cheated, but WTF, you don't screw the wife for 7 months before this happened???!!!???

The wife will have physical and emotional scars for the rest of her life. Some of the misogynistic readers will not think this is enough

All that said I really enjoyed how the author got inside the wife's head

Thanks for writing

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Loved the writing, hated the story. Why didn't she and her husband go get guns of their own. Whether they were anti or pro gun, in this case they needed to protect themselves from this psycho.

I never would have taken her back, she cheated far to easily. How is it all the husband's fault they didn't have sex for months prior to the bachelorette party? Then instead of confessing when she knew it was a dangerous situation, she waited until husband get a letter from psycho. Nope, no way you take her back.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

To the commenter below, because only pussies and people that want a loved one to die have guns for 'protection'.

The trouble with stories like this is that if a loved one has seriously risked their life to save you thoughts of loyalty, trust and love all become quite moot. Wtf wants fidelity if that person would stand by watching you get killed because they're unwilling to risk their own to save you.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Superb storytelling.

MasterKoteMasterKote8 months ago

Yes I know it's fiction but wouldn't end up this way in real life. Most likely divorced

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos5 months ago

It was a pretty good story about a hazard of cheating that doesn't get brought up a lot in these stories, the "What if your affair partner doesn't want to end things?" hook. Of course this story takes that and ramps it up to 11, but I think you wasted an opportunity here to cook Laura a bit more by having "Zach" slowly increase his terror campaign until she breaks or Brendan found out. A good opportunity for drama, side stepped. A lot of people get very annoyed if there is ever any reconciliation in these stories because the very idea offends their delicate sensibilities, but I think it shows a lack of nuance or perhaps real life experience.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

I really hoped you'd set Brendan free. Even if it was by killing him in the final confrontation scene. Would have still been a better fate than the one you doomed him in.

That's the thing with RAAC. You can tell that no matter if the things that happened before justify it or not, reconciliation will happen no matter what. And you can see it happening from the mid point of the story if you've read enough of those.

Here we see a woman who not only fucked someone, but also disrespected her husband while at it. A horrible, broken person who can only break what she claims to love. And she keeps replying she doesn't know why she did it. That alone makes reconciliation impossible. In order to fix something, you have to know how it broke. If you don't, it will keep breaking. And that person was broken since her childhood.

Otherwise, impeccable writing.

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I write filthy stories and drink too much coffee. *** Come find me on twitter: girlinthemoon7 ***