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"Bad things?"

"A couple, but most were just odd. But they all have a recurring theme."

"Besides asshole guys?"

"Yes, the men were part of some of the things, but not others and..." Did she really want to voice these thoughts?

"And what?" Eric prodded.

"Robin was saying odd things about mothers and sons."

"Like what?" Eric's eyes narrowed and had that intense look he'd inherited from his father whenever he was thinking something through.

"She mentioned that movie taboo and then kept making little remarks about mothers and sons being very close."

"Like that kind of close?" He pointed to the TV.

"Not directly, but she said things like taking care of their mothers in every way and man of the house type comments. I think she was implying it and waiting for me to comment."

"Huh, interesting." Eric stroked his chin. Another classic Steven move.

"Not really," She shrugged. "But Robin was drinking a lot too, so maybe she wasn't making sense and I admit I was buzzed big time."

"So Robin hinting at something kinky set you off?"

"It was more than that." Emma took the plunge. "The murder suicide. All the bodies were found in the son's bedroom."


"Why was a mother in her son's room at midnight?"

"Talking?" Eric suggested. "When dad was sick and right after he passed, you'd come in my room late to see if I was okay and wanted to talk."

"True." Hearing him say it made her wonder why she hadn't considered that. "But why kill them in there? What set him off?"

"Article said he had lost a good job, taken a shitty one and was a big time drunk." Eric put his hand up. "Had one too many, was mad at the world and just lost his shit." He winked. "Case closed councilor."

"But why kill his wife and son?"

"Where are you going with this?" Eric asked, his eyes focused on hers.

"What if they were lovers?"

"The mom and son?" Eric's eyes now widened. "Why would you think that?"

"The scene read like a classic crime of passion," she admitted. "Textbook perfect."

Eric stroked his chin again, mulling over her words, and she continued trying to justify her actions.

"I went to bed thinking about that and then all the things Robin said about mothers and sons and I was drunk and...I had a strange dream."

"About what?"

She released a sigh and took the plunge. "I had a dream about them and they were...doing things."

"Doing things? That's more like my prude of a mom." Eric said, but his smile seemed forced.

"What's that look?" Emma asked. "Something wrong?"

"I had a dream too and it was about the kid that lived here. He was sitting in the armchair across from where I was sitting." Eric looked around awkwardly as he spoke.

"Say anything to you?"

"It was a dream mom." Eric rolled his eyes. "If he did I don't remember."

As he spoke his eyes darted to the side just like he always did when he lied. As an attorney Emma was all about people's 'tells' when they weren't telling the truth.

"Odd we both dreamt of him."

"We talked about it yesterday and it was hard not to think about it last night when I was alone up here putting your things together. You said Robin mentioned it, coincidence."

"I guess, but after all that taboo innuendo and my thinking something may have been going on and that dream I come in here and you're watching mother son porn and getting into it." Emma gave him a weak smile. "I lost my shit as you so eloquently put it."

"That you did." He smirked. "Never knew you had such a gutter mouth."


"Then again you watch your share of porn too, don't you?" The smirk grew wider. "Found it when you let me use your lap top a couple weeks ago."

"Don't talk to me about porn, its not right." She felt defensive again.

"I seem to recall it was a woman with a younger guy. The Cougar Cub Club," he laughed.

"I said drop it." Emma warned him tensely.

"You really want a guy my age?" He whistled. "You could land one you know. Bunch of my friends bust my balls about my hot mom"

"I don't want a young guy!" Emma snapped at him. "It was just a video and you shouldn't have been snooping!"

"I didn't, you forgot to close the browser." He put his hand up to cut her off. "But point is you watched something you say you don't want, so same for me with that video."

"Okay, point taken." She agreed. "But at least what I watch isn't...unnatural."

"Still no reason for the things you said." He was now serious when he spoke. "That's not you at all, mom. If anything you try to act prim and proper around me."

"I said I was sorry, Eric. I'm just not feeling myself at the moment. All that weird talk and what happened here unsettled me."

"Guess so because I think this is the first time I've ever seen you not wear a bra." He stared pointedly at her chest. "With a white shirt no less."

Emma stared down at herself and to her chagrin saw he was right, she'd never put a bra on. Her small breasts were clearly defined in the tight shirt to the point the skin around her nipples were visible. Eric was right, she never walked around without a bra in front of him, how had she not put one on?

"Because you want to show off your tits to your son."

"Oh, God." She whispered and felt her face growing hot.

"Hey, its not that big of a deal." Eric told her. "Not like I'm looking."

"Oh, yes he is, you saw his eyes keep moving."

"It is a big deal." Because she apparently really wasn't completely herself and hadn't been since she...

"Eric, I need you to get this off me." She grabbed the chain and lifted the pendent off her chest. "I tried to take it off, but the clasp is stuck."

"Really?" It looks great on you."

"Eric what color was this when you first saw it?"

"Huh?" He blinked. "It was green of course." Emma went to speak, but he snapped his fingers. "No, wait, I think it was kind of light purplish."

"But its green now!" She said with a little more concern than she had intended.

"Matches your eyes." Eric nodded. "Maybe it's like a mood stone."

"Take it off me, now." Emma forced herself to remain calm.

"Okay." Eric leaned closer and took the chain in his fingers.

His right hand covered the pendent and Emma gasped when a wave of heat flowed through her. Simultaneously, Eric released a sharp breath and blinked several times as if he were confused. The heat emanating through her body caused her nipples to stiffen beneath the shirt and yet again she became aware of a different kind of heat, a very moist one, between her legs.

"This really does look good on you, mom," Eric spoke softly and his eyes had a distant look in them. "It matches your gorgeous eyes."

"You like my eyes?" Her voice sounded breathy and she realized that was because she was suddenly breathing heavy.

"They're beautiful," He gave her that sweet smile she'd barely seen in the last few months. "Just like the rest of you."

"You think your mother's beautiful?" She surprised herself with a giggle. "Tell me more."

"I like your hair down." He put his left hand in her hair and lightly ran his fingers through it. "You always wear it up, but I really like it like this."

A shiver went through her as he played with her hair and like last night her nipples were so hard they were aching.

"Maybe I'll wear it down more," She winked. "Just for my boy."

"You look so uptight with your hear up and the way you dress." Eric continued to play with her hair. "But when its down it makes you look playful."

"Playful?" Seemed like an odd term for a boy his age.

"Yeah, and sexy." His voice had lowered to a husky pitch and she noticed he was breathing harder. "Like this outfit."

His hand left her hair and she swallowed hard when he put his palm on her bare chest just over the low neckline of the t-shirt.

"Why?" She found herself looking forward to the response.

"Because it shows you off. Shows how sexy you really are." He gave her a sly smile as his eyes now fixed directly on her breasts.

"Those shorts show off those long legs and your..." He winked lasciviously. "There's a nice rear view."

"You look at your mother's ass?" She giggled again even as somewhere in her mind she told herself to shut the hell up.

"You're a sexy woman, mom." Eric leaned closer as he spoke. "I wasn't kidding. A lot of my friends would fuck you."

"Would they now?" She stared into his eyes and saw a look in them that no son should ever give his mother.

"Know what?" He put his head next to hers and spoke in her ear. "It turns me on."

His breath was hot on her ear and sent a thrill through her. "Tell me why," she whispered the response in his ear her lips so close, they brushed his ear lobe.

Eric shuddered and released a soft sigh at the contact. His palm was trembling on her chest, but his other hand remained on the pendent which was now pulsing in time with her rapidly increasing heartbeat.

"I think it's hot my friends want to fuck you. That they think my mother is a sexy fucking milf they dream about doing dirty things to them."

"Am I your nasty milf, baby boy?" She asked, and as if of its own accord, her hand rose and she placed her palm against his scruffy cheek.

"No, you're usually a frigid looking uptight lawyer." He was still speaking in her ear and she tilted her head so his lips would slide along her neck.

When they did, she released a soft sigh and Eric a sharp breath as he'd inadvertently kissed his mother's neck.

"But today you look so fucking hot. Those tight shorts and this slinky little shirt with no bra." He paused and when next he spoke his voice was barely audible. "You have nice tits, mom."

"They're small," she replied, her other hand covering his over her chest.

"They're perfect," he responded. "Just like the rest of you. You have a nice slender body and your perky little tits look just right on it."

Slender body...what twenty year old spoke like that? Worse, what mother sat there letting him talk about her tits?

"A mother who is finally realizing what she wants."

"These tits?" Again, seemingly without her direct consent, she moved.

Emma arched her back and pushing Eric's hand down, placed it directly on her right breast. Eric gasped in surprise, but the sound coming from her was a loud moan as her son's palm grazed her throbbing nipple through the thin material.

For the first time since he'd touched her, Eric looked stunned and uncertain, but Emma purred in his ear. "Go ahead, baby, play with mommy's tit."

Eric's trembling fingers gently squeezed her breast and when she moaned, he grew bolder and his fingers found her nipple and rolled it between them. Her pussy gushed as her son fondled her tit. Putting her arm around him, she kissed his neck.

Eric released a whimper that caused another wave of sticky moisture between her thighs and her voice lowered into a purr that would make a phone sex operator jealous.

"Want to see mommy's tits, Eric? You want to suck on them?"

"Oh, yes, mom...please?" He whimpered again and Emma's hand dropped into his lap.

They both moaned when she felt how hard he was through his jeans. She squeezed his cock and ran her hand along it, admiring its length thickness and how fucking hard he was!

"No woman can make a young man as hard as his mother can."

"Hmm, this has mommy thinking about sucking something too." Emma moaned, then easing back from him, grabbed his hands. She guided them to her waist and pushed the bottom of her t-shirt into them.

Raising her arms over her head, she looked him in the eye. "Take this damn shirt off and suck your mother's tits."

Her heart pounded and she squirmed on the bed noting how the thong stuck to her sopping pussy. Eric blinked several times and his eyes seemed to come back into focus. He lifted the shirt several inches, then stopped and let her shirt go so fast it was as if it had burned him.

"What...?" he stared down at his hands as if like her he hadn't been in control of them.

Emma swore she heard something snap in her mind and immediately crossed her arms over her chest, covering her obviously erect nipples. She shook her head as all of a sudden she wasn't quite sure what she had just said or done. Had her son just touched her breast? Had she helped him do it?

She could see it in her mind's eye, but it now had a dreamlike feel to it as if it hadn't been real. Emma took a deep breath and chased the image through her mind. It had to have been real. As wet as she was and as swollen as her nipples were there had been contact, a desired contact.

"Mom, what...what were you saying?" Eric looked as if he were struggling the same way she was, but in his case had lost what she was convinced had just happened, which was a good thing.

"I said take this damn thing off me." Emma grabbed the pendent which had cooled considerably once Eric let it go.

"Oh, right." He nodded, and reached for it. "Wow, I think I kind of went away for a minute there."

"Sorry I'm so boring." Emma gave a half hearted laugh. "No!" She snapped when he went to take the pendant in one hand. "I'll hold it."

"Excuse me." He rolled his eyes, and then narrowed them as he fumbled to get the small clasp between his large fingers.

"Huh," he grunted. "Seems stuck." Emma kept her head up and tried to fight against an irrational feeling of panic when he continued to tug on the chain and mutter under his breath.

"This damn thing don't want to budge."

"Break the chain." She told him. "Just grab the sides and yank it, its thin, it should break."

"I'll just get the wire cutters out of my tool box downstairs."

"I want it off now!" She hissed. "Just break the chain."

"Wow, mom, first the porn rant now this. You need to take a nap after the furniture comes."

"I will, now..."

"I know, get it off." Eric grabbed the chain in both hands and yanked in opposite directions.

"You have to be kidding me." He whistled and yanked again, hard enough to make Emma wince when the chain bit into the back of her neck.

Eric's forearms bulged as he pulled harder, but the flimsy looking chain wouldn't give.

"Jesus." He relaxed, then as if trying to catch the chain off guard, ripped his arms outward.

This time Emma cried out as the chain dug into her neck.

"What's this damn thing made of?" Eric released the chain. "We'll go downstairs and cut it off."

"Right." If we can, Emma added to herself. "Eric do you really not remember what just happened?"

"That your wimp son can't break a necklace?"

"No, before that?"

"Mom, are you...?'

"Answer the question without another question." She spoke as if he were a witness she was questioning. "Do you remember what we did before that?"

"Wow," Eric muttered. "No more homemade wine for you, young lady." When she glared at him he rolled his eyes. "You came in and caught me watching a movie and yelled at me and then said you were sorry and we talked about the house and the dreams we had."

"That's it?"

"Yes, mom." He seemed annoyed which told her he was telling the truth.

Eric had no recollection of their touching and conversation.

"Good, do me a favor?"


"You have any more weird dreams or if anything seems strange to you, tell me." When he nodded, she added. "Promise."

"Promise, but right now only thing that's strange is you."

"Funny. And you sure you didn't dream about anything but what you told me?"

"Mom, I..." He jumped at the sound of a loud horn blaring from beneath the window. "Movers are here!"

"Go downstairs and let them in." Emma instructed. "I'll be down in a minute."

Eric rose from the bed and went to leave the room, but stopping at the door, looked over his shoulder. "Hey, mom?"

"What is it?"

"How about you do yourself a favor and put a bra on." He pointed to her chest. "I mean unless you're trying to get a discount or a date."

"Get out of here you jerk!" She pointed to the door, but laughed at his joke. Her laugh sounded strained, but it was a real one and helped calm her nerves as Eric left the room.

The horn sounded again and Eric yelled, "Keep your damn pants on!" as he pounded down the stairs.

Emma released a long breath and put her head in her hands. If Eric had no memory of it, had it happened? Maybe she was losing her mind and seeing things like she had last night. Or maybe it had happened, but the pendant was the key. Eric had no desire for her until he touched it. As soon as he let it go he stopped.

"That's fucking nuts," she spoke aloud.

So was the fact her hundred and eighty pound muscular son couldn't break the clasp or chain on the pendant. Emma tentatively touched it, and found it was cool. No strange voice for the last part of her episode with Eric and since he let it go.

Did it sleep?

"Jesus, Emma, you hear yourself?" she muttered. "Your honor, I'd like to enter a plea of insanity."

But something was wrong with this necklace and the house itself. Emma remained sitting on the bed even though she heard Eric let the movers in and telling them where to put things.

Then again, Eric didn't have a clue of what happened. Maybe it hadn't. He also hadn't seen two sets of mothers and sons having sex in his dreams as she did. Maybe it was her. Was she more stressed than she thought?

Mothers and sons. Emma looked back at the TV. Eric had mentioned he'd found the movie in a box in the closet. Rising from the bed, she walked over to the TV which had a DVD player built into it and ejected the disc.

"Loving mothers volume two." She read aloud. Eric had lied; he'd said it didn't have a name on it.

Emma went to the closet and opening the door saw it was empty except for a cardboard box on the floor. Squatting, Emma peered into the box. There were two stacks of DVD's and several old video cassettes still with the bulky plastic cases.

"Taboo, Taboo Two, Mama's Boys, A Mother's craving," she read the titles on top aloud.

Reaching into the box, Emma picked up a stack and flipped them back into the box one by one. Good Mom's Do, If Dad only knew, Let Mom be your girl, Tempting Moms.

Every DVD was mother and son material. The Videos were no different. Man of the house, The Lust of a Mother. One titled at the feet of my mother showed a young man licking an older woman's feet.

"Mom's all tied up and Mom's bound to Please featured women tied to the bed while a young man stared lustily down at them, their cocks hard and ready to plunder their helpless 'mothers'

"Who the hell comes up with this?" Emma rummaged beneath the videos and removed several old paperbacks.

These were much older than the movies. She recognized them as the old style X-rated material she'd once found in her Uncle's attic. All had lurid covers and were written by anonymous. She looked at only two titles, "Mother of My Dreams and All I want for Christmas is mom."

All told between the books and movies there were at least three dozen items in the box and every one of them dedicated to mother son incest. Emma knew Eric well enough to know they weren't his and had been left here.

But Robin and Cliff had supposedly cleaned the house and she hadn't seen anything else lying around. The only things they seemed to leave behind were this collection of Oedipal fantasies and the damn thing around her neck.

Staring into the box, Emma again thought about Ben and Mary killed in the son's room. She wished she could see the actual report. Had they been on the bed? Were they naked? Would the autopsy show Mary had sex before she died? Did they do they run a DNA test to see who she'd had sex with?

The thoughts were farfetched, but thinking coherently and sliding into work mode made her feel much better. Emma closed the box and picking it up, placed it on the bed. Robin had said she might come by today to see how they were doing. Emma would mention the box to her and tell her to get rid of it.
