Star Quality


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And so it went on, Jill becoming, if not a famous film star, then a well known celebrity verging on the so called 'A' list.

And where was I?

Well ------ I had a good job and a Jag, but I didn't have the one thing I really wanted.


I'd had a fairly mediocre evening till then.

No ---- Let's be honest ----- The evening sucked!

I'd had a date, a second date even, with this little blonde from the insurance company that I did my business with. Great tits --- nice bum --- nose a bit big maybe, but what the hell?

It started well, but we bumped into another group of friends of hers who were having a jolly good time together.

You know how it goes don't you?

I wasn't totally committed --- Bugger me --- I hardly even fancied the bloody woman. We joined the group. She went off dancing. I sat there watching her, got pissed off and left.

'Point final.' As they say in France. I went home pretty miserable.

Dring Dring ----- Dring Dring.

Fuck her I thought. She went off with that other group of berks and if she needed a lift home, then that was her problem.

Dring Dring ----- Dring Dring.

Bugger it!

Damn it!

But I picked up the phone anyway.

"Hello ---- Bugger off ---- I'm going to bed!"

Seemed a reasonable response to a bitch who had abandoned me like that. You can imagine no doubt ---- I was a bit touchy about things when I thought I was being abandoned.

"Hi Greg. It's Dan, Daniel ---- What are you on about?"

It didn't register immediately. I didn't know any Daniels.

Then it clicked!

"Daniel Murray?'

"Yes Greg," was the response. "It's Dan here. Long time no see."

"The longer the better as far as I'm concerned," Was my obvious reply.

"Come on Greg," he continued affably. "What's the problem mate?"

"You fucked up my marriage, you bastard," I accused him, my temper rising despite my best efforts.

"Not me Greg," came the reply. "I was just a link in the chain."

"Chain --- fucking chain! What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Come on Greg," Daniel continued calmly. "That night --- You must know Greg ---- You give a girl like that too much slack and it was going to happen sooner or later."

I breathed in deeply. Several years' worth of water had flowed under the bridge, but even so, his words struck straight at my guts.

It was two days later that we met up in some pub. A pint each infront of us -- he paid -- we started our conversation.

"Well speak up then Daniel," I opened the conversation. "What's this about?"

"Jill of course."

"What about her. Has she died or caught aids or something?"

"You wouldn't really wish that would you Greg," Daniel queried cautiously, and cutting off a nasty reply, I reluctantly agreed.

"You still love her don't you?" he asked, and I shrugged my shoulders, unable to deny it, but unwilling to admit it.

"That night when we met Greg," he started to explain. "I can be a bit of a bugger around women, but that night was incredible, and I can't explain it. Jill's a beautiful woman, but I've had beautiful women before. Sometimes they're after me and sometimes my money ---- Who cares. But Jill ..... She was different --- Incredible. There was something special that night, even though we were both too drunk to do anything about it. But something that we were never able to re-erect afterwards. When she lived with me after she left you then the sex was fantastic. But there was always something else there Greg ---- Someone else! That someone was you."

"What the hell are you on about," I demanded, noting his claim that nothing had happened that eventful night. "Stop talking in riddles."

"What I'm trying to tell you Greg is that she still loves you. That night was the worst mistake she ever made in her life. Too much to drink, whatever. No excuses, but she made a mistake, one mistake but a terrible one."

"Then why did she go off to you at that Christmas party," I demanded. "Why did she spend the night with you?"

"She didn't," Greg claimed. "I swear to you Greg Jill spent the whole evening introducing me to the management and workers, and saving me from them when I couldn't get away."

"Till one thirty in the morning," I challenged.

"Yes," he replied. "Jill left early. Wanted to get back to you Greg. The party went on till about four in the morning and I ended up staying with friends for the night."

Oh shit! Could this be true?

"Then why didn't she tell me that?"

"Maybe she did Greg, but you wouldn't listen."

"I wasn't in the mood to listen."

"No," Daniel sighed. "Apparently the next morning you two had a huge argument and you threw her out. She had nowhere to go, so I happily took her in."

Oh shit ---- Oh bugger!

"And then?"

"We lived together for some time till a better proposition came along," Daniel explained, the pain in his voice making it evident that Jill had got through to him in the same way that she had got to me. "That bastard Alan dangled his wealth in front of her and she was off. You weren't available and I couldn't match it. I had no chance. Then there was that rock idol, the film star and even the fucking Minister of Justice --- What the hell did she see in that idiot?"

"And that American senator," I added. "He ended up divorced because of her."

"Yes," agreed Daniel, shaking his head, and remaining silent for several minutes. "But you were the only man that she ever loved Greg, and it's not easy for a man like me to say something like that!"


"Why do you think I've asked you to meet today Greg?" Daniel demanded forcibly. "Jill is the only woman I've ever known, that I would put myself through this pain for."

I stood there looking at him, lost for words, my past life bubbling up to conflict with my otherwise passive and relatively calm present.

"She wants to see you Greg," Daniel informed me almost formally. "She wants me to arrange for you to meet up with her."

"Christ almighty!"

"How about tomorrow Greg," he urged me. "Jill's flying in from Dubai at eleven. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?"

Merde alors!


I couldn't even begin to start to explain the feelings that engulfed me the following day as I waited for Jill to turn up at the hotel where we were to meet.

Love ---- Hate ---- Anticipation ----- Worry ----- Disgust ---- And yes Longing!

Despite everything, I couldn't wait to see what she now looked like in the flesh, rather than the photos that I had slavishly pored over for far too long.

Then she arrived, and I didn't even recognise her.

"Hi Greg," The sloppily dressed fairly ordinary looking woman who stood in front of me greeted me. "How are you honey?"

I looked up, taking a few minutes to realise that it was her.

"Jill," I stuttered. "What the hell? Why are you dressed like that?"

Her appearance reminded me of those first few months when I had known her. All baggy jeans and shapeless tops.

"It's an incognito thing honey," Jill informed me. "I'm too well known to wander around looking like 'me'. We'd be followed by photographers all the time, especially in this town where I came from."

Made sense!

Actually made it easier to talk to her without my mind rushing me to the wrong conclusions.

"What's this about then Jill," was my opening question. "Why now after all this time?"

"Time we sorted our lives out Greg don't you think?"

"What does that mean?"

"Well honey, we're still married aren't we?" She explained. "You may have read that I've been going out with Brad Kitt for some time, and now that he's got his divorce, he's asked me to marry him."

"Brad Kitt?" I queried incredulous. I honestly hadn't expected the conversation to go down this line. "The American film star? I didn't realise Jill."

"Most people don't Greg," she confided. "But that's the situation."

There was one of our long silences, while Jill gave me time to let that news sink in.

"So you want a divorce then Jill?" I asked at length, trying to hide my deep disappointment at the real reason for our meeting.

"Yes honey," Jill confirmed quietly. "I'm really very, very fond of Brad and we get on so well, but there's another option. One that I would chose if I had the choice."

"What's that?"

"We could get back together sweetheart," Jill whispered nervously. "You and me Greg ---- I'm sure if we tried, then we could make a go of it."

I leapt to my feet, my mind in a twirl, my heart thumping wildly. The stupid cow --- The silly bitch ---- How could someone like me compete with bleeding Brad Kitt? How could the stupid woman tease me like that? Hadn't she already done enough to hurt me?

"Don't be so bloody idiotic," I just about screamed at her. "You can have your damn divorce and good riddance to you. Fuck off with Brad bloody what's his name and leave me alone."

I slammed down my half empty glass, spilling the contents all over the table, and stormed out of the hotel in fury, but even as I left, I heard Jill burst into tears.

God what a mess I was in, and I had just made it a lot worse.


For the next while I fought to keep myself from falling back into the depths of despair again, the simplicity and finality of the quickie divorce really testing my deepest resolve. But at least I thought I could move on at long last. Start to rebuild my shattered life and think towards the future.

I don't know what I would have done without Mike and May's support through that period, as yet again they proved what wonderful friends they were.

When the invitation arrived however, I could hardly credit their bloody cheek.


Brad and Jill ----- I'd never met the bugger. Never wanted to. No damn way!

Again it was May that talked me through it. Trying to convince me that by turning up and smiling that I could perhaps get foreclosure. For the first time in a long time I wasn't totally honest with my friend May, and decided to attend, but it had nothing to do with foreclosure or forgiveness. I never admitted it, but it was some form of masochism. I wanted to hurt and I wanted to suffer, and I wanted Jill to see me there with tears and that feeling of loss in my eyes. With any luck it might spoil her big day.


I swung my three-year-old Jaguar XK8 sports car into the car park of the closely guarded Castle deep in the Kent countryside where the ceremony and festivities were to take place. It was one of those OK magazine exclusive weddings where invites were sought after like gold, and the paparazzi where kept at arm's length by an army of bouncers.

At least my car just about passed muster amongst the Bentleys, Ferraris, Top end Mercedes and all. Even so I, dressed in my best suit as I was, felt so far out of place amongst all those rich and famous people that I'd seen and heard of so often while I'd charted the progress of my now ex-wife.

Alan Sugar --- Now there was surprise ---- There'd been rumours about him and Jill a while back.

So many film stars that I lost track, though I did manage a few words with Halle Berry who I had always been rather struck on.

Golly even Victoria Beckham chatted to me for a while till David excused himself for having to whisk her away.

What a nice woman Posh Spice turned out to be! I would never have suspected it from the press she seemed to get.

I simply told everyone I was an old friend of Jill's from way back, not having the nerve or stomach to tell them the truth.

It wasn't too bad till we were all called to order and channelled our way through to the grand old chapel where the marriage ceremony was to be held.

It was then that the hurt started, and my chest tightened and I seriously began to wish that I hadn't turned up. It wasn't going to do me any good at all, and I truly didn't want to hurt Jill in any way.

Brad Kitt? ------ Bugger him, but in reality he'd never done me any harm.

Jill came in on the arm of her father Burt who'd performed the same function at our wedding some years previously, and I wondered what he was thinking, and whether he felt even more out of place than I did at that moment.

Jill was glancing around right and left, smiling at special friends and relatives, but acting as if she was searching desperately for someone in particular.

Yes! That's right.

She spotted me and our eyes locked. I felt a chill encompass me as I looked at her. She was so beautiful and I was about to lose her completely.

Jill mouthed some silent words in my direction, and I swear that she said 'Sorry honey ---- Please forgive me', and then she was gone. Past me and gone to join her new husband who waited for her at the altar.

The service started and I began to feel sick, desperate for it to finish ---- Desperate to get away from my humiliation and torment.

Why in heavens had I agreed to attend?

"I heard Jill say "I do," but the rest passed me by.

That is until the Minister asked that magic and somewhat stupid question.

"Does anyone here have reason for this marriage not to take place? Speak up now or forever hold your peace." I cannot to this day remember the exact words, but you get the picture don't you.

I bit my tongue till I tasted the saltiness of my own blood in my mouth, and even then I put my hand over my mouth to prevent myself speaking out.

God knows, whatever Jill had done to me, it was substantially my own silly fault, and no bride, even Jill deserved to be disgraced and humiliated like that.

I breathed out slowly and relaxed as the moment passed, tears blurring my vision.

I'd missed my chance.

Too late!

But what was the commotion being played out in front of me about?

What had happened?

Why was I standing?

Why was the Minister stood there with his mouth wide open in surprise?

Why was everyone staring at me for Christ's sake?

Oh Fuck! ------ What had I just shouted out? ------ What the hell had I done?

What had I done to ruin the day of the one woman that I had ever loved?


They were quite gentle with me on reflection as they frogmarched me out of the Chapel. But then I offered no resistance as they led me out of the Castle and deposited me in the car park, where I stood in confusion, wondering what the hell had I done.

I ignored the bewildered looks of the waiting chauffeurs and lackey's, as they stared at me unknowingly. At a loss as to why I had been ejected.

Well, they'd find out soon enough.

Stumbling over to my car, I scrambled in and fired up the engine, revving the powerful four litre engine in a pointless gesture of defiance, before accelerating, foot flat down out of the car park exit, miraculously avoiding the two huge stone columns that had no doubt stood sentry there for several centuries.

I roared flat out down the lane, not caring for anybody or anything, not caring whether I crashed or not. Eyeing up the huge Plane trees flanking the road, calculating how much faster I would have to go to guarantee exterminating myself when and if, I chose to swerve into one of them.

Which tree?

Was this the end?

Fortunately for both of us, I spotted the young girl on the horse coming out from the field just in time, instinctively slamming my brakes on hard, the brake pedal hammering under my foot as the ABS override system took over from my clumsy efforts.

I stopped but it was close, and I sat there cursing my own stupidity as the poor girl fought to control the frightened horse hardly five foot in front of me.

Stupid ----- Damn Stupid!

With a look of justifiable anger, the girl at last swung her mount away and disappeared off in the other direction, while I sat there for a few moments regaining my wits. Soon enough, I selected 'Drive' once more, took it out of 'Sport' mode, and set off down the lane at a more reasonable pace, soon turning off onto the main road back in the direction that I had arrived from.

Oh if only I could start all over again.

If only!


Ten minutes later and I spotted in my mirror another car coming up rapidly behind me, eating up the distance at a considerable rate.

The press perhaps after my story maybe ----- Or just some guy in a hurry ----- Maybe in a hurry to get home to his loved one.

Oh if only!!

The bright red sports car shot straight passed me, clipping the verge, it's Alpha Romeo badge on the grill registering something deep in my subconscious.

No ---- No it couldn't be!

Once passed, the Alpha slammed its brakes on, pulling in front of me, forcing me to brake hard yet again. Despite my best efforts I couldn't avoid it completely, and my car slammed into it, the nose of my big Jag spinning the little Alpha into the shallow ditch, where it slid to a slow stop.

A red Alpha Romeo Spider sports car, just like the one that Jill had driven in the James Bond film. Just like the one that Fiat had presented her with after the film for giving their car so much public exposure.

I sat there in shock!

"Did you mean what you said Greg?" Jill demanded as she yanked my door open. "Did you really mean that you still loved me and that I shouldn't marry Brad?"

So that's what I'd said was it?

"I guess I must do Jill," was my only possible reply. "I guess I never stopped loving you sweetheart. Sorry ----- I just can't help myself."

"Quickly then honey," Called out Jill as she scooted in beside me. "Get going before any of the press turn up. My bridesmaid's car is blocking the entrance, but they'll soon get past her."

"Where to," I asked in bewilderment. "A hotel or somewhere?"

"No Greg," She replied sweetly, leaning over to kiss me. "Take me home honey ----- Please, let's just go home."



Ok this is Mike talking now, you know, May's husband, Greg's friend that nearly fucked up by getting too frisky with Jill a few years back.

The above story was as Greg recorded it for May and me before he and Jill took off some six months ago.

Their lives soon became intolerable as the press camped out on their doorstep, desperate for anything since the story had become the hottest thing in the media.

We went to visit them by arrangement, forcing our way through the media frenzy, only being allowed through the front door by the copper guarding it after we had proved who we were. Three hours later we left quickly and were soon ignored by the few press who tried to follow us. The only difference being that it wasn't us at all, but Greg and Jill dressed in our heavy winter clothing.

Fooled them ------ Fooled the lot of them.

They were furious when they discovered the subterfuge, but cheered up a bit when they realised what a story it was in itself.

Then there was the question of the missing couple.

Where were they? ----- We didn't know. Apparently nobody did, though at regular intervals over the six months that has passed, we've received post cards from exotic places from a couple called Gill and Reg.

We don't know anybody by that name of course, but we make our assumptions, and they always tell us what a fabulous time they are having, and how much they are in love.

A few of the post card were of some beach with a pretty girl sunbathing topless in the background, but it was May who remarked on quite how much the girl looked like Jill.

Well ----- Obviously the pair of them hadn't changed all that much had they.

If anyone knows where they are, then perhaps Greg's Mum knows. We don't speak a lot, but we do occasionally bump into her in the supermarket. She just smiles and grins at us like we were some conspirators. But she doesn't tell us, and we never ask.

They'll reappear when they're ready to I guess.

I honestly never met a couple who were so suited to one another and so in love.

That is of course, if you don't count my wife May and I.
