Space Cherry Pt. 05


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"Holy fuck Xan! Oh my god! Oh Fuck!! Fuck!!!" She screamed uncontrollably as she came furiously. Though restrained, she felt her legs clench and try to close and her hips bucked convulsively and she felt a strange, new sensation as fluid gushed from her pussy in wave after wave while the cock-thing continued its relentless motion.

"AhhHHH!!!! Fuck!!! Am I fucking squirting?!!!" Cherry screamed again as she continued to writhe in ecstasy until finally the cock-thing first slowed and ultimately stopped its movement and withdrew from her pussy.

"Well done Cherry. This was a most unexpected end to the experiment. I was not expecting the female of your species to be capable of releasing such a large amount of ejaculate at the climax. Most interesting. Thank you Cherry."

Cherry felt like her entire body, every inch of skin, every muscle was on fire. She wanted to both curl herself into a ball and stretch herself completely at the same time. As the spasms and convulsions of the aftershocks of her violent orgasm continued, she was distantly aware that the platform was moving again.

"Hmm... that was... incredible..." was all she managed before she felt herself drift off.


When her awareness finally returned, Cherry found she was no longer restrained but her body felt weak so it was a more complicated and difficult task than she expected to climb down from the platform she lay on, now back to its original configuration.

There was no sign of anyone or anything else in the room, just bare silvery white walls, the platform and her. There didn't seem to be any source of the light that filled the space.

She steadied herself with her hands on the platform and the voice of her captor spoke again.

"You must be hungry after our work Cherry, come and eat," it said and to her left, one of the walls separated to reveal a doorway.

"Where is my Captain?" she asked, "Where are my friends? Please Xan. Are they OK?"

"Of course Cherry. Do not be concerned. You will see them again soon. Now come, eat. There is a garment beside the door if you would feel more comfortable."

Reluctantly, but concluding she had no real options and that she was in fact voraciously hungry, she moved towards the opening on unsteady feet. She pulled a shimmering silver dress from a hanger on the wall and threw it over her head. It was loose fitting and fell just above her knee.

Outside the door she found that her cell, as she thought of it, was at one end of a corridor maybe 30 meters long. Immediately to her right, it seemed to end abruptly in a solid bulkhead but she thought she could make out that it opened onto a much larger space at the other end.

"This way Cherry, to your left," her captor said and she began making her way towards the open end. She felt herself gaining strength as she moved and by the time she'd made it half way she no longer needed the wall for support. As she got closer, she could see that the corridor opened up to a large hall, with tables and chairs laid out not unlike a cafeteria, although it looked deserted.

It wasn't until she reached the end and her field of vision extended to the whole space that she saw a man sitting on a round stool at a table.

Although he had his back to her, she knew instantly who it was and a wave of relief passed through her.

She tried to say his name, but only a tired gasp came out. Still, the sound was enough for him to know he was no longer alone in the room and he swiveled sharply to face her.

In the instant of recognition, Tor jumped from his stool, knocking it over, and ran to embrace her.

They stayed like that, embracing so tightly that Tor had Cherry lifted off her feet, for what seemed like hours. When he finally let her go, she could see the relief in his eyes was overshadowed by concern and, she thought, perhaps anger.

"Are you OK? Did they hurt you?" He asked urgently, looking at her up and down for signs of injury. She noticed he was wearing silvery white clothes like she was. She put a reassuring hand on his arm.

"I'm fine Tor, honestly... they... he... did things to me but... I'm not injured, I'm fine. What about you? Are you OK?"

He breathed a sigh of relief, but a wary look remained in his eyes.

"Did things. You mean sexual things, right?" he asked.

"Definitely. I take it they... did things to you too?"

Cherry saw a flash of anger in his eyes before he turned to head back to the table where she joined him. "Well, there was a decent amount of poking and prodding at first and then this weird disembodied voice. I couldn't tell where it was coming from but I could hear it very clearly." Cherry nodded her understanding as he went on.

"And then they seemed to become really interested in my dick. They had machines... they didn't hurt me none, well, not really. I mean I must have cum like 20 times -- god knows how -- but it never got painful." Cherry could read the confusion on his face, in his eyes.

"I know what you mean," Cherry replied, relieved at least that Tor's experience, like her own, didn't seem designed to hurt them.

"Here," he said, pushing a plate that had been in front of him across to her, "you must be starving, I was when they first let me out."

Cherry's body suddenly remembered that she was in fact starving and she tucked in hungrily.

"So," she said between bites, "have you seen Fem or the Captain?"

"No, you're the first person, human or otherwise, I've seen. What happened Cherry? How did they get you and the Skipper?"

They spent some time then exchanging stories of how they had ended up in their shared predicament. Cherry was just beginning to get into the adventures she and Heb had on Gasprol when their captor's voice returned.

"Cherry, Tor -- I hope you are feeling suitably refreshed?"

"Now you listen here you son of a..." Tor began, standing to emphasize his indignation. Cherry stopped him with a calming hand on his chest.

"We are Xan. Thank you for the food. And thank you for allowing us to see each other, it is very comforting for me to know that Tor is safe. Can you let us see the others? See Heb and Fem? Please?"

Tor glared at Cherry a little, but her eyes asked him to let her handle the interaction and with his, he acquiesced.

"Certainly Cherry. In fact, they will join you momentarily. Do you require any further refreshment?"

"Thank you Xan, we appreciate that," she replied, glancing with a quick smile at Tor, "and no, I think we have all we need here."

As she was speaking, they became aware of movement at the far end of the room. Turning together, they saw Heb and Fem entering the room.

They called out for each other and there was another happy reunion with hugging and back slapping and checking for injuries before the four shipmates settled down at one of the tables.

After a few minutes of sharing their experiences -- and Heb and Fem's were much the same as Tor and Cherry's -- they were interrupted by Xan once again.

"I apologize for interrupting your interaction. Do you have all that you need?" As Heb was about to reply, his anger as clear as Tor's had been, Cherry stopped him with a motion of her hand. He looked at her quizzically, but Tor motioned with his head to indicate to Heb that he should let Cherry take this one.

"We're fine, thank you Xan..." she looked around at her shipmates and nodded to them before going on, "Xan, now that your... experiments are finished, will you return us to our ship?"

There was a long pause and the four shipmates looked at each other nervously.

"Xan?" Cherry looked around the room as she said his name again. It was difficult to communicate with an entity that had no corporeal form.

As the pause drew on, finally they were aware of a whooshing noise from the side of the room and an opening appeared. Though it was dark, they were aware of a form within it, before the form moved slowly forward.

It was definitely humanoid, maybe a little over six feet tall with a head and two arms and legs. It's skin had a silvery hue, much like the ship itself. It wore no clothes and it's entire body was smooth and featureless, no muscles or joints were visible. The head and face were totally hairless and featured no nose, although there seemed to be a mouth-like opening discernible and two perfectly round black eyes.

The four stood up and instinctively began backing away from the strange looking newcomer, until it spoke.

"Please, do not be concerned. I have created this avatar in the hope of communicating with you more easily." The voice was very like Xan's, although Cherry felt it was a little less synthetic sounding coming from the avatar. They stopped backing away.

"Xan? Is that you?" Cherry asked, stepping forward towards the newcomer.

"Cherry," Heb said, a warning tone in his voice. She looked back at him, able to communicate with her eyes that he should trust her. He made a deep sigh and nodded slightly. She continued forward.

"Yes Cherry. As I said, I have created this avatar body to more easily communicate with you."

"And why, Xan, do you want to communicate more easily with us? Aren't you going to return us to our ship?" Cherry asked.

"I hope to be able to do that Cherry, but I have one more experiment I would like your assistance with."

Cherry was aware that the others were looking at each other nervously. Though Xan's experiments could not be described as painful, no one had much desire to go through more of them.

"My assistance? Xan, please, we have already..."

"You see Cherry," his interruption took her aback slightly, he hadn't done that before, "when I told you all during our initial experiments that it was not my intention to harm you, this was not entirely true. I have found, through previous experiments, that if I revealed the truth too soon my results were unsatisfactory."

"And what is this truth Xan?" Cherry asked, although she feared she already knew the answer.

"The truth Cherry is that it is standard practice among scientists of my species that when experimental subjects of lesser species, like yours, have reached the conclusion of their usefulness, that they be destroyed."

Cherry felt her spirit drop like a stone, but Xan went on.

"However, my experiences in your realm have... changed me." This was another new departure. Xan's speech was slower now, more considered. For the first time, Cherry felt he was finding it hard to say what he wanted.

"The nature of my experiments with you all, especially with you Cherry, have... created a feeling that I am unable to account for. It is not... It is not... It is not normal." The avatar inclined it's head to the side slightly, like a confused dog.

"What is the feeling Xan?" Cherry asked, closing the distance to the avatar even further, a flicker of hope rising in her. The avatar straightened it's head again.

"Because I have so little experience with feelings, because our species does not experience existence in the way that you do, I am having... difficulty in expressing it. I think you may be able to help me."

"How Xan?"

"As I said Cherry, I have created this avatar to more easily communicate with you. However, I have also created it to allow me to attempt to... experience existence in the way that your species does."

It was beginning to come together in Cherry's mind.

"And because your particular scientific area of interest is sexuality, I take it you want me to help you experience sex Xan, is that it?"

"Once again you are most intuitive Cherry. Yes, that is correct."

She smirked a little and turned to look at her shipmates. What she saw was what she expected and caused her smile to broaden. All three, rage on their faces, were in the process of moving forward as one to tackle the avatar.

Cherry raised her two hands in their direction, stopping them. She smiled warmly at them, the depth of her feelings for them clear in her eyes as she approached them.

"So Xan, if I... participate in your new experiment... then you will return us to our ship, all of us?" Cherry asked, turning back to the avatar. "Even if it goes against the rules of your species?"

"Yes Cherry. This new experiment is not something that would be... encouraged, or understood by my species. If it is successful, and I believe it will be, I predict it will allow me to convince them to give me more time, perhaps several thousand of your years, to continue my work in your realm."

"I see," Cherry stepped forward again so she was nearly toe to toe with the avatar. "So if I help you, we get to return to our ship and you will leave us alone?"

"Yes Cherry."

"But you will stay here and continue your experiments?"

"Yes Cherry."

She turned around to her shipmates again. Their faces were sullen now. Heb still had a glint of rage and shook his head forcefully, Fem struggled to meet her eyes and Tor looked straight at her. She felt there was sadness in his face but in his eyes she found only solidarity. Trust.

"Cherry, you don't..." Heb stepped forward and started to speak, but Cherry cut him off.

"Yes I do Skip, of course I do. You all are my family now and it's my job to protect you in the same way that I feel protected by you. All of you." She smiled at them.

"Whatever you decide Cherry," Tor spoke now, sighing but nodding solemnly, "we'll back your play." Fem raised his head and nodded too.

"Thanks guys, I know you will. Look, don't worry about it. When you think about it, this is what I came out here for right? I mean, new experiences, see the galaxy, meet strange new races -- and have all kinds of great sex while I'm doing it!" she smiled and they couldn't help joining her. "What could be more me than this?!"

She went to them, and as a group they embraced.

"You know Cherry, you're gonna have to get out of this habit of saving our skins," Heb joked.

"Not a chance Skip." They smiled together again, and Cherry turned back to the avatar.

"OK Xan. You have a deal -- with one condition."

"What is the condition Cherry?" Xan asked through the avatar, its head inclining to one side slightly again.

"I will help with your experiment and then you will return us to our ship. But then you will continue your experiments in some other galaxy of this realm, very far away from here."

"That is acceptable Cherry. Your realm is vast. I will have no difficulty continuing my experiments in a distant part of your universe." The avatar stepped forward and held out his hand for hers. "Shall we begin?"

With a final look back at her shipmates, Cherry took the avatar's hand and followed it through the opening it had come through.

When the opening had closed behind her, light appeared and Cherry found herself in a room much like the cell she had been in before, but instead of the platform she had been restrained to, a sort of large rectangular bed occupied the center. The avatar -- Xan himself she supposed -- walked to it and stopped, turning to face her.

"So, how...?" Cherry started to ask. Now that she was about to do what she had agreed to, she had obvious questions about the mechanics. For a start, she was unsure how she was going to help Xan experience sex when the avatar he had built for himself didn't seem to have a cock.

"I have created this avatar using the results of my experiments in your realm, and in particular with those where you and your shipmates were involved. It has been programmed to be able to alter its appearance where necessary and I have used my data to ensure that this form will react to external stimulus in the same way as a member of your species."

"So, you mean you can grow a...?"

As if in answer to her unfinished question, the skin -- such as it was -- around the avatar's groin shimmered slightly and a cock and balls began to form, the same silvery, metallic hue as the rest of the avatar's body.

"Yes Cherry," the avatar said and pointed at it's newly formed sexual regalia, "I have chosen the form I used in my previous experiment with you, the final form. According to my data, it was the most effective in delivering pleasure to you."

Cherry's eyes widened and she grinned a little, remembering the overwhelming onslaught of pleasure this particular cock had given her. As she started to approach the avatar, she felt her mouth watering a little.

"And tell me Xan, how will you be able to... experience existence through the avatar? Is it linked to you in some way?"

"Yes Cherry. I have expended considerable effort and resources to create a unique cerebral connection between what you would consider my real physical self and the body of the avatar. I can find no record of my species ever having attempted this before. It is a most unusual sensation to be so confined. To my knowledge, none of my species has had this experience since we shed out corporeal forms many millions of your years ago."

"I see," Cherry replied, "and you said the avatar will respond to external stimulation like a human body?" she asked as she approached it.

"Yes Cherry."

"So, if I do this," she said, grasping the avatar's new cock, "it should get hard?" The cock was maybe 8 or 9 inches long and very thick. As she took its flaccid length in her hand, she began stroking it gently.

"Hm.. hmm," Cherry thought it was the strangest sound she had heard Xan make yet, something close to a cough. She felt the avatar's cock start to harden in her hand.

"Y-yes Cherry, I believe it... already is..." Cherry smiled as she heard the confusion in Xan's voice, struggling to comprehend sensations that were utterly alien to him.

"Oh it definitely is Xan... I can feel it getting hard in my hands." She tightened her grip a little and increased the speed of her stroking. This elicited another grunt from Xan.

"Why don't you sit on the bed here Xan, we will both be more comfortable." Using the pressure of her hand on his cock, Cherry eased Xan back to the bed and into a sitting position. She lowed herself to her knees at the same time, settling herself between his. With easier access, she could focus more attention on the cock in front of her. She guessed it was fully hard now, and just a trace of precum started to leak from the tip. Leaning forward, she released some saliva from her mouth to slicken the shaft, which she worked now with both hands. Although it had an undeniably metallic appearance, it had the soft smoothness of human skin and it was very warm to the touch.

Feeling the liquid touch him, Xan jerked a little and grunted again. Cherry looked up to see if his avatar face betrayed anything, still working his cock with both hands, but it didn't seem capable of changing expression.

"So how it is feeling Xan? Is the cerebral link working?"

"I... believe... Yes Cherry, I believe... The link..." Xan mumbled and Cherry thought she noticed that avatar's breathing, such as it was, becoming a little ragged and felt a little impressed at Xan's attention to detail in designing the avatar's responses.

"I think it's working just fine," Cherry said aloud and smiled. The avatar's breathing was now definitely noticeably quicker and it moved it's head back as it continued to grunt.

"Maybe we should move things up a notch," Cherry announced and slowly brought her head down to the cock in front of her. In increments, she teased Xan with her mouth, at first just bringing his cock into contact with her face, her hot breath on its head. She heard Xan moan again.

Moving to the base, she slowly licked her way back to the tip and circled the head before engulfing it fully in her mouth. She felt Xan's avatar body lurch under her and a loud groan escape his lips.

"Ahh! Cherry!" he exclaimed, "These sensations... they are..." he broke off and moaned long and deep again as Cherry moved herself down his shaft. As if sensing that she struggled to accommodate the cock's girth, Cherry felt it get a little narrower and soon she was comfortably able to move him in and out of her mouth, increasing her pace and continuing to work the shaft with her hands.