Son Teaches Mom How to Come Ch. 04


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suspiciously, but she held up her hands in supplication.

"Truce." She said. She ruffled his hair, touched his cheek. "I don't regret it for a minute, because we made you."

Jacob basked in the warmth of his mother's love. She touched his arm.

"Are we okay?" She asked, "You and me?"

"Of course, Mom."

"I would hate to think that my... I don't know what to call it, had warped what we have. I've always felt so close to you."

"Nothing's changed. I love you more than anything in the world."

"That'll change one day."

"Maybe. We could run away together, somewhere they don't know who we are. Live as man and extraordinarily sexy MILF wife."

She leaned her head on his shoulder and cuddled his strong young arm.

"If you did, seriously, want to stop... what we've begun, I'll completely understand and wouldn't hold anything against you. I'm very grateful."

"I don't want to stop. Are you crazy? I want more. More of you. I want all of you." She looked into his eyes.


"I'll make you see, don't worry. I'll turn you around to the idea." He was grinning mischievously.

"Changing the subject, would like me to drive you to your job today?"

"Sure, why not?"

"If you don't have to get the bus, you won't have to leave for another hour."


She leaned back so she could put her lips by his ear and softly whispered, "You could eat me."

Jacob stood up and took a few steps away, he readjusted the hard-on in his jeans, grabbed his backpack and headed for the door.

"Yoooouuuuuuu..." he was shaking his head and smiling in disbelief at her womanly wiles. "You play dirty, Momma."

"I would if you'd let me." Janey stood up and followed him to the front door.

"Are neither of my men going to give me a goodbye hug this morning?" Jacob paused. He put down his bag and slid his arms around his mother's waist. She pulled him in close and he instinctively nestled into her warm, soft, welcoming neck. He breathed in and a sneaking, snaking aroma wafted up his nostrils. His dastardly mother had evidently masturbated this morning and rubbed her pussy perfume on her skin for just this very moment. He reveled in the familiar funk of his mother's hot cunt then steeled himself to reject her strategy. He released her and opened the front door.


"Yes, Jakey?"

"Remind me never to play chess against you."

In the locker room at his job, Jacob chatted amiably with the other workers as they all got changed into the store's ugly uniform. He'd done his best, on the hour long bus journey, to rid his mind of all the conflicting thoughts colliding in his head. The image of Janey bent over a table getting fucked from behind kept resurfacing in his imagination no matter how hard he tried to dislodge the mental video.

He unpacked his bag and pulled out the scratchy lime-green polo shirt they made him wear, with the demeaning little name-tag embroidered over the left tit; as he unrolled the top he caught a flash of creamy cotton fabric with tiny litt- the panties! He

was instantly transported to the night before in his bedroom when he'd watched these panties being rubbed inside that sexy fucking wet pussy that he knew so well... and when she used them to wipe her butt he could have screamed with the pain of self-denial. That crafty fucking sexy bitch!

"Eh whassat?!" A chubby set of fingers reached down into his bag and hoisted up the knickers for everyone to see, waving them like a flag. "Jacob's MILF has sent him to work with a set of her dirty knick-knocks to play with." There were cheers from the men and someone shouted, "Give 'em a sniff, Derek!"

Jacob snatched his prize possession away from the fat globule of snot that had snatched them.

"Mind you own, will ya?" he snarled, stuffing the panties deep down in his backpack and throwing it into his locker. He had wanted to sprint to the nearest loo and beat his meat like a maniac with her intimate smells jammed up his nose but he couldn't face the the embarrassment that all these losers would know. Someone walked behind him and patted him on the back, it shook him from his reverie.

"Lucky fucker," His co-worker said, "Every wanker in here wishes he was you. The only MILFs we know are mothers we'd like to forget!" Jacob joined in the communal laughing and put on his uniform. He was wondering how he could possibly compete against such a daunting adversary.

At her part-time job, Janey was regretting wearing such a revealing dress. Ol' Mr Li was really paying close attention to her today; he seemed alarmingly happy about her new fashion choice, complimenting her every time he found an excuse to hang around her desk. Her phone pinged.

"Not during work time, pur-lease." Ol' Mr Li grumbled, beetling off to his office. Janey reached into her bag and swiped the phone on.


She felt dreadful. A knot of regret tied itself

around her heart. Oh shit. He was the last person she would ever want to hurt. She replied that she was sorry. She waited but got no reply.

Late in the afternoon, Janey was returning from the coffee percolator when she checked her phone and noticed there was a new message from Jacob: CAN'T THINK ABOUT ANYTHING BUT YOU. MESSED UP A BIG ORDER, DEPT. MANAGER ANGRY.


Janey leaned down to replace the phone in her bag, loathing herself. She was just about to let go of it when it vibrated and pinged: GOT ANGRY AND TOLD A CUSTOMER TO GO FUCK HIMSELF. MANAGER WANTS TO SEE ME IN OFFICE TOMORROW AT 8AM. LOST MY FUCKING JOB NOW! WORST DAY OF MY LIFE! THANKS MOM.

Wait a goddamned minute, she thought, that's a bit too much, a bit too neat and flipping tidy! She admired his courage but was smarting at how he'd tormented and twisted her tender feelings. She rang his phone.


"Is your manager there?"


"Your manager. Is he there now? Get him for me."

"Er, I've already left work."

"No you haven't, fibber, it's only half four. Go get him for me."

"What're you gunna say?"

"I'll make something up. A death in the family, everyone's very upset, you're sad and distracted. He'll be compassionate and let today slide once I've spoken to him."

"No, errrr, it's okay, I'll sort it. Tomorrow."

"Well, if you're sure."

"Yeah, I'll figure something out."

"Okay, honey, see you at home."

"Oh I won't be home for dinner. I have a date with Melanie this evening."

"Oh. I see. Okay then. Bye." Janey put her phone in her bag. She felt a little stunned. There was nail of jealousy hammered through her chest.

Ol' Mr Li poked his head out his office door, "Not on work time pur-lease, Mrs Thompson." He said. Janey made no answer, just stared ahead, looking at nothing.


When Janey returned home her husband was slouched in front of their teevee. She hung up her coat, kicked off her heels, walked into the lounge and curled up on the the sofa opposite him. She rubbed her nylon covered feet. She could smell them, it was not unpleasant, she wondered if Jacob likes feet; she'll have to rub them on his face once he's finally surrendered.

She looked over at her jellyfish of a man and summoned up the interest to speak to him.

"So, do you-"

"Dog's puked." Her husband blurted, then took a swig from his beer can.

"What? Where? Did you clean it up."

"I was gunna, but I sat down. Started watching the game. I've had a hard day."

"What's so hard abou-"

"What're dressed like that for?"

"Like what?"

"You're a bit too old to go around flaunting your tits 'n' ass."

I know a certain young man who doesn't mind, she thought.

"If you're trying to get a raise outta that chink you work for," Her husband whined, "Good luck with that."

"I can't talk to you anymore."

"No-one's asking you to. Dressing like a whore to-"

"I'm not dres... nevermind." Janey took a deep breath. She had learned from long experience that arguing with him was a complete waste of oxygen.

"Why don't you go down the sports bar?" With the rest of your dickless buddies, she added to herself.

"When it gets to half-time, I may just do that."

Janey walked upstairs and undressed in her bedroom. Despite feeling on edge from the battle of wits with Jacob, she would not allow her husband to exploit her vulnerability. She cheered herself up by humming a tune as she pulled on a pair of silky soft panties. She opened and clicked on her laptop to play some music as she buttoned up the large Egyptian-cotton shirt which was her favourite and most comforting piece of clothing. Before she could open up the music player on her computer there was notification of an email. She clicked it and saw a message: 'Getting what I can't get from you.' Operating on automatic, she opened the email and was faced with photo after photo of sweaty, hairy, cummy sex; she scrolled down through a collage of porno selfies.

She'd never seen her friend Melanie naked but she easily recognised Jacob's body. Jacob's chest, his nipples, his stomach, his pubic hair, his penis... his penis in her mouth, his penis gripped by her hand, his penis buried inside her twat. She closed her laptop, her eyes misting up.




That's a knockout. Well played. I lose.

Janey re-opened the laptop to shut it down properly.

She didn't want her husband stumbling over the photos. She heard the front door slam shut and realised she was alone. Utterly alone.

She busied herself with some chores; she checked on the dog, mopped up his sick, cooked some dinner which she failed to eat, poured herself a glass of wine which she didn't drink. She found herself standing outside her son's bedroom. She turned the handle and entered. She stood looking at his bed, the bed where she'd sat on his face and ridden his tongue to a previously unexplored bliss and back again. She'd been shown how sex could feel, if someone really loved you and wanted you to feel good. He'd taught her how to come.

But now he was with HER. That's only right. It could not have carried on. You horrible pervert, Janey. You're a disgrace, no kind of mother at all. You exploited his overloaded teenage hormones and his confusion and... you're the fucking adult, you should've controlled yourself. You fucking dirty waste of space.

Janey crossed the room and sat on his bed. Their dog walked passed and paused in the doorway, looking at her.

"Cm'ere boy!" She patted her leg. The dog turned its head and padded away.

Et tu, Brute, she thought.

Janet laid down on the bed, curled up in a ball and began to cry. A switch had been flicked inside her and she bawled, hating all those wasted years with her gutless piss-stain of a husband. She was sobbing hard when she felt gentle hands touching her, startling her.

"Hey, what's this about?" Jacob's voice was soft.

"Jaco-wha-what are you doing here?"

"What the fuck happened? Did HE do something? Did he find out about us? Are you hurt?"

"Why are you back so early?" Janey sat up and wiped her face on her shirtsleeve.

"That doesn't matter, what's happened?" He held her

tight and she rocked in his arms. He kissed the top of her head. Her voice blubbed out, wet with snot and tears.

"I saw those photos you sent and it broke my heart."

"Oh shit, aw fuck I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"No, it's because I know you should be with her, not me."

"I broke up with Melanie two days ago."


"I'm sorry I sent them. I was just messing with you. Wanted to stir up some jealousy or some shit, I don't know what I was thinking."

"You... weren't? With her?"

"I've been playing Call of Duty over at Dempsy's."

"I don't understand." Janey blew her nose into her shirtsleeve. Jacob smiled affectionately at the blubbering wreck in his arms. Now he knew she wasn't hurt he relaxed a little.

"I was just fucking with you, Mom. I ended it with Mel when we... when we began our thing."


"I didn't like myself." Jacob got up and found a teeshirt in his cupboard, he brought it over to the bed and gently wiped her face. "At the start I used to fantasise about you when me and Melanie fooled around, but then I was... fucking her, and fucking her hard, wanting it to be you, using her, like she was nothing. It felt... dishonourable. I told I'd met someone new."

"You're a good boy. She ask about your new girl?"

"She asked if she was prettier, sexier, had a better body. I had to admit that she did."

"But the pictures?"

"We took them ages ago, Melanie had wanted to prove to some old biddy friend of hers that she had a

toyboy to play with."

Janey smiled, her eyes red and swollen. Then a frown crossed her face.

"How do I know this is true?"

"What do you mean?"

"How do I know you're not still fucking with me? Part of the game? Because I tell you, I don't think I can handle-"

Jacob held his mother's face in his palms and kissed her nose. "Looks like the game's over, Mom. Maybe we both lost? I'm not gunna try to make you do anything you don't wanna. Okay? And if you want to stop. That's okay too. I only ever wanted to make you happy." He kissed her.

"Prove it."


"Stand up."

Jacob stood, Janey sat upright on his bed.

"Undo your fly." Jacob grinned as he unbuttoned and unzipped then chuckled as his mom tugged down his jeans and briefs. His cock was growing, hardening. It sprang up in her face. She took him in her clammy hands and peeled back the skin, exposing the swelling cockhead. Jacob moaned in pleasure.

Janey lifted it to her nose and began sniffing and snuffling all around the head, searching for the scent of betrayal. It was getting harder and bigger.

"You smell pussy on that? Try the taste test."

Janey flashed a suspicious look at him then trailed her tongue up and down his cock.

"Oh, Momma." She licked and sucked and tasted him, just like in her dreams. She rubbed her lips across his pee hole for a minute or two, coating herself in a filthy lipgloss, and looked up at him.

"You weren't lying."

"It's only ever been you, Mom."

"Is this mine now?" She stroked the iron shaft. Jacob nodded. Janey kissed her way down to his swinging, full balls and licked them.

"And these are mine?"

"All yours."

"What's in them is mine?"

"You're gunna get it all over your face in a minute."

She opened her wet mouth and eased him inside, feeling all the tension leave her body as she was finally free to suck on the sexy young dick she'd fantasised about for so many nights.

She felt him begin to push. She looked up, her mouth filled with hot pumping flesh, and her passionate eyes were saying: Yes! Screw my mouth. Jacob read the unmistakable signal and began to push in and pull out while she kept up a continuous rhythm on the base of the shaft with her hand. Again, he had the feeling that if this was the one and only chance he ever got to do this, he was going to enjoy every single millisecond. He looked down at his mom with such a look of intense love as he fucked her beautiful face.

Janey sucked greedily and urgently, urging him to explode, wanting him to finally feed her the warm forbidden cream that was bubbling away in his balls.

She was moaning happily as she sucked hard on his meat, he tasted amazing, she never wanted this moment to end but she DID want to have him shoot into her slutty mouth, to own him. She felt so naughty. She felt so filthy. She loved how it felt. She reached out with her free hand and gently squeezed his squidgy balls, all heavy and loaded with the cum she wanted.

Can't take much more of this, Jacob was thinking, beads of sweat on his concentrating face. His mother pulled his dick out of her sloppy mouth just enough for her to say, "Don't hold back, please. Let me taste you."

"I don't want this to end." He spoke through gritted teeth.

"Baby, this will never end. You won me." She rubbed her lips back and forth over his smooth wet tip then his tungsten-hard cock slipped back inbetween her gorgeous lips and almost immediately his balls emptied themselves into her mouth, spurting jets of cum straight down her throat. She held his dick in her mouth as she tried to swallow the fountain of sperm erupting as she purred and licked and sucked the man she loved.

"Aren't you glad I stuck my cock in your mouth last night?"

She pulled him out of her mouth, spunk and saliva trailing from her lips, "You're a bad boy."

"I'm your boy."

"I have one more question."

"Okay, sure."

Janey laid back on his bed, she bent her legs so she could whisk off her panties. She tossed them to him and he fumbled the catch. She smiled at how awestruck her son was when he looked at her. His dick was pulsating with anticipation as he watched this glorious unveiling, his mother unbuttoned her shirt then reclined in all her naked feminine majesty.

Jacob's eyes just ate her up, he was going to have this image burned into his retinas until the day he died. Janey opened her thighs and slipped two fingers inside her wet slit, then she held open her inflamed red lips.

"Um, what's the question?" Jacob croaked, his throat dry.

His mother looked serious, almost fierce, as she asked him,

"Do you have a LOT of condoms?"

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stockingnutstockingnut3 months ago

Please continue!

scooterboy62scooterboy626 months ago

Fantastic story, a real tease

MeanOralSexToy4womenMeanOralSexToy4women6 months ago

Giving him a blowjob showed him she was willing to give as well as recieve oral. I hope the author has done this with a younger man so this is the readers’ glimpse into her hot sexual tryst they (us guys) can enjoy as she relives it.

rothningrothningabout 1 year ago

You have a talent for stories that are at the same time wildly improbable and utter believable. And the dirtiness is so true and pure. And always about love.

lookout2l8lookout2l8about 1 year ago

I really enjoy the thought of a woman rubbing her scent on her skin to seduce a man. Something about that is soo dirty and sexy.

RanDog025RanDog025over 1 year ago

You always have at least one stuttering, bumbling, mumbling fool character in your story! You need to take a few High school level English Literature classes to learn sentence structures, How and when to use one or two word words? Then take a few College Level English Literature Classes and relearn the structure of a sentence. I got to the fourth chapter and was 20 minutes into editing your story and just gave up and deleted the story from my Text Aloud Software.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That was "writing at its best ... as a matter of fact, all your chapters were the same quality. Simply AWESOME !

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


Great story.

DocWordsDocWordsover 2 years ago

Well done! Thank you. I enjoyed your work.

ContrahentContrahentalmost 3 years ago

The humorous battle of wits between Janey and Jake provided a refreshing twist on this sort of story. Truly a unique work, with a great deal of love and sexiness.

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