Standing in for Dad Ch. 37


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For the finale, we were served lemon teacakes with Basil Limoncello Spritz drinks which is a refreshing and herbaceous concoction that is a perfect lighter and slightly sweeter cocktail combining the tart and citrusy flavor of limoncello with bubbly prosecco, club soda, and muddled basil creating a light and refreshing, herbaceous flavored drink that settled the meal.

By the time dinner was over, nobody wanted to leave the table...mostly because they had all eaten about a pound of fish each with vegetables and rice, along with quite the variety of alcohol.

June groaned, asking, "Please call in the kitchen staff."

I asked for the staff to come to the table and when they arrived, June said, "I would never have believed a Chef could start with a Chinese fish dish, move to a Greek fish dish, and then transition back to another Chinese fish dish and end with an Italian desert in one meal and make it so good you didn't mind being sick from eating so much when it was all said and done."

The staff was overjoyed everyone loved the meal when the Chef replied, "Actually, with super fresh fish of the types you all caught today, it really was easy to mate all the different dishes together. As you experienced, really fresh fish is a completely different flavor profile from fish you get in a market or grocery store. I was a bit worried about the Retsina wine, as it is a unique flavor."

I asked, "What are you planning to do with the rest of the fish? There had to be another 350 pounds of it after everyone ate."

"With your permission, Ambassador, I was going to have it delivered to the ladies working just off the docks as a special meal for them. There will be enough for them and the marines to eat tonight as well as another full meal the ladies can share or eat later."

"How are you going to make that happen?"

"Well, it seems there are about 60 marines who were willing to volunteer to get the food to them. We are about to make that happen, with your approval."

Knowing the boys he was referencing, I was quite pleased with their initiative. "Make that happen."

The kitchen staff then left immediately to finish their preparations.

We all finally did make it back to the roman pool/hot tub and relaxed for another hour or so. During that time the Marines came and went, delivering the food. (As is typical, they 'commandeered' a few trucks to load all the food into before departing to the different 'houses' around the docks.)

After a bit, the senior NCO approached the pool and was laughing his ass off. I raised an eyebrow and asked, "Okay, this has to be good." The noncom then started expressing what one of the first ladies to sample the food said. He relayed, "I am so pissed! My pussy doesn't smell or taste anything like this fish!"

To a person, the pool rolled and laughed until their sides hurt. June hollered, "I WISH my pussy tasted that good!" That started another whole fit of guffaws and laughter and then the ribald jokes just started rolling in.

Walsh had a particularly good one:

"What is the difference between a Wife, a Prostitute, and a Whore?"

She waited for dramatic effect and then answered, "The Whore says 'deeper, deeper, deeper.' The Prostitute says 'faster, faster, faster.' The wife grunts, 'beige, beige, beigh...I am going to paint the ceiling beige!'"

Beth then asked, "Why do women have such poor depth perception?" She holds up her thumb like she is hitching a ride, "Because they have been told that is six inches all their life!"

Cathy then piped up with hers, "Three nuns died and went to Heaven. Saint Peter was there and said, 'Ladies, contrary to what you have heard, you must answer a question before you can enter.'"

"He assured them the questions, with their backgrounds, would be easy and he walks up to the first nun and she is so nervous and shaking like a leaf. 'Wha, Wha, What's my question?'"

"He asks, 'Who was the first man on the face of the earth!'"

"She answered, 'Oh! That was Adam!'"

"Lights flashed! Bells rang! The doors opened! And, she walked on through!"

"Saint Peter then walks up to the second nun and she is still a little nervous and asks, 'What's my question?'

"Saint Peter asks, 'Who was the first woman on the face of the earth?' The second nun blows out the air she was holding and says, 'Eve! The first woman was Eve!'"

"Lights flashed! Bells rang! The doors opened! And, she walked on through!"

"Saint Peter then walks up to the third nun who is now chilled out, realizing this is a gimme test. 'Whatcha got for me Saint Pete?'"

"He asks, 'What is the first thing Eve said to Adam when she saw him for the very first time?'"

"The nun's jaw just dropped. She started shaking, she started sweating, and she shook her head, 'Gee! That's a hard one!'"

"Lights flashed, bells rang, the doors opened and she walked on through!"

Barbara also had one, "A husband and wife who owned a farm woke up one morning to their sheets sticking to them. The wife complains, 'Dammit Jimmy! You and your wet ass dreams!' Jimmy just shook his head, 'Well it would be a hell of a lot cleaner if you didn't dream of milking cows all damned night!'"

We had a good time.

After the jokes settled a bit, June crossed over towards me and asked as she bounced her eyebrows up and down while she wrapped her arms around my neck, "So what is my prize for catching dinner?"

I chuckled and asked with a grin, "What would such a fine lass wish?"

"Well, every woman I have met on this ship has told me I have to check out the owner's electric cock before I leave tonight. I was wondering if you could point him out to me?"

"Well that is an interesting proposition; particularly since I am the owner of this ship."

"NO! Really?" June asked with lots of drama, "You don't actually have an electric cock, do you?"

I softly laughed, "No, I don't. But many consider it actually better than that."

Sue and Barbara were near by and were listening in to our conversation and Sue laughed, "Bet your sweet ass it is."

Mom winked at June and just nodded her head.

June looked at me and wet her lips. I asked, "You want the light version or the full blown mind bender version?"

"Oh, mind bender for sure!"

I slipped into June's wet sex and held her still while I looked into her eyes, "If you ride the mind bender you have to get out of the pool afterwards. I don't want you to drown."

June giggled and said, "Hit meEEEEEE, hunnng! hunng! hunng!" she grunted as I let loose a larger dose of pulsed chi than I normally do that traveled right up her spine to her brain; causing her to go into a rolling orgasm. After 10 seconds her eyes rolled back and I stopped. Mom and Sue helping me get her into a chaise lounger beside the pool as she continued her orgasmic roller coaster ride. Sue watched over her until she came to.

"What the fuck was that!" June asked with some trepidation.

"That," giggled Sue, "Is the mind bender."

June took a shuddering breath, "I bet I can guess how it got its name. He literally blew my mind! It was a total white out! I was fine one second and the next there was nothing but overwhelming pleasure and climaxing at a level I have never experienced before in my life! How do you even cope with that?"

"Oh, we ladies know better than to ask for a mind bender. After just a few of those it really messes with your brain."

"No shit! Just one fucked me up! Pun intended!"

DD decided to come over to the two of them with Cathy at that moment. DD asked, "How are you feeling?"

June answered, "I bit washed out, like I just finished a marathon in record time."

Cathy asked, "No headaches, burning sensations, dizziness, blurred vision?"

June shook her head, "No, I am feeling normal except for being washed out. Why are you concerned?"

DD answered, "Well, Harry, back when he was learning how to control what he does, almost injured a crew member and his wife, Sue, here doing something similar. We were just checking to be sure you were okay."

"Wait, how can he injure me?"

Cathy responded, "Worst case scenario: he can literally fry the synapses in your brain and turn you into a vegetable... if he doesn't just kill you outright." When June gasped she continued, "He has good control, especially with the two close calls. So he knows what not to do. It is just the two of us would prefer he didn't even approach that level as any distraction or mistake would be costly to the woman as well as to him."

"What cost to him?"

"He is a tender hearted man. He would never forgive himself for lobotomizing a woman that way."

"Well, I can tell you one thing for sure. Any woman he did lobotomize while doing that would consider it worth the price and would not even care if she were a vegetable for the rest of her life."

Sue nodded, "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean."


Thursday came and everyone was ready for the arrival of the President. Heavylift, Batgirl, and Ladyhawk were waiting at the Mexico City International Airport for Air Force One since the runway at Veracruz was not long enough for the Presidential plane to land. There were four other Super Stallions and 8 more Apachee helicopters in the convoy for tactical security that would be flying in a rough protective formation with Heavylift being the actual helicopter transporting the President and his entourage.

When the plane landed, it taxied to a remote hanger and Bill, Mary, Adrian Scotsdale and his wife Ashley, Brigadier general Ginevra Cappitani and her husband Dante, along with eight Secret Service agents loaded up into Heavylift's chopper and the entire helicopter group took off and flew low and fast straight for the port at Veracruz which was an hour plus flight time.

The press who insisted on coming along were left to their own devices, but unbeknownst to them, the Secret Service had tagged their clothing so they could be traced for security reasons. This arrangement was just fine with the press as it gave them two days to explore the realities of the transitional governance after the war without the photo opp approach politicians preferred before the social event of the weekend took place.

To say the Apaches were on high alert would be an understatement. Bill took it all in stride, however, being used to flying on Marine One. He got on the ship communications and struck up a conversation with Heavylift. "Heavylift is you call sign, yes?"

"Yes, Mr. President."

"I have heard great things about you and your escorts, Heavylift. Your Ambassador speaks very highly of you. And the thwarting of that attack by the Chinese attack helicopter was just a work of art."

"Well, Mr. President, that was a combination of luck and experience. You spend time in a war zone and you learn to make quick decisions or you get to go home in a box. I don't like being boxed in." Heavylift replied light heartedly. "The old-lady would be real pissed with me, coming home that way."

Bill laughed loudly, "Yeah, she would probably haunt your ass whether you went to heaven or hell for doing that to her."

Heavylift chuckled, "Roger that, Mr. President. By the way, Sir. Please make sure everyone is well secured in their seats. Things are pretty calm around hear, but you never know. And if I have to go evasive, I don't want people flying out the doors or bouncing their heads on the ceiling. I tend to get excited if I get missiles launched at me."

"I cannot imagine why that would be the case, Heavylift." Bill laughed. Not like the President is flying with you today or anything."

"No offense, Mr. President, but it wouldn't matter who was back there. I intend to get my ass back home alive and well with everyone safe and sound."

"Roger that, Heavylift. That way, everyone wins."

Just at that moment, Batgirl shouted, "Evasive! Evasive! I got lit up by a laser designator!"

Heavylift immediately let go flares, along with several others, and he went nap of the earth, flying low, fast, and dancing in the air to prevent a manpads from getting a clear shot. One of the peripheral Apache pilots pealed off and back traced the laser which hit them as well. Using infrared they were able to see a young child was playing with a laser pen.

The Apache broke off the engagement and rushed to rejoin the group, "It was a kid with a laser pen. Everyone can relax."

After the evasive action, Bill asked, "What happened?"

Heavylift responded in a calm voice, "Two of the Apaches had a laser targeting warning on their threat board, Sir. Turns out it was a kid with a laser pen just playing a silly prank. We are resuming normal flight now."

Bill laughed and explained what happened to the others in the back who were quite anxious about the maneuvers they had just endured. "Sometimes you just have to have a sense of humor." He said. Mary was holding her tummy and being pregnant, was not amused. Bill blew her a kiss and did what he could to help her calm down.

Thankfully, the rest of the trip was uneventful.


The members of the press, being naturally nosy and feeling a bit self-important and a bit bullet proof due to being on the Presidential detail, decided to go to the central police station and started hounding local beat officers. The Chief, being an old school good old' boy member who silently supported the previous administration, came out to shoo them away. And, when they didn't leave, he had them arrested and put in jail cells.

The Chief smiled as he formed a plan to fund his early retirement.


When Heavylift set down on the dock, Walsh, Major Craig, both Lieutenants, Captain Barnes, Beth, Sue, Dad, both moms, Cathy, DD, and Doc all rushed to embrace Bill and Mary. When Mary hugged Sue, she leaned in and whispered, "Congratulations on your pregnancy!"

Major Craig gave Bill a sharp salute, which Bill returned with a warning, "You do that again in private and I will bust you to private. In private I am Bill when on vacation. You copy, Major?"

"Yes, Mr. Pres..." He stopped as soon as Bill raised an eyebrow and restarted, "Yes, Bill, I copy."

Bill nodded with a smile, "Good man. By the way, I had a wonderful conversation with your father. It seems this lady, Walsh, had you so discombobulated you didn't even know you were nude on the video call when you introduced her?"

Craig blushed, "Yes, that is true. I am sure it is going to take a while to live that one down."

Bill laughed loudly, "Son, that is grandchildren story time material there!" Bill then met Walsh. "Miss Walsh! The woman who, single handed, made 60 of my finest Marines back down and surrender all by herself?"

Walsh just smiled and bowed her head slightly, "Wa'll, I disahrmed 'em with me Irish Brogue an dein was putty in me hands."

Mary gushed, "My goodness girl, I can see why!" as she kissed Walsh on the cheek.

Soon Bill and Mary were being rushed onto the Embassy Afloat and taken up to the owner's deck where everyone got undressed and jumped into the pool.


Beth, good to her word, approached Bill and began gently playing with his balls as she slowly seduced him. She had a soft, sensual touch that let Bill know she really enjoyed playing with a man's cock, making it dance with the slightest touch.

For his part, Bill was enjoying running his hands over such an exotic beauty. Her flawless, light caramel skin and chocolate nipples pulled him in like a moth to a flame. He wanted to savor this, though, so as they stood offset, facing one another, Beth played with his cock and balls while Bill played with her pussy lips and clit.

Both enjoyed the slow burn of sexual tension as it built up between them. Deep kisses and necking followed until their breaths came more quickly. Eventually Bill reached around Beth and lifted her up as she angled his cock between her hot, sultry lips. He entered her slowly and deeply. They both luxuriated in each other's sex, keeping still in order to not rush the experience.

They entered into a Zen state of sensuality, lips, tongues, fingers, hands all exploring, enjoying the feelings of touching and being touched. After a good while Beth looked into Bill's eyes and whispered, I am about to cum all over your wonderful cock, Bill. I want us to look deeply into each other's eyes as I do so you can see my soul as I cum for you. Can you be vulnerable when you cum for me and do the same?"

Bill choked his acknowledgment as Beth let her climax come to her, opening up herself to Bill as the heat of her climax moved from her dark rose and up her spine. Her breath quickened and her eyes dilated, her mouth opened up and Bill saw the moment it washed over her. The tenderness and vulnerability she displayed for him were overwhelming in their sensuality.

That pushed Bill over the edge, and he returned the gift, Beth's eyes catching everything, accepting everything Bill gave her.

After they both climaxed and settled back down, Beth put her forehead against his and smiled. As his cock slipped out of her sex, they kissed and parted, both changed by the experience.


Mary moved towards me and whispered in my ear, "Rache sends you her love. She so wanted to come with us but was committed elsewhere and couldn't get out of it."

"Please tell her I miss her, too." I said as I pulled her in close, running my palm over her tummy. "How is our baby doing?"

Mary put her head to my shoulder and sighed, "I find it hard to believe I am carrying the baby of one of the most famous, most powerful men on the planet inside my womb. Every morning, I wake up needing to relieve the sexual and sensual tension in my body."

I slipped inside her up to my balls as she gasped her pleasure. I just held her there as the waves in the pool moved her body just enough to create a very subtle movement of her clit against my pubic bone. I held her head in my hand and deep kissed her, sending very small amounts of chi through my tongue and hand. Not enough to make her climax immediately, but enough she could feel it and luxuriate in it.

Mary clung to that trickle of chi as if her whole life revolved around it. She didn't come up for air, breathing through her nose instead, and she just floated in a sensual nirvana for about 15 minutes until her body betrayed her in a climactic release.

After she regained her breath, Mary whispered, "Fuck that is so good!"

Cathy ambled up to us and asked, "Mary, do you mind if I enjoy that electric cock of his while the two of you talk? I haven't had it in weeks, and I am pining for some psychic sex."

Mary giggled and rose up off my cock, letting Cathy maneuver it inside of her. I didn't let go of Mary, though and the three of us kissed as Cathy did all the work, sliding up and down my cock as it pulsed chi into the pleasure center of her brain. When she came, Cathy's face screwed up and she softly groaned in a high pitch.

Mary softly rubbed her back, "Yes baby, I know. It feels so good, doesn't it?"

Cathy nodded her head and then deep kissed Mary as she came down from her climax. The two of them moved off together to have some sapphic enjoyment. I looked around and saw both Mom's were keeping the Secret Service men busy and Doc had June well in hand.

That's when Batgirl and Ladyhawk came over. Batgirl sat on the edge of the pool and spread her thighs for me to eat her pussy while Ladyhawk wrapped her thighs around my waist and slipped me into hers.

I ate and fucked some delicious pussy as my chi lit them both up. All three of us managed to cum together just as it got to be time to clean up and get ready for dinner.

Chef made Armadillo eggs and Scottish eggs along with an oriental themed salad with Bok Choi leaves, firm tofu chunks, bean sprouts, and crisp chop suey noodles, with a lemongrass and balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

The Scottish eggs were hard boiled eggs encased in a spicy ground sausage and deep fried until the outer layer was crisp, and the Armadillo eggs started as cored Jalapeno' peppers that were then stuffed with smoked Gouda cheese before being also encased in ground sausage and wrapped in thick smoked bacon. The Armadillo eggs were then slow cooked over open flame until the bacon was crispy then slathered with a smokey BBQ sauce.