Spring Break Ch. 01


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There was nothing gentle about the way I attacked her with my lips and tongue. No pretense, no introduction, no foreplay.

I felt her hands in my hair, at first trying to pull me back, but I wouldn't let up. After a few moments, she pushed on the back of my head, as if she were trying to bury my face in the valley between her legs.

"Oh, fuck! Oh, yes . . . goddam that feels good . . ." She sounded like she was starting to hyperventilate. A string of obscenities escaped her lips, and that's always a good sign. "Fucking eat me . . . eat my pussy . . . oh, shit . . . fuck, yes . . .fuck, yes . . . eat me . . . Oh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

She crossed her legs behind my back and tried to sit up.

"Oh, fuck . . . Oh! . . . Yes! . . . fuck . . . that's it . . . oh, god . . ."

Suddenly, Leah arched her back and let loose and ear-splitting scream as she came in my mouth. I lapped up her juices, and she continued to buck her hips in my face.

Her voice faded until her mouth was open but no sound was coming out.

She settled back on the bed, her legs still wrapped around my neck.

Then, as suddenly as I had started, I stopped. Leah whimpered.

I stood up, untangled myself, pulled her so she was sitting on the edge of the bed and kissed my lover. She grabbed at my belt buckle as our tongues intertwined, but I swatted her hands away.

With one swift motion, I pushed Leah back on the bed and turned.

Melinda was standing naked at the door of the shower. Her eyes blazed with lust.

"You'll get yours later." I turned and walked out of the bedroom before either could move.


We were soon seated at Kimonos in the Walt Disney World Swan. The five of us were looking over the menu. Carl had never eaten at a sushi restaurant and believed the common misconception that sushi is raw fish. Actually, sushi refers to the way the rice is prepared, not anything that is served along with it.

After some discussion, the waitress talked us into a chef's choice plate for five that came with salads, some tempura and a wide variety of nigiri and maki sushi. The food was absolutely fabulous and the sake helped loosen everyone up (especially Carl).

By the end of the meal, we even had him venturing out of his culinary comfort box—mostly tempura; southern boys will eat just about anything that's deep fried—and trying some of the more traditional rolls, which he said he enjoyed. I didn't tell him the little orange dots on the outside of the california roll were fish eggs.

Stuffed to the gills, we caught a bus over to Pleasure Island for another round at the clubs. After a long day of walking, we decided to check out The Comedy Warehouse where we could sit down for a show and laughed until our sides split.

Katie and Carl wanted to stay up for some more drinks and dancing, but Melinda, Leah and I were beat, so we told them we'd head over to EPCOT in the morning and then hopped on the water taxi back to the condo.

The girls headed straight for the bedroom; I made sure there was bottled water in the freezer for the next day and that there was enough coffee for Melinda by the machine.

Leah was in the bathroom and Melinda was lying flat on her stomach on the bed. She had pulled the covers down, her shoes off and was happy to do anything other than walking. I changed out of my khakis into a pair of workout shorts and hung up my polo shirt.

"I can't believe Katie and Carl wanted to stay up," Melinda said when I crawled into bed next to her. "My legs and back are killing me."

"They're young," I said, laughing. They were only two years younger than I; three years younger than Melinda. "Did you take anything?"

"Yeah," she replied. "Leah gave me a couple of Advil a few minutes ago."

I pulled Melinda's blouse out of her capris and began to rub her lower back. She moaned in response. I worked my way up the middle of her back until I got to her bra. I unclipped it and went all the way up to her neck.

"Where does it hurt?" I asked.

"Right between my shoulder blades and at the bottom on the right," she said. I lifted her up and she pulled the blouse over her head. Her breasts spilled out of the unhooked bra and she threw that off the bed, too.

I straddled her butt and started an amateur massage on her.

It is my opinion that you can tell how good someone is in bed by the way they give a backrub. Both require attention to how the partner responds and subtle little clues. If your partner can feel the knots and tense spots and pays them special attention, they'll probably do the same in the middle of sex. If they have show patience when giving a backrub, chances are they'll be patient in bed and that pays off for everyone.

On the other hand, if your lover is brutish and manhandles you with their backrub, they'll probably do the same when it's time to get busy. If their backrub consists of hitting a couple of spots and stopping, I can guarantee they only have one move in the sack.

I started down the middle of Melinda's back, then up to her shoulders and neck. Satisfied grunts let me know when I hit a good spot and contented gasps led me to push harder in other places.

Leah came out of the bathroom and undressed. I watched her over my shoulder as she stripped down and put on the same long t-shirt she had put on the night before.

"Lay down next to me," Melinda said before Leah could ask where she should go. "And turn the lights out."

The bed in the master suite was enormous. It was about 7 feet from the head to the foot with a luxurious wrought iron frame. From side to side, it was easily the size of two queen-size beds but had only one mattress. I swear a small Laotian village could sleep on this bed. It was also a little high, which worked out nicely for me, and was firm without being hard.

Leah crawled in bed next to us and propped herself up on one elbow. As I continued to rub Melinda's shoulders, Leah ran her fingertips in small circles around Melinda's shoulder blades. In the soft light that came through the curtains, I could see a smile of pleasure underneath strawberry blonde hair.

When all the big knots in Melinda's shoulders were worked out, I put my hand together, palms down, between her shoulders in the middle of her back. She knew the drill.

"Breathe in . . . Breathe out . . ." as Melinda exhaled, I pushed down and forward, as if doing a slow CPR compression. I heard the satisfying sound of half a dozen vertebrae popping. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she groaned.

I moved my hands a couple of inches lower. "Breathe in . . . Breathe out . . ."

Several more pops. I moved my hands up higher, almost to the base of her neck. "Breathe in . . . Breathe out . . ."

Before rolling off her, I planted a quick kiss on the back of Melinda's neck then hopped out of bed. I gave a Leah a quick kiss then went into the bathroom, splashed my face with water, brushed my teeth and went back to the bedroom.

Melinda hadn't moved. Leah was under the covers next to her and they were talking softly. I climbed into bed and spooned up to Leah.

"What are you guys conspiring about?" I asked.

"We were talking about what happened today." Leah turned and kissed me on the cheek.

Melinda rolled over and patted the spot on the bed between them. I climbed over Leah and lay down. We both watched as Melinda slipped out of her capris and panties and then got under the covers with us. Both girls snuggled up to me.

There was an uncomfortable silence. Finally, Melinda spoke.

"What do you think about what happened today?" she asked me.

"I think I've died and gone to heaven. Ow! Don't pinch me! What am I supposed to think? I've had two lovers in the last 24 hours . . . and at the same time! What guy wouldn't envy me? . . . Are you guys okay with what's going on between us?"

Leah didn't respond immediately. Melinda took a deep breath and then looked Leah in the eyes. "I'll have to admit, from the day I heard about you, I was jealous. I don't think you two were together then, but I knew you two had a friendship that was older and deeper than ours. I know that there will always be a part of his heart that is yours—and not for the sex or physical attraction—but because he loves you and would move heaven and earth for you."

This caught Leah and I both off-guard.

"But now that I've gotten to know you better, I can see why he loves you. I certainly know why you love him. I only wish we had more time together so he'd love me the same way."

Leah brushed the hair out of Melinda's face and ran her fingertips down the other girl's neck. "But he does love you. And I've been jealous ofyou for that. You get to be close to him and I don't. I decided to move away and that makes it harder. I'vechosen not to pursue our relationship as much as I'd have liked. And truthfully, if he's going to be with someone else, I'm glad you're at the top of his list. Sometimes you're all he talks about."

"She sounds like we're going steady," Melinda glared at me for a second. If she had her way, we'd see more of each other, and nothing of other people. In truth, if I had my way, it would be that way, too.

"You would be if he didn't work so much," Leah poked me in the chest a couple of time for good measure.

I shrugged and smacked her on the backside. "I've got to pay the bills somehow. And since my folks aren't helping me out with school anymore, it's work or starve. Unless you can figure out a way to pay my rent."

The three of us fell silent.

"So what do we do about this week?" Leah finally asked.

I was wondering the same thing myself. Leah had moved to town when we were both in sixth grade. About when we turned 14, a sexual tension developed between us, but it never got in the way of our friendship. However, it wasn't until our freshman year in college that I went to visit her at Christmas and we hooked up. I had counted on Darren being on this trip to keep things under control, and now things had gotten weird.

Melinda drew in a deep breath. She turned to me "Well, I plan on enjoying you this week. The two of us don't get enough time together and I'm not about to give that up for the next six days."

She reached over and caressed Leah's arm. "And I plan on getting to knowyou a lot better this week. I'm glad you came along."

"I'm glad I did, too." The two girls gazed at each other when Leah patted me on the chest. "What about you, mister? Do you think you can handle us both?"

"If I can't I'll die trying," I laughed.

"So here's the deal," Melinda was always one to take charge. "No jealousy, and that goes for you, too, tiger. Let's just enjoy how this week plays out. At the end of the week, we'll see what bridges we still have left to cross and which ones we've burned."

"Works for me," I said.

"Me, too." Leah sat up and shed her t-shirt, leaving me as the only one with any clothes on. "Now I think someone was promised that she'd get eaten out later . . . and it's now officially 'later'."

I leaned over and kissed Leah, then turned and rolled Melinda on to her back. I found my t-shirt being pulled over my head and someone tugging at my shorts and boxers. When all three of us were naked, I gave Melinda a series of soft kisses on her lips and face.

Then to her ears and down her neck. She sighed contentedly when I got to her collarbone.

I moved between her legs and cupped both of Melinda's round breasts. Her nipples hardened in my mouth and I left them sloppily wet, first the right one, then the left.

Kissing my way down into the valley of her breasts, I felt Leah move closer to us and looked up to see her take one of Melinda's nipples in her mouth. I went to the other and Melinda let out a sharp cry.

Leah winked at me and we both blew on the wet nipple in our mouths. The areolae shriveled up under the cold gusts of air. Melinda gasped and arched her back, sticking her breasts out of us to feast on. She had one hand around each of our heads and pulled Leah and I closer to her bosom.

I cupped the breast in my mouth and then began to kiss my way down her stomach. Wet, slobbery kisses.

Melinda let go of me and groped Leah with both her hands, caressing her smaller breasts. Tracing the outlines of her collarbones and shoulders.

I continued down to Melinda's thighs. Kissing her hips. The top of her legs. The sensitive spot just inside her hip joint.

The sweet smell of Melinda's pussy filled my nose. I licked her once, from the entrance to her pussy all the way up her clit.

Then I planted a string of light kisses on her labia before opening her up with two fingers and kissing her swollen clitoris.

Melinda moaned again. I glanced up to see Leah cupping both of our lover's enormous breasts in her hands and planting a deep, passionate kiss on her lips.

In that moment, I was with the two most beautiful women in the world.

Leah pulled back and took one of her breasts in her hands. Though smaller than Melinda's, Leah's tits were perkier and she fed them into the other girl's hungry mouth.

I watched as Melinda reached for Leah's pussy, only to have her hand pushed away.

My mouth descended on Melinda's clit and her body tensed. Leah cried out when Melinda bit her nipple just a little too hard.

"Sorry," the blonde girl breathed. Her next words were drowned out as Leah stuffed her breast back in the open mouth.

I slowly worked my tongue over Melinda's pussy. If the job I did on Leah that afternoon was a firecracker, I did a slow boil on my other lover.

Kissing, nibbling. I alternated rubbing her pussy with my fingers and my tongue.

I pulled on her clit with my lips, then put a finger or two inside her.

The three of us moaned and groaned together. Leah finally let Melinda touch her pussy and things really got cooking.

Melinda tried to tell me something, but it was drowned out when Leah kissed her again. I swirled my tongue around the clit in my face and was rewarded with a deep, "Ohhhhhh!"

The girls picked up the pace. Melinda's fingers were a blur, rubbing Leah's wet pussy.

In turn, Leah's hands squeezed the other girl's large breasts, then kneaded them in circles and pinched her nipples. All the while, the girls engaged in a deep french kiss, their tongues intertwined.

My lips and tongue moved faster, brushing her clit. I sucked down Melinda's juice. Inhaled her aroma. It was heavenly.

I think the sensation of being kissed on the lips and on . . . well, the lips . . . at the same time drove Melinda crazy. She bucked her hips against my face.

"Oh, god!" she cried out. "I'm . . . I'm . . . I'm cum . . . I'm cumming!"

I felt her pussy flood in my face. I drank what I could and the rest dripped down her ass and on to the bed.

"That's it . . . That's it," Leah whispered. "Cum on his face. Cum for us, baby . . . Cum for us!"

With one final squeeze of Melinda's wonderful breasts, Leah and I brought her down from her orgasm slowly.

I used my tongue to clean up what I could around her pussy while Leah tenderly kissed our lover. Melinda shuddered one more time and then pulled me up from between her legs.

The three of us kissed. Taking turns, sometimes all together. Four breasts pressed against my chest and we wrapped our arms around each other.

"Thank you," Melinda said. She lay on her back, her eyes hooded with pleasure, a smile on her lips. "Now move over, Leah . . . I want to watch the two of you make love."

I rolled on top of the other girl and we kissed again. Leah turned to Melinda, "I can taste you on him. I can't wait to have you myself."

"You have all week for that," the blonde girl replied. "I want to see you two together without having that pesky privacy glass in the way."

My cock had been hard since our little threesome had started and I pressed it against Leah's steaming sex. She wiggled out from under me and pushed me down on my back next to Melinda. My erection stuck straight up in the air.

I looked at my two lovers in the soft light coming through the window from behind the curtains. Melinda smiled at me and Leah straddled my hips her pussy right over my cockhead.

She grunted softly when I entered her, then sank all the way down and let out a long sigh. Her warmth enveloped me.

Her hips moved in slow circles, then back and forth.

I reached up and cupped her breasts. The nipples were still hard and wet from Melinda sucking on them. All three of us were covered in musky perspiration.

Leah used my hands to brace herself as she rode me. Slowly. Deliberately.

My eyes were closed, but I felt Melinda roll on to her side and press her breasts against me. I reached down to touch her, but found one hand lazily rubbing her clit. She put my hand back on Leah's breasts which were heaving with every breath.

I don't know how long Leah was on top of me. All I knew was that her pussy felt so good around me. She was slow and wonderful. Leah alternated her pace and her stroke. Sometimes she's bounce up and down on me; sometimes she would grind her pussy against me.

After what seemed like a blissful eternity, I felt her pick up the pace. Melinda reached across me and pressed her body against mine. I still held Leah's breasts in my hands as I felt Melinda's lips on my neck. She nibbled on my ear and bit me on the soft side of my jaw.

I turned and kissed one of my lovers as the other raised her pussy up and then brought herself down on me with one final, hard stroke.

Leah's pussy flooded with warmth and contracted around my cock. I heard her moan and then say something unintelligible. She continued to spasm around my hard sex. That set me off.

My cock felt like it was exploding. I was absently aware of my hands holding Leah up and keeping her from toppling over as my balls emptied inside my lover.

I saw stars.

The room started to spin.

There was a ringing in my ears.

Biting my lip, I desperately thrust my hips upward.

I never wanted this feeling to end.

When the bed righted itself and I became conscious of the world around me again, I found Leah collapsed on top of me. I was still inside her.

Melinda was kissing her. On the lips. Behind the ear. Down her neck.

Then she kissed me, too.

"You two are wonderful." Melinda said quietly.

Leah rolled off me and I cradled both girls in my arms.

We fell asleep a tangled mess.

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rockingtilidroprockingtilidrop9 months ago

This first chapter has been awesome.

Marklynda2Marklynda2about 1 year ago

A great start to what promises to be a well thought out and written story. I look forward to reading the next chapter. As this is my first foray into your writing and the first story you posted here I have added you to my favorites list. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination (memories?) and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


Sex4lf57Sex4lf57almost 8 years ago

So fucking hot!! I can't wait to read the other chapters! Five plus stars!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Don't believe my low rating...it's my mistake

I meant to highlight 5 stars, going left to right. I now know better. It's a helluva good tale. Can't wait to read the next.

Mike Anonymous

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I've always loved this series and i always come back to it for a f=beautiful and heartfelt read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


RON TEXAS------cowboyridecc@yahoo.com

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I love the start

interplay and sex is so hot; even see the possibility that Carl is on his wat out & tht Katie is curious.

My only concern; I still don't know the lead guys name, and I've gone back and forth a few times to find it!!

OMG but I'm so jealous and wish that that was me with the 2 girls, sighs


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Hot damn!

Loving this. Cannot wait to dive into chapter 2. Next time I visit Anaheim, I might just have to find out if the Haunted Mansion Rider club exists! Can't decide which girl I like better for our guy. Perhaps both will just have to always be available for him. And Katie and Carl and soon to find themselves involved, I love the clues you set up for us.

Until ch. 02,

Scarlet Butler ;-)

VladimirNogairVladimirNogairabout 11 years ago

I love the quote about massage. I feel the same way

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