SR: Just One Drop Pt. 02

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Abi give her stepmom one drop... and loves the result.
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The Slut Rose: Just One Drop, Part 2

"Now... where do you want the drop?" he asked, raising the little dropper up.

I saw my stepmom's car pull into the parking lot and slide into a space close by. I didn't think she saw me yet, though, since I was on the other side of the building from where the track team met. I dug a white rubber glove out of my pocket and put it on my left hand.

"In the palm," I said, holding my hand out, palm up.

"You sure you don't want it in the palm of your... other... hand... maybe even for free," he said, leering at her, looking her up and down. "You'll get to see first hand that this stuff works."

"No, not a chance in hell!" I said forcefully. The nerve of him! Thinking that I would in any way want to be his little sex toy.

"Whatever you say," he said, snickering, putting one drop into the palm. He then resealed the vial and put it back into his pocket and quickly walking away, away from the parking lot. "Have fun!" he laughed.

I grabbed my bag in my right hand and took off towards my stepmom's car. She noticed movement and turned towards me, looking a little surprised that I came from a different direction. I opened the back door and threw my bag in the back seat. Then I slid into the front seat and closed the door. She started to reach forward to start the car again, but I lightly grabbed her bare arm with my left, glove-covered hand, putting the liquid on her arm.

"What's that?" she asked, pulling her hand back, wondering why I was wearing a rubber glove. She rubbed her arm where the oil touched her, looking at it in surprise, rubbing it into her skin.

"Oh... just something I wore... to... to protect my hands," I lied... well, maybe it wasn't really a lie. I pulled the glove off my hand, trying to turn it inside-out and tossed it back onto my bag. I settled into my seat.

I was smiling and so fucking excited.

And I waited.

Emmanuelle started the car and pulled out of the parking spot, moving towards the road. She briefly stopped at the red light there then turned and started driving home.

"Thank you for always picking me up, mom," I told her. "I just want you to know how much I appreciate it."

"Ah... you're welcome sweetie," she smiled, looking at me. "Hopefully you can get your license soon. You'll need it for college."

"Yeah," I said. I really did have to move on that. College was going to come fast once the graduation ceremony was past.

"So," she asked looking at the traffic ahead, both of her hands on the wheel. "How's your day been?"

"Uh, kinda hard. I had a test today," I complained. It had been a draining day. But more so because I couldn't wait for the day to end and to get the drop of oil from Levi. The anxiety was killing me. And then when I saw the effects from the video he showed me... oh my God! My excitement went through the roof!

"Ah, I don't miss those days," she said, sympathizing. "What was it on?"


"Ah... even better," she laughed a little.

"Yeah. I'm not that great at math."

"Well," she said, "if it makes you feel better, even to this day I don't think I've ever used algebra."

I looked at her. "No surprise there. I'm sure half the stuff I'm learning in High School and college I won't use much in the real world."

"Yeah. That's the way it works. Oh... don't forget your seatbelt honey," she said when the car bell warned it was off.

"Oh, yeah," I said, absently, sliding it over my lap and clicking it. I had a lot on my mind at the moment and the seatbelt wasn't exactly at the top of my list.

"Come on. We're safe around here," she smiled. "So... how was practice?"

"It was good. Nothing special today," I said. I saw that she was starting to lick her lips more and wondered if oil had started working.

"Do you have a meet coming up, so I can watch you run?"

"We do next Saturday. It's a three school meet. It starts at 9:00 if you want to come."

The small talk continued for what seemed like forever. I was getting very impatient for the oil to take effect. I was so preoccupied with it I could only answer in short sentences. I was paying a lot of attention to Emmanuelle's body language.

At first she acted normal... both hands on the wheel... driving slowly and carefully. And then one hand seemed to be playing with her blouse at her chest. She seemed to be scratching there a lot... She make have acted like she was scratching, but I got the distinct impression she was touching.

Her driving became a little more erratic, then, as her hand slipped down so she could scratch and itch on her inner thigh.

"I miss talking to you like this," I said, gently touching her bare knee.

She seemed uncomfortable by the contact, but didn't react too much. "Yeah, we used to hang out all the time when you were younger."

"I know... I liked that... seems like now, we're both just so busy," I said, letting my hand linger there.

"We should do like... yoga... or something together."

"I love yoga," I said softly, letting my hand slide just a little higher on her leg.

"Yeah? Me too," she said. "I've been going a couple times a week and I think that's been like the only socializing I've been doing. Your father has been so busy with work lately."

"Maybe you can teach me some moves," I suggested, moving my hand even higher. It was now touching the hemline of her skirt and looking down at my hand. It made her shiver a little and I could see goosebumps forming on her leg.

"Well, what are you... doing... um... later?" Her voice sounded nervous... unsure... excited.

"Later? I think I'm just studying. I don't think I'm doing much of anything otherwise," I said.

"Ok. I just went grocery shopping so I can make some dinner... if you'll be around."

"That sounds... yummy," I said softly, still looking down at my hand as my fingertips started making little circles on her leg. "I'd very much enjoy spending more time with you."

She almost visibly shook with excitement. It was still a little subtle, but I could see how turned on she was getting. "Yeah? It just feels like all I'm doing is running back and forth between job and home and all I ever do is sleep it seems like. And eat."

"I'm sorry... for a beautiful woman like you, it seems like there should more in your life." I slid my fingers even higher, onto her inner thigh, pushing the hemline of her skirt up. There was no mistaking it now how excited it was making Emmanuelle. She was licking her lips... breathing heavier... her voice was shaky.

"Well... um... thank you," Emmanuelle said.

My hand stroked her thigh even higher, several inches above her knee now. Emmanuelle put her hand down on her leg, blocking me a little, trying to keep me from going any higher. But she didn't remove my hand.

"Uh... ummm... what are... what are you doing?" she asked, her voice ragged with excitement, fear, and uncertainty. I could tell she wanted my hand there... but felt embarrassed by that desire.

"I dunno... I just always thought you were so sexy," I said, pushing my hand into her blocking hand trying to go even higher while still teasing her inner thigh with my stroking fingertips. I could feel the heat from her pussy now... she was getting very excited. I put my hand over hers, as if to direct her own hand higher between her legs.

Emmanuelle laughed nervously. "You always thought I was sexy, huh?" Even her breathing was ragged now and she was having a little trouble driving between the lines with just her left hand on the wheel. "You're... you're very sweet to say that."

"I was kind of hoping to hang out with you a lot more while dad's gone this weekend," I said. "I mean, we have tonight... all day tomorrow... and most of Sunday alone together."

"With me?" she laughed nervously.

"Mmhmm... we can do anything we want," I said.

"God, you're making this so hard to resist," she said, smiling nervously, "but... I just... I just don't think we should be doing... this. Your hand feels so good on my leg, though."

"You know I've always wanted to play with you," I said. I slid my hand higher, pulling hers with me, moving so close to her pussy.

"What?" she asked. She seemed so surprised that I would want her as much as I did. But she didn't see what I saw the day of their wedding... when I was in her room, helping her get dressed... wearing her lingerie that she was going to share with my dad in several hours. She looked so incredible with her breasts boosted up by her bra... her small, thin panties barely hiding her beautifully shaved pussy. I remember staring at her... so wantonly... and then getting caught by her. She just laughed it off at my youth... but even her laughter made my pussy wet.

"Yeah," I said. She was so close now. "I always thought that you were just so sexy... and hot. I always wondered what you felt like... what you tasted like. Ever since..."

"Look," she said, pulling her hand away from her thigh, away from my hand, away from blocking me. She put it up on the steering wheel to help control the car. "Maybe we should go... I dunno..."

Now that she moved her hand away, I was free to stroke her pussy. My fingertips stroked her labia, feeling how hot and swollen they were and she shivered. She knew what she was doing when she moved her hand away. She wanted this.

I pressed against her clit and then slowly circled it with the tip of one finger. I felt her body shaking with need and desire, felt her breathing catch in her throat.

Then I pulled my hand away, aware that causing her too much pleasure would make us wreck. Besides, there were other ways to get her so excited. I moved up her abdomen and slid it along the buttons of her blouse and then onto her breast. I easily found her very hard nipple. She had a habit of buying thin bras and this one was no exception.

"Oh, I uh... I," she said softly, finding it hard to even find the words.

My fingertips circled her nipple and pinched it between them. Even through all the material I could feel how hard it was.

"Oh God... you... you shouldn't do that, honey," she protested weakly. But both her hands stayed on the wheel. She didn't even try to stop me. The oil was making her want this... badly.

I unfastened first one, then two buttons on her blouse, leaving me a large hole through which my hand could go and I slid it inside. My fingers easily traced the edge of her bra and I pulled it open and fished my finger and thumb inside to snag and tease her nipple. She moaned instantly and I sensed it almost made her orgasm. She was breathing really hard now and pushed back into her seat, trying to give me room to move my hand.

"That feels really good," she whispered, laughing nervously. "I've never felt like this before."

"I like it," I said. "Your nipple is so hard."

"It's very... sensitive... baby. Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah... I want to," I said, continue to play with her hard nub. "It's just me and you all weekend and there's so much I want to do with you."

"Ok," she said, giving in. "If this is really what you want... I mean... if you want this..."

We were getting close to home now and I couldn't wait.

"Yes, I do. I've been wanting this for a long time."

"You're so pretty," she told me.

"You think so?"

"Yes. Definitely. I can't believe you'd want... me," she said, as if thinking she was ugly or something. Emmanuelle reached over, brought her arm over mine and began squeezing and stroking my breast over my t-shirt. God, it felt so good. I'd never had a woman touch me like that before. "I mean... have you ever been with a girl?"

"No, this is my first time," I admitted.

"Wow, I wouldn't be able to tell. I mean, you seem to know just how to drive me crazy." I teased her nipple more, pulling it, squeezing it, circling it... making her more and more crazy... making her squirm in the driver's seat. "I'm so happy your father is away for the weekend," she said.

"So am I." Little did she know I planned this to happen when my father was gone. I'm so happy I was able to get together the $200 to buy that SlutOil.

"Oh God," she moaned.

"You have no idea how long I've been fantasizing about this moment."

I slid my hand down and started playing with her pussy again. This time, she opened her thighs for me, giving me far more access. I slid my hand inside the waistband of her panties and slid two fingers into her tight, wet, pussy. It felt far better than my own, which was the only pussy I'd ever touched in my life before this.

Neither one of us could wait to get home. She was moaning and breathing hard now, every time I slid my fingers inside and ground the palm of my hand against her clit, she moaned yet again. She was so fucking wet!

"This is... so exciting... Ok... oh God," she moaned.

She pulled into the driveway a bit faster than usual and pressed the button to open the garage door. It seemed like the door moved so much slower than normal... but we waited for it. When it was up just enough, she drove inside, moving a little faster and just before we hit the work bench on the end wall, she stopped us, with a jerk. Then she threw it into Park and shut off the engine.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What?! No fair! You stopped just when it was getting hot and juicy! Writer foul! You owe us the weekend!

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