Space Missions-Collide 02

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Merging, 23 guys, The Qwi’lene ledge, Wy's Spring Fever.
4.6k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 02/13/2023
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Zigrida Space Agency announced that their ship's name would be after their highest mountain, the Tiliquinol. The ship, the TiliQ 3, was the third built. Leilani, the leader and Captain, with her two older daughters Tie'lani, the navigation officer, and Beilani, over tactical. Sai'luna, the youngest, was in sciences. Al'ecia, the Queen and leader of the planet, sent three of her daughters, all produced by Commander Scott some 20 years ago. Plus, a team of 10 repair bots, mission bots, and 14 other Zigridians for ship operations.

They had built a mini version of the planetary focus beam mechanism on board.

Zooming past both moons en route to the nebula, everyone was excited about being in space, the advancement of society, and a hunt like no one has ever had in their history.

After twelve hours of flying at light speed, Mach 2, they reached the outskirts of the radiation barrier.

Tie'lani, the navigation officer, asked. "What should we do now, mother?"

Looking at the view screen, she responded to Beilani over tactical. "Beilani, charge up the focus beam; as far as I read, you don't play with this stuff; we will punch right through it, 'focus on full power.'"

"Focus beam charging to full power, eta 15 minutes," Beilani responded.

The ship had twice the perspex-shielding than any ship that had gone through before.

"Full power captain," Beliani announced.

"Let's go then," Leilani said.' 'Everyone, hold on."

All the ship's personnel were immediately locked into their magnetic seats. Beliani ensured all sensor lights were green, including the locks, then pushed the lever, moving the light engine to full power. The TiliQ rattled just a little as it entered the radiation belt; with the help of the focus beam and the shielding, everything was going well, traveling at Mach 3.

As everyone's nerves settled down, Leilani asked, "ETA navigator."

"45 minutes, mother," she answered.

The science officer said, "Captain, readings indicate that the radiation is thinning."

"Great," stated Leilani.

"Beliani, I want the stun beams online now."

"Understood, Ma'am," she replied.

"Security, Al'ecia team, get your boarding party ready."

"Al'ecia team ready, sir."

From the view screen, the radiation cloud disappeared; they had made it through unscathed. However, nothing was viewable from their vantage point.

"Huh," Leilani huffed, "All stop."

"All stop, sir," answered navigations.

"Sai'luna, long-range sensor sweep, please; let's get your science crew active today."

After 1/2 hour, Sai'luna said," Mother, mother, there they are at vector 45 degrees south a light year away, looks like nine ships."

Beilani excitedly said, "Stun beams ready."

"Al'ecia Team ready, sir."

Leilani sat with excitement and a smile and said," Tie'lani, Navigations full speed at vector 45, Mach 3, now."

The TiliQ swooped down like an eagle, eyeing the first ship, zap-zap, a direct hit stunning everyone on board.

The problem with the Earth Space Fleet was that they were scattered about in many directions studying the radiation, so none were in visible range.

"Whoa, yeah," Leilani said.

Everyone was in a feverish hunter's mood.

"Quickly, Science officer, long-range sensors at full magnification."

"Aye, aye, Captain," Sai'luna responded.

45 at 1.23.4 range 1/2 vector 13.

"ETA quickly, Sai'luna, Leilani asked," and how long will the first ship be stunned?"

"30 minutes to the next ship and 25 minutes before the stun begins to wear off," Sai'luna responded.

"Hmmm," Leilani mumbled; she pushed the overhead com button saying, Al'ecia Team, you're up; we are going to board the first ship." Then saying to the bridge staff, "I hope no Earth Ship is scanning in this direction."

The TiliQ docked with the stunned ship; Leilani instructed them to drop off three, telling them, "We will rendezvous back after you secure the ship, separate the females and secure them in a room, then lock the males in pheromones."

"Aye, aye, sir," stated the Al'ecia team.

"Okay, Tie'lani, the next ship." 45 at 1.23.4 range 1/2 vector 13. Let's go get it." Instructed Captain Leilani.

They did the same procedure two more times before the third ship happened to get off an SOS before the stun permeated them.

Both Missions Merge

Ia'lena and Captain Emily were stunned. Emily said, "Quickly, send off a message to Earth Space Command.' 'All ships, an all-ship warning, ships under attack take defensive measures, take defensive measures. 'Now repeat that until you get a response," she said to the communications officer.

Leilani's ship, now docked at the third ship, said, "Okay, get most of the men in the cryo-chambers; leave the females locked up; we can't take three ships back safely.

The communications officer beeped Leilani, "We are hearing a distress SOS but cannot pinpoint its direction."

By then, they had maneuvered two captured ships ware; they took the first one.

Leilani said," leave all the females on one ship."

They had gathered 30 males, ten from each ship; however, after examining seven who had substandard medical situations, they left them locked up with the females.

"Wooo, woo the crew said," being extremely happy.

Ten men under the influence of the pheromones assisted in their captured ships' operations, dropping off the 15 stunned females on one of the ships and navigating them in concert with the TiliQ 3.

After another 1/2 hour, the TiliQ maneuvered between two earth ships with five Zigrida females in control on each. Leilani yelled over the com system to all ships simultaneously, "Let's go quickly," everyone's hearts were racing with excitement; this was the best hunt for males they had ever experienced.

In the meantime, Captain Scott on the 22-year-old spacecraft the enigma overheard the SOS transmission being the closest ship in the vicinity of the Buoy.

Communications officer Lisa said," I'm already on it, sir; looks like the incident happened in Vector 45, .009 light years, east of here.' 'I just knew something like this was going to happen."

"Full emergency light speed, navigator," The Captain relayed.

"Lisa, contact the fleet to meet us at Vector 45 - G54."

"Aye, sir, the newer ships will probably get there before us due to them moving at twice the pace," she responded.

"I know - - Lisa, ETA?" Scott asked.

"30 minutes, sir," she answered.

The TiliQ moved off with the two ships heading toward the entry point at the radiation belt they had come from. Leilani said, "We can't take in a three-ship bubble at light speed, hold on, it's going to be close."

Beilani, at tactical, said, "beam ready, sir."

"5 minutes before entry point," Tie'lani at navigations informed her.

Just then, two Earth Vessels swooped up, announcing for them to stop or they would open fire!

Leilani said, "Sai'luna open visuals-audio with communications," Hoping the Captain was a male and tie it into both ships.

Knowing it's been 20 years and that the earth's ships might be more sophisticated by now, she was going to use age-old female guile; on these guys.

"This is Captain Smith of the Valencia; shut down your engines and prepare to be boarded; why have you attacked our ships?"

Answering him, Leilani said, "You want me to continue on my way, don't you? Order your men to shut down your weapons."

She momentarily confused him, using her telepathy, eye-to-eye, in conjunction with her Zigrida female voice.

However, the communications officer was a woman. She jumped up, shaking him. Saying," No, Captain, you're being manipulated."

Just then, the TiliQ3 entered the radiation belt with the two captured ships while the earth ships were startled in confusion.

"Wooo, Wooo, yes, everyone on the bridge yelled."

"Tie'lani, move us slowly to light speed one asap," Her mother instructed, then said, "We're going home, cargo in hand."

Opening the com-channel ship to ship, Leilani announced to everyone.

"I know it is so close to spring, and you are all anxious, but remember your training and promises of your leaders.' 'You are all heroes; you will not be forgotten and considered first in line.' 'Let's get these males back safe and sound."

Tie'lani announced to her Captain, "ETA four hours if we can maintain light speed one, sir."

She sat down in the captain's chair, saying under her breath, hold together, TiliQ, hold it together.

Beilani, I am going to my room to lie down; you take the bridge and let me know when we clear the radiation.

"Aye, aye," ma'am.

Paloma can't contact Space Command

Captain Emily sat down in the captain's chair with wonder and silence for a minute, then said, "Pamula get ahold of Earth Command immediately."

"Yes, sir," relayed the communication officer, "Earth Space Command, come in," repeated several times.' 'Then said nothing, captain; we might be out of range until we maneuver to the other side of this moon."

But that was in communications range of the planet knowing the moon's rotation in relation to Zigrida's.

The captain said, "The communications buoy is probably positioned closer to Zigrida than this moon, but we better stay out of their range.' 'Ia'lena, go see your family; we'll use your backup plan; we must have more information about what your people are up to."

"Okay, captain," she replied.

"Oh, you better not use coms until we know the full capabilities of your people; looks like they have copied some form of space flight; no telling what else they have; now get back as soon as you can," stated Emily.

"Understood," Ia'lena walked away.

She gathered her daughters but told Wy'jen he'd better stay aboard the ship. However, he convinced her it was better for him to go because if anything negative happened, he was unsure what he would do. Ia'lena, on second thought, figured it was probably better to keep the whole family together.

Ta'mia, her android, received additional programming to fly space pods and cruisers. Ia'lena had already taught her all her spying understanding, even taking her on a few missions back on the Earth.

While everyone was gathering supplies for the surface mission, Ia'lena thought, "oh, I better buzz Tlipion."

Tlipion had a ring on her finger that sent her a light stun pulse, if in Ia'lena's old bedroom, behind the door under a floor panel, the buzzer activated. She had been at her youngest sister's house watching full non-stop coverage about the radiation mission her planet had been broadcasting.

She said, "Noi'plita, the communications button Ia'lena left just pulsed; I am going back to mom's old house." No one lived there anymore; it was only used during summer vacation gatherings.

"Okay, I'll gather the girls; they will want to meet the aunt they've never known and her kids and perhaps their father," Answered Noi'plita.

Ia'lena said, "I'm getting no answer yet."

Wy'Jen responded," Give them time; it's been a while, and we are unsure if it still works."

They boarded the lander, all five of them, and headed for Azulla valley.

Ta'mia placed the ship in stealth mode after they left the docking bay. It didn't take long before they reached the ledge over the Quzerline river.

Tlipion retrieved the communication button pressing it, saying, "Ia'lena is this you?"

"Yes, it's me; we are here at moms house in the old tunnel," she answered.

"Okay, great, it's good to hear your voice; Noi'plita is gathering everybody; we haven't been in the tunnel in years; be careful; see you at the house."

The Azula sisters arrived with their children congregating in the living area. Walking in from the basement where the tunnel led, they entered her moms' old kitchen. The tunnel was a bit dusty and full of cobwebs, but overall, in good shape.

Everyone stared at each other, especially Wy'jen they had never seen a man before, only heard stories.

Ia'lena said, "Hi, everyone. I am the oldest of the house.' 'With me are my four children, three twins Meringue, Muffin, and Wy'jen.' 'Meringue, the oldest being the first one out, and Qwi'lene, the baby."

Who muttered under her breath, "I'm not a baby."

Everyone laughed.

Tlipion stood up. "I am the second, although I was the first to give birth at mom's house looking at Ia'lena.' 'I have twins, Pea'pilon and Ra'pilon, Pea'pilon eldest."

And I am the youngest, and so is my daughter Cya'plita but we will whoop you all, said Noi'plita.

Everyone laughed.

Tlipion asked, "So, where is Scott? The girls were eager to see their father."

Earth government thought it wasn't a good idea for him to come right now, Ia'lena answered.

"They are probably right," spoke Cya'plita, "but we have his boy now, and he's a man."

All the younger girls stared at Wy'jen and his crotch, who appeared very uncomfortable; Meringue and muffin stood up, saying, "Anyone wants my brother wants some of us too." Holding up their fists.

All the girls were startled; no one had ever defended a male before, a very new thing in their society.

Ia'lena, Tlipion, and Noi'plita chided in, "Saying come on now, girls, we are all family, even Wy'jen."

Noi'plita going further, said," These men don't pass on, so get used to it; that's why you even have a father to visit.

Cya'plita answered, "Yes, ma'am," and so did the other girls.

Making it home

The TiliQ3 traveled four hours at light speed-one, finally making it through the radiation belt without damaging either of the three ships.

Leilani was called to the bridge by the communications officer asap.

Sai'luna said, "I have Kycatrina online from operations at Objective Mechanism."

"Okay, put her through," relayed the captain.

Leilani told her about the successful mission; they captured 23 males with their two ships, and the TiliQ's crew did an excellent performance.

Tremendous, we will see you at Mechanism at once for a full debrief with you and your crew; congratulations, Captain, job well done.

Landing at the space base, then traveling 100 miles to the Quzerline provinces capital city, Leilani, with her crew, the captive males, and three security transports of military specialists arrived one hour later.

Captain Smith demanded to be seen by the planet's leader; after hearing his request, the queen reluctantly agreed to give him an audience.

Al'ecia had security take him to her palace chamber; three guards stood outside the door.

Leilani speaking to the rest of the males, said, "I kinda feel sorry for him."

One of the other males asked, "Why?"

This males got guts; Al'ecia likes that; she will fill him up with Burmusa, then have fun draining him every three days for a month; now, the rest of you, there is work for you to perform.

"So, what's your name," Al'ecia asked.

"Horatio Zachary Scott, from Las Vegas, Nevada, serial number 13672. I am a United Earth Space Force member, making this an act of war. Now, why were we attacked and taken captive?"

She laughed.

She moved close to him, resisting looking him in the eyes, circling him, whispering. "Are you aware of a ship coming to our planet two decades ago, capturing one of our people, performing strange experiments, and then taking her captive?"

"Why, no, I have not been briefed on such an occurrence," he replied.

She dropped her royal outfit revealing her gorgeous body, C-size breasts that stood out, and a little up, with ample light brown puffy areolas, surrounding large thick stuck, out nipples 3/4 inches long.

He gazed at her gorgeous big nipples, beautiful body, and soft, petite long legs.

She looked him in his eyes, saying, "You know I need it, don't you?"

Her telepathy moved him with unspoken words; within minutes, he was naked, waiting for her to access him further.

However, she looked unimpressed, his cock being small, thin, and short. She thought of putting her clothes back on and then calling her guards. Afterward, he was taken away from the room.

Leilani was immediately summoned to her room; afterward, she went to where the rest of the males were being held. Using telepathy requiring big cock males to drop their pants, of the 22 guys left, only five dropped their pants. Three were black, one white, and one Latin American.

You five follow me, who was immediately taken to five rooms beyond the royal chamber. Unique females over forty arrived, taking each guy away to their assigned spaces. Over the next few days, they were made to impregnate 15 women with boy babies as the planet was on a significant project to replenish the male supply.

The rest were taken to the TiliQ3 crew, who were first in line for their chance at impregnation as promised by the leadership council. Another day later, they were all pregnant with girls, of course.

Leilani's two older daughters were the first to be impregnated with two of the guys they chose.

Sai'luna, surprisingly was absent from the offerings. Beilani, one of her sisters, found her in the back of the building's grounds sitting on a swing and asked, "Sai'luna, why aren't you getting yourself a guy? It's easy."

Replying said, "That's the problem; it's too easy; there is no hunt."

Beilani replied, "Sure, we did on the other side of the radiation belt."

"For you, maybe, but it's not the same for me; I want that Azula boy; I am determined to get him buried in my belly," Sai stated.

"We didn't find one with the two ships we captured, suit yourself, but you don't know when we will get a chance at another mission." Beilani said, "In five months, I'll have my baby; I am not waiting another minute."

Sai'luna thought, "You will be no good for a mission for a whole year at least, and it'll be 18 years before these new half-Zigrida-Earth boys grow up; I want a Zigrida one, even if it's only a half-one.' 'I am going for a swim." She went home, putting on her favorite bathing suit, a yellow string one.

Spring fever found in Wy'jen

Ia'lena and her family went to bed, and their relatives returned to their homes, leaving the house to them alone.

Early in the morning, Wy'jen woke up with a hollow knot in his stomach. Thinking he was hungry went to the kitchen for breakfast, making himself pancakes and organic vegetable potato-like side dishes.

However, it only helped a little.

Walking outside saw a sunny spring day; it was beautiful outside. The trees were blooming flowers, and you could smell the fragrance. The birds were singing as they flew through the trees. There were no stinging insects, and every living creature lived in its domain.

There were dear-looking mammals, with most animals eating grass; only the birds and fish ate any flesh, only insects and worms. The entire planet was full of meadows and forests like a giant living biosphere. Since there was no earth-like sun radiation, like UV or gamma rays, nothing sunburned; thus, everything lived longer.

Very different from the earth.

As the wind blew, he felt a strange compulsion to move through the woods. But resisted for a moment, thinking, wow, what is this? He went to the lander, putting on a stealth suit and a stealth Space-hover. Flying it, he went off into the woods.

Traveling 25 miles without knowing where he was going, he came across a large pond.

Swimming was a beautiful Zigrida female with the lightest, longest blonde hair he had ever seen. She was wearing a yellow string-looking organic bikini; her large nipples poked out; her booty was perfectly shaped. She was swimming like a mermaid; thank goodness the wind was blowing away from where he was.

He was bone hard up for the first time in his life, He did understand biology, but he was not entirely a full-bred earthman, and he slowly meandered up for a closer look.

This Zigrida female was Sai'luna; Wy'jen had inadvertently traveled into Maliena valley. Something was strange for the first time since the mission Sai'luna's sensations were stirred; thinking but unsure, I sense a male being.
