Soulmates Ch. 01


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"It's going to be a few minutes until dinner is ready..." James walked into the living area, "how was the rest of your week?"

Charlie turned to follow James who sat down on a plush sofa. He was sitting with his legs far apart and a hand on the back rest. Charlie couldn't help himself as he stared down at James's crotch, already fantasizing about what James looked like without clothes on.

"It was all right, considering." Charlie smirked as he looked around for someplace to sit. He could just be cool and sit on the sofa with James, but he was nervous he would end up doing stupid, like touching James's leg or god-knows what else.

But before Charlie could find a suitable alternative, James patted the cushion seat next him as he smiled up at Charlie. Charlie looked at the cushion then at James then back at the cushion again. He nodded, slowly taking his time to sit down next to James. James reached out his hand on the back of the sofa and Charlie's brain exploded.

"Uh," Charlie coughed, " was yours?"

James scooted closer to Charlie. "Fine I suppose. We're having some deadline issues with one project but besides that smooth sailing." James motioned with his hand that was behind Charlie's back.

Charlie nodded as he instinctively scooted closer to James. James turned his head slightly, smiling at Charlie as he placed is hand on Charlie's back. Charlie's body shuddered as he successfully prevented himself from reacting visibly from being so close to James.

Charlie looked around the room, trying to focus on something to steady his nerves while he figured out something to say. His eyes traveled the room until it landed on the coffee table in the middle of the space. Charlie's eyes widened as he recognized the book the man from the bookstore was reading.

"Uh..." Charlie turned his head slightly to face James, reaching into his pocket to retrieve the art pen, "is...this yours...?"

James's eyes lit up. He hesitated, nodding as he reached for the pen. " I must have left it when we got coffee."

For a second Charlie almost corrected James but refrained from doing so. Of course, it was fate that the man he had felt drawn to in the bookstore was James. Charlie smiled widely as he laughed to himself causing James to express curiosity.

"What?" James chuckled.

Charlie shook his head. The feeling that this was right from the very beginning gave Charlie a boost of confidence he needed.

"Nothing. Just remembered how shy I was when I first met you."

James chuckled again as tighten his hold on Charlie. "I thought you were fine..."

They chatted a bit longer on the sofa all the while James made subtle moves on Charlie. Or to what appeared to be subtle moves to Charlie. Charlie struggled to discern how serious this dinner was; it felt like a date, but he wasn't sure.

"Ah, dinner's ready." James clapped his hands together as the timer over the stove went off. He rose from the couch, motioning for Charlie to follow him.

"It smells great." Charlie offered, earning a grin from James. He sat down at the kitchen island where James had already set up for dinner.

"So," James placed a plate in front of Charlie before sitting down in front of him, "let me get the obligatory date questions out of the way..."

Charlie laughed as he watched James get settled in front of him.

"Any siblings?"

Charlie turned red. A seemingly innocuous question such as that elicited a discomforting feeling that Charlie had long been suffering from.

"Uh..." Charlie started, nervous that if he were honest with James, things would end that night, "...I'm not really sure, actually..."

"Are you serious?" Charlie looked up to see James staring at him. Something about the answer terrified Charlie, leading him to believe that he did indeed make a mistake.

"I'm adopted, too!" James smiled wide at Charlie as he pointed to himself.

Something about James's overly enthusiastic response made Charlie smile also; both men's smiles looked eerily similar to the other, but the thought barely crossed Charlie's mind.

"Wow," Charlie started, trying to keep himself from overreacting to such a similarity, "that's quite the coincidence!"

James laughed. "It is. I remember my parents telling me that I had a brother that was adopted before they finalized the papers for me, so there's that?" He shrugged.

Charlie smiled back, but internally he felt jealous that James knew he had a brother. He was never told about his biological family, so he assumed he was an only child.

"That's great that you know you have a brother, James." Charlie finally offered, "have you ever contacted him?"

James stared back at Charlie before nodding slowly. His expression changed so much so that Charlie was sure he made a mistake asking about his brother.

"Uh, no..." James let out a contained laugh, "I'm not sure he would even want to see me..."

Charlie perked up. "Why not? You seem okay to me so far." He teased.

James laughed at the comment, but he still appeared despondent. Charlie took notice as he took a chance. He reached out a hand across the counter to place onto James's. James looked down at his hand before looking up at Charlie, smiling a little now, but Charlie could tell that it was difficult talking about his brother.

"I get it..." Charlie started, "part of me wants to search for my birth parents, but I don't know if I really should..."

Charlie watched James nod back before taking his hand. Something about the moment felt more intimate than Charlie had ever experienced with someone. They held hands for a while, gazing at the other as if they had been in a relationship for decades.

Charlie smiled in time with James again, causing both to laugh from how close they were beginning to feel even after the first date.

"Uh," Charlie let go of James's hand although he didn't want to, "...well..." he laughed again as he ran a hand through his hair. He looked up at James who was smiling intently at him so much so that Charlie forgot what he wanted to say.

James nodded as if telling Charlie that he understood where he was coming from. "I think I should try to lighten up the conversation now. Favorite movie?" He shrugged with a grin.

Charlie laughed, but he couldn't help feeling warm from the moment he just had with James. They talked for another hour or so, easing into conversation effortlessly. As they spoke, Charlie could see himself falling in love with James. And although they just met, Charlie felt such an instant connection that he didn't admonish himself mentally for thinking ahead on things.

"I should probably get going..." Charlie volunteered after another insightful and rousing conversation.

James nodded as looked at the wall clock in the kitchen area. "Yeah, it's getting kind of late, and you have class or research to conduct." He smiled to indicate that he was joking, and Charlie laughed back, now comfortable with James's sense of humor.

James grabbed Charlie's coat for him, helping him with it before opening the door to the hallway.

"Thanks for a great time, James. I had so much fun, and dinner was amazing." Charlie walked out into the hallway and turned around to face James who was now leaning up against the doorframe.

"Good. I'm glad. To be honest I was a little nervous about tonight." James laughed with a shrug.

Charlie nodded. "I don't know why. You're great. But yeah, I know what you mean...I wasn't really sure if this was...a date..." And as soon as he uttered the last few words, Charlie immediately regretted it.

James nodded as he stepped forward toward Charlie. Charlie almost took a step back because James was so close now, but he stayed put.

"Well, I'm hoping this was a date..." James whispered.

Charlie felt relieved, although he managed to hide it. He thought so anyway as James leaned forward more, closing the gap between them to kiss Charlie. Charlie breathed deeply as he accepted the kiss, first tense before letting up. He let James hold him at the waist as he placed a hand on James's chest.

They kissed each other for some time, both melting into each other's embrace. After a few more seconds, Charlie pulled back a bit, but he was still close to James. He looked up slightly as James looked down at him at an angle. They both smiled before embracing for a hug. Charlie then finally let go, but his body wanted him to stay.

"Have a good night, Charlie." James offered softly.

Charlie nodded as he stepped back away from James. He was too overwhelmed to say anything coherent; feeling James through just a kiss was breathtaking.

"Night, James." Charlie managed before turning to walk to the elevator. He smiled to himself, aware that James was watching him from his door to ensure that he found the elevator okay before leaving.

About a month later...

Charlie was sitting at the kitchen table in his parents' house. He had promised his mother that he would help her pack away some old documents and knickknacks.

"So," Charlie's mom started, "seeing anyone new?" She was standing at the stove, finishing up dinner.

Charlie sighed; he knew this question was coming. He had blown off a few weekend plans with his family to see James instead, but he wasn't sure about the state of their relationship to be straight forward about it. Part of him thought that something horrible would happen, ending another good thing as was on par for Charlie's dating life.

So far, Charlie and James had only kissed, and a few times more since the first time. Charlie had implemented a rule after his last relationship that he would only sleep with the next boyfriend after dating for three months. But despite having not been intimate with James, Charlie felt so close to him that he knew that once they did have sex, it would be amazing.

"Sort of." Charlie answered as he perused through some old papers.

Charlie's mother laughed as she sat down at the table with Charlie. "Okay, I can tell you don't want to talk about it. But can I just say that you seem a lot happier now?"

Charlie rolled his eyes, but he smiled. "Thanks, I appreciate it."

Charlie picked up a piece of paper that was underneath some old tax documents. From a quick scan, it looked like his immunization record from grade school.

"Mom," Charlie started as he watched his mom walk back to the stove, "do you know anything about my biological family?"

Charlie's mother turned from the stove to acknowledge him before turning back. "Uh, just what we've told you in the past. Why?"

Charlie shrugged. "Nothing, just curious."

Charlie's mother moved to a cabinet to plate the food from the stove. "Well..." she sat down at the table with Charlie.

"The agency did say something having a brother..."

Charlie's eyes went wide. "What?"

Charlie's mother sighed. She hung her head. "You have a twin brother, Charlie...I'm sorry we never told you..."

Charlie couldn't believe what he was hearing. He stood up from the table, pacing back and forth, too overwhelmed to process what was happening.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" Charlie tampered his anger not to upset his mother, but he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Charlie...we didn't say anything because we couldn't contact the family who adopted him. They kept their information private...I'm sorry."

She took a moment before continuing. "We were planning to adopt the two of you, but the other family had already processed their adoption by the time we came to get you..."

Charlie stopped pacing. He rested his hands on his hips as he told himself to calm down. "Do you know the name of the family at least?"

Charlie's mother looked upward. "I think their last name started with a 'K'?"

Charlie froze. "...Kent?"

Charlie's mother nodded. "Yep! That's it. The Kents. But like I said, they kept their information private."

Charlie's world came crashing down on itself. "I have to go." He said curtly, marching toward the front door.

"Wait! You don't want to stay for dinner?" Charlie's mother had met up with him at the front door.

Charlie turned to give his mother a hug. "Sorry, but I just remembered that I need to prep something before the weekend is out. I'll come over later this week, okay?"

Charlie's mother nodded, but it was obvious she was upset that she may have upset her son. Charlie shook his head.

"I'm okay, really. I just need to get this done. Okay? I'll call you when I get home." He kissed his mother on the forehead before rushing out of the house.

He jogged to his car, fumbling with his seatbelt and keys before stopping suddenly. He could feel an onslaught of tears, but he wasn't sure what to do. He pulled is phone out to tap on James's contact information from his favorites list.

The phone rang a couple of times before the other end of the receiver clicked. Charlie breathed deeply as he heard James's voice on the other end.

"Hey...yeah I'm just about to was nice...thank you for asking...uh...can I see you tonight? I need to talk to you about something..."

About an hour later...

Charlie felt the weight of the world on his shoulders as he waited for the door buzzer. He wasn't sure how James would react; here was a guy who was more into him than anyone had ever been and seemed like a great person overall.

The front door to the apartment building clicked. Charlie took a moment before pushing the door open. He felt like something else was carrying his body, dragging him to a hellish nightmare. His heart sank as the elevator carried him up to James's floor. He walked slowly to James's apartment, playing over and over in his head what he wanted to say.

I can't lose James...not now...Charlie inhaled then exhaled as he arrived at James's door. He raised a fist to knock, but the door opened wide instead.

"Hey, baby." James was at the door, smiling at Charlie the way he usually did.

Charlie had to prevent himself from cringing; this was the first time since meeting James that he felt the sense of impending doom he had felt his entire life.

"Hi, James..." Charlie started as James reached out to give him a hug, pulling him close to his body. Charlie felt himself recoil as James moved inward to kiss him, but he managed to kiss him back despite feeling horrible about it.

James let go of Charlie to step to the side to let him in. Charlie felt James rub his back before walking ahead of him.

"Want wine or something?" James asked casually.

Charlie shook his head as he stepped into the kitchen area but stayed at a distance. James finally took notice of Charlie's cagey behavior.

"Uh, are you all right?" James asked quietly.

Charlie shook his head again. He reached out a hand to steady himself against the kitchen island all the while telling himself he should just break up with James without going into details.

"Uh, okay..." James started as he rounded the island, crossing his arms, "please don't tell me you're about to break up with me..." He grinned, but Charlie could tell he was hurt already.

Charlie shook his head again. He didn't know why; of course, he should break up with James. There was no possible way for them to continue their romantic relationship.

"When I was at my parents' house...I asked my mother about my biological family..." The words came out, but Charlie couldn't believe he was saying them.

"...and...and..." But Charlie couldn't continue. It hurt too much to even say what was obvious out loud.

He looked up at James to gauge any response. James's expression looked solemn, too solemn that something immediately clicked with Charlie.

"Oh my god..." Charlie breathed. He backed away from the counter as he reached up a hand to cover his mouth.

"Charlie, listen, please." James pleaded as he rounded the counter to get to Charlie, but Charlie kept backing away.

"You knew this whole time, but you didn't say anything!" Charlie shouted as he marched into living room, facing his back away from James.

"I can't believe you! How could you do something like this? I trusted you!"

"Charlie, please." Charlie felt two hands on his shoulders, but he wrenched his body away from James. He could feel tears streaming down his face and he needed to get out just to breathe.

Charlie made it to the front door, but he struggled to open it. Charlie's vision blurred as he cried while trying to get out of the apartment.

"Charlie..." Charlie felt another hand on his shoulder. He stopped fighting the lock, but he couldn't face James.

"I'm so sorry...I should have said something earlier, but..." Charlie could feel James right behind him but he refused to face him.

"...I wasn't sure, I just had a feeling...I'm sorry, Charlie..."

Charlie whipped around to face James. "You had a feeling we might be related but said nothing? What's the matter with you?"

James sighed as he placed both hands on Charlie's arms, but Charlie yanked away from him, marching back to the living room area.


"Stop, James." Charlie had spun around to interrupt James with a raised hand, "I can't believe this is happening."

James took another step toward Charlie as if he were approaching a scare animal. "Charlie. Listen. I really like you...a lot. I think we're great to--"

"Stop, James!" Charlie shouted. He shook his head as he marched past James to open up the door to the apartment.

"We can't do this anymore..." Charlie held the door open as he kept his eyes off James because he knew if he looked at him, he would become overly emotional.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this. Bye, James." Charlie took one last moment before closing the door, shutting the door on what he thought was a potentially successful and long-lasting relationship with someone unlike anyone he's ever been with before.

Tears streamed down Charlie's face as he made his way out of the apartment building. He told himself to keep going and never turn back.

Over week later...

"We're going to have to do something else...we're running up against the deadline..."

James stepped back from the blackboard, posing thoughtfully. His team had been working on this particular project for a while, but he couldn't wrap his head around what was bugging him about it.

"Nevermind for now," James threw his hands up in the air as he walked toward his office, "we'll just meet back up again at the end of the week. Sound good?"

The group mumbled back a reply before breaking up. James pulled out his phone to check his messages as he walked to his office, hoping to get something he had been waiting for, but never came.

I should just give up...James groaned as he opened the door to his office, dragging his feet to the desk before slumping down into the chair.

James hadn't heard from Charlie an over a week since the latter came to his apartment. James sighed as he swiveled in his chair thinking about how upset Charlie was.

I should have said something...James groaned again as he hunched over his desk.

Ever since becoming interested in finding his biological family, James knew there was something different about Charlie. The feeling was there which was intensified by the fact that he and Charlie shared similar facial features and mannerisms.

James was surprised he had fallen for Charlie despite the feeling. He had never felt for someone the way he did for Charlie that at times it scared James. When they were dating, he found himself wanting to do more with Charlie but respected his decision to wait a couple of months before sleeping together.

Charlie filled the void James had been feeling his entire life and he felt horrible that he might have lost him forever.

James looked down at his phone. He thought about calling Charlie, but he knew he wouldn't answer. However, James knew he couldn't let him go so easily. If he was feeling empty and distant, there was a possibility that Charlie was feeling the same and James just needed to have his brother in his life, no matter what the relationship ended up being.