Starchaser Ch. 04: Farpoint Welcome


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The Navigation Beacons transit seemed to go quickly with Noel at his side and Barrett narrated Starchaser's actions with explanations for Noel's benefit during the entire route. The narrowest point of the entry channel was between the last beacons yet still wide enough for two LRSS to pass each other safely. Starchaser continued on autonav with a turn to follow the established flightpath along the inner surface of the station. The blue-white neutron star at Starchaser's Zenith made the view through the windows bright.

Unlike when Starchaser was over a planet that curves away to a horizon with the darkness of space behind, the inside surface of Farpoint rises up in the distance in all directions. The star remains stationary in the center of Farpoint giving everywhere the constant appearance of noonday and shadows only move if the object itself is moving over the surface. Commands were received and the course was approved for approach and docking at the CCDSC Fleet Headquarters, not far from the DSC Shipyards and Academy that are all located on the same polyhedron spherical station sector.

The approach to Fleet Headquarters looked perilous at first but it was just optical illusion until one gets past the inversion of seeing an internal spherical surface compared to the external view of planets and smaller stations. Starchaser navigated autonomously to the Fleet Headquarters docking port and settled onto its designated pad. The moment the propulsion system cycled down to become inert, the whole sound in Starchaser changed from a barely audible low hum to near absolute silence. Barrett voice commanded Starchaser, "begin soundtrack" and soft music seemed to be everywhere at once.

The music was a solution Barrett created the first time Starchaser powered down. The sudden silence he found unnerving to his otherwise active brain. The only time any Avalonian-Farpoint propulsion equipped ship powers down is when it is docked somewhere on Farpoint Station to effect a realignment of the ship's electromagnetic field to its origination entity. Once powered down, the propulsion system restarts immediately realigned as a technological organism of multifarious complexity with systems that never deactivate. The restart is a reset to the ship's pre-commissioning state when the propulsion system first awakened and the process requires no Avalonian intervention.

With Starchaser docked, they were free to leave the bridge. Barrett and Noel went down the up-down tubes to the upper main deck, then forward to the port side bow airlock access portal. The umbilical connector was already attached and the same design of spiraling airlock they passed through in the shuttlecraft docking bay spiraled open for them. As a crew, they disembarked in their chosen uniform through the connector's internal corridor that had some resemblance to the interior of Starchaser, but the decor was decidedly different with DSC Fleet Headquarters motifs.

Like moving walkways found in Earth's airports, the umbilical connector corridor had a similar mechanism like an up-down tube except in horizontal motion going away or toward the ship. Barrett held Noel's hand and together they whisked away at high speed to the nexus where the corridor tube merged with hundreds of others like it at the center of the DSC Fleet Headquarters Docking Facility. It ended in a voluminous spherical structure where each corridor entered through a portal that together looked like dimples of a golf ball across the dome. People were going to and from the openings not really paying attention to each other, just going on their way.

Barrett knew exactly where they were going and they zoomed to the far end of the open space looking as though they were standing still. They went through a portal labeled Welcome Center where inside were found Avalonian cultural elements in murals, in statues and models, and in virtual holographic displays. The comfort of their feet in their boots was like they had no boots on at all with gravity at something less than Earth and Starchaser. On the other side of the Welcome Center space, they exited past a banner labeled Transportation Tubes where they descended in a clockwise curving corridor that headed away from the docking complex.

The Transportation Tubes at the other end of the corridor resembled the descending escalators in the London Underground that go down to the platforms as downward slanting up-down tube-like escalators. At the bottom next to the first platform, a mostly transparent crystalline train was arriving that stopped next to them with a sliding door in front of Barrett and Noel. The sliding door opened, they stepped inside, the sliding door closed and the train shot out of the complex at a great speed across the inner surface of the polyhedron spherical station sector which had an appearance around them similar to the Earth's central plains of France.

The train was heading towards a castle looking structure that appeared first as a small bump in the distance that quickly grew bigger in all dimensions as they approached it. Barrett had waited until this moment to inform Noel of the formalities of greeting in Avalonia. Then they passed through a train shaped hole in the side of the structure and stopped at another London Underground resembling station, this one in porcelain splendor. The sliding door opened, they stepped out still holding hands and moved into the Headquarters itself where they turned to walk across a vast courtyard. Across the courtyard they went through a monumental entryway into a great hall where they were met by the Fleet Command Commander and entourage.

Greetings began with customary hand shakes, hugs, and all manner of pleasant things said, and praises given for once again being in the same place together. A celebration of Spirit very much like what a ship's crew would do inbound to Farpoint Station when only the ship itself is needed to navigate the beacons. Now that the atmosphere of community was reestablished, the assemblage moved into an ornate domed structure very much like ancient cathedrals found in all places across Avalonia including Earth's old world regions.


It was amazing to watch Noel as we transited the beacons as the immense size of Farpoint became apparent. I suppose it was for her like a video game or virtual reality designed to cause awe and amazement. I remember the first time I saw Star Trek and Star Wars with ships like the Enterprise, the Millennium Falcon, Star Destroyers and Death Star, thinking how Captain Rick must have violated a quarantine edict of no extraplanetary information to the planet. There were similarities depicted on-screen for ships in the distant Republic sector with some ships similar to earlier design smaller Avalonian spaceships.

The Star Trek science fiction chronologically appeared first and presented a palpable version of the Federation. The Avalonian Combine maintains observation probe nets and contingency goals for missions in those and other distant sectors of the galaxy. Everything was dependent on the growth of the Avalonian Fleet and openness of civilizations to Spirit centric life with love as the dominant motivation of society. It's accepted that millenia may pass before first contact is warranted.

Noel looked to be amazed but was by no means daunted by her first seeing the growing size of Farpoint in the tactical hologram. She had not really noticed the corresponding view out the forward facing bridge windows as the surface of Farpoint soon filled that vista too to nearly all of the side viewing windows. The station's shape continued to flatten in appearance as we approached, and then passed beyond the outer surface in the channel route that led to the interior of Farpoint Station.

I explained to Noel that nobody lived on the outer surface of the station as it was inhospitable and exposed to the vacuum of space. Conditions to support life were on the inner surfaces of the station as rotation provided inertia that contained atmospheric gasses on the inner surfaces of each polyhedron sector. Starchaser continued inward through the cavernous entry passageway between the polyhedron spherical station sectors and various channels that went off from the main channel to between station layers of the station's hull.

The beautiful blue-white light of the powerhouse star made everything seen through the windows look brilliant, while inside Starchaser the lighting was unchanged. Lexan Matrix is actually impervious to all wavelengths of energy except through the uncolored parts that form windows. The transparent material transmits only visible light bands at a specific intensity. I suddenly felt as we passed through the station shell thickness as though I had not been here for a long time. Returning with Noel had made this a homecoming unlike any other as I was returning with my ship in better condition than when last departed.

Starchaser with twice as many crew aboard on this return brought with us a distinction for Starchaser as having discovered Avalonian Spirits on a Protected System planet. There was much to be done at the Academy for Noel's education and her integration with the Fleet Headquarters. She was sure to bring credit to Starchaser how everything she has done has had me in awe of her innate abilities.

The arrival at the DS Fleet Headquarters harbor was flawless, as expected. Having left the entire approach to Starchaser and having taken the opportunity to walk with Noel around the perimeter of the upper bridge deck hologram balcony during the approach, it gave Noel a chance to see much of Farpoint Station that the hologram would not provide. It began with a wide view of the exterior of Farpoint Station, then the polyhedron spherical station sector's internal structure, and then the interior surface of Farpoint. The interior view no doubt had the greatest impact on her being on the inside that curved the wrong way to eyes accustomed to a planetary surface that falls away. This must have been quite a sight for her to see with her first ever view of such a thing.

The interior space station surface curves upward in all directions. Seeing so far due to the scale and detail at such a distance with the unaided eye, it is impossible to discern what is actually visible. The view is completely unobstructed through a space vacuum not far above the interior station surface, and not every polyhedron spherical station sector has clouds to obstruct the view. The sector where the DSC Headquarters and Academy are located is one of those without clouds or precipitation and irrigation systems keep everything lush and bustling with organic life.

A shuttle or spacecraft transiting from one place inside the station to another can go at great speed "cutting the corner" with the inside route. The atmosphere remains close to the polyhedron spherical station sectors so no measurable friction is on the straight line path above the breathable atmosphere layer and escape velocity is reached at low speed. It is only the station rotation that must be taken into account for escape velocity off the surface and navigation enroute to the destination.

We docked according to automated docking protocol and as soon as Starchaser was secured, we headed to the main portal on the upper main deck. We had to make our way to the DSC Fleet Headquarters to meet the Fleet Command Commander and everyone else who would be in the welcoming celebration. Starchaser's notoriety had again increased in the DSC Fleet and in the Combine so the welcome awaiting us should be amazing. Noel followed me down the up-down tubes and this time she seemed more at ease using them and stepping out onto the upper main deck. I noticed she was taking cues from me when I extended my foot outward to step off and she was graceful following my lead. It was then I noticed the soft music fade as the realigned propulsion system had already powered up.

We went briskly to the forward end of Starchaser where the dock had connected an umbilical passageway to Starchaser. The airlock opened, as all portals do when approached. I discovered we were still holding hands and it was an outward display of our unity, between Captain and Mate. The transport lane whisked us horizontally at an amazing speed, again it was a visual experience. I glanced at Noel and saw her eyes were closed, then she opened them slowly. She looked up at me and smiled brightly knowing I caught her recentering herself and I was joyful that she was doing it herself without being reminded. I love how she smiles, especially when she's looking at me and smiling.

We arrived at the train station and once inside and on the platforms, we could see how it was made of a mostly transparent crystalline where the trains are found, the trains also looking transparent crystalline. A train arrived as if it was meant just for us by its timing, we stepped in and it immediately accelerated. True to everything involving transport on Farpoint, everything has gravity plates that accelerate every particle of our being so there can be no sensation of the acceleration. I looked at Noel looking at me, still beaming her smile and in her uniform, so feminine and overtly a goddess warrior. I realized I was living a dream and she made it easy for me to be a formidable masculine warrior. I took the opportunity to inform her about Avalonian greetings and how they are done before the castle-like appearance of the DSC Fleet Headquarters enveloped us as the train went inside and came to a stop.

We stepped out of the train and went through the train station and out into the fresh air of Farpoint Station. It was an expansive space as an oversized courtyard that we crossed to arrive at the Great Hall inside the DSC Headquarters building. I was not at all surprised to see the Fleet Command Commander and his Primary Staff waiting for us at the entry to the ornate cathedral-like headquarters. It's a building that communicates by presence that it is the Center of DSC Fleet Operations and the DSC Fleet Command is here. The Command of the DSC Fleet resides within its structure and from here Fleet Command is unified.

I rendered the first salute then all manner of handshakes and hugs ensued with the meeting that was entirely customary and appropriate for the reuniting of a Ship's complement with the DSC Fleet Command and Headquarters after voyages away from Farpoint. All manner of business must wait for the affirmation, nurturement and celebration of Avalonian Spirits in the customary greeting. It is an act of recognition that is considered more important than any circumstance or event.

Historical accounts of adversarial attempts to attack during what appears to be an opportunity of distraction are replete with details of the adversary's total annihilation at the hand of the immediate and decisive response of Avalonian Spirits who protected each other from the attack. I kept Noel close for her comfort as well as my own as our team was still new and we were not yet practiced with any kind of coordination to anticipate what the other would likely do. The celebration was purely Avalonian and those present were eager to welcome Noel as a returning Avalonian Spirit just the same as me, and with her Avalonian Human genetics it was already apparent she was fitting right in.

Our hands had slipped apart to be properly generous with etiquette practices I had conveyed to Noel on the train. She stayed so close to me I could feel her presence at my side as we faced outward while receiving the welcome of the Fleet Command Commander and his Primary Staff. The Fleet Command Commander stepped back, as did the Staff as he proclaimed, "Welcome Captain Barrett Cross and your Mate Noel Anderson of the Cutlass Class Deep Space Cruiser Starchaser. The Fleet recognizes your return to Farpoint Station and all resources are available to you for your time with us. You have communicated that Noel will receive training at the Academy and all efforts will be made to accommodate what requests are made to enhance Starchaser to be the finest Cutlass Class DS Cruiser in the Fleet. With that said, let's proceed to the Operations Complex and the Welcome Reception. I am sure there is much to tell and learn!"

We all moved into what looked like a conference room with 4 rows of amphitheater style seating around three quarters of the oval shaped room. The curved rows of seats extended from the ends of the oval around one side, a projection screen opposite the seating from the flat floor, and an infinity domed ceiling above that was illuminated with indirect lighting to look like sky. An oval white table occupied the center of the oval floor, and narrow high back white chairs lined the table in front of the amphitheater seating so that everyone present had attention naturally focused on the screen. Noel and I sat next to each other in the center seats of the oval table, close enough to have our thighs touching that was at once comforting and exciting, and kept our energy high between us.

I noticed in my Neural Communicator feed from Starchaser that our uniform suits were linked balancing the individual energy fields, a feature I had not realized Starchaser had installed in our uniform set. Balancing as a tuning of interoperability so the suits function in a continuously optimal pairing. Such action produced a viable mutual support, a lifeboat design concept I once thought about years before while on the study mission to the Globular Cluster. Seeing my thoughts made real caught me as odd because I never actually worked with Starchaser to develop it, yet here it was part of the functioning systems in the neural display. I saw Noel look at me with her knowing look, she knew I was busy and remained patient until I wasn't.

I looked to the screen on the opposite side of the oval table to a historical video image capture of the Ra Vengeance War near Earth with military engagements of spaceships around planets that Noel and I recognized as Jupiter and Saturn. In the background, a medium length LRSS with its longitudinal bulk clearly visible against the MilkyWay Galaxy, numerous flights of six Starfighters were visible with one flight in the foreground that maneuvered to blockade and contain several Ra Mass Weapons ships attempting to out maneuver the Starfighters without success. Ra ships were shooting mass projectiles towards the Starfighters that just managed to evade the mass projectiles passing them. One Starfighter was damaged by the last of the mass projectiles fired, its aft section destroyed and the propulsion system severed. The other five Starfighters moved in immediate response, two to assist the damaged ship and the other three engaged the Ra Mass Weapon ship, each with one quick energy beam sweep that sliced the larger ship into 4 pieces.

The scene jumped to Earth's surface and a Starfighter canon camera point of view. A flight of six Starfighters on the planet surface with pilots on foot moving as a well coordinated team to a pyramid shaped temple. An animal headed Ra Priest emerged from the temple carrying under each of his four arms a nearly unclothed young human woman. They all fell when a well thrown bolas wrapped and trapped the Priest's feet. The Starfighter pilots moved swiftly to pull and drag the women to safety. One of the Starfighters, with a well aimed Starlight sword swing, sliced through the Priest's neck bio-weld and parted his animal head from his shoulders, his Ra Spirit released back to the Spirit world rendering his physical body inert. The women took refuge behind the Starfighters as a Ra saucer shaped landing craft swooped in, too late to aid the Priest, and used mass weapons to blast the ground that caused damage to the temple. The weapons were prevented from harming the Starfighters by personal energy shielding each of them had activated that deflected projectiles and shrapnel away. The shielding also protected the human women who had taken refuge behind them because of close body contact.
