Speech and Debate Pt. 09


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The other guys began to make sounds of approval, low grumblings that were too tentative to make a choice but showing their willingness to follow the group. These grunts and grumbles resounded for a bit as I stared wide-eyed at them all. I noticed that those who grumbled the loudest and looked around at their teammates with the most questioning eyes were also those who wore the least amount of clothing.

Sour grapes and sore losers, I thought. And why is no one actually doing anything to take control of the situation? Why aren't they changing tactics and activities if they are all apparently so bored.

It was like watching animals in a zoo: I could only hypothesize as to what they were thinking, if anything.

"Can I put something more interesting on the TV?" came a lone true voice, rising up above the wordless grunts of his companions.

It was Daniel. I don't know why I expected it to be anyone else.

The grumbles and grunts got louder and Daniel reached for the remote and flipped on the television.

Apparently, that was the Jock vocalization for yes. I made a mental note of it.

All eyes turned towards the TV. Long lanky limbs and muscled torsos began to relax and find comfortable positions, the card game already fading to a distant memory. My own spine was rod straight and I sat with my eyes fixed firmly on the screen. As ruler of the remote, Alpha Male, Daniel moved to the end of the bed and sat beside me.

He was a good foot away from me, our hips nowhere close to touching on the massive mattress. But he spread his legs so wide that his left knee touched my own. I felt the shock of the contact rocket up my spine and loosen my posture without conscious effort. He kept his knees pressed into mine as I placed my palms on the bed behind me and leaned back against my straight arms. I ached to scoot closer to him, or even to just gaze at him. I contented myself with a quick reflection of his features in the TV screen whenever the light was just right.

"Dude, go up to the 200's," Gordon asked from his corner of the bed. His voice always took me aback. He was a transplant from Massachusetts so he lacked the accustomed Southern drawl. In addition to that uniqueness, he also had the distinct disadvantage of ALWAYS sounding stoned out of his gourd. Even when he delivered well thought out answers in class, correct answers even, he came off sounding like something from a bad Bill and Ted impression.

"You gonna pay for that?" Daniel asked.

"Fuck yeah, I'll pay for it. Got the Platinum Amex for the night," Gordon answered.

I chalked the exchange up to typical straight male banter and resigned myself to never really understanding it. Daniel glanced at the remote and pressed the necessary buttons...and it was all suddenly abundantly clear.

A very blonde woman with very large breasts that looked to be painfully inflated to their maximum capacity was being fucked from behind by a rather out of shape man who leaked sweat from every pore, including but certainly not limited to those on his nearly bald head. The noises she was making indicated that she was enjoying the treatment, though how that is possible is beyond me. I'd never heard such sounds escape a human being before!

Someone get her an oxygen mask, this woman is OBVIOUSLY hyperventilating! Why is no one doing anything!? Help the poor thing!

"Oh, SHIT yeah! That's more like it," Gordon mumbled, only half intelligibly.

I gazed around the room and saw the glassy-eyed stares of my classmates. Paul's mouth hung slightly ajar, making him appear more than a little slow. Ian still leaned against the wall, his eyes also vacant to me but his right hand now groped and tugged constantly on his expanding cock. The veins in his plate and around his shaft were becoming visible.

Everywhere I turned, clouded blue eyes, vacant green eyes, hazy brown eyes, all stared towards the TV. It was as if I ceased to exist. I was used to being ignored, but not ever in such close quarters. Finally, I turned to look at Daniel...

And found his soft brown and gold eyes staring right at me. He smiled his half smile at my confusion and placed one hand on my knees, squeezing gently. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Was he making sure I was okay? Telling me I'd passed some kind of milestone? Reassuring me? Scolding me? Seducing me?

"Mmmm, fuck," Ian groaned from behind me.

I turned and saw that his head was pressed back to the wall he leaned on, his eyes closed. One hand was stroking his not too shabby cock, now slick with his own clear wetness, the other crossed over his chest as he played with the massive mounds of muscle piled there, flicking lightly at his nipple.

Did he not realize that there were other people still in the room?! What was he doing!?

Daniel squeezed my knee again and his hand traveled a few inches up my thigh.

"Well if he's doing it..." Gordon chirped from beside me. In a flash he was on his feet and his hands were undoing his belt buckle, pushing his jeans and blue plaid boxers to the floor. I was suddenly staring directly at his pale and slightly freckled ass as he clenched his muscles. When he turned a bit to re-seat himself, I got a dead on view of his unkempt chestnut brown bush and floppy cock. He had a dark freckle that stood out on the pinkish paleness of his shaft like a beauty mark.

My cock started to swell for real. I didn't know wether to run from the room, hide my growing cock, or let Daniel's hand continue it's slow progression up my thigh towards my now aching prick.

"Are you sure you're cool with this," Daniel asked me, his hand giving my thigh one final squeeze before he removed it back to his lap.

"Huh?" I asked, still stunned at the situation I'd found myself in. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"Shit, dude. I didn't even think about that," Gordon started, his fingers now firmly around his semi-hard cock. Even as he spoke and made his concern for me known, his hormones were in full control of his cock and right hand.

"Do you want us to turn it off? If it bothers you or something..."

While the porn itself was laughable to me, the thought of the guys turning it off because they feared it might make ME uncomfortable was unfathomable. And something I had to put a stop to immediately. Whatever tenuous truce had been reached between this pride of athletes and a lone nerd was not strong enough to withstand my putting an end to their pleasure games.

"No!" I said, a little more loudly than I'd intended. In my rising panic I looked around the room to gauge their response. Every eye was glued on me now, though a few still flicked back to the poor woman dying from lack of oxygen on the screen as her floatation devices were jiggled around to the point of imminent popping. Though I tried to stare into their eyes, the sheer range of exposed and hard cocks was staggering. Even those of the guys who still remained fully clothed were sporting obvious tents in the fronts of their trousers.

My hole twitched and my mouth watered as I struggled with my baser instincts.

"Don't worry about me, guys," I said quieter than I intended. "Right now, you could watch just about anything and I couldn't care less. My porn is live action at the moment. I win no matter what you watch."

Before the words had left my mouth, I wished I'd had them back. Silence greeted me for a second that seemed to stretch on for months. It was poor Tall Paul who rescued me.

"Shit!" he laughed, finally leaning back in his chair, his long torso making an S curve. His boxers tented visibly and I could see a small wet spot near the button fly. I knew from the showers that his pole matched his body, long and thin just like him. "Oh fuck dude, that's hilarious!"

The rest of the guys followed suit in short order. While I would never truly understand the hive mind communication of my straight friends, I took comfort when it seemed to work in my favor.

Just like that, the mood in the room eased back to one of silent camaraderie as more and more zippers were opened and cocks found their places in their owner's hands. Daniel squeezed my thigh again quickly and I glanced at him. He favored me with a smile and then ruffled my hair. It should have been insulting, but at the time, I blushed and silently thanked him for his support and genuine joy at my acceptance.

His gaze traveled to my crotch and took in my arousal. When he looked back, that familiar hunger was in his eyes and I wondered how long he could hold it at bay, and how long I could before my own urges became too pressing to avoid any longer.

It had been months since I hadn't been the one to forcibly remove Daniel's clothing from his body when we were together. My fingers ached to do the job for him as he undid the button on his pants and pushed them to his thighs.

His uncut cock bounced free, plopping onto his stomach and leaving a small wet spot on his t-shirt. I had to sit on my hand to keep from grabbing it right there. Force of habit.

I kept my hands firmly under my ass as I watched him slowly jerk himself. His eyes remained closed and he didn't seem to be paying attention to the movie.

I wondered if he was thinking of my mouth sliding down his shaft, resting near his balls. Or remembering what it felt like when his glorious uncut cock was shoved deep inside me, clenched in my muscled hole and coating me with his seed.

I hoped so.

Behind me, beside me, in front of me, to my left and to my right, the wet warm sounds of a crew of guys jerking their cocks flooded in around me. My cock throbbed in my jeans, bounced and pressed against the fabric with each heartbeat, making me physically uncomfortable to match my social discomfort.

"Take yours out if you want, Nerd." Daniel said from my right shoulder.

My neck snapped around to stare at him with my eyes as wide as tea cups.

I was simply planning on waiting this out until it came to a natural conclusion. That seemed safest, right? Whatever that natural conclusion was, I didn't know. Now Daniel's deep brown eyes stared at me, alight with wickedness at his suggestion and its possible implications.

"I don't have to...," I whispered, obviously uncomfortable. Daniel's eyes grew ever more mischievous. I wanted to pounce on him right there, but thought better of it.

"Go head," Ian said from the wall. When I looked, his eyes were locked on me, but his gentle strokes, the twisting and pulling on his shaft and nipples never slowed.

"Come on, it's fine," Paul offered from his chair. His long thin cock pointed up through the fly of his boxers now, his larger head clearly defined and growing to an almost angry shade of red.

I turned back to Daniel and was met with only his eager eyes and a smile that only I truly knew the meaning of.

I stood up and found that my legs where much stronger than I expected they might be in this uncommon situation. I fumbled with the button of my jeans for only a moment before it gave way and I pushed my jeans to my ankles with a quick movement.

My cock swung out in front of me, fully hard and bouncing before me.

I had never been exposed in front of so many eyes before, not so openly. Even in the middle school showers, I had hidden myself in the corner shower and faced the wall as much as humanly possible. Now, my thick pole gleamed in the open air for all to see.

"Jesus Christ!" Gordon grunted from beside me.

My initial response was to cover myself as best I could, but I resisted the urge and sat back on the bed, leaning back on my elbows, my cock pointing towards my face and leaking a clear drop of precum onto my shirt, my balls pooling between my opened thighs.

"No fucking way," Ian said, his voice growing nearer.

He came to stand between me and the TV screen his hands finally leaving his nipple and cock and coming to rest on his hips. His rigid cock pulsed before me.

I'm a gay man. My cock jumped when I saw him, all muscle and sinew, his hairless dick just inches from me.

My hand came forward of its own accord. At first, I was scared I would find it wrapped around Ian's prick, but luckily I felt the familiar warmth as I grabbed my own member instead.

Thank you, God!

I tugged slowly towards my chest, squeezing out a drop of precum as I did.

"I've never seen one so big before," Ian commented in a daze. He glanced at Daniel.

"Not unless it's in porn," Paul squeaked, his voice cracking a bit. His fingers were gripped tightly around his thin shaft and he worked himself up and down at a decent pace, his thick cock head rim stopping his hand on the upstroke, his low hanging balls bouncing on the downward.

"Jesus Christ," Gordon repeated, apparently too stunned to come up with something new to add to the conversation.

I rubbed my thumb across my slit and worked my precum into my cock head, helping to lube it up a bit. I turned my head to stare towards Daniel and found that his eyes were locked on my cock and his mouth hung open, the pink tip of his tongue just peeking from between his white teeth. I watched the muscles in his shoulder and chest expand and contract as he jerked his own prick even faster than Paul. If he wasn't careful he was going to cum soon.

But watching "My Daniel" as he looked at my dick spurred me forward. I closed my eyes and thought about the feel of his mouth on my cock in the front seat of his Jeep. I pictured his full lips as they engulfed me, resting on my pubes, his eyes starring up my abs and chest, seeking proof of his abilities. I could just feel his tight ass hole as it opened around my shaft and squeezed me inside him, just make out his eyes fluttering closed as another inch of my thick shaft split him open and filled him. Whenever my imagination and memory failed me, I just had to open my eyes and there was the real deal, watching me, his eyes doing what his hands, mouth, and ass could not.

I was on fire with the newness of it. In my brain I was fucking him, buried inside of him. I could FEEL it in my body. Though no one touched me, no one other than my own hand, I felt like everyone was watching me as I made love to Daniel, that everyone finally could see what I saw, feel for him what I felt, and maybe know the real me a little better in the process. The fact that all of this was in my head just made it all the more alluring.

Ian broke my fantasy.

"Dude, I don't mean this to sound gay or anything, not that there's anything wrong with that," he started, his big open eyes seeking absolution from my diminutive little body, "but, dude...can I touch it?"

Daniel stopped jerking his dick. His hand was motionless about halfway down a thrust. He stared at Ian with a look of open fury painted on his features. While I was all about having two muscled men come to blows over little ole' me, (who wouldn't be?) now was not the time.

I cleared my throat, hoping it would get Daniel's attention. Thankfully it did. Everyone was looking at me now. Again. It was my turn to be the animal in the zoo. If I said no, even if it was because I didn't want to upset Daniel, it could ruin the bonding moment I was just coming to enjoy. So I looked directly at Daniel, held his gaze in mine and softened my expression as much as I could.

I nodded.

Ian's hands were rough, much rougher than Daniel's or my own, and there was an inherent strength to his grip that was both welcomed and novel.

"Fuck, I can barely get my fingers around it!" he exclaimed, a bit too joyfully for my mind to characterize him as entirely straight from that point on.

He jerked me slowly, my body reacting on impulse, shuddering slightly when his grip twisted and he pressed his thick thumb into the sensitive skin under my cock head. I leaked another stream of precum and Ian immediately used it to further lube me up.

"Dude, girls would KILL to get at this," Ian said, his eyes still glued on my cock in his hand. "It's harder than a fuckin' rock."

He slapped my cock into his open palm a few times, the wet slapping noises and jolt of pressure making me moan a bit. My eyes fluttered and Daniel's face hazed a bit in front of me. Ian's bulk was leaning over me, just a few inches from my lounging torso. I watched his arms flex as he worked me over and over, his eyes taking on a gleam of that hunger I loved so much when I saw it in Daniel. His abs were outlined clearly before me, and his shaved cock still arched in front of him, even bent over as he was.

When his manipulations had pushed me to a new level of pleasure, I felt my arm coming forward and in an instant, my fingers were wrapped tightly around Ian's slick cock.

His whole body convulsed in front of me and his grip tightened on my cock till it was almost painful. His eyes closed and his mouth hung open, his breath caught in his massive chest.

I must admit, it was gratifying that my mere touch could reduce someone so obviously strong and huge to such a state. I eased a bit and twisted my grip on his cock, using my favorite underhand motion.

"I...oh, fuck...that's intense...," Ian mumbled.

To his credit, he didn't stop his jerking on my tool. In fact, he picked up the speed. I matched his pace. The rest of the room stared in awe, though I only noticed them peripherally. My attention was split between the new cock I held in my hand and the beautiful boy who sat beside me.

I looked to Daniel as I jerked Ian's dick and hoped I wouldn't find anger, hurt, or betrayal there.

His eyes seemed distant at first, as if he was still processing things in the back of his mind. But as I watched, as I jerked Ian closer and closer to release, as my own cock swelled to my full hardness and maximum length, the dancing light returned to their brown pools.

When he licked his lips and winked at me, I knew I was in the clear.

I wasn't sure how far I could or should push this new limit I'd just set with Daniel. Ian did nothing to help the situation.

Before long, as I worked him faster and faster in my grip, he rose from his bending position and drew up to his full height, pushing his hips and twitching prick towards my hand. In my haste to please him, I had pushed him to a limit where he was unable to maintain any ability to return the favor. I had to sit up straight to accommodate his new position. He may have given up trying to get me off, but I wasn't finished quite yet.

"Fuck me, dude...sign me up!" Ian moaned again to a round of half hearted chuckles. The sounds of my teammates returning their grips to their own cocks got louder again, the porn on the TV forgotten in favor of the live and in color hand job just inches away.

Survival of the fittest, you poor blonde hyperventilation victim.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on the small of my back, pressing ever so gently into me. The fingers dug in a bit and I understood. I didn't need to look to Daniel to know that it came from him. And I didn't need to ask him to catch his drift.

I pulled on Ian's cock in my grasp. It was average length and looked smaller on his massive frame, but it was still a handy tool to maneuver the large man where I needed him to be. I pulled him closer and spread my legs apart so that he came to stand between them.

I didn't ask his permission.

I didn't think.

I opened my mouth and dove down onto his cock in a single gulp. His cock entered my throat with ease, less of a task than with Daniel, and my tongue flew around his shaft and flicked at his slit.

If his fingers had seemed strong when they grabbed my mast, they were iron and steel when he grabbed at my blonde hair and shoved his cock as far as it would go down my throat with a bellow like a beast.

"Oh fuck!" one of the guys moaned. I wasn't sure who it was. Hell, I wasn't even all that certain WHERE I was, considering all I could see was the smooth sun-kissed skin of Ian as his cock bounced in my throat, just as rigid inside me as the rest of his body appeared.