Spellman Ch. 16


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"Family is family, even when they're inconsiderate asses. I'm glad you're back. I missed you."

"I missed you, too. I didn't even realize how much until today."

"Well hopefully now you'll never forget it."

"I won't, I promise. Let's hang out again soon."

"Sure, just let me know. My schedule is far from regular but it's also usually pretty flexible."

"Will do. Drive safe. I'll talk to you later."

"Later, Ryan."

Friday, August 2nd, 2013

"How's your car?" I asked as Cece climbed into mine.

"It's alive. My bank account, on the other hand..."

"Ouch. What was wrong with it?"

"They had to replace the transmission."

"That sounds expensive."

"Trust me, it was," she said. "Do you have any plans this weekend, besides your male bonding with Paul on Sunday?"

"I'm going out with some of the other teachers for drinks tonight, so we can mourn the last Friday of the summer before the kids show up next week. Other than that I don't have anything going on."

"Emma and Melissa are going to be there?"

"Yeah, among others. I think it will probably end up being around ten people."

"Are you the only male teacher there?"

"The P.E. teacher is a guy, but I haven't met him. I've heard he's going through a divorce and has hit on nearly everyone at the school, so they try to avoid him. Then the assistant principal and the custodian. I think that's it."

"That's quite the skewed gender ratio."

"It's typical of education. It was closer to even when I was teaching high school, but still more women than men."

"I didn't realize you used to teach high school."

"Yeah...it's kind of a long story," I said. I gave her the quick version. I didn't like having to explain this to everyone, but it was also the sort of thing that could cause problems if it came out later because then it looked like I was trying to hide something. Surely I didn't need to tell the whole story to everyone who asked, but I was getting closer to Cece and still some potential there. Somehow I'd have to figure out a better way to navigate that in the future.

"Wow, I'm sorry you went through that, Ryan."

"Thanks. It's been a crazy year. I think I'm finally coming out on the other side of things now, though. What about you? Any plans for the weekend?"

"Not really. Are you planning to work out tomorrow? I know we ran into each other on Saturday afternoon last week."

"Yeah probably. I'll text you tomorrow to let you know for sure."

During our workout I asked Paul if I should bring anything on Sunday, but he told me it wasn't necessary. He said I should show up around one and sent me his address.

"So what's going on with you and Cece?" he asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. She said her car's fixed, but you're still carpooling to the gym together?"

"I think we both like having the company. It's not like it's out of my way."

"Come on, I know it's more than that. Are you going to ask her out?"

I set down my weights. "I've thought about it. We're still getting to know each other. I don't see any reason to rush things right now. I think it's probably good for me to avoid jumping into something."

"I'm not saying you should get down on one knee or anything. Just ask her out to dinner. I've seen the looks she gives you, I'm sure she'd say yes. A girl like that won't wait around forever, though."

I knew he wasn't wrong. I just wasn't sure how to best approach things. Cece seemed like the kind of girl I could have something serious with, but after how things had gone the past few weeks and the talks I had with Melissa and Tori, I didn't think I was ready for something like that yet. It was a real dilemma. Should I take a shot with Cece but risk screwing things up because I'm not in a great place, or wait but risk missing my window?

"I don't know, man. I'm thinking about it. I'm sure a week or two won't make a difference. For now we've got the time in the car together, let's see how that goes."

"I have heard that the best relationships always come out of five minute car rides, so maybe you're onto something."

"Shut up and lift, jackass."

I must have been staring a bit too much on the drive to drop her off, because Cece gave me a funny look.

"What's up with you?" she asked.

"Nothing, sorry. Just thinking."


"I'm glad you wanted to keep doing this, even though you got your car back. I'm enjoying it."

She blushed. "Yeah, well, it's not the worst carpool I've ever had."

"Wow, high praise." I parked in front of her house. "Seriously though, it's been nice having this time with you."

Cece stared at me for what felt like a full minute but was probably closer to five seconds. I was about to ask her what she was thinking when she leaned across the console and kissed me. She didn't slip me tongue or anything, but it was a serious kiss. When she pulled back I could see mischief in her eyes.

"Yeah, it's been pretty nice. See you later, Ryan. Text me about tomorrow."

"Wha-" was all I was able to say before she was out the door. I expected her to turn to look back at least once but she never did. Well, that certainly was something.


The work day flew by and before I knew it I was heading home to start my weekend. The plan was to meet up with everyone at a bar Becca liked around nine. Apparently the place had cheap drinks and a pretty good dance floor, which fit the criteria the rest of the girls were looking for.

I made myself some dinner at home and took a quick shower before getting ready to go out. Once again I gave Roman a silent thanks for the amazing job he had done on my haircut. I went with black pants and a maroon shirt for my outfit.

When I arrived at the bar I was not surprised to see that the usual suspects were already there: Melissa, Tori, Becca, Emma, Nicole, and Maria. I was surprised, however, to see a few others had decided to come as well. The two other new teachers, Lydia and Zara, had apparently joined the crew. And then there was Riley.

I'm not sure what had changed her mind, but I was glad she didn't feel the need to stay away because of me. Hopefully that meant we were on our way to completely eliminating any awkwardness between us.

"Woo! Everyone's here! First round's on me!" Becca yelled out.

"You mean the first round is on your husband!" Melissa said.

"Doesn't matter, it's all the same bank account! Let's go!"

As we all made our way over to the bar, Melissa slipped beside me. "Hey, remember, you're allowed to just have fun tonight. It's okay to let loose and not worry too much about who you're supposed to be. Just... be."

"And if I want to be with you at the end of the night?"

She laughed. "That's a definite possibility. I might have to fight someone for you, though."

The first round of tequila shots was quickly ordered and then passed around. We all clinked our glasses together before downing the shots. Becca decided to order us a second to really get things going, so within five minutes of arriving I was already two shots of tequila deep.

It didn't take long for Emma to grab my arm and drag me to the dance floor. "You promised to give me a shot and see where things went," she practically shouted into my ear so she could be heard over the music. I was feeling the buzz from the tequila already so I just smiled and let her lead the way.

She didn't waste any time, grinding her ass against my crotch as we rocked back and forth to the beat. She looked hot as hell, dressed in daisy dukes and a tied off shirt that really showed off her big tits. The other girls had dressed up a bit, but Emma had come with one thing on her mind.

Eventually Tori and Melissa joined us on the dance floor, bringing another shot with them. So now I was three drinks deep, dancing with three beautiful women, two of whom I'd slept with and one who had made it clear that she wanted to.

The girls weren't shy with their hands, rubbing them up and down my arms, my back, my chest. Someone, I think it was Tori, gave my butt a good grab at one point. Three drinks became four, then five. Emma took my hands and placed them on her chest for a moment before sliding them down to her bare stomach. Damn, her boobs feel great. I wonder what they taste like?

We were really working up a sweat on the dance floor. I had to excuse myself for a minute to use the restroom. As I made my way off the dance floor and into the hall, I nearly ran into Riley.

"Riley! Hey! How ya doing? Having fun?"

"Not as much as you, it looks like," she said. She didn't sound happy.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Look, Ryan. I know it's ridiculous and none of my business, but just, please don't sleep with Emma. Please."

I was too drunk and happy to get mad, but I could still get annoyed. "You're right, it's none of your business. Whatever happens, happens. If you'll excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." I stepped past her and into the men's room. There was a line for the urinal, so I had to stand around for a couple minutes before I could finally drain some of that tequila from my body. As I waited, I could hear a commotion outside, even over the pounding music. When the line finally cleared out and I was able to finish my business, I zipped up, washed my hands, then made my way back to the dance floor.

When I came back out, I couldn't find Melissa, Tori, or Emma. In fact, I couldn't find any of the others from the school. I looked around for several minutes, but they were nowhere in sight. There was no way that all of them were in the bathroom at the same time, right?

I spotted a girl at the bar who I remembered had been dancing near the four of us. "Excuse me, but you didn't happen to see where the girls I was dancing with went, did you?"

She started laughing. "Oh yeah, I definitely saw where they went."


"Some blonde girl came up and started arguing with the brunette with the big tits. Then they started shouting, and some drinks got thrown. They all got kicked out."


"Shit. Thanks."

I pulled out my phone to text Melissa and Tori.

Wtf hapned?

Tori answered me first: omg Ryan it was nuts. Are you stll there? We all got tjrown out.

Yeah I'm still here. Where are you now?

Me m snd em all piled into an uber. Were on the way back to our apartment.

You want me to meet you trhere?

Em wanfs the dick.

I'll try to get another Uber.

I pulled up the app to request a ride, but apparently the girls had gotten the last one in the immediate area. It looked like it would be at least another twenty-five minutes until I could get a ride. I put in the request and sat down to wait.

A couple minutes later a cute blonde with big tits slid into the booth with me. "Hey studly, buy a girl a drink?"

"I'm leaving soon, just waiting on an Uber."

"I'm sure you've got enough time for a drink and a dance."

I checked the app. The driver was still twenty minutes from pickup. The girl did have a really great rack. A lot like Emma, and she had been using those things to great effect in order get me all worked up. What the hell, Melissa said it was okay to let loose a little tonight, right?

"Sure, let's get a drink."

She grabbed my hand and led me to the bar, where I ordered us a couple more shots of tequila. Why mess with what's been working all night?

"Cheers!" she said, downing the shot.

My phone pinged with a notification. "Shit."

"What's wrong?"

"Uber driver canceled my ride."

She just smiled. "Sounds like you've got even more time to dance with me, then."

"I guess so."

I decided to just go with the flow, following her out to the dance floor. Rather than grind her ass against me, she threw her arms around my neck and slid in close, pressing those big tits against my chest. She was fun and she sure knew how to move. I was already drunk and horny from dancing with Emma, Melissa, and Tori earlier, and this girl just picked up right where they left off.

We danced for three songs before she wanted another drink. "So why are you here all by yourself?" she asked me.

"Friends had to leave. I was going to go catch up with them but apparently Uber doesn't like me very much."

"Lucky for me."

"What about you?"

"I was supposed to meet my roommate here but I can't find her."

"Lucky for me, then."

She winked. "Not yet, but soon."

Halfway through the next song, she attacked me, aggressively pulling my face down to hers so we could make out as she ground her crotch against mine to the rhythm of the music. It was all downhill from there. The next thing I knew we were in the backseat of a car headed to her apartment, making out like a couple of horny teens. I slipped my hand up under her shirt to grab a handful of her bountiful breasts. She moaned into my mouth as I tweaked her nipple.

The Uber driver had to loudly clear his throat a few times when we arrived to get us to realize we had stopped. Giggling, she stumbled out of the car, pulling me behind her. The second we made it into her apartment we were all over each other again, leaving a trail of clothes from the front door to her bedroom.

Once we were both fully nude, I pushed her back onto her bed and dove straight into eating her out while I played with her huge tits. I licked her to a strong climax before she pulled me up and demanded I fuck her.


She was definitely not shy about letting me know what she wanted. I hoped her roommate wasn't home. Or the next door neighbors.

She practically screamed when she came for the second time, urging me to continue giving her everything I had. I don't know if it was all of the alcohol or something else, but I felt like I could go all night. So I did. I fucked her through several more orgasms, with her yelling her head off the whole time.


When I finally came it felt like I was crashing into a wall at a hundred miles per hour. Completely spent, I collapsed next to her in a panting, sweaty mess. She might have said something, but the next thing I knew I was being overcome by a wave of darkness.

Saturday, August 3rd, 2013

I woke with quite possibly the worst headache of my life, in a strange bed, in a strange room, alone. I groaned and closed my eyes again, trying to piece together my memories of the previous night. Was I at Emma's place? No, Emma had been thrown out and I never made it back to Melissa and Tori's place.

Right. The blonde with the big tits. Bit by bit the night started coming back to me. I looked around on the floor and found my boxers, but none of my other clothes. I slipped them on and crept towards the door as quietly as possible. I started to open the door but stopped when I heard voices outside.

"Seriously, did you have to be so loud?"

"Sorry, but that was the best fuck of my life. I'm thinking about chaining him to my bed before he wakes up so I can keep him there forever."

"Well, at least you had a fun night, I guess."

"One of us needed to, and it certainly wasn't going to be you."

I decided to chance it and see if the girl or her roommate could help me find the rest of my clothes. I opened the door to stick my head out, and immediately regretted it.


Well, that's about as bad as it could possibly be. The yelling was hell on my headache, but it wasn't half as bad as the identity of the person yelling.

"Hey, Riley. How's it going?"

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AndebyAndebyabout 1 month ago

Hahaha, nice twist!

rbloch66rbloch664 months ago

Hilarious!!! With the way this shit show is going, he’s either going to end up with a harem, but my bet is him marrying either Claire or Riley.

DarkerRabbitDarkerRabbit5 months ago

Hope we get some photos of sexy times between Tori, Melissa, and Emma that happened last night.

Also hope we get to see Riley hatefuck Emma

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Oh boy . He couldn't dig a deeper hole with a hand grenade . This slut puppy is going to get a dog house for free . With no couch .

We all can see that being such a gentleman , a hunk , and a GR8 fuck . Is really cramping his style . I wonder what these girls will do ? Once they decide his fate .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I am really enjoying the series so far (though having a bunch of elementary school teachers screwing each other is a bit weird and uncomfortable when you pivot to talking about the kids) but I admit I'm having trouble believing his "I'm a monogamy fanboi" shtick with each new woman he falls into bed with....

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 1 year ago

Well...a few more sabo thrown into the machinery, to be sure.

Having too many females is dragging down the story. I will say Emma being direct with Ryan was the right call; at least she was honest with what she wants and she's not trying to hide it (and she realizes she's a little too much). Inserting Riley's roommate into the mix was a bad call and it blows Ryan's "introspective" into smithereens too. In the most classic of literary examples, the protagonist should **learn** and **change** going forward after having such an episode--yet he clearly has not--and compounded the problem on his own instead of avoiding more. It's also going too far into torturing Riley for her own "bad call," as it was going to be enough of a hill to climb just to have her face Ryan each day and work with him.

Getting Ryan and Riley working together and having him work out the misunderstanding was going to be enough catharsis for both of them. Having Cece in the mix can complicate things but not overload them, as Cece isn't jumping into anything, but she certainly upped the stakes with that kiss and also got the "bad juju" out of him in a way. In fact, the only two healthy possible relationships still rest with Riley or Cece--and now Beth as a possible mediator.

Need to decide on a definite direction for Ryan's life, as either he's trying to bag all the babes or trying to learn how to really have a healthy relationship. 3

pharmasumitpharmasumitabout 1 year ago

Good so far.. looking forward..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

HAHAHAHA Yeah, Fuck Riley. Stupid bitch is way too controlling and messed up for him to be around anyway. He needs to burn that bridge with nuclear fire!!

KHelmKHelmabout 1 year agoAuthor


If you're expecting a conclusion any time soon I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. This story is going to cover an entire school year. A year that hasn't even started yet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Okay I laughed at the end, but Ryan needs to chill! I keep waiting for some additional depth/progress in any of these relationships, but new ones keep popping up; definitely ready for some progression with the current women in the story - really loving this series so far though and excited to see what happens in the next chapter!

muskyboymuskyboyabout 1 year ago

Needs to start working towards a conclusion, too many women involved and it is starting to make Ryan look kinda slutty and not really as likeable as in earlier chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yeah, Riley doesn’t seem like a threesome kind of girl, so probably not very likely. Plus, those two have a lot to work out before they could end up back in bed.

Fun as always, really liking this series.

Doucar1Doucar1about 1 year ago

Fantastic ending

Please don’t make us wait too long for the next chapter

thrill_ogrethrill_ogreabout 1 year ago

This story is just plain awesome! Lol

mithanialmithanialabout 1 year ago


Rainyday493Rainyday493about 1 year ago

And they say there's no such thing as coincidence... There wasn't anything like this action in the schools I worked in.

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