Southern Circle - Pt. 02


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That is, until she ripped up that heartrending script and wrote a completely new and unexpected one.

"What are you doing?!" Hugh asked in astonishment as Merial grabbed his tunic by the shoulders and yanked downward, its wide circular neckline allowing her to slid it easily over his limp arms and torso towards his waist, taking the undertunic with it, revealing a chest firm and chiseled thanks to the countless hours of weapon practice with his father.

"I'm saving you, Hugh," she replied, working to unfasten his belt. "We need you big brother - Niame, Fiade, and I. More than that we love you and want you in our lives, and if this is the only way to keep you with us, then so be it!" she declared as she undid his belt and flung it away.

"Wait," Hugh said as his sister once again grabbed at his top, now bunched around his hips, no doubt to pull it off completely. "Please, Merial don't. I know you're just doing this out of guilt, because you feel obligated to save me. But afterwards, even if things go well, you'll resent me for taking advantage of you, my own sister, just to save my own skin. I couldn't live with that."

Merial laughed. "Oh, my foolish brother, has your condition made you blind as well?" She asked as she ran her fingers through the downy hair on his chest, her fingertips pressing into the hard muscle resting beneath. "I'm not doing this out of obligation, I'm doing this because I want you, I desire you, and yes, brother, I love you in the deepest, most profound sense of the word. The fact that I'm saving your life, well, that's just a bonus," she added.

Hugh frowned, but Tim could tell that the words and ministrations of Merial on his pecs was having an effect. "I don't understand," he said, "You're my sister, how could you have entertained such forbidden thoughts of me?" he asked, "even the Old Ways condemn such...interactions between family members. Surely you were instructed in this."

His sibling smiled, obviously prepared for that question. "I don't know, I can't really explain it myself. I just know that when my body began blooming into womanhood, my love for you began changing and growing as well, until I was certain you were the man for me. Maybe it was because we were always travelling around and I never got to know more boys my age, but I think there's a lot more to it than that. You've always been there for me, sticking up for me and my interests even against ma and da, the one constant in my life that I could always count on.

"At first I thought as you do, that some evil spirit had gripped me and I fought against my urges. But the more I examined my feelings, the purer and truer they appeared. And if that was the case, how could they have been spawned by darkness? Why do you think I begged our parents to begin training me as a Wise One as well? It's because I wanted to be closer to you, to have something we could both share together.

"And as for the Old Ways, just because they're wise doesn't mean they're perfect, and in this instance I believe our predecessors misinterpreted the will of the Source. For what is the point of our cherished beliefs and customs if not to celebrate and strengthen our connection with the divine, with nature, with each other? And what better method is there for humanity to achieve this then for two people to join together in sacred, intimate union, and who better to unite with than family who are closest to us, who know us best, who love us most? Besides, what higher power that claims to have a shred of light or goodness within them would dare condemn such a blessed act? Any that do so deserve to be spurned as false and hypocritical to their very existence."

Hugh looked like he wanted to argue, but seemed to be running low on ammunition as his sister pressed on. "And as for you taking advantage of me, I suggest you reevaluate the situation, brother dear," she said with a smirk. "You're the one who can barely move, the one who's at my mercy, whose very life is in my hands," she said, running a finger slowly up his neck to his lips, before kissing them softly, Tim noticing Hugh offered no resistance to their embrace. "And I choose to draw my beloved sibling back from death's embrace and into mine, and show you just how much you mean to me."

She drew back and stood up, kicking off her boots as she stared down at her brother, a mischievous grin on her face as she unclasped the straps of her garment and slid the undertunic off her shoulders, allowing both to drop to the ground, revealing her glorious naked body, its normally milky pallor made golden in the morning sun, its rays reflecting off of small but supple breasts capped with small pink nipples, a flat stomach merging sensuously into perfectly curved hips and shapely legs, between which rested a wispy triangle of scarlet tuft.

Tim felt life returning to his limp shaft at the sight of Merial's sumptuous form. Why, of all the parts on his body, did that choose to finally respond? Again he attempted to move, wake up or otherwise dispel this intimate and immoral moment that he was being compelled to watch, feeling like some sort of perverted intruder. But instead of jerking him away from the scene, his efforts somehow realigned his point of view so that now he found himself viewing the unfolding events from inside Hugh's head.

What the fuck just happened? He thought to himself, feeling disoriented by the sudden shift. Now things were even more odd, for now instead of just witnessing whatever was going on as a passive, uninvolved observer, Tim was now seeing things through Hugh's eyes, hearing the man's thoughts, feeling the sensations in his body but unable to control any of it. Tim could feel the overbearing weight of the heavy burden of knowledge pressing at his host's mind and body, threatening to burst and overwhelm him any minute.

But remarkably, such a pressing and urgent issue was not the focus of Hugh's thought's at the moment, not even close, Tim realized, as the man's field of vision and focus had narrowed down and locked in on a single object - Merial's nude, smiling form in front of him, and Tim could feel Hugh's rod twitching in response, just as his had. Come on man! Tim cried out mentally to the man whose head he found himself in, that's your sister! Surely you can't really be considering this!

But if Hugh could hear the voice of his uninvited headguest, he paid no heed as Tim felt the man's member continuing to harden under the material bunched at his waist. "Well, what do you think, brother?" Merial asked, hands behind her back, a hint of worry in her voice that her brother might not find her desirable.

"You're beautiful," Hugh breathed, "More lovely than Brigid, goddess of the dawn herself," he said.

It was then that Tim felt Hugh's resistance crumble as he was flooded with images from Hugh's memory, of stolen glances at Merial when he thought she wasn't looking, spying on her as she bathed in the river, the musical way she laughed, and Tim realized with shock that Merial's feelings weren't entirely unreciprocated.

"I...I love you as well, my dear sister," Hugh admitted chokingly, "and if you're really okay with this, then nothing would please me more than being with you."

No, no, no! Tim was screaming in horror. You were right the first time; you can't do this to your sister! He exhorted.

Merial smiled at Hugh's words, lowering herself beside her brother as she yanked off his boots before grabbing hold of the material clustered around his midsection and dragged it and his leggings down and off his feet, leaving both siblings bare and completely exposed to the other.

"By the gods," Merial gasped as she saw her brother's cock for the first time, now almost fully erect. "Did...did it get that way because of me?" she asked, leaning in to look at it more closely, fascinated.

Hugh nodded. "It did, and I'll confess it's not the first time you've given it life," he chuckled. "I take it this is the first one you've seen, and that you're a--"

"Yes, on both accounts," Merial murmured absently, a finger in her mouth as she continued to study the sight before her, the hungry way a cat might regard the first mouse it ever saw. May I touch it, brother?"

Hugh laughed. "Of course, that's a good place to start as any. After all, you'll be doing a sight more than that with it before this is over."

She giggled as she reached out a tentative finger, starting in the nest of hairs at the base of this wonderful new creature she'd discovered and ran it slowly upwards along his length, the sensation of her soft, warm touch causing Hugh to shudder.

Tim found himself doing so as well, who despite every endeavor to try to break away or end the madness roiling around him, remained trapped in the middle of it, feeling every incestuous sensation as if it were happening to his body, resigning himself as the profane but pleasant sensation swept through him, bracing himself for what he knew was coming, that this was only the beginning.

Merial's finger came to a rest at the tip of her brother's crown before slowly pulling it back, drawing a sticky strand of precum behind it before it broke away and snapped against her palm.

"What's this?" she asked curiously, rubbing the substance between her fingers before inserting them in her mouth. "'re so delicious, big brother," she moaned, closing her eyes as she eagerly licked her hand clean of his fluid, smacking her lips in satisfaction. "May I have some more?"

Hugh's excitement surged as he watched his sister greedily consume his liquid arousal, burning away any doubts he had harbored about what was about to happen next between him and his sister. "Later," Hugh assured Merial, "and perhaps I'll taste you as well. But for now I think we'd better be getting on with things, since I can feel the pressure of our Grove's lore swelling in me, about ready to burst. If you're still agreeable to all this, that is."

"Of course," Merial said without a trace of hesitation.

On one hand Tim admired Hugh's sister for what she was doing for her brother, even if she had her own perverse reasons for doing so. But still, it was her brother. If I was in a similar situation, could I do the same for one of my siblings? He asked himself.

"Alright," Hugh said. "Now, as you've pointed out I'm all but helpless here, so you're have to do most of the work. Which may be good for your first time, since it'll allow you do things at your own pace and however you're most comfortable. Now, readjust me so that I'm laying flat on the ground."

Merial took hold of her brother and moved him so that he was lying straight out on a bed of moss, his legs spread slightly, his stiff member jutting straight into the air. "Okay," Hugh continued. "I assume you know the basics of how this works?"

His sister flushed, nodding. "Ma went over it with me, even showed me how to please myself if necessary."

"Good. Now, straddle yourself over my groin, either facing my head or my legs. You may face away if it'll make this easier," he offered.

"No," Merial said, shaking her head. "To look away would imply that what we're doing is shameful, that we both wish to pretend it's something other than what it is. But I'm not ashamed, not at all. In fact, I'm happier than I've ever been. That's why I want us to see each other, brother, so I know just who is giving me this wonderful gift and you can see how much I love you," she declared as she positioned her legs on either side of his hips, gently lowering herself so that her entrance was pressed up right against the tip of his cock, rubbing against it enticingly.

Hugh's heart swelling with love at his sister's declaration, but was quickly overcome by the incredible sensation of her clit grinding against his foreskin, her delicate curls tickling the sensitive flesh, coating it with her abundant moisture. She's wet and ready. That's good, Hugh thought.

"I'm so ready for this, brother," Merial panted as she seized his cock and rubbed it aggressively against her swollen lips. "I need you inside me, now."

"Go ahead," Hugh said, so maddened with lust that, had he possessed the strength, he would've just grab her hips and shoved his whole length inside of her with one forceful movement. But he didn't, and this was her first time, so he had to be patient. "Guide me inside you gradually, let yourself get used to the feeling bit by bit, alright? He said in a voice he forced to be calm. "Do you still have your barrier?"

Tim frowned at this, confused at what Hugh meant, until he realized he must be talking about her hymen. At least the guy was being considerate as he violated his sister, Tim thought wrily.

She shook her head. "It broke long ago, from all that horse riding we had to do going from place to place. Is that a problem?" she asked, looking worried. "I am a virgin, I promise."

"I never doubted that, and it's not a problem at all," he quickly assured her. "In fact, it'll make things a lot easier for you. Now, if you're ready, you may proceed," he continued in a voice he hoped didn't sound too pleading, "and remember, take your time. I love you, Merial."

"I love you too, Hugh," his sister replied, angling his rod so that the crown was nudged against her glistening slit, as with a deep breath she lowered herself downward with almost painful slowness over his pole, extinguishing inch by inch the throbbing heat that had been consuming his manhood, replacing it with a soothing, enveloping wetness that felt better than anything he'd yet experienced, until at last he felt her soaking pubic curls make contact with his as the last of his root was swallowed up in her depths.

Above him, his sister let out a contented sigh. "How does it feel?" Hugh asked her, a bit concerned. Not even Orlagh had been able to take all of him inside her, complaining he was too big. "It's not too much, is it?"

She shook her head vigorously, swiping her plaits to and fro. "Mmmm...not at all," she moaned, smiling dreamily at him. "I mean it's a lot, don't get me wrong, but it feels perfect in me, the way a glove feels on your hand when it's been tailored just right. Like it was fitted just for me, you know?" she said as she shifted a bit, letting out a yelp of pleasure. And it feels so fucking incredible!" she exclaimed, beaming at him. "I can't believe it, I actually have my brother's amazing cock inside me, making me a woman, and it's more glorious than I ever imagined!" she gushed, beginning to rock back and forth.

"That's...ugh...great," Hugh grunted as waves of pleasure washed outward from his staff as his sister's tight, slick pussy stroked and gripped at the first shaft ever to enter its sacred depths as if anxious to make it welcome. "But...oohhh...remember to take it slow, don't overdo yourself."

"I know, but I can't help myself," Merial panted, "it just feels so fucking good riding my big brother's big hard dick!" she squealed as she began to pump up and down on his cock, experimenting with the depth of her thrusts, sometimes barely lifting up, sometimes raising her hips until barely an inch of his shaft remained inside of her, before slamming back down on him, her smooth round buttocks slapping against his thighs as she did so and he again found himself enveloped in her deliciously warm canal. His sister may not be experienced, Hugh thought, but she more than makes up for it in vigor and enthusiasm.

I'll second that, Tim thought, looking up at Merial's jiggling tits through Hugh's eyes, wishing Hugh would reach up and fondle them, but knowing that Hugh was too weak to do that. So he settled for savoring the waves of pleasure that were rippling through Hugh's body into his own, more intense than any Tim had ever felt before. Sure Merial was attractive, but no more so than Fiona or Tabitha or any of the other women Tim had been with. What was fueling this groundswell of burning passion in Hugh and his sister? Was it the fact that they were related, that what they were doing was taboo? Was it more than that?

Merial lowered her head and kissed her brother passionately, before arching her back so that her breasts jutted toward Hugh's mouth. "Taste them, brother," she moaned even as she continued to slap her hips up and down over his shaft, her cunt now so wet it made sloshing noises as she continued her primal rhythm. "Take my mounds in your mouth, lick and suck at your sister's teats. Please, I want to feel you suckle them as I fuck your magnificent cock."

Hugh needed no more encouragement, using his remaining strength to lift his head a few inches and take one of his sister's nipples in his mouth, running his rough tongue over it, able to taste the salty sweat that covered it. "You're delectable," Hugh whispered as he turned his attention to the other breast.

Above him Muriel shivered with pleasure from his worship of her breasts. "'re making me feel so wondrous, my dear amazing brother," she sighed, running her hands through her sibling's hair. "I think I'm getting close to my peak," she said, lifting away from him, planting her hands on his chest as she squirmed on his cock.

"Me too," Hugh grunted. "I'm sorry, but for the ritual to work I have to release inside of you. I hope that's okay."

Merial giggled. "Okay? I was about to insist on it," she said with a coy grin as she increased the tempo of her bouncing to an almost frantic pace, her nails digging into his flesh. "Come on, brother, do it, burst inside of your sister and fill me with your marvelous seed, and with it the knowledge and wisdom of our Grove! Mark me as your woman, your mate, now and forever!" she urged, grinding down hard on his cock.

The sound of his sister spurring him on with such incendiary language and the feeling of her tight, sopping pussy gripping and clasping at his cock at last drove Hugh over the edge, and with a final groan his cock erupted, blasting streamers of hot, thick cum deep inside of Merial, triggering her own volcanic release.

OHHHHYEESSSSOHHHGOOOOOOOODDDSSSSSS!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as her orgasm crashed over her, body convulsing with ecstasy as she collapsed on top of her brother, her sweating, naked body pressed tightly against his as her spasming pussy muscles squeezed every last drop of precious fluid from his cock. They just lay there a moment, breathing heavily as they recovered from their frenzied coupling.

Merial lifted her head, smiling at her brother. "That was...that was...I don't even know how to begin to describe it, other than as the most incredible experience of my life," she said, leaning forward to kiss him, her breasts massaging against his chest. "Thank you, brother, for that extraordinary gift."

Hugh smiled. "It is I who should be thanking you, my brave and remarkable sister," he said, and with that he raised his arm, running his hand over her hair.

"Brother!" she gasped in surprise and delight, lifting herself up slightly, taking his hand in hers. "You can move again! Does that mean it worked?"

He nodded, sitting up on the ground, Merial still in his lap, his cock still twitching pleasantly inside her. "I believe so. The pressure's still there, but it's a more manageable now, no longer threatening to overwhelm me. How about you? How do you feel, sis?"

Merial rubbed at her head. "It's odd, but I feel this strange tickling sensation in my brain, like there's a stream running into it or something."
