Son Seduces Mom, But What About Sis

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Son tries seducing mom, but what about his sister?
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Son Seduces Mom, But What About Sis

Son tries seducing mom, but what about his sister?

Disclaimer: All sexual activity is between characters over the age of 18. Any similarity between these characters, and any other real people is entirely coincidental.

I hope you like it. I don't have a PhD in English or Writing. So, give me a break on English and grammar.

FYI this story contains incest between mother and son; sister and brother; and mom, sister, and brother. It also contains a little foot play, anal, some interracial undertones, and romance. So, buckle up, and have fun.

It all started in the rural south in the 80's when big perms filled with colors, puffed shoulders, flashy skirts, spandex, leg warmers, and parachute pants were all the rage.

Aurora, who was named after her mother's favorite Disney princess, Sleeping Beauty, was just about to graduate college at age 23. She and all her friends decided to throw a huge keg party to celebrate the end of school, and the beginning of what they called their "real lives."

The party was a success, and everyone was either drunk, high or both. Aurora had just enough to loosen up when she saw a guy she'd wanted across the room. They made eye contact, and he came over to talk.

His name was Freddie, and he was the school's star tight end standing about 6'5" tall. He had dark ebony skin, and an interracial fling was one of the items on her bucket list Aurora wanted to fulfill, especially with Freddie. She'd heard rumors about his size, and she wanted nothing more than to have her cunt filled with that big, black cock.

He was partial to white women. So, she didn't really have to work hard. It took no time at all before Aurora led Freddie upstairs to an empty room for a little after-party nooky. Freddie didn't disappoint. She was afraid she wouldn't even be able to fit him in, but, with enough effort and booze, anything is possible.

His stamina was more than she ever expected, but, as with all good things, it eventually had to come to an end. They both got what they wanted, and were ready to leave.

That night she was certain she'd had the biggest dick of her life, and she was able to leave school with one more item checked off her bucket list.

About 6 weeks later, Aurora broke the news to Freddie that she was pregnant, but he didn't take the news well. He claimed it wasn't his, and, even if it was, he wasn't ready to be a father. So, he offered to pay for an abortion, but that was the extent of the help he offered.

So, her children's father turned out to be a deadbeat dad. She was just another in a line of white women who'd heard the rumors, although true they may be. He wanted nothing to do with them.

Seven and a half months later, Aurora had two beautiful fraternal twins. A boy named Caleb that looked a lot like her with creamy ivory skin, and a girl named Sophie with golden almond skin that looked like a mixture between her mother and her father.

Aurora raised the twins on her own with no help from Freddie. He never wanted anything to do with them. As far as he was concerned it was a one-time-fling. If she chose to have the babies, that was on her. He never even came by to visit, or offered any child support.

As the twins matured, they were very close. They were each other's rock, confidant, and best friend. His sister was everything to him. He almost revered her and she him.


At the age of 19 Caleb was already filling the man-of-the-house role within the home, but, as a 19-year-old young man, he also had fantasies about his mom and his sister... or any other female that crossed his path.

One day while snooping through his mom's underwear drawer, as young men sometimes do, he found an envelope from a Psychiatrist with his mom's name on it. As they say "Curiosity killed the cat." So, he opened the envelope, and read the contents. The enclosed letter said his mother was diagnosed with spectrophilia.

Worrying about his mother and having no idea what spectrophilia was, he did his research, and found the definition. "Spectrophilia is sexual attraction to either ghosts or sexual arousal from images in mirrors as well as the alleged phenomenon of sexual encounters between ghosts and humans."

He thought "OK, this is weird. So, my mom wants to get freaky with a ghost. Oh well, she seems perfectly normal to me."


After reading and re-reading the definition of spectrophilia over and over, the gears in his mind soon start spinning. He wondered if there was any way to use this information to bring one of his favorite fantasies to life.

He obviously knew he couldn't become a ghost. At least, he couldn't without dying, but he wondered "What about seeing reflections in mirrors?"

So, he returned to her room to look around, and, for the first time, he noticed there were no pictures on the wall opposite her dresser mirror. This really gets his wheels turning, Caleb started to wonder "Hmmm, I wonder if she keeps that wall blank to avoid seeing the reflections in her mirror. How can I make her see my reflection in some kind of ghostly way without putting a picture on the wall?"

He realized he'd have to know when she's looking in her mirror. Then, somehow, have his image just magically show up in the reflection. He thinks "That's stupid. How could I do that?" Then he justifies it in his mind. "Wouldn't that be tricking her, but is just planting the idea tricking her? Planting the idea is all I really want to do. How she acts on the idea is up to her."

Then he began to work out how he could do it "I wonder if I could set up a hidden camera and projector in her room that I can control from my laptop which projects my image on the wall behind her, but I have to control when and how long the images are displayed so she won't turn around to see them actually on the wall. She can only see the images as a reflection."

So, he buys a tiny camera and projector he sets up in her room. The projector has to be set up so that it displays the image or videos behind her without any shadows breaking up the image. There also has to be images with unnoticeable backgrounds depending on the amount of light in the room.

He finally has everything set up and tested before he puts his plan into effect.


Once he felt confident with his setup, his mother came to her mirror to apply her make-up, and Caleb flashed one of his images onto her back wall. It catches her attention, she turned to look, but Caleb had already turned off the image. She called out to him "Caleb, were you just in my room?"

He replied "No. I'm in my room playing a game."

She responded "OK. I guess my mind is just playing tricks on me," and then she laughs.

Caleb thinks "It sounds like it's working perfectly. I wonder what she's thinking now."

As he gained more confidence, he began to display his images more often, for longer periods of time, and he watched her to see if noticed anything different.

At first, there were no changes. Then, he began to notice small changes in her demeanor. She always seemed to have a smile on her face, and Caleb thought "If making her smile is the only good that comes of this, then it's worth it."

Eventually, as he got more confident displaying even more, he noticed she'd started to flirt just a little. She got a little more touchy-feely which he really liked, and he got a little more flirtatious, too.

As his plan progressed, he noticed her clothes were getting a little more revealing. She'd just show a little more thigh and cleavage. He sometimes got just a little lost in that milky valley between her breasts which didn't go unnoticed by his mother.


What he doesn't know is that all along she has been talking to her Psychiatrist, and she told him about the reflections because she thinks she's losing her mind.

The Psychiatrist told her "It's just your subconscious desires coming to the surface, and you shouldn't let it concern you. Those feelings are fairly common among mothers." But she couldn't stop your feelings of guilt for simply letting those thoughts cross her mind.

After a couple of weeks of seeing those images, she began to wonder "What if...", and she searches her room finding both the camera and projector.

At first, it infuriated her, but she decided she shouldn't do anything until she discussed it with her Psychiatrist. He asked her "How does this make you feel?"

She said "At first I was furious, and then I realized that was probably the reason I was having those strong emotions about him."

Her Psychiatrist then asked her "How does that make you feel?"

She replied "I'm not sure. I think sometimes it makes me feel good knowing a young man must want me a lot if he's willing to go through all of this for me. Then I think... wait a minute. That's my son!"

Then her Psychiatrist asked "And, how does knowing it's your son change your feelings?"

She responded "I don't know... I guess it doesn't really."

So, her Psychiatrist asked "Do you reciprocate your son's feelings?"

Then, trailing off as she screamed "He's, my son!! How could I?!... Well, maybe a little... I don't know... I guess."

Her Psychiatrist said "Do you ever consider acting on those feelings?"

She said "Of course not!"

Her Psychiatrist then said, to her surprise "Since you're both adults, as with any other feeling, you're free to choose if you want to act on them. However, you need to consider carefully the implications, and whether you really want to cross that barrier and change your mother-son relationship."

After her session, she went home to do just that. She locked herself in her room for several hours contemplating all the different scenarios depending on how she responded, or whether she should respond at all. She finally decided she would give him a little encouragement.

That's when she started dressing a little more seductively. When Sophie wasn't around, she'd display a little more flesh allowing him to stare down her shirt seeing her ample cleavage as well as a little more thigh.


Caleb thought his plan was working, and his mother was subconsciously trying to attract him. He had no idea she'd made the conscious decision to perhaps cross that taboo line.

As he tried to figure out a way to break that taboo barrier, his mom was going through the same thoughts and scenarios. They both wanted the same thing, but they were both afraid to pull the trigger. Neither knew how to take that next step they both wanted to seize.

While all of this was going on behind her back, Sophie made plans with her friends to reserve a cabin to go camping over the weekend. So, when she asked her mom, she quickly gave her daughter permission, and told her to be careful. She realized this could be her big chance.

Sophie also told Caleb her plans. So, he realized he'd have to make his move this weekend, but he had no idea exactly what "his move" would be.

So, both mom and son were planning to seduce each other, but neither knew how to cross that line.


Mom and son were both walking on eggshells all week waiting for their bi weekend. When the weekend finally arrived, both were feeling more nerves than they'd ever felt in their lives. This was a huge step in their relationship, and they both knew it.

As Caleb sat on the far end of the couch while watching a football game, Aurora came in, and sat on the near end of the couch.

She was wearing a short red satin robe that came down to about mid-thigh. Underneath, she only wore a matching, red, lacy, shelf bra and thong set. The only other things she wore were toe rings on each of her middle toes, and an ankle bracelet on her right ankle.

Aurora started making small talk as she worked up the nerve to make her move. She didn't realize Caleb was working out his move, too.

Just as Caleb was about to move closer to her, she turned around on the couch, lifted her legs, rested them on the couch, crossed both feet at her ankles, and asked with a pout "Hey, Baby, would you be a good son, and give your Mommy a foot rub?"

Caleb thought "Mommy? Baby? She hasn't called me that in years," and wasted no time responding with a resounding "Sure!" Then he scooted over closer to her, took both feet in his hands, and lifted them onto his lap. Then he grasped her left foot, and lifted it to where it was only a few inches from his face.

He began to knead the soft skin of her foot with his thumbs. As he was doing that, stealthily, Aurora moved her right foot to where it rested on Calebs hardening cock.

Caleb kneaded her foot slowly up her heel, and across her sole to the pad of her toes. Then, as he felt her right foot massaging his hard prick, he lifted her foot to kiss each toe lightly as he looked into his mother's eyes before he switched feet.

As he lifted her right foot to his face, he locked eyes with her as he licked her foot from her heel up along the sole of her foot up to the pad of her toes just as he did the left. Then he took each toe in his mouth, and sucked each one as he rolled them around his tongue, coercing a moan from his mother's lips.

When he terminated their kiss, she rose up, and gave him a lingering motherly hug. As they pulled apart, they locked eyes, and attacked each other with a violent kiss. They each knew this was the time, and it was meant to be. His mouth crushed up against hers, without thinking of the taboo nature of the kiss nor did they care. Their tongues assaulted one another as they tasted each other for the first time.

Mother and son sat on the couch in a tense embrace as they made out like high school kids at the prom. Both desperate to devour the other, as their heads twisted from right to left and back again.

Through their embrace, they began to touch each other's bodies through their clothes feeling the warmth of their skin. Then they violently began to rip each other's clothes off, one piece at a time, throwing them all over the room. Caleb untied Aurora's robe slipping it off her shoulders. Then he felt her breasts through her bra. They weren't huge, but they were larger than average.

Then Caleb kissed his way down his mother's neck as he began loving her rather than ravaging her. She felt the tenderness in his lips as he made it down to her cleavage kissing softly the sides of each cushiony breast. After he reached behind her to unhook her bra, she let it fall to her lap, exposing her breasts to her son for the first time.

He took her left nipple in his mouth as he sucked and twirled his tongue around it. He felt her nipple harden in his mouth as he flicked his tongue across it causing his mother to coo. As he had his mouth on her left nipple, he pinches and twirls her right nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

While Caleb played with his mother's bountiful breasts, she grabbed his hard cock through his boxers, and began to slowly pump his cock up and down with her soft delicate hands. Then she took the elastic of his boxers in both hands as she pulled them down.

Caleb lifted off the couch just enough for his mother to slip his boxers under him. Then she continued pulling them downward as his cock sprang up and announced its presence, while Aurora slipped her sons underwear all the way to his ankles. Then Caleb kicked them off completely.

Once his cock was free of its confinement, Aurora saw it for the first time, and it reminded her of the night he was conceived. Caleb had obviously gotten his size from his father. Whatever else his father was or did, he had the biggest cock she'd ever known until now.

Aurora then dropped down between her son's legs, and admired his hard cock for the longest. She memorized every twist, every vein and measured it with her mind wondering if she'd be able to get that inside her mouth and her moistening slit.

Then she softly licked his cock up one side and down the other, with just the tip of her tongue, before she stretched her mouth around the head of the beast. It felt like her lips were going to tear apart as she slid them over the head of her son's massive cock, but she pushed forward as she managed to take the first three inches into her mouth. As she became accustom to his size, she slowly started pumping up and down with her mouth while she used both of her hands on the bottom portion of his huge cock.

She pulled up to the tip of his prick as she circled her tongue around the huge spongy head before she pumped her head slowly over the first three inches of his cock. As her talented mouth recalled her long unused experience, she managed to push her son's large cock all the way down until her lips met his pelvis with only a small amount of gagging.

As she continued to pump up and down just a few inches, only going to his pelvis about every third or fourth stroke, she pumped until she began to feel his cock grow in her mouth indicating he was about ready to blow his first load.

As he felt his body begin to shake indicating to him, he was about ready to explode, he told her "Mom I'm about to cum."

She took her mouth from his cock, and said "That's OK, Baby. Cum in my mouth, Cum for mommy."

That was all it took, before she could get her mouth back on his cock, his first spurt landed on her chin and dripped down to her tits.

She managed to take him back in her mouth where spurt after spurt landed on her tongue. Some slid down her throat, but she managed to catch most of it in her mouth. She rolled his jism around her mouth tasting the salty fluid. Then she opened and showed her son his cum resting on her tongue before she made a long show of swallowing every drop.

He lifted her up, took the first thing he could find, his shirt, and wiped his cum off her face and chest before he kissed her again. He could still taste himself on her tongue.

Then he impatiently dropped to his knees inhaling his mother's sweet, musky scent as he kissed and licked her inner thighs, teasing her of things yet to come.

Then he removed her thong slowly moving down her hips until she lifted up, and helped him finish removing her thong for the first time revealing all to her son; her neatly trimmed auburn pussy, hour-glass figure, and plump bubble butt.

Finally, he licked with the flat of his tongue from her perineum, over her vaginal opening, up her labia to the hood of her clit. He exposed her nub as he fluttered his tongue over the hard nubbin. Then he took it between his lips, and sucked trying to match her rhythm. He began to twirl his tongue around her clit as he sucked harder and harder.

As he felt her begin to quiver, he inserted two fingers inside her as he began to slowly finger-fuck her matching her tempo stroke by stroke.

As he felt her muscles begin to tense his fingers, he curled them up trying to find her most sensitive spots.

She began to feel her orgasm begin to build at her inner core. As she felt the ripples in her stomach muscles as an indication of her impending orgasm, she clamped down on her son's head with her thighs.

Caleb was unable to breathe, but he enjoyed every moment as his mother's orgasm built to a massive climax. It built within her, and, for the first time in her life, she erupted like a volcanic explosion squirting her cum all over her son's face and mouth.

He tried to lap up every drop she expelled like a starving man getting his first taste of food in weeks, but she eventually began to loosen her grip on her son, he rose, grabbed his mom, and kissed her deeply. As she forced her tongue in his mouth, they tasted their combined juices in their mouths.

While they continued passionately kissing, he guided his renewed cock to her quivering opening. He pushed forward into the depths of his mother's body where he first entered this earth, his first home ever, and it did feel like home. It was a glorious homecoming as his throbbing cock filled his mom's long empty cunt fuller than she'd ever felt before. This was beyond the fantasies of her youth. This was incredible. Her whole body was on fire as he pushed into her.