Sparrow's Nest

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Complications arise in the love lives of step-siblings.
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Friday night was date night for the Sparrows. Gina and Dave were painting the town red, leaving their children home alone. At 18, Sarah and Michael were old enough to be left to their own devices, and were both mature enough to be trusted. Gina still gave them "the talk" though; "No falling out. No fighting. Be in bed at a reasonable time. If you have any friends over, make sure they've left before we get home."

"Unless it's Mandy!" Dave chirped, miming a pair a bosoms and nudging Michael. Michael turned beet red and stuffed his hands in his pockets; he'd had a crush on Sarah's friend for ages.

"Dave!" Gina chastised, Sarah smirked. She knew her step-brother fancied the pants off her friend, but he vwas too shy to do anything about it.

"You be good you two." Gina kissed each on the forehead and followed Dave out to the waiting taxi. Sarah waved as the taxi pulled away, Michael climbed the stairs as his sister shouted after him,

"Put your headphones on this time. It sounded like a warzone last week!"

Michael grunted an affirmative as he closed his bedroom door and turned on his PlayStation.

It was seven years ago that Michael's mother had died; cancer had taken her before his 9th birthday, and he missed her still. Dave met Gina two years later, waiting for their kids at the school gates, they started chatting; Gina's husband had left her a year earlier for some floozy at work, she still felt bitter about it, and it had knocked her confidence somewhat, so she was taken aback when Dave asked her out for coffee. At first she declined, then, as Dave walked to his car after Michael, she chased after him and grabbed his elbow.

"Sorry, sorry." She said breathlessly as she caught up to him, "I'd love to. Have coffee with you I mean." She smiled up at him.

Startled, Dave smiled back. He had expected rejection, but this was a twist he hadn't seen coming. "Tomorrow then? Before we pick the kids up? Here?" He pointed to the little coffee shop he'd parked in front of.

"Sounds great." She beamed. "It's a date."

Dave told Michael in the car, he knew of Gina's daughter, she was friends with a girl he fancied at school and he was in a few of the same classes as her; she seemed nice, although he'd never really spoken to her. He only had eyes for Mandy.

As Dave and Gina's love for each other grew, so too did Michael and Sarah's friendship; they were frequently at each other's houses until the day their parents married and moved in together. They had decided to get a new home; selling their own houses and discarding the painful memories that went with them. As both houses were mostly paid for with either divorce settlements or life insurance, they could afford to move to a nicer neighbourhood too.

Although Michael was now friends with Sarah, he was no closer to Mandy; his shyness always got in the way whenever he got close to even speaking to her. There had been more competition for him when they'd been at school years earlier too, the other boys had noticed that Mandy's blouse was tighter in the areas that mattered, Sarah, although not flat chested herself, was slightly jealous of the attention that Mandy's expanding bosom garnered. Mandy loved the attention, especially from older boys. Michael hardly registered on her radar.

In his room, Michael donned his headphones and retreated into his video game world, fully immersed and oblivious to his surroundings. Downstairs, the doorbell rang, Sarah answered the door to Mandy, escorted by two guys, one with his arm around Mandy's waist, the other trying his hardest not to look like a third wheel.

"You alone chick?" Mandy walked in the door, followed by her mini entourage, "This is Andy and Tony." They both nodded, "Tony's mine, Andy's his mate." With little ceremony, Mandy dragged Tony to the couch and pulled him next to her.

They watched TV, Tony kissing Mandy, his hands wandering all over her curvaceous form and feeling her breasts under her sweater. Andy sat quietly, stealing glances at Sarah. Sarah tried not to notice his furtive looks, but she smiled sweetly at him when their eyes met.

The sounds of Mandy and Tony's kissing were distracting enough, but when his hand found her pussy, she moaned as he slipped his finger in. "Not here!" Mandy panted. She stood up dragging him towards the stairs, "Do you mind?" She asked Sarah.

"Go ahead, just don't make a mess." Sarah sighed, then returned her attention to the TV and Andy's sly peeks as her friend clattered up the stairs to Sarah's bedroom, an obviously excited Tony followed in her wake.

Tony pushed the bedroom door shut as Mandy sat on the bed and removed her top, revealing breasts that strained against their silky prison. Tony removed his t-shirt and sat next to Mandy, kissing her as she loosened his belt. "Gently!" She said as he squeezed her breasts through the thin fabric.

She unclasped her bra and lay back on the bed. Tony lay next to her, his hand stroking from her belly to her soft bosom and tweaking her nipple as it responded to his touch. He sucked it as his hand moved down her body and under the waistband of her skirt, flicking her nipple with his tongue whilst his fingers traced the outline of her lips through her panties.

Downstairs, Andy was still switching his attention between the TV and Sarah, although his mind was on Mandy. Sarah knew she was playing second fiddle to her friend; Mandy always had boys chasing her, although it was only recently she'd been letting them catch her, and judging from the noises coming from Sarah's bedroom, she'd just let someone come close enough to get her to orgasm.

Andy was looking towards the stairs, listening intently to the sounds of lust drifting down. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and Sarah noticed the bulge in his pants. She was also getting aroused from her friends moaning, moving next to Andy, she put a hand on his thigh and kissed him. He kissed back as her hand moved to his crotch, feeling his hardness.

Mandy was on her back, breathing hard, Tony's head between her legs and her hands intwined in his hair. He moved up her body, kissing her, pausing to suck each nipple, then kissing her neck as he lined his cock up to her waiting pussy. His penis parted her and she gasped, he slowed his entrance, not wanting to hurt her when she stopped him. "I'm not ready." She said quietly, "I can't do this now." Tony was disappointed, but he slipped out and rolled onto his back. Mandy swung one leg over his chest and backed her pussy up his face, "Eat me again." She whispered as she licked the length of his straining member. It didn't take long for Tony to pump his seed into her mouth and she cried out, covering his face with her juices as she came over him.

Michael had taken off his headphones to use the toilet and, hearing bed springs creaking and breathless moans, he had spied movement on his sister's bed through the crack in the door. Forgetting about his need to pee, he peered closer, the knot in his stomach moving up to his heart, compressing his chest, as he realised that the girl currently in the throes of passion was the very same girl he fantasised about almost constantly. He watched as Tony took Mandy over the edge, his tongue tasting her juices as she gripped his hair, pulling him into her as she cried out. Michaels own cock betrayed him, begging for attention as the object of his affection climaxed for another man. He went to the bathroom in need of a release, but not the kind he'd set out for. On his way, he heard a grunt from downstairs as another man achieved at the hands of his sister, what he hoped to gain by his own.

The girls cleaned up. Michael lay in bed, visions of Mandy running through his head. He heard goodbyes, kisses, and the front door closed as Mandy, Tony and Sarah's new boyfriend, Andy, left. She climbed the stairs, looked in on Micheal, who had his back to the door, then she went to bed.

Michael woke to the sound of the front door being closed clumsily, followed by his dad and step-mum trying to climb the stairs without being heard. They failed; seeming to find every creaking step and floorboard as they crept into their room and erupted in fits of giggles. His step-mother's giggles turned to moans, then to screams as the bed springs squeaked to a crescendo and ended with a deep, satisfied sigh. Michael's thoughts turned back to Mandy as a softer sound drifted through the thin walls; Sarah was trying to be quiet as she worked herself to her own climax. Michael erupted without even touching himself, the friction of his sheets was enough to make him explode. In minutes, the four of them were sound asleep.

The next Friday brought more of the same; their parents went out, Michael went to his room to play video games (although this time he only covered one ear with his headphones.) And Mandy came round with the boys in tow, disappearing upstairs with Tony as the pair became more amorous.

Michael heard them rush up the stairs this time, the door to Sarah's bedroom locked behind them. The wall between the bedrooms offered little privacy though, as Michael pushed his ear to it, listening intently as clothing was unzipped and discarded. Mandy's breathing became heavier as she screamed "Yes! God, yes!. Eat me! Fuck yes! Yes! That's so good."

"Did you bring one?" Mandy asked Tony.

Michael heard Tony say "Yes." at the same time as his sister screamed it downstairs, Andy's hand was under her skirt, working her into a frenzy. Upstairs, a condom had been produced, rolled on, and was making it's way towards Mandy's slick pussy. She guided him in, gasping as his swollen cock parted her lips and gently pushed through her waiting hymen. She braced herself for the momentary pain, and Tony stopped until she was ready, which she announced with "What are you waiting for? Fuck me!"

Tony lasted two minutes. Michael, less; he was cleaned up and back in his bedroom before Tony emerged to use the bathroom.

For the next few Fridays, things carried on like this, although Sarah had taken Andy in her mouth the last couple of times, she had never allowed him to penetrate her with anything other than his fingers. Andy was getting frustrated, but he stayed with Sarah for Tony's sake, whilst also hoping that the rumours about Mandy were true. Hearing her cries of passion drifting down the stairs, he certainly believed they were.

Despite her only losing her virginity weeks ago, there had been stories circulating about Mandy's promiscuity long before; none of them were true and at least one was started by Mandy herself, but she loved the attention they brought, she thought they gave her an air of experience and sophistication. What the boys actually thought of her was far more crude, with the nicest word used to describe her being "easy."

Sarah was on her back on the couch, her panties discarded. Andy sucked her juices from his fingers and lay on top of her, "Not yet." She whispered.

"Then when?" Came Andy's impatient reply.

"I can't do it now. Not here. I'm not ready."

"Whatever." Andy said, dejected although not really bothered; he was waiting for his chance with Mandy, Sarah was merely a distraction for him, a starter before his main course.

"I'm going to the toilet." He said, standing and walking upstairs in his boxers. Mandy's moans were getting louder as he approached Sarah's bedroom, and he realised the door was slightly ajar. Peeking through the gap, he saw Mandy on top of Tony, her head bobbing up and down on his cock, his hands reaching round her lower back and his head between her legs.

Andy watched for a few moments, then his penis started thinking for him; seizing his chance, he entered the room. As Tony removed his head, Andy pushed his rigid tool into her, she groaned around Tony's cock, lost in lust as Andy started to fuck Mandy slowly. Her orgasm built as Andy picked up his pace, she hadn't realised Andy was fucking her until she felt a pair of hands on her breasts and another pair on her waist, but she was too far gone by then to care.

Tony blew his load in her mouth, she gulped his offering, his spent cock falling from her lips. Another orgasm ripped through her and she cried out as Andy exploded into her, grunting as he forced his seed into her wanton pussy.

Mandy collapsed on the bed and rolled onto her back, her chest heaving, Andy lay on her left side, Tony to her right, each cupped a breast in their hand. She reached out, pulled their heads to her bosom, and both boys started to suck on her nipples.

Mandy knew that Tony was only with her for the sex; he wasn't steady boyfriend material, just someone who could put some truth into the rumours about her. A means to a sordid end. Now that she had also snared Andy in her honey trap, she felt empowered. Both boys would either fight over her, or continue to pleasure her. For the meantime, they were toys to do as she pleased with. She wasn't the used, but the user.

Sarah was in the bathroom. Andy had been gone too long, and she'd heard the cacophony of grunts coming from her bedroom; climbing the stairs to see what had happened to Andy, she saw him thrusting into Mandy while her friend sucked the cock of his. Seemingly unnoticed, Sarah went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Head in hands, she sobbed quietly. She'd been falling for Andy, her heart gave an involuntary jump when she saw him, now she felt it had shattered. She sat, her shoulders slumped, chest hitching with each sob.

Gathering herself, she left the bathroom and walked towards the stairs. She heard Andy laughing, his voice getting closer to the doorway; she couldn't face him. She slipped quietly into Michael's room and closed the door silently, waiting in the shadows as Andy passed the door. Michael was startled, he was stood still, his ear pressed to the wall in the dark, holding his breath. In the bathroom, Andy turned on the taps, masking the sound of Sarah's departure, and Michael's exhalation.

As the water ran, Sarah made her way back downstairs, passing her bedroom and it's current occupants, oblivious to her presence. She lay on the couch, pretending to sleep as her guests cleaned up and left, trying not to rouse her. "What do I tell her?" She heard Andy say.

"Leave it to me." Mandy said. "I'll let her down gently. We'll have to keep this quiet though! I don't want people thinking I'm a slag!"

"No, just a cheap, boyfriend stealing tart!" Sarah thought.

They closed the door quietly and made their way down the street, laughing, leaving Sarah on her own, she started to cry.

Michael sat at the top of the stairs, his heart was aching for his step-sister. He wanted to chase after Andy and beat him senseless for the way he'd treated Sarah, but he knew it would do no good. Instead, he descended the stairs, sat to next to her and put his arm around her. She turned, put her head on his shoulder and cried harder as her emotions ran rampant. Michael gently brushed the hair from her face behind her ear and kissed her forehead. Holding her close as sobs racked through her, he kissed her ear and inhaled the scent of her hair. Sarah's sobbing subsided, although she still held tightly to Michael as though he were an anchor tethering her to the ground. Soothing her, his hand ran through her hair and he placed a tender kiss on her earlobe.

Sarah felt something change. The dynamics of their relationship shifted exponentially as her heart began to race. Michael was oblivious of her heart's metamorphosis until she raised her head and looked into his eyes with what looked like hunger. They gazed at each other for a second, Sarah made her next move before she'd thought it through properly, but she knew what she wanted, and she needed it now. Pulling him closer, their lips met and she kissed him. Stunned at first, he responded by trying to pull away, but his resistance faded almost immediately, he kissed back, mouth open, eyes closed and hands wandering as time and space ceased to matter.

The sound of lock penetrated by key snapped them back to reality. They parted quickly, guilt replaced lust as Sarah jumped to the opposite side of the couch and hastily straightened her t-shirt. "Oh Shit!" Gina exclaimed, stumbling through the door. "What are you two still doing up?" She hadn't noticed anything untoward, Gina was too busy concentrating on forward motion.

"It was a long film Mum." Sarah replied as Gina shakily approached the stairs. Dave followed, he'd obviously not had as much to drink as his wife, who was holding on to the newel post in a bid to stay upright.

"Hi guys." Dave said. "I'd better get rummy here to bed. Make sure you switch all the lights off before you come up." He bid them goodnight, then helped Gina up the stairs and into their bedroom.

Sarah looked at Michael and saw the boy she'd seen as her brother for the last seven years. He looked confused, she didn't know what had come over her, he was still trying to process it. The silence was starting to get uncomfortable when she blurted out "I'm sorry!" She looked at her feet, embarrassed. "I don't know how it happened. I was upset and. You, and. I don't know..." She started to cry and Michael held her shoulders.

"It's okay." He said quietly. "I heard what happened with Andy. You were just upset and confused and we lost control for a second." Sarah was sure he was trying to rationalise it more for himself, and she thought it could possibly be true, but she had butterflies in her stomach and she was fighting the urge to kiss him again. Michael broke the spell by kissing her on the cheek. She brightened instantly.

"Let's go to bed." He said.

"Yours or mine?" She said cheekily, although deep down she was hoping for an either/or answer, hoping to feel his warmth against her body as they slept.

"Best be our own tonight." He answered sensibly, her imagination taking hold of the last word.

"Tonight?" She thought, "Why did he say tonight? Where do we go from here? Is this going to be hanging over us every time I touch him? What? How?"

Michael turned off the lights and followed Sarah upstairs. At the top, he kissed her cheek and they said goodnight, she let his hand linger on her bum for a second, then she turned and entered her own bedroom.

He lay on his back, the sound of their parent's snores drifting through the wall to his left, the sound of his step-sister's ragged breathing and her headboard softly thumping the wall to his right. There was a muffled cry as she came, the edge of her duvet clamped between her teeth to lessen the noise, as the fantasy of Michael doing to her what she'd just done to herself rampaged through her mind.

Saturday morning felt no different to any other; Sarah awoke feeling refreshed and happy. She stripped her bedclothes, hoping never to see them again. She was due a new set anyway and vowed that she'd get some today in town. Downstairs, Dave was making breakfast; the smell of frying bacon was the only sure-fire way of getting his son up early on a weekend, and today was no exception. Michael came down the stairs, drawn by the siren song of sizzling sausages. Sarah put her sheets in the washing machine and sat at the table next to Michael. She held his hand, squeezed it momentarily and said "Thanks."

"For what?"

"Being there for me." She kissed his cheek, a spark of electricity jumped between them, her heart fluttered and she let go of his hand, fearing she'd lose control again. Michael felt it too, the feelings of regret and shame dwindling the longer she sat next to him.

"You two can go into town on your own today." Dave said from the stove, "Your mother is feeling a little, shall we say, delicate, after last night's frolics. I'll drop you off if you want?"

"We'll get the bus dad." Michael said, Sarah smiled at him sweetly, inside, she was nervous and jubilant; left alone, together, could she control herself? Would people know what had gone on between them if they saw them out together? She decided that she was being silly; she was only out shopping with her brother at the end of the day, and it had only been one kiss.