Starcrossed Ch. 03


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The meal lasted for seven courses, stretching three hours and into the evening. The food was sumptuous and delicious, a smattering of delicacies from every corner of the system, with sunpeaches from Unpau and stuffed ux from Corvinus. An army of uniformed servants moved with almost military precision, serving each course only to vanish back into the bowels of the palace.

Later, the newlyweds took to the dance floor, leading the traditional dances of the royal court. A great part of the past few months' preparation involved teaching the steps to the betrothed, and the practice had paid off. Deena looked like a floating white flower, smiling up at her new husband with obvious adoration.

After some extended dancing, Alex and Deena made a circuit of the party, saying a personal goodnight to their close friends and a few of the most important guests. It took almost two hours to complete this circuit, but the entire hall stood for the young couple as they ascended the stairs and headed out of the ballroom to the landing grids.

"Alex! Your highness!" Duke Fain called, climbing on top of his chair. The chair wobbled dangerously under him, but Fain managed to stay atop it despite his obvious inebriation. Fain raised his glass, the whole hall standing and joining the toast.

"I have been lucky enough to call Prince Alex a friend. A close friend. I was honored to stand with him at his wedding. Marriage is... marriage is, well..." he shook his head, and the assembled nobleman rumbled with laughter. "Marriage is a great voyage, and I'm pleased beyond words that Alex has found such a partner on this voyage. To the Crown Prince and his bride!" He lifted his glass high. "Long live the Crown!"

"Long live the Crown!" the crowd cried, toasting the newlyweds.

Deena stepped into Alex's embrace and the whole crowd applauded and cheered. The party proper would last well into the morning.

As the newlyweds exited the palace and made their way to the shuttles, the crowds of Liada Prime's common folk saw their new princess and broke out into a cheer. Deena glowed in the powerful lights of the tarmac and the crowd cheered her name as she waved. Alex pulled her close for a quick kiss and the crowd went crazy, thousands of camera flashes illuminating them. The young couple waved again before heading to the shuttle. Horace was waiting for them both inside.

"Your Highness," he said formally, bowing at the waist. He directed them to their acceleration couches and sat across from them. "I managed to watch some of the 'casts. You were an absolute hit, Princess."

Deena could only bite her lip in slight embarrassment: She was already so flushed that she couldn't blush anymore. The day had nearly overwhelmed her.

"All conditions are green. The Erabos is awaiting our arrival. With your permission?" Alex nodded, and with a quick signal from Horace the shuttle was airborne.

Once the shuttle was away, Horace left the royal couple alone for a moment to speak with a subordinate. Alone for the first time as man and wife, Deena felt suddenly nervous. Alex's hand slid to hers and took it gently, calming her.

Looking up into her new husband's eyes, Deena was a little surprised at the fire she saw there. Alex leaned close to kiss her. Deena could feel her breasts swell in arousal as their tongues brushed against each other.

"I cannot wait until we are alone, Princess," Alex growled into her ear, and Deena could feel her pussy flood. She had a brief vision of mounting him right there, pulling her voluminous dress up and fucking him right there on the acceleration couch. Shaking her head, she focused on the here and now and looked deep into her husband's blue eyes.

"Neither can I, my Prince."

A short while later they had landed on the Erabos, a modified battle cruiser that was the Crown's primary mode of interstellar transit. An honor guard was present as they boarded, the ship's officers and marines in full dress uniform to welcome the royal couple.

"The ship awaits your inspection, your highness," Horace said formally, addressing Alex, "the command staff is on the bridge."

"Oh, I don't think that's necessary right now, I'll do it-" he paused at the sharp look of disapproval from Horace. He sighed: Horace had been one of his most valued teachers and advisors throughout his life, but there were times he found the old man's dedication to tradition almost maddening. "Very well. Would you-"

"I'll escort the Princess to your suites, your highness," Horace said, offering Deena his arm. Alex handed his wife off to Horace as he entered a lift for the top of the ship while they took another lift for the lower decks.

"Let me offer my congratulations again, your highness. The Prince is a lucky man."

"Thank you Horace. I'm sorry that you could not attend." Deena knew how close Horace was to Alex, and was surprised the older man hadn't been present.

"I had official duties, Highness. It's not every day that combat mechs are deployed in Azul square. I intend to watch the recording once we are underway."

Deena smiled, patting his hand. "And please, I can't stand the formality. Please just call me Deena. All this 'your highness' makes me think Queen Beatrice is about."

"Your highness," Horace said, eliciting a quiet grump from Deena, "I think you'll become used to it. Forgive me, but I will address you as befitting your station. I have been in this family's service for my entire adult life. I suppose old habits can be hard to break. Ah, here we are," he said as they reached the decks of the royal chambers.

Deena was surprised: where all the other floors had the painted durasteel of a military vessel, these corridors had the look of the royal palace, with soft carpeting, wood paneling and artwork.

"These four decks, oh yes, on a ship the floor is called the deck," Horace explained as he lead her to her chambers, "are the Royal suites. Enough rooms for the entire royal family and their attendants, dining facilities, gym and training suites, lounges and game rooms... All the amenities of the royal palace. Minus the gardens."

"And the pools too, I imagine," she said, smiling. She was quite fond of the old soldier, and in the past few months she had come to value his deep calm and knowledge.

"Actually, your highness, I believe there is in fact an endless pool in the gymnasium."

"I stand corrected," Deena said as they rounded a corner to an ornate door. "And this must be it." Deena's heart pounded in her chest and she chided herself:It's just a door. And Alex isn't even in there yet!

"Yes, your highness," Horace said, bowing slightly. "Winifred is waiting for you in the adjoining room to your left, ma'am."

"Horace, I'll accept your highness, Princess, your majesty... but please don't address me as ma'am. Agreed?"

Horace nodded, grinning slightly.

"Thank you for escorting me, and for all of your service. Good night, Horace," Deena said, accessing the door controls and entering the darkened room.

Activating the lights, she surveyed the large bedroom. She saw that the room had been filled with candles and that the massive four-poster bed adorned with gauzy silk curtains. Deena gasped when she realized the entire rear wall of the suite was a floor to ceiling plasteel window, the vast curve of Liada Prime filling the view. Deena flicked the lights back off, enjoying the way the light of the planet's atmosphere joined with the candles to flood the room with a soft glow.

"That'll do," she said quietly.


"Once the last of the shuttles arrives, we'll disembark with a standard gravity assist from Ghedoria, then continue at a supercruise for roughly a hundred hours, sir," Admiral Mannot explained as Alex surveyed the bridge. "We'll arrive at Gadia at approximately 0500 hours on Thursday."

"Very good, Admiral. When should the last of the shuttles arrive?" Alex asked, wondering exactly how long he was expected to stay on his inspection.

"Shuttles two and six are the only ones still on-planet, and they are boarding now. We should be underway within the hour."

"Excellent..." Alex said absently, his eyes sweeping over the bridge. The crew was one of the best in the fleet, and went about their duties like he wasn't even there. He glanced at the sensor display, saw that the Erabos' escorts, four Volka class destroyers and a squadron of fighters, were in their assigned positions. Everything was as it should be. "Well Admiral, you seem to have this well in hand. If there's nothing else?"

"Yes your highness. I'll contact you if-"

"Mr. Mannot," Alex stepped closer and lowered his voice, "I'd prefer not to be interrupted until we reach Gadia. That's an order. Unless there's a hull breach I don't want to be disturbed."

"Understood, my lord," Manot said, his perfect military discipline unable to keep a very small smile off his face.

"Thank you, Admiral." Alex left the bridge, trying not to run to the lift. A short ride down and he was walking briskly to the suite, already unfastening his stiff collar.

As he passed a closet, he heard a "psst" and turned to look, seeing Laen hiding inside. Alex took a quick look around before stepping into the closet and closing the door behind him.

"I heard you were asking after me last night, highness."

Alex's grin was playful. "Perhaps."

"Well I suppose I should leave you with something to remember me by...?" Her hand moved towards his trousers, but Alex caught it in midair.



"Things are different now. I'm... well, I'm married."

"Ah." Laen withdrew her hand, her eyes downcast. But then they met his and she had a pleased smile on her face. "Good."


"When you were with Erina... she sent me to you, she knew all about it and approved. Deena... well, she's a different story."


"And I'm glad to see you standing by your oath, highness."

Alex sighed. "I'm disappointed that everyone expects so little of me."

"Oh don't be like that." She placed a warm hand on his chest. "I can't imagine how hard this has been. For both of you."

"I know. Can you... can you keep an eye on Erina for me? I'm worried about her, after all this. I can't, that is, I'm not sure how she..."

"Of course, majesty. I'll do what I can, but you know Erina..."

"She's not very good for asking for help."

"That's one way to put it, yes."

"Well don't worry: I'm on it." She gave a rather sharp salute. "Now you have important work to do: Go fuck your wife."

"Yes ma'am." Alex returned her salute with perfect form.

"And you better... Deena's sweet. She's been nice to everyone, even the servants. Give her a first worth remembering, majesty."

"No need for pressure, Lae." Alex stuck his head on his out the door and slipped out. His creep turned to a leap as Laen gave him a firm swat on the ass. "Hey!"

"Go get her, milord!" She curtsied, her smile infectious.


"My lady!" Winifred snapped up from her seat, almost spilling her drink. She had been watching the casts while surfing the cortex on a pad, overloading on coverage from the wedding.

"Winifred! Oh Win, help me out of this fucking thing." Deena was already turning in circles trying to reach the line of buttons going down her back, and Winifred laughed as she held her mistress still so she could undo the tiny fasteners. "Alex is inspecting the ship or some such, and I want to be ready for him when he returns."

"Of course my lady." Winifred's smile was broad as her fingers went from button to button. "The cortex is absolutely on fire. It's all anyone is talking about: Your gown, your hair, the ball... the ball! The gossip sites... I've never seen anything like it."

"Driving you to drink?" Deena pointed to the half-empty bottle of wine.

"Deena, this whole day drove me to drink." She shook her head, thankful that the day was finally over. "And there we are."

"Oh blessed Mitra," Deena gasped, breathing deeply as the stiff gown released its grip on her torso. Working together they pushed the gown over her hips and extricated her from the pile of petticoats, leaving Deena in a brief pair of white panties, stockings, and shoes. While Winifred hung the gown, Deena breathed deeply, grandly stretching and rubbing the dress' impressions off her skin. "I didn't realize how awful that was until it was off."

"You had other things on your mind." Winifred brought over a folded bundle of silk. "You're still glowing, Princess."

"Oh gods, I don't think I'll ever get used to that. Not from you, at least."

"I think you'll manage."

Deena was about to allow Win to slip the nightgown on over her head, but paused to strip off the rest of her clothes. Now nude, she raised her arms to her maid. Win couldn't help but grin as she slipped the filmy gown over Deena's arms and allowed it to slide down her form.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Want as little as possible between you and Prince Alex, hm?"

Deena's small smile was decidedly wicked.


"A touch." She took a shuddering breath. "Trending towards terror."

"You have to relax my dear. Join me in a quick drink?"

Deena nodded, smoothing the gown nervously. Winifred poured them two glasses from her bottle.

"Don't worry my dear. Just relax and... well, I'm sure you'll be in good hands with Prince Alex." Winifred tittered, but stopped when she realized Deena wasn't joining her. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sure Alex will know what to do too... and I don't think I like that."

"Deena..." Rumors about the Prince's love life had been rampant ever since his teens. Winfred knew better than to believe all of them, but they both knew that Alex wasn't coming to the marriage a virgin by any stretch of the imagination. "All I'll say is you might be pleased that one of you will know what you're doing."

"I just..." Deena sipped her drink. "I worry that his other dalliances will continue after the marriage."

Winifred sighed, unsure how to respond. She liked the Crown Prince, and wanted to think the best of him, but knew that noblemen rarely went without whatever amusements they might seek. At the same time, she didn't think that her wedding night was the best time to start worrying about such things.

"Oh Deena, don't trouble yourself with such thoughts now. Just think: Soon you'll have the system's sexiest man between your thighs."

"My thighs for starters." Deena's giggles became a full on guffaw when she saw the stunned look on her maid's face. She downed her wine and pulled the older woman close for a tight hug.


"Dee?" Alex asked as he entered the suite. He had only been kept perhaps ten minutes on his inspection and chatting with Laen.

The room was dark, the only light coming from the atmosphere of Liada Prime and a few dozen candles scattered around the room. Alex spotted his new bride standing at the windows and looking out over the planet. Silhouetted against the light from the planet, Alex could see the delightful curve of her hips sheathed in silk. Alex unfastened his jacket and tossed it onto a chair as he approached, pulling his new wife into his arms.

"Good evening, Princess." His eyes were on the world below them. "Surveying your subjects?"

"Actually just waiting for my husband." She sipped at a glass of wine. "I take it the ship passed your inspection?"

"It did." His hands slipped around her sides to stroke her soft tummy.

Knowing that there was but a wisp of silk between him and his wife was maddening, but Alex was determined to go slowly, Laen's words fresh in his mind. He began with soft, sucking kisses along her neck and shoulders, his hands gently stroking the soft skin of her stomach.

"I know you're probably nervous about tonight, but I need you to know that I'll... we'll go slow. I could never hurt you, darling."

Deena turned in his arms and their lips met in a deep kiss, Alex holding her close as she melted into his arms. As the kiss grew longer and deeper, Alex's hands began to explore along her soft back, slipping to her butt. Alex moaned into the kiss as his hands filled to overflowing with her ass, her fleshy cheeks feeling delightfully heavy in his hands.

Deena pushed Alex's hands away and set about undressing him. Her fingers moved quickly, unbuckling his belt and pushing his trousers to the ground, pulling his undershirt from his shoulders. Alex had to take a moment to pull off his boots, but soon he was standing in front of his bride in just his underwear, his cock evident in the tight fabric.

"Alex," Deena said, taking her shoulder straps in her hands, "I need you to know that I'm... I may be innocent, but I'm not ignorant. I know what I want tonight," she said as she pushed her shoulder straps off, her gown sliding down her body and puddling around her feet.

"Great Maker," Alex said quietly, taking her in. She had released her blonde hair, a few long strands extending down to tease her breasts. They were fantastic, perfect teardrops, sagging just enough to give them a delicious pendulous fullness. Her nipples were a pale pink, large and inviting, puckering up in anticipation. Her slim waist flared into delightful hips, giving way to strong, smooth legs. Alex was surprised to find her shaved bare, her full lips already swollen in arousal.

She stepped closer to him, continuing. "I want to make love tonight... but I also want you to fuck me." She was pleased to see his eyebrows rise at her crudity. "I... I want you to pound into me, to take your pleasure in me. I want to be sore tomorrow. I want to see what I've been missing."

Alex laughed quietly. "I'll do what I can Dee. We have plenty of time to practice at this." He was about to continue when Deena gracefully sank to her knees before him, pulling his underwear down. "Dee, you do-"

"Oh, oh my," Deena said as Alex's cock popped into view. She tentatively wrapped her hand around it, her fingers just barely meeting around the base of his shaft. She stroked it lightly, gently squeezing the hard flesh. Although this was the first penis she'd seen in person, she'd seen enough on the cortex to know that her new husband was blessed with quite a large one.

"I guess I'm blessed too," Deena muttered, her hands exploring this new toy. She marveled at the soft skin covering the rock hard flesh, traced along its veins, slid her hands lower to fondle his large balls. Alex groaned, a small pearl of precum forming at his tip. Deena leaned close, sucking his head into her mouth, moaning as she tasted him for the first time. She hummed: He tasted salty and clean, not unpleasant at all as some of her friends had warned her.

Alex pulled her to her feet and to his lips, kissing her hard and pulling her tight against his body. Deena felt his hot length against her belly and squirmed against it, thrilling at her husband's groan. Alex's hands had returned to her ass, his fingers digging into the soft flesh. They staggered back to the bed, Alex lifting her and placing her at the edge. Their kiss continued, as he slipped to his knees before her.

"Gods you're exquisite." Alex's fingers traced up her thighs, along her sides, to her breasts, filling his hands with the soft orbs. Deena gasped as his skilled hands stroked her, teasing her hard peaks. Alex pulled a tight nipple into his mouth, strumming it with his tongue while Deena tangled her fingers in his hair. He stayed there for long minutes, worshipping her breasts, his mouth exploring from one nipple to the other, kissing along their inner slope, gently nibbling their full undersides. Deena held his head to her breasts, luxuriating as Alex made love to her tits.

Alex's lips slowly strayed south, along her stomach, toying with her belly button as Deena lay back with a giggle. Giggles gave way to gasps as Alex's kisses trailed down to her lower tummy, then lower to her inner thighs. Alex could smell her need, but he wanted to tease her this first time, kissing all around her pussy without actually touching it, nipping along her inner thighs. He let his kisses get closer and closer to her core, kissing her smooth lips, her bare pubis, even nibbling on a plump ass cheek from below as Deena mewled in frustration.