Starlight Gleaming Ch. 21 Pt. 05


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"My daughter wants to carry our child! Does that make things clearer for you?"

As I checked my shoulder weapon and secured it, I said, "Yes, it does. Thank you. It's true, Ixma discussed her plan with me first, and gave me her reasons. She convinced me, Zinja, that first among her reasons are that she really loves you. Make no mistake, this would be a gift to both of us. More to the point, though, I think as a young mother, she has a pretty good grasp of all the hard work and love you unstintingly gave her while she was growing up. I can imagine, but I'm equally quite sure my own imagination falls short of the reality, but I am nonetheless impressed by what it took to raise your daughter alone."

Calmer, Zinja said, "No, I'm aware Mina's a lot needier than a normal child. Strangers and strange situations easily upset her. Ixma is endlessly patient with her. Calia had a word for it, but I don't know what it means. Calia's also helped both girls adjust to living with us and helped them deal with their nightmares. The two of them always talk together, or at least they did before everything at High Guard went sideways."

Shifting to securing my hip holster and weapon, I continued. "Okay, that's a good start. Ixma appears to be a loving and attentive mama, and isn't crazy herself - just this plan of hers. Okay, let's cover some other basics. Take you, for example. You're a strong woman, Zinja, physically stronger than many men. You are also strong emotionally. Life has dumped a lot of grief your way and you have more than survived, you stand tall and have good reason to be proud of what you've accomplished. You are intensely loyal to those you love, and you have a clear moral sense about you."

"That's right, I am proud," Zinja declared, clearly winding up for another barrage. "Why shouldn't I be? And that's—"

I held up my hands. "Hey, just a minute there! I'm not done yet. Most of this, you, Janetta, and I already know, but my wife, Izel, through no fault of her own, is probably ignorant of what's being discussed. Izel, Ixma's plan is that she wants to be a surrogate mother and carry Zinja's and my child. Does cover it, Zinja?"

"Yes! And I've never heard anything more crazy in all my life!" Zinja glared at me, her fists clenched in anger.

Izel blinked in surprise, then looked at both of us thoughtfully.

Making sure my pockets were empty, I asked, "Zinja, will you please tell me what makes her idea crazy?"

"It's my body," she growled. "If there are to be babies between us, I want to make them myself! Me! I tried not to keep any secrets from her as she grew up. The gods know life is hard enough for women in the Empire as it is. She has no business poking into my life like that! I'm her mama, not the other way around."

"A strong argument," I conceded. "I remember when Janetta declared that she loved you, and your officer asked you if you would breed for me. You told Janetta that as soon as she quits the Air Service, you would quit, too, and both of you would get onto your hands and knees and let me have my way with you as many times as it took to put my baby in the both of you."

"So what?" Zinja retorted, arms akimbo.

Kicking off my shoes, I took off my socks. "The point is that you put your willingness to have children as conditional on Janetta's career as a combat pilot. Janetta's twenty-two this year, same as me. She can probably count on another twenty years of flying, but a lot can happen in that time. Ixma is twenty-one. Naturally, with you being her mama, you are a few years older than your daughter. I believe you are thirty-six this year?"

"Yes," grudgingly admitted the tall Oexacan woman. From the look on her face, she didn't like where I was going.

"The Protection Order is in effect throughout High Guard War Base, and I'm told that's a miracle in itself. But High Guard is not the entirety of the Empire of Chimorro. I have much to do yet before that Protection Order becomes the law of the land. I've already planted the seeds with the Air Marshal, adding that this order has also improved the morale of the men stationed at High Guard. I also want women to have the right to take a year's leave of absence to have a child, giving them time to heal as well as to bond with their baby, and then be allowed to return to active duty. Those who argue against women in the military is saying it's a waste to train women who then leave the service to have children. It's also used as an excuse to pass women over for promotion. Currently, once a woman makes the decision to leave the service to have a child, she faces a lot of roadblocks to returning to active duty. Enacting a temporary leave program will save the Empire thousands annually in training costs, and more women will make military service their career. At the moment, that particular option remains a dream. Zinja? I believe you currently have twenty years in the Air Service?"

"And ten to go before I earn a full pension," she confirmed.

Janetta put up her laptop and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.

"And the maximum age for enlistment is thirty-five, so if you leave, you're effectively retired from the Air Service, whether you want it or not. In ten years, you will be forty-six. Not so old, still hale and hearty, but it's also an age when a fair number of women have already started menopause. Some enter later and some earlier, of course, but age is a major consideration when discussing the possibility of having more children. There is also how old one will be when those children reach their majority."

The anger went out of Zinja. She went to the desk and plopped into the chair, turning to face me. "None of that's my fault, sir."

"I agree with you," I agreed. "Rather, it's merely the current political reality we find ourselves in. Laws can change, but the process is often slow, and because these will have ripple effects on women's rights, there is and will continue to be resistance to implementing these changes throughout the Empire. Looking at the situation realistically, the chances of you and I having a child together are pretty small bordering on miniscule, wouldn't you agree, Zinja?"

Zinja shrugged unhappily, looking away.

Stripping off the rest of my clothing, I picked up the bottle of massage oil from dresser. "Janetta? When you come back, could you bring a couple towels with you?"

The woman spat and rinsed before popping her head into the room. Seeing what I had in my hands, she immediately grinned. "You're offering back rubs? You got it!"

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I faced Zinja. "So, do you have any other objections to Ixma's proposal?"

"You can't distract me with that, Commander." The tall woman looked at me with disapproval. "My daughter is young and has started the exit process. She's made it clear she wants you to put your babies in her. She should focus on that instead of worrying about me."

"One has nothing to do with the other," I told her. "Still, I agree. She probably should be focused on herself. She approached me with this idea, not the reverse. While it's possible she was inspired by Calia having Yalcamara's and Stimmi's child, it's still her idea. With Sisi still so young, adding another child to the mix with you as the mama won't be that big a deal. I dare say, Sisi has the protective big sister role down pat."

Zinja looked at me unhappily. "Aren't things already weird enough?"

Pretending ignorance, I replied, "I'm not understanding what you mean, Zinja. You and I are parents to Sisi. Ixma and I are parents to Mina. Ixma is my lover and so are you. I agree, it's unconventional, but it really doesn't change things between us. Are you saying you have another reason why you don't want to have a child with me?"

"Yes! Sisi and Mina aren't related to us by blood—" she began.

"Don't you dare bring that up!" I growled, standing up. "I used to be the same way, bringing up the fact that they are adopted - till I realized that each time I did so I was putting a barrier between them and me. It was as if I was announcing my generosity by taking them into my home like they were baubles for others to admire. They don't need the approval of others. They need love, discipline, protection, education, and opportunities - all things I promised to give them when they became my children. My family knows how Sisi and Mina came into my life. No one else matters. I am their father and they are my girls. Mine! Full stop. Tell me true, Zinja, is Sisi your daughter?"

Gods love her, she didn't back down, but instead stood and faced me. "Yes, of course, she's my girl! Anyone tries to take her from me, I got a wrench that I will use to part their hair with! That's not what I meant, Commander, and you know it!"

Sitting back down, I used a calmer voice. "Do I? Think about what you said! Sisi and Mina aren't related to us by blood so that somehow makes a difference. Really? Would it be more accurate if you said, it would be shameful if Sisi and Mina were related to us by blood? Is that what you meant to say?"

"That's not fair!"

"Let's be honest with each other, Zinja. Is that fact important to you?"

"I'm not accusing you of anything, but a man shouldn't have children with both a mother and her daughter."

"What wasn't fair was you, Ixma, and Cholan needing my protection to avoid getting raped all the time. I would have let all of you wear my neckerchiefs without losing a wink of sleep over the deception. We became lovers because Janetta's sense of honor demanded that if you wore my neckerchief, we had to be truthful about being lovers to avoid it ever becoming an issue. None of us picked this situation. We did the best we could at the time. I've looked into your face when you've come on my cock, and you've looked into mine as I emptied my seed inside you. I couldn't help but fall in love with you, Farm Girl, no less than I could help falling in love with Ixma or Cholan. I love you, Zinja Ba'lanchicotl. You are my woman. I also love your daughter, Ixma. She's my woman, too. And I refuse to choose between you! I'm aware that some might twist what I have with you and your daughter into something sordid and scandalous, but it won't change my feelings for either one of you. I'm asking you to think about what you're saying to me. You're telling me I shouldn't have children with you and with Ixma. My response to that is it's already too late. I am bound to you through our daughter, Sisi, just as I am bound to Ixma through Mina, who is your granddaughter. I love Sisi and Mina so much I gave them my House name. I ask you -- does it truly matter those girls aren't related to us by blood? Does it? Because from where I stand, the issue you are trying to prevent already exists."

"I... I don't..." She plopped back into the chair, shaking her head and wiping at her eyes. "When you put that way, no, I guess it doesn't matter. Sisi's my girl, and I love her same as Ixma. And Mina's my grandchild."

"So, again, back to the main question. What are your objections to Ixma giving us another child?"

Looking down, Zinja said, "I see your point, sir, but I'm not comfortable with it. I wasn't brought up that way."

"Why, Zinja," I said. "I'm beginning to wonder if you are ashamed of our relationship."

"No! Of course not!" But I noticed she didn't look me in the eyes when she said that. "I'm not book smart like you are, sir. You... you're trying to confuse me!"

Janetta, naked and holding two large body towels, leaned against the bathroom doorway, watching our talk with sharp interest. Izel was equally absorbed.

I gazed at Zinja. "I am not trying to cause you confusion! Rather, I want to clarify things - for the both of us. Janetta asked if you would let me put my baby in you, you answered that you would do it when she does. Let me rephrase the question. I know you love Janetta and want more time being with her. In the time since we've become lovers, my feelings for you have deepened. Are you happy being my lover? Or would you rather that we end our physical relationship?"

"What?" Zinja's eyes widened.

"It's only fair to ask," I told her. "We became lovers because Janetta asked us to do so. At High Guard, the protective aspect of our relationship is no longer necessary. I assumed, once we became lovers, that you'd want to continue as we have been, but the problem with assumptions is they're often wrong."

"I don't understand," Zinja replied. "Why are you even asking me this?"

"Because feelings can change," I answered. "You can love someone without feeling desire."

"Is this because I told you I felt weird about my girl and I both having children with the same father? I'm well aware of why my captain put us together, Commander. You tell us you love her because she so strong and fierce. Well, so do I. She often put herself in the path of officers and bore the hurt for us. Yes, it's weird, but it doesn't change the fact that I love you and I'm glad you're my man."

I smiled, nodding. "I love you, too. I also love the fact that you're strong, wonderful, and beautiful—"

"Me? Beautiful? Hah! I'm a broken-down ex-farmer who fixes aircraft for a living. No offense, Commander, but have you had your eyes checked recently?"

Janetta's only response was to snicker at Zinja's comment.

"Oh, I admit you're not a beauty queen," I said. "But you are comely to the eyes, especially when you smile. And that strength you have? You're strong physically, emotionally, and morally. That's its own kind of beauty, Zinja. It shows in how you carry yourself and how you move. It makes you into an attractive woman. I think we both have fun with your nickname, and with the farming euphemisms. To me, you are my beautiful farm girl. I know you also worry about our age differences, but I enjoy making love to you."

Chuckling louder, Janetta came around the desk and sat near me on the bed. "He does, Zinja. The other night, after we got back from spending the day in Capisco, how many times did you come while he had his mouth on your pussy?"

Flushing, Zinja quietly mused before she answered, "Twice... no, three times."

"And after that, he made slow love to you. How many times did he get you to come while his cock was in you?" Janetta prompted.

"Two big ones and some little ones, too. I don't know, they all started to roll together at the end."

Janetta grinned at her. "A fuck, even a good one, doesn't last nearly as long as you two went. He made love to you, Zinja. And I told you about him and Teela. Ranji will bone your pussy years from now, even when your tits are bouncing off your knees."

"But, Captain, don't—"

Janetta's demeanor suddenly darkened. "I was there, right next to you. I never expected I'd ever want kids, resigned myself to the idea I was going to be the last of my House. But this man keeps doing the impossible, showing me over and over the reasons why I love him. I don't have to bend over for any other man, and I do it for him because I want to, not because I have to. He makes me glad I'm his woman, and sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have his baby, to have the months go by while it grows inside me. Having a baby scares the crap out of me, all that ripping and tearing doesn't bear thinking about. Still, the notion of me and him having a child together keeps coming back to me. Sometimes I want that baby so much it makes my heart ache. When I asked you if you would have his children, Zinja, did you lie to us?"

"But I didn't think—"

"Oh, I see," Janetta cut in. "You shined us on. Told us what you thought we wanted to hear. Far be it for me to put pressure on you about a very personal decision. I meant what I said. If things weren't hot with Atlantis right now and that year-long maternity leave was real, I'd have Ranji's baby." She glanced at me, before adding, "At least once, anyway. I put the question to you again, my dear, sweet Zinja. If you had the chance, would you let him put his baby in you?"

She didn't answer.

Leaning back, Janetta continued talking. "Big cats do it a lot when they're breeding. Sometimes I think of myself as a big cat. Crouching down, my ass in the air, my pussy dripping for him. Male lions have been recorded mounting a lioness in heat up to a hundred times a day! Saber-toothed cats are like lions, and fuck like horny sex maniacs. Even loners like jaguars and tigers do it up to fifty times a day over a period of three to five days. Well, all that's according to Ixma, anyway. She's becoming the family expert on zoology and animal behavior. That many times a day might be fun, but I hear that most male cats have sharp spines on their little cat cocks." Janetta turned and said, "Hey, Izel! Aren't you glad Ranji doesn't have spikes on his cock?"

I turned to see her reaction.

Izel looked appalled, then she shivered. "Ugh! That... that doesn't bear thinking about! And what a horrible notion, Janetta! I'm a newlywed bride who has fallen head over heels with my husband. Under his gentle and loving hands, what I once feared and loathed, I now eagerly look forward to. I would really appreciate you not putting such awful ideas into my head!" Then she glared at Janetta. "I might have to demand some extra husband-wife time in compensation."

"Fine." Janetta rolled her eyes, then brightened. "Hey, you've had kids before. If you had the chance to have a baby with Ranji, would you?"

"Yes, I would," Izel answered, looking directly at me.

I smiled back at her.

"I thought so," Janetta said. "I mean, I think it's a trap from one of the evil gods. Some stud muffin like Ranji rocks your world with his smooth moves and bang, all knocked up, and nine months later, a squalling baby has to be squeezed out, leaving behind destruction like you took a high explosive round in your back end, and it takes months before everything fully recovers. Thank the gods for nano-tech! Then, what happens? As soon as you're healed up, the guy is back, sniffing around, ready to rock your world, making you forget those awful consequences."

"I remind you I've had five children, Janetta," Izel replied. "And I agree. Thank the gods for nano-technology, because you're right, childbirth can be very hard on the body." She got up and came around and sat next to me, taking my hand into hers. "Both of you are putting the question to Zinja, asking her to answer a life-changing question, but I feel compelled to insert my own interests here. Ranji, I asked you when we married whether you wanted to have children with me, but you never answered me. It's one thing that if one of your women happens to get pregnant and you are okay with it. I'm your wife. I... need to know. Do you want me to have your babies?"

My first answer was to draw her into my arms and give her a heated kiss. Then I said, "Yes, Izel, I do. After what you experienced before, I'm humbled and honored that you are willing to go through that with me." After another kiss, I added, "I can't compete with lions or tigers with their frequency, but I seem to recall cats of all sizes ejaculate within seconds of insertion. I prefer we take the time to really enjoy what we're doing."

Izel and Janetta burst into laughter. I put my other arm around Janetta.

Then Janetta stopped laughing. "Oh, gods! It just occurred to me. We are Nahua women, Izel. Kandikan, if you knock up Izel, you can't neglect the rest of us. You have to keep poking all the rest of us, too."

Nahua tradition was that once a woman was pregnant, her husband needed to inseminate her daily until her eighth month, asserting that while the baby grew inside the woman, the child needed the father's semen to absorb personal traits from his semen while in the womb, that without a daily injection, the child risked physical, emotional, or mental deformity. Personally, I thought its true purpose was for the husband and wife to maintain physical relations; the couple were reminded that they were going to become parents together. It also gave the husband an outlet so he didn't feel neglected and start looking around for other women. This worked great for the women whose sexual drive was either unaffected or increased during pregnancy. For a few women, well, I guess they had to close their eyes and think of the Empire.
