Star Wars: Transformations


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"Hey bro!" Cyllir said excitedly as he embraced his fellow Zoloz from Trallis II with one arm, while keeping a firm grip on Torri's wrist with the other hand. "I thought you were down for that robbery and shavit?"

"I was," he replied nonchalantly. "They had to drop the charges," he explained. "The witness didn't show up for court."

"Great," Cyllir answered, nodding his head expectantly.

"And he's never going to show up anywhere ever again," another nearby Zoloz from Trallis II added with an evil grin.

Cyllir paused a moment, then burst out in laughter. All of the nearby Zoloz who had heard the conversation happily joined in. Torri laughed as well, even though she wasn't a hundred percent sure why.

"Oh yeah, there's someone I want you to meet," Cyllir announced after they'd had a good laugh. He paused to nudge Torri forward half-a-step. "Krayt, this is Torri Antilles. Torri, this is one of my brothers from Trallis II, Krayt."

Torri smiled, and obediently posed so Krayt could get a good look at her.

"So this is her," Krayt commented as his eyes roamed her body, lingering on her various tats and piercings.

Torri arched her back so her tits stuck out, and ran her hands down her mostly bare sides to show off.

"Damn she's sexy," Krayt added. "Especially when she's not shooting at me."

Torri frowned in confusion. She had never met him that she remembered, and definitely hadn't shot at him, or anyone. She couldn't imagine how bad Cyllir or Quinn or Dirc would beat her if she shot at a Zoloz. Hell, she had never even shot a blaster period, that she remembered.

Cyllir muttered a curse.

Now Torri looked at him in confusion.

"Turn around, babe," he instructed her, pulling a short chain with a maglock at either end out of his pocket.

Now Torri was really confused. She turned away from him though, and automatically put her hands behind her back like she had been told. Just as she figured, he cuffed her wrists together. Then he turned her back around.

"Frakk," Cyllir muttered with a sigh again. "Look babe, you probably don't remember, but you met Krayt here a couple of months ago," he said, looking into Torri's eyes. "And you shot him in the leg."

Now all the nearby Zoloz chuckled, obviously amused for some reason.

"I shot him!?" she asked in disbelief, tugging against her cuffs. She didn't understand why the Zoloz thought that was funny either. "Why'd I do that!? How'd I do that!?"

Cyllir took a deep breath. "Look, we were going to tell you this later on, but I guess we can go ahead and do it now."

Torri stared at him, and stamped her stiletto-heeled foot expectantly.

"You know how we told you that you were just a chick hanging around the clubhouse and stuff, and you oh-de'ed on glitteryll and lost your memory?"

"Yeah," Torri answered with a nod.

"Well, that's not exactly true. You were a bounty hunter. A couple of months ago you tried to get Krayt and a couple of other Zoloz on Trallis II, and you shot him in the leg while he was trying to get away."

Torri didn't know how to respond to that. Somehow she could tell it was the truth though.

"I spotted you in New Coronet about a month ago. We captured you, gave you some ryll, and told you you oh-de'ed when you woke up," Cyllir explained.

Torri stared at him in stunned silence. She couldn't believe what he was saying. She had been a bounty hunter?

"At first we were going to kill you, but we decided to give you a chance to make it up to us instead," Cyllir told her. He paused a second, then added, with a broad grin, "Which you're doing great at, by the way."

Torri was still too stunned to reply. This was a complete shock to her. For once she felt like she actually wanted some crude or something. Or a stiff shot of whiskey.

"Anyway," Cyllir continued, "we've pretty much forgiven you. The New Coronet Zoloz, that is. Once we got to know you, we found out how great of a girl you really are," he explained, reaching out and twisting one of her nipple rings through her top. "Now all you need to convince Krayt and Mako and the others from Trallis II though."

Torri winced a little from the pain in her nipple, mostly so Cyllir would think it really hurt. The truth was a little nipple twisting turned her on more than anything else.

Since she had recovered from her oh-dee, the Zoloz had frequently beaten and whipped her when she didn't obey them, or do her best to please them. Or just for fun. Now she was surprised they hadn't done worse. Instead they had given her a chance to make it up to them.

She was already expecting to fuck a lot of the visiting Zoloz. When she saw that Cyllir was really surprised to see Krayt, she had figured on giving him something extra special. Now she would just have to make sure she gave them the time of their lives. Especially Krayt, who was now eyeing her lustily.

"I'm so sorry for shooting you," Torri said apologetically, taking a step towards him. "I oh-de'ed on ryll a few weeks ago, so I don't even remember it. I'll do anything you want to make it up to you," she told him. "Anything at all."

The fact that she had phrased it I oh-de'ed never even entered into her mind. All she knew was that she was a drug using swoop-biker slut. She hadn't even wrapped her head around the fact that she had been a bounty hunter. She didn't even know if she wanted to. In her mind, she had always been a Zoloz slut.

"No problem babe," Krayt replied with a smile. "I really like the changes since the last time I saw you. Especially the tats." As he spoke, he reached out, and ran his hand down the flaming pattern on her side.

"Thanks," Torri responded with her own smile, raising her cuffed wrists up and away from her back to give him easier access as she took another half-step towards him. At the same time, she automatically glanced at Cyllir for his approval.

He nodded his head, and Torri began slowly turning, to let Krayt and the other nearby Zoloz see the rest of her tats. She had quite a few that were visible.

ZOLOZ SLUT was tattooed over a pattern of flames across the small of her back. The same thing was also tattooed on the outside of her right wrist and ankle, without the flames. Her left wrist and ankle had the words I SUCK ZOLOZ COCK. Each of her shoulders had the Zoloz' rancor logo over a flaming background. The word PROPERTY was curved over the top of the logo, and OF ZOLOZ below it. PROPERTY OF ZOLOZ was also tattooed between her shoulder blades, over a background of flames. A ten-centimeter-wide pattern of flames ran down her sides, from underneath her skimpy red tube top to her ankles.

The tube top and tiny miniskirt Torri was wearing hid a few more of her tats as well. She had large hoop earrings that were eight-centimeters in diameter, bars through the tops of her ears, a curved bar through her right eyebrow, a stud through her left nostril and a belly button stud. The outline of her fifteen-millimeter nipple rings were visible underneath the tube top.

"Let's show 'em your tits," Cyllir told her, stepping forward and snatching her tube top down to her waist.

Torri obediently arched her back, and stuck her C-cup tits out even more. She was surrounded by several dozen swoop-bikers so there wasn't really a chance of someone protesting, not that they would have cared anyway.

"We're gonna get them enlarged soon," Cyllir commented as Torri displayed her pierced and tattooed tits. "Some nice big double-dees."

Torri's mouth opened in shock. They were going to get her bigger tits! And they hadn't even told her about it! While the latter thought annoyed her a little, the idea of bigger tits definitely turned her on.

"Sweet," Krayt replied appreciatively as he stared at them.

The thick durasteel rings hanging from her nipples were most noticeable. The flames tattooed down her sides connected with the flaming pattern around the base of her breasts. There were quite a few whistles and similar comments. All the Zoloz definitely approved.

"As matter of fact Torri," Cyllir began, "why don't you go ahead and show Krayt here the tongue stud too."

"Oh, okay," Torri answered, still imagining herself with bigger tits. She obediently opened her mouth wide and stuck her tongue out towards the Zoloz. Her tits were still completely exposed, pointing towards him as well.

"Sexy," he responded with a smile, his eyes moving between her tongue and tits.

"No, I mean show him what you do with it," Cyllir told her.

Torri stared at him in confusion a moment, then she realized what he was talking about.

"Here?" she answered in surprise, looking around. "Now?" Showing her tits in public was one thing, giving a blow-job was another.

Then Torri thought of all the stuff they had done for her, after what she'd done. She wasn't about to throw all that away. If they wanted her to suck Krayt's dick in the middle of the spaceport,then she was going to suck his dick in the middle of the spaceport.

"Now," Cyllir told her firmly, grabbing the back of her head and pushing her towards him.

"Okay," she replied, already stepping forward to obey. "Sorry."

Torri squatted down on her fifteen-centimeter heels in front of Krayt. Since her hands were still cuffed behind her back, he unzipped his pants, and fished out his cock. It was about average thickness compared to most of the others she had seen, and probably close to twenty centimeters long. She smiled up at him, and pressed her tongue stud against the underside of his cock.

The stud began vibrating, eliciting a surprised moan of arousal—and a few incomprehensible words—from Krayt. Still smiling up at him, she slowly licked his shaft a few times, to get it nice and wet. Then she wrapped her lips around his dick, and slid it into her mouth. She kept the tongue stud pressed firmly against the shaft, to keep it vibrating, and keep him moaning in arousal.

It was a little weird with so many people watching, but Torri just concentrated on giving the best blow-job she could. As she slowly slid her lips down his shaft, she wondered how many Zoloz she was going to suck off today. She didn't think it would be very many, at least until they got back to the clubhouse. She was sure they'd all want to feel her lips wrapped around their cocks sooner or later though. All of the New Coronet Zoloz certainly had!

In a matter of minutes Torri had Krayt almost ready to burst. She held her tongue firmly against the underside, and wrapped her lips tightly around the base, sucking hard. After a couple of seconds she felt him tense, then erupt into her mouth. Just like she had learned, Torri obediently swallowed every drop, while glancing at Cyllir for his approval. He gave her a silent nod, and she grinned—as best she could around Krayt's softening cock.

"Kriff, you sure can suck a dick," Krayt told her breathlessly as he recovered from his orgasm. Then he looked down at her for a few seconds. "That doesn't mean you're off the hook for shooting me though," he added, grabbing her by her hair and tilting her head back.

Torri gulped timidly. "I'm sorry," she repeated nervously, looking up at him from her knees.

The next thing she knew, she was being lifted off the ground by her hair. She quickly stumbled to get her stiletto-heeled feet underneath herself, to take her weight.

"Don't worry about it though, slut," Krayt said, still holding her by her hair. As he spoke, he reached out with his other hand and twisted her nipple—hard. "I'll give you another chance to make it up to me soon."

Torri winced in pain, and made sure to let him see it on her face. Inside though, she felt a surge of arousal. A little pain always turned her on. She loved being a Zoloz slut!

After a few seconds, Krayt let go of her hair, and nipple ring.

"Damn brother, thanks for that," he said to Cyllir, completely ignoring the cuffed and tattooed blonde who had actually given him the blow-job. "She's frakking something else."

"No problem," Cyllir responded with a grin, stepping over and putting his hand on the back of her neck possessively. "She's available anytime while you're here."

Krayt nodded his head in acknowledgment. "I got to say, when I heard you had captured this schutta, and had decided not to kill her, I was really pissed. But now I think you might have handled it the right way."

"Well, it was a close vote," Cyllir told him with a nonchalant shrug. "But everything's seemed to work out."

Torri's eyes went open in shock. They had took a vote to kill me!

Cyllir glanced at Torri, then pulled her in close. "Relax baby," he told her. "The close vote was where to keep you, we weren't going to kill you."

Torri didn't think he was telling her the complete truth, but she knew better than to question him. "Um, thanks," she replied apprehensively.

Cyllir turned Torri, and uncuffed her. Then they headed back to his swoop-bike. Before long the Zoloz started heading back towards New Coronet.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Part IV: Party Girl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nearly half an hour after she returned to the ship, Wyric arrived. It was obvious he was in a good mood.

"Hey, look what I found," Wyric announced triumphantly, pulling a silver cylindrical-shaped object from his pocket as he entered the cockpit.

Any Jedi—and many other beings—would instantly recognize a lightsaber. However, only a few would immediately know that this one belonged to Tahiri Veila.

"Good work," Ta'tan'ia replied with an appreciative nod, and a smug smile. "Where'd you find it?"

"At the antiques shop that was on Tahiri's list," Wyric told her. "It was underneath some shelves. I did a HoloNet search and the owner was found dead from a blaster bolt to the chest about five weeks ago. Even though there were several blaster holes in the walls, and the place had been ransacked, the police ruled it a suicide," he explained dryly.

"Good work," Ta'tan'ia repeated. "Look what I found." As she spoke, she unzipped her coat, and pulled it down to her waist, revealing the black armor. "Tahiri's beskar torso armor."

"Wow," Wyric answered in surprise, staring at her chest. "Where? How?"

She had decided to put it and her coat back on in order to surprise him. Actually her first idea was to hide it under her coat, then get him to punch her in the stomach, but she didn't want him to break his hand, not that she thought she could convince him to punch her anyway. Him finding Tahiri's lightsaber was pretty surprising too though.

"In a closet in the meeting room of their clubhouse," she responded casually. "While I was searching the place. I also overheard some of the Zoloz talking about some other Zoloz that were coming to visit in about six hours or so. They're planning a huge party for them. The visitors are apparently from Trallis II, and are bringing in a couple of cargo speeders full of blasters as well," she explained with a shrug, as if how she got the information were no big deal.

Wyric stared at her in shock for a moment.

"What!? You went into the Zoloz clubhouse without even telling me?" he shouted. "What if you had got caught?"

Even though she had been half-teasing him with her casual attitude, Ta'tan'ia understood the risk she had taken.

"They didn't though," she replied firmly. "I'm a Jedi. If I can't sneak into an outlaw swoop-biker lair without getting caught, then I should just stay on Ossus." She didn't mention the fact that she had programmed her wrist comm to emit a distress signal after half-an-hour.

"If they even suspect you were there, it could blow our whole mission," Wyric told her.

"Look, we aren't going to rescue Tahiri unless we take a few risks," the purple-skinned Twi'lek responded. "I was careful. Everything will be fine."

"Okay. Okay," Wyric said. "Just next time, please let me know when you do something like that, so I can be ready to back you up."

"Of course," Ta'tan'ia answered easily. If it's convenient, she added silently.

"Thank you," Wyric replied, obviously relieved. "Now all we need to do is actually find Tahiri, and rescue her."

Ta'tan'ia nodded her head in agreement. "Well, they're not keeping her in the clubhouse," she said firmly. "I didn't sense that anyone had been held against their will there lately. That means they have her somewhere else."

"Holding a Jedi prisoner is extremely difficult," Wyric responded after a moment. "You don't think they could have killed her, do you?" he asked. "And Master Solo or anyone else just hasn't sensed it?"

Now Ta'tan'ia paused a few seconds. "Masters Solo, Skywalker, and Organa Solo are very close to Tahiri. I'm confident one of them would know if she were one with the Force." She paused again, then added, "If they have, then we will find out who's responsible, and bring them to justice," she answered resolutely.

"Okay," he agreed with a nod, turning to the computer. "We need to find out what other properties they have nearby then. If she's not in the clubhouse, then she's probably being held close by."

"Why don't I just go to the party," Ta'tan'ia suggested. "If they're keeping her prisoner, I'm sure they'll have her there, to show her off. Or at least talk about her."

"I guess so." Wyric paused a moment before continuing. "How are you planning on getting into this outlaw swoop-biker party though?"

Ta'tan'ia gave him a smirk. "Look at me," she said, arching her back and waving her hands down her body. She gestured with her lekku as well. "I don't think I'll have a problem getting into a swoop-biker party," she explained with a wry smile. She didn't mention the fact that the Zoloz in the clubhouse had said they had pretty much put out an open invitation for girls to show up.

"Good point," Wyric responded with a nod. "I can get some sleep while you're partying with a bunch of villainous swoop-bikers."

Ta'tan'ia's mouth went open in shock. "You'll be waiting outside to back me up if I need you," she told him. In spite of what she'd just said a minute ago, she didn't want to be in the clubhouse with a few dozen outlaw bikers without someone nearby in case she needed some help.

"Of course," Wyric agreed amicably. "I'll be taking a nap in our speeder."

Ta'tan'ia opened her mouth to shout at him again. A split-second later she realized he wasn't serious. "You probably would," she accused him.

Wyric simply shrugged in response.

"I've got to go get some clothes to wear," Ta'tan'ia told him. "I'm not sure I'll fit in wearing my armored bodysuit."

"How about just those high-heeled boots you wear all the time?" Wyric suggested dryly.

Ta'tan'ia scowled at him a moment, then realized he was mostly joking. "I want to fit in, not get gang-banged a meter inside the door." She paused a couple of seconds, then added, "Maybe I'll wear my plastex heels though, the boots make me look a little too tough-girl-sexy instead of bimbo-sexy."

"You'd look great in either of them," he told her.

He seemed like he was about to say something else, but decided not to.

After some discussion, the two Jedi decided that Wyric would drop Ta'tan'ia off near a clothing store, then he would pull surveillance on the clubhouse. When she finished her shopping, she'd join him until the things got going. Then she would go in while everyone was partying.

Before they left, Ta'tan'ia changed into a nondescript gray jumpsuit to go shopping in. She didn't want anyone noticing someone wearing an armored bodysuit buying clothes suited to a swoop-bike slut. She grabbed a pair of black nerfhide armlets that would cover up her chrono and comlink as well. A matching half hood would cover her beskar collar. The hood had holes for her lekku, and left her face open. She went ahead and put her clear plastex sandals with fifteen-centimeter heels on. They really didn't go with the jumpsuit, but she didn't plan on wearing it for long.
