Star Wars: Transformations


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Since Tahiri was probably wearing her durasteel chrono and comlink, Ta'tan'ia didn't want anyone seeing hers and making a connection. She wasn't sure about trying to hide her collar yet. She'd have to let the Force guide her when it was time. Purple-skinned Twi'leks were relatively rare in the galaxy though. Purple-skinned Twi'leks wearing a metal collar were even rarer. She definitely didn't want anyone identifying her by it.

While she was wasn't as famous as Master Skywalker or Master Organa Solo or even Master Solo, Ta'tan'ia was somewhat known from her time as Chief Daala's Jedi liaison as well. She didn't think outlaw swoop-bikers paid much attention to Galactic Alliance politics though.

As they got into Wyric's speeder, Ta'tan'ia began looking for nearby clothing stores on the local HoloNet with her wrist comlink. She needed one that was likely to sell clothes suited for a girl to wear to an outlaw swoop-biker party.

"I was thinking," Ta'tan'ia began as she searched the local HoloNet for suitable clothing stores. "Maybe you should see if you can find where they're stashing that shipment of blasters. We may be able to do something about them too."

Wyric glanced at her thoughtfully. "I think I should stay close to the clubhouse, to back you up. We can always pass the intel about the blasters along to the local police."

Ta'tan'ia let out an exasperated sigh. "Most of the local police are corrupt or incompetent. You should know that," she told him, obviously annoyed. "It was in the planetary briefing packet I sent you when you decided to come to this rock. What have you been doing on your datapad all this time?"

"What any guy does when he's alone for a few minutes," Wyric answered with a shrug. "Looking at holoporn."

Ta'tan'ia stared at him incredulously a moment. "Kriffin' pervert," she responded, hitting him in his upper arm, hard.

"Ow!" he replied, reflexively grabbing his bicep and kneading it. "That hurt."

"Good," she said, turning her attention back to her wrist comm.

"I was just joking anyway. I read the briefing packet. I know about the police," Wyric explained.

"That's not why I hit you," Ta'tan'ia told him, mildly annoyed, and not looking up from her wrist comm.


Wyric didn't mention the holoporn. There was no point in denying it anyway. He was a guy after all .

By the time they got close to the clubhouse, Ta'tan'ia had found a used clothing store that might have what she was looking for, and another shop close by in case it didn't. She had Wyric drop her off at the shop that sold used clothes first. While the other store was more likely to sell clothes that would fit in at an outlaw swoop-biker party, she didn't want to spend any more of the Jedi Order's credits than she had to.

Before she went in, she pulled on her black armlets. They went from just below her elbows to midway up the palms of her hands, with thumb openings to keep them in place. Wide nerfhide straps were at the top and around her wrists, with another pair in the middle. The wrist straps were the perfect cover for her beskar chrono and comlink. She left the hood that would hide her collar in the speeder though.

The middle-aged woman working inside was happy to help her. Of course Ta'tan'ia didn't straight-out tell her she wanted slutty clothes to go to a swoop-biker party. She quickly spotted a couple of racks that looked like that might have what she was looking for. It didn't take her long to find a pair of faded black short-shorts, and a strappy red top that looked like it would fit her.

The shop had a small changing room in the back down a short hallway. The short-shorts were snug, almost to the point of being skin-tight. The top was tight as well, and had crisscrossing straps on top that went around her shoulders and upper arms, one of which was half-torn. With her fifteen-centimeter high clear plastex heels and black armlets, she thought she looked like a biker slut. A sexy biker slut. Then again, it was hard for her not to look sexy.

As she was checking herself out in the mirror, she heard someone enter the shop out front. She cracked the changing room door open, and peeked out.

To her shock she saw two Zoloz. One was standing just inside the doorway, like a lookout, and the other was talking to the woman running the shop. She recognized that one as Dirc.

"We've been real patient with you, Mrs. Rellins. This is the last friendly visit we're gonna make," Dirc said menacingly.

"Look, I don't have that kind of credits!" the woman exclaimed. "I barely have any customers, and I already got to pay the cops!"

"And I fully support our local law enforcement," Dirc replied. "The dirty ones, anyway. None of that shavit is my problem though. If the Zoloz say you're gonna pay, then you're gonna pay." He leaned in close, and added in a whisper Ta'tan'ia could barely hear. "Or you'll pay."

The woman was visibly distraught now. "Look, I only got fifty-five credits!" she shouted, turning and opening the register drawer. "I swear!" With that she grabbed the credits, and thrust them at him.

"Fifty-five!" Dirc screamed, grabbing her by the shirt with one hand, and snatching the credits away with the other. "That's less than half of last week's dues. What the frakk about this week!"

Ta'tan'ia had to end this. She was about to step out of the changing room, when she remembered her comlink. She quickly unbuckled the strap on her right armlet, exposing the beskar cuff. Her comlink could be set to make any of sort of sound or play a tune when she got a message, as well as vibrate and illuminate itself. Or it could do any combination of those things. She quickly turned off the sound and illumination, and set it to the lowest vibration setting only for a message marked priority. Then she pulled her armlet back into place, buckled the strap, stepped out of the changing room, and down the hallway.

"I'll take 'em. . ." she said cheerfully, trailing off as she pretended to realize something was wrong.

Dirc stared at her for a second, then turned back to the shopkeeper.

"Why the kriff didn't you tell me somebody was in here!?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" the woman replied, sobbing.

Suddenly Dirc let go of her, and turned back to Ta'tan'ia, which was exactly what she had hoped for.

"Hey, you guys are with the Zoloz," she said with a smile.

Dirc was wearing a black nerfhide Zoloz vest with quite a few patches on it, along with a faded black shirt, and faded bluish-gray pants with a couple of small holes. Heavy black boots were on his feet. The only weapon visible on him was a vibroblade on his right thigh. He had several tattoos visible on his arms. The Zoloz by the door was similarly dressed, except his pants and vest looked newer.

"Hell yeah, baby," Dirc responded with his own smile, openly checking her out. Then he glanced back at the shopkeeper. "We did some work for Mrs. Rellins here and we were just discussing payment," he explained glibly. Then he waved his hand dismissively, as he added, "But anyways, we're having a little party at the clubhouse tonight, you wanna come join in?"

Ta'tan'ia couldn't believe it was this easy. She figured she'd at least have to flirt with him a while or something. She had even come up with a story about how her boyfriend had dumped her, and she was looking to have some fun or something. Instead she had just had to let him see her, and she was invited.

"Sure, what time you want me to stop by?" she asked, still smiling at him.

The smile was almost real now, considering how easy he was making this for her.

"I'll give you a ride now," he responded with a shrug. "We'll have a little pre-party."

Ta'tan'ia was sensing everything she could with the Force. He didn't seem to be deceiving her. This was almost too good to be true. Now not only was he offering her a ride to the party, he was going to escort her in, too.

"Sounds like fun," Ta'tan'ia replied, stepping towards him.

"By the way, nice collar," Dirc told her, reaching out, slipping a finger underneath it and giving it a tug. "Real sexy."

Ta'tan'ia went into shock for a split-second. She had completely forgotten about her collar. "Thanks," she answered quickly. "It was a gift," she explained, smiling at him again.

Dirc gave her another smirk, almost leering at her. Then he glanced back at the shop clerk. "I'll be back real soon," he assured her.

Ta'tan'ia pulled twenty credits from her pocket, and handed them to the still distraught Mrs. Rellins for the top and shorts. Then she turned her attention back to Dirc.

"So we going to party, or what?" she asked him, deliberately walking between him and the shopkeeper, towards the front door. She smiled up at the Zoloz, and flicked her tchun—her left lek—towards him as she did.

While she strutted towards the door, she sensed him take the credits from the lady before turning to follow her. That meant he wasn't completely weak-minded. She also sensed his eyes on her ass as she walked. She gave the Zoloz at the door, who she didn't recognize, a smile as she approached him.

"So, sexy," Dirc said, catching up with her and wrapping his arm around her possessively. "I'm Dirc. What's your name, or can I just call you sexy?"

Ta'tan'ia and Wyric had some false ID for a cover as cargo runners who were on New Coronet a few days, and some proclaiming them as bounty hunters. Both of hers used the same first name though.

"Tawnia," Ta'tan'ia answered with a smile, draping her tchun over his arm. "But sexy sounds just fine to me."

Outside, the lookout was climbing onto one of the Zoloz' swoop-bikes. Since he didn't have the Zoloz' Rancor logo on the back of his nerfhide vest, Ta'tan'ia assumed he was a prospect. She waited for Dirc to straddle the other swoop-bike, then climbed on behind him. She wasn't surprised when not only did he not offer her a helmet, he didn't have one for himself.

She hoped he was a good pilot. At least he didn't seem drunk or high or anything. She didn't have time for a trip to the emergency medcenter right now.

Ta'tan'ia's next problem was letting Wyric know she wouldn't be rendezvousing with him. She'd probably have to slip into a 'fresher or something once she got inside the clubhouse.

Dirc took off, with the prospect right behind him. Dirc seemed to be doing his best to impress her with his piloting ability—or at least scare the shavit out of her. Then again, he might just be trying to get both of them killed. Ta'tan'ia responded by wrapping her arms tighter around his waist. He of course, interpreted this to mean that she was attracted to him.

They arrived at the clubhouse a couple of minutes later. A single Zoloz was keeping an eye on about twenty or so swoop-bikes parked out front. Dirc and the lookout backed theirs in next to the door, at the beginning of the line.

Ta'tan'ia had thought the other Zoloz weren't supposed to arrive for a while yet, but she guessed she had been mistaken. She could already hear loud music coming from the clubhouse, and sense at least a few dozen people inside.

Ta'tan'ia could also sense Wyric's surprise from his surveillance position down the street. She stepped out a bit to give him a better view, then stretched as she smiled towards him. Then she wrapped her arms around Dirc's waist, glanced towards Wyric again—as if she were just looking down the street—gave him a wink, and walked into the clubhouse with the swoopie. The lookout stayed outside, with the other prospect.

Just as Ta'tan'ia had guessed, there were at least twenty swoop-bikers inside, with nearly as many women. Several of the Zoloz waved a greeting to Dirc, and even more seemed to be taking a long look at her. Ta'tan'ia arched her back a bit as she scanned the crowd, mainly the women. A lot of them had at least one or two visible tats, and most of them were dressed to show plenty of skin. Still, Ta'tan'ia knew she was definitely the hottest woman in the room. By the reactions of the various swoop-bikers, they thought so too.

The party was definitely already started. A woman was dancing on the stripper pole to some fast-paced music, with a handful of swoop-bikers watching. The smell of alcohol and cigarra smoke was strong. Ta'tan'ia could also detect some sort of spice.

"Hey everybody, this is Tawnia," Dirc announced, grabbing her hand and lifting it over her head so everyone would know who he was talking about. "Tawnia, this is everybody," he added, waving his hand to encompass the room.

Quite a few of the Zoloz and swoop-bike-sluts waved or shouted some sort of greeting towards her, and Ta'tan'ia waved back. She had almost expected Dirc to take her straight to one of the bedrooms for sex, or try and get her on the stripper pole, but instead he found them a couple of spots at the bar.

A human woman perhaps forty brought them drinks almost as soon as they sat down. She looked like she had been pretty attractive once, but had lived a hard life. She had several tats showing, including one of the Zoloz' rancor logo on her wrist. Ta'tan'ia suspected she had done a lot of spice over the years.

While they drank, Dirc began asking her casual questions about where she was from, how long she had been in New Coronet, and stuff like that. On the surface he just seemed to be trying to get to know her, but Ta'tan'ia sensed he didn't trust her completely, and was trying to feel her out.

Ta'tan'ia did her best to deflect the questions without making him even more suspicious. The Force certainly helped in that matter. She was mainly looking around for Tahiri. Not only did she not see her, she still didn't sense her through the Force. She also didn't want to ask about her. From what she was overhearing from some of the others, they were expecting some more Zoloz soon. Maybe she was with them.

The possibility of more Zoloz worried Ta'tan'ia. It was going to be hard enough to rescue Tahiri with the nearly two dozen swoop-bikers that were already at the clubhouse. If a lot more arrived, things could get really complicated.

"So, what's up with the collar?" Dirc asked her, running his hand along the back of the seamless band of beskar around her neck.

"It was a gift," she answered truthfully, if a bit misleadingly.

She didn't mention that it was from a woman. She didn't want to encourage him any more than she had to to keep him interested. At first Ta'tan'ia hadn't thought the beskar collar—or wrist chrono, comlink, or chastity belt—had been gifts either, but now she believed Chief Daala had really meant them as such, even if the collar and cuffs were permanent. Ta'tan'ia certainly considered them gifts. Chief Daala had truly understood how much she'd learn to appreciate them. Especially the permanence. Too bad she'd hated the Jedi so much, and had had Kani and Madhi murdered. Still, sometimes Ta'tan'ia really missed serving her.

"You into that bondage stuff or something?" Dirc asked. He paused a moment, then added with a grin, "Not that I have a problem with that."

"Well. . . yeah," Ta'tan'ia replied truthfully.

"Sexy," he responded, still smiling. "We got a girl that's into all that stuff too. She likes getting whipped, she has some wrist cuffs she wears all the time, and we put a durasteel collar on her like yours." He took a swallow of his beer, then continued. "Her collar and cuffs never come off though. Not even when she sleeps or takes a sanisteam."

Now Ta'tan'ia was positive he was talking about Tahiri. She was a notorious pain slut.

Ta'tan'ia certainly didn't mention that she couldn't take off her collar or cuffs either. "Cool," Ta'tan'ia answered. "She around here somewhere, or what?"

"She went for a ride with some brothers, to meet some other brothers that are coming for a visit," he said, glancing at a chrono on the wall. "They should be back in an hour or so."

"Great," she replied, taking a swallow of her beer. "I can't wait to meet her.

Dirc just smiled again. Then he put his hand on her leg just above her knee, and slid it up her thigh, all the way to the hem of her skimpy shorts, just a few centimeters or so from her pussy.

A couple of minutes later, Dirc offered to show her around the clubhouse. Now it was obvious he was looking to have sex with her. Just as she suspected, he quickly led her into an empty bedroom. It was the same one where she had found the slutty clothes and bondage toys in the closet earlier. Ta'tan'ia wondered if he had chosen this one purposely, or if the restraints were just a coincidence. She hoped he wasn't planning on using those nipple clamps on her she had seen. The multi-tailed flogger looked fun though.

Ta'tan'ia pretended to resist a bit—which seemed to arouse him even more—then relented. In just minutes she was naked except for her fifteen-centimeter plastex heels, armlets, and collar. Dirc grinned when he saw that she was leaving her heels on. She hadn't even considered taking them off. She practically lived in towering high heels, and always wore them during sex. Or when she masturbated.

Dirc was naked from the waist down as well, except for his socks. Above his waist he was still wearing a faded black shirt, and his black nerfhide Zoloz vest.

The Zoloz was pretty aggressive, not that Ta'tan'ia had expected any different from an outlaw swoop-biker. As fast as they stripped off their clothes, he literally picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. She landed on her back, and he quickly climbed on top of her.

Ta'tan'ia hooked her legs around his thighs as he began fucking her. She got the feeling that he was mainly out for his own pleasure, which wasn't really unusual for a guy. He did seem to want to please her, but the feeling was faint compared to his own desires.

When she had had sex with Chief Daala, Ta'tan'ia pretty much always got the impression she was mostly doing it as a means of control. That certainly fitted in with the bondage, dominance and submission, and especially the chastity belt she made her wear. While Ta'tan'ia pretended to be really into sex with some outlaw swoop-biker she had just met, she sort of missed the former Chief of State's subtlety devious—and often blatantly devious—ways of dominating her.

Ta'tan'ia matched his thrusts, staying in rhythm with him. She moaned out, slid her hands underneath his vest, dug her nails into his back, and left scratches several centimeters long. It was her way of hurting him a little for what he had done to the shopkeeper. Maybe later she'd make him pay some more.

To Ta'tan'ia's delight, he grunted, and winced noticeably in pain. Then he pushed her arms over her head, and held her wrists down as he continued fucking her. Fortunately he was holding her forearms just below her beskar chrono and comlink, so he didn't feel them underneath her nerfhide armlets.

After several minutes or so of enthusiastic sex, he paused long enough to flip her over, and start fucking her from behind. She was careful to keep her sensitive lekku out of his reach so he wouldn't be tempted to pull on one or something. Luckily the Zoloz was content to hold her waist as he thrust in and out of her.

A while later—Ta'tan'ia wasn't really paying attention to the time—she sensed that Dirc was about to cum. Just before he did, Ta'tan'ia obligingly faked her own orgasm, letting him think he had given her one. That sent him over the edge. He let out a loud grunt, and came into her. He thrust in and out of her pussy a few more times, then flopped down next to her on his back. She responded by laying half on top of him, and draping her arm over his chest.

"Gotta hit the 'fresher," Dirc said after a few moments, pushing her arm off himself.

Ta'tan'ia watched him walk into the 'fresher, then rolled onto her back. She was still horny, but she didn't even really think about masturbating. The mission came first—not that she would have seriously masturbated in an outlaw swoop-biker clubhouse anyway.
