Starlight Gleaming Ch. 21 Pt. 03


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Mack held open the door and drew it closed behind us. I saw my admin was gathering her things. "Hanami, do you need a lift home?"

She shook her head. "I've got a ride, Commander. But thank you."

"You're welcome. Have a good night. Stay safe."

Mack waited, then resumed leading the way outside. Once outside, she scanned around, then opened the rear door for me. As my feet pulled inside, she closed the door and got into the front passenger side.

"Motor Pool next, Commander?"

"Yes, Corporal. Thank you."

The silence lasted all of a block.

"Commander, who were those men in your office?"

"Some new arrivals," I answered evasively.

Another block, then she asked, "Do you trust us, Commander?"

Akama glanced at her, then into the rearview mirror to look at me.

"If I had ten thousand warriors with as much heart and devotion as you two, Atlantis surely could do nothing but surrender."

She sighed, then said, "Thank you. That's high praise, sir. Akama and I are tasked with your personal safety. I don't mean to be presumptuous, but we are Air Security, and if we see something strange, it works better if we know what the situation is. So I ask you again, who were those men in your office?"

Exhaling, I nodded. "Security. New arrivals, fresh off some submarines. They're guarding something in my office. What clued you in?"

"I've seen this new Lieutenant around, and she asks a lot of questions, but she doesn't get in the way." Mack shifted in her seat so she could look at me. "These men were different. Basic Air Service uniforms, no names on the breast pocket, yet when you introduced them, it sounded like you gave House names, not first names. Like field troopers, they were armed. You're the CO and I'm just a sergeant. I don't need to know what it is they are doing unless it involves your personal safety. But I do need to know if they are permanent, and I need to know what their role is and if and how it might affect your safety. With all due respect, Akama and I need to know what's going on so we can protect you, sir."

"Fair points. Let me think about my response, Mack. I try to listen to advice from my sergeants."

"That's what makes you a good officer, Commander," Mack observed drily.

Akama snorted.

It took twenty minutes, but the buses and drivers were arranged for, and without any issue, we next headed over to Captain Lovyanchiti's quarters.

While in transit, my phone rang.

"Kandikan here."

"Commander, Sammi Reo here." Her voice was full of vibrancy, and in the background, I heard a lot of excited chatter. "We've been visiting with your guests today. They spent the day at the amusement park, and right now, we're getting ready to go eat. We promised to bring Emilo and the others something good to eat. By the way, I spoke to Emilo just before I called you, and he hadn't seen or heard from you all day. What are your plans for their medical treatment going forward?"

"I haven't had a chance to confer with Dr. Jehantli today. I'll call him first thing tomorrow morning. I'll talk with Emilo after that and we'll decide what to do from there."

"All right. Then I'll come by mid-morning and find out what the plans are. The kids and the parents--"

"Before you call it a night, I have something I think you should be witness to later this evening. It's on a different matter. When you drop them off, stick around because I will have something to show you."

"That's all very mysterious, Commander. All right. My crew and I will stay longer. I look forward to seeing what you have for us."

"Sammi, what you'll become privy to likely won't be pleasant. I will answer what I can. I believe this is important. I will talk with you in a few hours."

"All right. Until later then."

I hung up.

On the way, it occurred to me that Doyya and Chita had both been to my place a few times, but I had yet to visit theirs. Well, it seemed it was past time to remedy that oversight.

When we parked on the street, I looked around, checking out the neighborhood. Despite a few barriers marking large craters in the street from the air raid, I could rate the closely packed townhouses as upscale. Indeed, this area had seen little actual destruction. Two vehicles were out front, there being no garage; the second vehicle was a security cruiser, which was most likely Doyya's.

"Should we stay out here, sir?" Mack asked.

"No. I'm sure Chita will appreciate your condolences regarding Suhanee."

Without further comment, the two troopers got out and joined me. Akama kept her eyes peeled. I knocked on the door, giving three sharp raps.

As there was no response right away, I knocked again.

We heard some muffled voice say, "I'm coming, I'm coming." Then the door opened.

The woman who answered the door was neither Doyya nor Chita, but she greeted us with a smile.

"Excuse me," I said, "but I'm looking for Doyya Lovyanchiti or Chita Wanwari. Are either of them about?"

Tall, about average height, copper skin, dark brown hair, warm eyes, and a colorful yet short house dress, she looked us over. "Yes, they are, but they're resting. Can I take a message?"

She looked familiar, but I couldn't place her.

Chita called out, saying, "Who is it, Movane?"

The young woman answered over her shoulder, "I don't know, they haven't said yet. It's two women and a handsome young man. And I thought you were resting."

The voice came closer. "I just got her to go back to sleep--" As she came into view, Chita froze a moment, then collected herself. Barefoot, in short-shorts and a sports bra for her top wear, she blushed at being seen in her very casual wear. Because nudity isn't an issue within the Empire, I think it had more to do with being out of uniform in my presence, even though she was in her own home. "Hello, Commander. Mack. Akama. Uh, why don't you come in? Movane, put on some fresh cahault."

Opening the door wider, she stepped back to allow us in.

As the young woman moved further in, she kept her eyes on me. "Hey, you're cute. Are you free this weekend?"

"Keep your voice down, Movane," Chita growled. "If you wake your sister up, I will teach you what a raw recruit feels like."

"No, you won't," Movane snarkily replied. "My sister likes me."

The front room apparently doubled as a main living room. Chita led us inside, gesturing to nice couches and recliners. On the east wall there was a large flat-screen video display, and against the south wall was a nice, cozy fireplace. Through the short hallway, a medium-sized dining table could be seen. There were some large scenic photographs and a few paintings on the walls. It had a nice, homey feel.

Chita sat on one of the two couches, pulling up her legs under her. "I'm sorry I'm not better dressed, but you caught me unprepared. I know you said you were coming over, but the captain had a bad dream and I didn't have time to change. Is there something I can do for you?"

I glanced at both of my troopers and nodded.

Mack said, "We were sorry to hear about Suhanee. She was pretty solid. We're both sorry to hear about your loss."

"My condolences as well," I added. "Hanami took the news rather hard."

"Thank you, sir. She was a good admin. I'll miss her," Chita replied.

The young woman returned with a serving tray, five cups of hot cahault, spoons, and a bowl of snack crackers. She handed cups to Chita, Mack, and Akama, then paused as she stood next to me. "Would you like some cream? I like mine with a lot of cream."

Mack and Akama were both flabbergasted.

Under the guise of being helpful, the young woman bent over, pushing against the arm of my chair, then arched her back. The hemline rose, nearly revealing what sort of underwear the young woman might or might not have been wearing. I discreetly averted my gaze.

"Movane!" Chita exclaimed. "Behave yourself!"

I accepted the cup. "I'm sure you do like cream, but none for me, thank you. Who are you?"

"I'm Movane Lovyanchiti, Doyya's little sister. Did you know she's a captain? She's a very important officer." Standing up and turning around, she looked me over, taking time to gaze at my lap. "Did I mention that you're cute?"

"Indeed," I replied. Looking at Chita, I said, "She's delightfully oblivious. How long has she been here?"

"Just over a month. Though the way she's going, her sister is likely to murder her before too long."

"Hey! I'm right here," Movane objected, glaring at Chita. "It's really, really rude to talk about someone as if they weren't there, and you failed to even introduce yourself!" she exclaimed, turning her ire to me. "My big sister is a captain with Air Security, and I'll have you know my sister eats lieutenants for breakfast -- after she stomps on them!"

"So I've heard," I replied. "I apologize for my lapse. I am Ranji Kandikan. I work with your sister and with Chita. This is Mack and that's Akama."

She took a half moment, then her eyes went big. "As in Commander Ranji Kandikan?"

"That's right."

"So you never answered my offer," Movane pointed out. "Are you free this weekend?"

"I'm honored by your interest, but I'm afraid I have a previous engagement with my family." I picked up the cup. Akama caught my eye and shook her head, so I modified the drink to a sip. There was extra chocolate and sugar in the drink. I set the cup onto its saucer.

"Chita, these past few days have been hard on all of us. Please convey my regards to Doyya when she wakes up." I stood up.

Chita and my troopers stood as well. "Thank you, sir. I'll tell her."

"Mack? Akama? This doesn't leave this room."

"Yes, sir." They gave me puzzled looks, but said nothing.

"Permission to give you a hug, Chita?" The short woman embraced me briefly, then let me go. "Doyya is my right hand and you are my left. I depend upon you both. Thank you for all you've done."

Giving me an indulgent smile, she said, "Llam nuqan, Commander."

Surprisingly, Mack and Akama both echoed her words.

Checking my watch, I said, "It's getting on toward dinner time and I should let you rest. See you tomorrow?"

"That's the plan, sir," Chita responded. "Mack? Akama? Thank you for stopping by."

We moved toward the front door.

"Could I at least visit?" Movane persisted.

I raised my eyebrows. "How long will you be visiting?"

"I'm not sure. It was supposed to be another week, but everything is on standby."

That made sense. Until the airfield was functional, there would be no flights at all, and until Atlantis felt the power of our upgraded jets, it was going to be dangerous for a while.

"This weekend is out," I told her. "But if you're still here the weekend after, I think a visit could be arranged. I doubt you will have much in common with Sisi and Mina, but who knows? Some of the other adults might have some interest in visiting with you."

Movane didn't seem too happy with my offer. Hopefully, she'd get the message that I wasn't interested in her offer, despite her mother's encouragement that I must like variety.

What worried me more was Doyya. She was diligent, brave, kind, hard-working, and sometimes had a difficult time facing the necessity of having to end the lives of other human beings. The down side was even when you become practiced at killing, the violence leaves its mark on us.

We got into the cruiser and Akama drove us home.

* * * * *

Part 21 -- Umbra

* * * * *

Pulling up to the house, one of the first things I noticed was there were six portable latrines on the west sidewalk. There were fewer tents in the street, and there were spaces blocked off for parking. Between our broken walls on the eastside, a portable cooking area had been set up, and there were scents of hot food cooking. Moving through a line where at least two score people queued and plating up.

Some waved at us and I nodded back.

Inside, there were still piles of people claiming small spaces to rest. I paused. "Are there a few less?"

Akama stood by me. "Yes, sir. Second Home has their people back again, and some of our displaced have gone to fill the empty spaces. We've dealt with the kidnappers and plugged the hole, but they will keep a few of us on duty to ease their minds. It'll take a while for them to get over the memories they endured."

Mack scooted by, heading to the gym to collect her son.

"Go on," I told Akama. "Go be with your girl for a bit."

"Yes, sir." She went hunting for Shima.

Leaning against the wall, I took in all those seeking shelter within my home. It was crowded, yet I could not find it within myself to begrudge anyone there. Many were homeless, courtesy of the Atlanteans. With all the supplies coming in, debris was being cleared and homes would get rebuilt. The wounds High Guard had suffered would heal and we would prepare for the next confrontation. Having the circuit board here meant our foes would be in for a rude surprise very soon.

"Tenant!" exclaimed Sisi, coming in from the garage.

Crouching down, I scooped her up and started covering her face with kisses. She started giggling and then laughing. "How's my girl?"

"Missed you, Tenant!" she answered, leaning in and trying to wrap her arms around me.

"I missed you, too, princess. Your Mama Zinja is going to be late tonight."

"She called us already and told me and Mina and Ixma."

"That's good she did that."

Seeing Ixma reaching the bottom of the stairs, she carried Mina on her hip. Little Mama had her eyes fixed on me as she zeroed in. As I shifted Sisi to the side, Ixma slipped in on the other, lifting her mouth to mine. The woman sighed as she eagerly fenced with my tongue with hers.

Sisi watched us intently, grinning in delight.

Clutching her bunny, Mina scowled, staring away.

"What are you watching, Sisi? We're just kissing."

"It makes her happy, Tenant."

"Really." I turned to Ixma. "Is that true? Does kissing me make you happy?"

Blushing, Ixma gave me a sultry look. "Yes, of course it does. I love you and you're my man."

That deserved another passionate kiss and she enthusiastically gave as good as she got. When we were done, I murmured to her, "I love you, Little Mama."

Ixma laid her head against my chest, sighing contentedly.

"Are we going to get a story tonight?" Sisi asked.

"I'm afraid not," I said. Sisi looked at me with disappointment. "I don't like it either," I told them. "Unfortunately, I have things to do tonight. But I will give you some news while we eat. And I will do my best to give you my evening tomorrow night."

Just then, Izel and Calia came in from the garage, followed by a couple of other women troopers carrying children.

"Ranji!" Izel beamed in delight.

Ixma made way, standing back and smiled, Sisi moving with her. Both women shifted to embrace me. For a few moments, the one I wasn't kissing was nuzzling and kissing my neck. They traded off a few times, grinning at each other as they greeted me.

"Having fun?" I managed to get out.

"Mm-hmm," Calia said, moving back for another kiss.

"I missed you, Husband. Welcome home!"

Pulling both women close, I gave them firm hugs. Izel squeaked. "I love you both. The only one missing that's supposed to be here is Cholan."

"Some soldiers came by and asked for her help today," Calia volunteered.


Izel nodded. "Soldiers from the Ground Service came by, asking for her help in repairing some server networks and laying some cable. You wouldn't believe who it was!"

I smiled at her enthusiasm. "I give. Who was it?"

"Captain Teejay Reno, the man who rescued us!"

"Indeed?" I smiled back at her. "Imagine that. All right. I wanted to talk to Cholan about helping me with an important project tomorrow. I guess I'll ask her later on. What were both of you doing downstairs?"

"Most of the wounded are down there," Calia explained.

"We have that many?"

"There's eleven, set up on cots," Calia said. "There were two more, but we had to send them to the hospital because they were getting worse. Terra's down there, sitting with them. She keeps an eye on things like helping them to the bathroom. Salvia trades off with her. They're sharing my bed."

"Oh? I thought Wit and Nariya were sleeping there?"

"No, we moved them back upstairs," Izel said. "Their room is pretty much dry now. We had heaters and fans going on the mattress and box springs. And my maids ran the water vacuum over the carpet again. I also had a long talk with my cooks and that's settled. Despite how angry I was with them, I was calm when I spoke to them. Calia suggested they show their remorse over what happened by cooking to feed those in our home." She paused, then said, "Our home. This is my home, too, isn't it? Anyway, they've been in the kitchen non-stop since relieving Calia after breakfast."

"Yes, it's your home, too, Izel," I assured her. "Any news from Chiatl and the others?"

At that, Izel frowned. "They showed up a few hours ago, dirty and smelling of smoke. They said they had gotten trapped in a shelter, and a nearby building collapsed on theirs. No one died, but they were stuck until others dug them out. They showered and were lent Air Service uniforms while their clothes were washed. After they ate, I sent them back out to where the rest of our possessions were. I sent Ketra with them. I told her privately if Chiatl and the others make her do all the work, she is to tell me. Chihua and Awmi have a table and chairs set up in the garage itself where they've been doing laundry all day."

"Sounds like both of you have been busy all day." I gave Calia and Izel each a kiss on the cheek.

"I've been busy, too!" Sisi chimed in. "Terra and Salvia have my tablet and I helped them with their letters!"

"That's my girl!" I told her. "Are you helping take care of Mina, too?"

"Yes, Tenant."

As we had been talking, places at the table cleared, and my family and I sat down. When Sowitwee, little Daydo, and Nariya came out, I got up and welcomed them to the table.

When Mack and Akama came out with small bowls, looking for cream of quinoa to supplement their breastmilk. I saw there was room and told them both to sit at the table with us to eat. Initially flustered, both recovered and focused on feeding their kids.

We were eating sliced meat with stir-fried vegetables and millet. I realized I hadn't seen some of those we'd rescued the other night. Looking at Mack and Akama, I asked, "How are the others doing?"

"Sir?" Mack asked.

"Laylandi, Cooma, Haytam, and the others. The ones we helped rescue. How are they holding up?"

Mack and Akama gave each other a sorrowful look, then Mack said, "They will be out for a few days due to injuries."

I put down my fork. "What?"

"Commander," Mack said. "Everyone else that we rescued from First Home is doing okay. Because there was a shortage of space and there was room at Second Home, Haytam, Cooma, and Laylandi grabbed space over at Second Home. A few hours later they were among those abducted."

"Holy gods. Are they okay?"

Izel and Ixma covered their mouths, horrified.

Akama looked away. Mack continued. "They survived, but it was harrowing. Some of them tried to resist and suffered for it. All of them are going to need a few days to recover. Captain Lovyanchiti has already arranged their leave time."

I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "I cannot tell both of you how much it hurts when people under my command are treated in such a foul fashion. I know they will prefer to not have any men around. But please convey to them my deepest condolences on their lost sisters and children, and my wishes for their speedy recovery in body, mind, and heart."

"We'll tell them," Akama said.

"Actually, seeing you would actually do many of them a world of good, Commander," Mack said. "They know you aren't like other men. They know you fight that kind of behavior and have worked hard to make High Guard a different place. A safe place for women warriors."