Starlight Gleaming Ch. 21 Pt. 05


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"Oh, so I'm no longer Ranji, I'm Kandikan, am I?"

Janetta nodded. "Of course! Once Izel is pregnant, you need to come in her pussy every day."

"I thought that was just loosely followed tradition," I said.

Izel looked at me earnestly. "I once thought so, too. Each time after I became pregnant, my first husband wouldn't touch me. He called it a stupid practice for primitives. Some of it was his parenting skills, or rather his profound lack of them. I can't help but wonder there's something to it? The tradition says that the child needs to keep getting sustenance from his father's seed until the eighth month to grow healthy and strong physically, mentally, and morally. If I get pregnant, you have to promise to feed my baby while it's growing. There's no scientific evidence for it, but... I want to do everything I can to give you children that you will be proud of."

"Still haven't scared me off, Izel. If that's what you need, then we'll work it out."

"Hey there!" Janetta said, poking me in the chest. "I'm putting you on notice. I expect... no, I demand regular engine inspections and special fuel injections from your magic poke stick. I believe all the other members in your pride of women will insist they get equal time, too."

"Janetta," Izel said indulgently, "a group of human women who share one man isn't called a pride. The proper term is a harem."

"Commander, can we get back to us?" Zinja queried, her countenance troubled. "Do you really, honestly want to have a baby with me, too?"

Gazing back at her, I said, "Absolutely. Now, I would love to watch your belly growing day by day, but since that's not an option, your daughter is offering us an alternative to make that dream a reality."

Zinja stared at me for several seconds, then nodded. "All right, I will agree to this crazy plan. They'll have to harvest from you, too. Maybe since it will be partly my child, I should help with collecting part?"

"I'll give you the time off," Janetta said, then teased, "Just remember, no swallowing!"

"I had that part figured out, Captain," Zinja replied drily.

With those issues resolved, Izel and Zinja finished getting undressed for bed. Janetta laid down and I worked on her shoulders and upper back. After Janetta was done and feeling relaxed, I surprised Zinja by getting her onto her belly for her own session.

As I started to rub in the oil, she started to say, "If this is because—"

"Stop!" I said. "The only talking I want to hear is if there's a sore spot that needs more work. Otherwise, relax, Zinja. Enjoy this for what it is - a sign of my appreciation for you."

"Ranji?" Izel asked. "Are you going to do me, too?"

"Every chance I get, Izel," I quipped.

Janetta snickered, and realizing the joke, Izel blushed as she replied, "I meant give me a massage!"

"That, too."

She beamed at me.

When it was finally Izel's turn, I worked over her neck, shoulder, and upper back muscles. When I started to add in some lower back and gluteal work, she groaned aloud. After working on her a bit, sure enough, when I had her spread her legs, her lower lips were puffy, ruddy, and glistened with drops of her nectar. Even as I watched, those fat lips parted, revealing her steamy pink tunnel. I hardened almost right away.

Izel turned her head to look back at me. "You've stopped. Does this mean you're done?"

"Not hardly, Izel. I see that you are in need of further attention."

"Oh, I see. Do you want me on my hands and knees?"

"Nope. Stay right where you are." I moved in behind her and using my cock, pushed apart those puffy wet lips and opened her up.

Izel moaned into her pillow, and between louder, muffled noises, she panted and trembled beneath me. Encouraged and aroused by her appreciative noises, I attended to her needy, wet pussy. Between slow, full plunges, I gave her several rounds of short, rapid strokes angled from higher up so my fat knob hit the right spot. It didn't take long before my wife succumbed; she wriggled and groaned as she came on me. I hilted into her slick, pulsing sheath. Grinding left and right, I filled her up, which inspired yet more moaning and wriggling.

After a little cleanup and getting her some water, and some kisses to all three women, we settled in the for night.

* * * * *

The following late afternoon, near the end of my regular shift, Janetta walked into my office at Ground Security and announced, "The energy weapon works! My Lightning has teeth to go with its shield!"

But there was something more to her news, so I prompted, "Congratulations, Janetta. Now tell me the rest."

"When I saw Cholan earlier, she looked exhausted. But after the initial testing this afternoon, she disappeared. Then I was busy for hours with a hot weapons test. A lot of the remaining crews from the dead pilots gathered to watch. Once I was airborne, I strafed the ocean about a hundred yards from shore. The plumes were huge! The shields, the guns -- everything worked perfectly! After I landed, all the crews cheered for me, and crowded around to touch me and my bird. I looked for Cholan to thank her for her hard work and commend her for her brilliance. I also wanted to know when she was going to return to my ground crew. I couldn't find her so I asked around and started to search the hangar. Roshan's toady, Hackatay, met me and said Cholan was buried in important work, updating dozens of schematics documenting everything for the final report and that she couldn't be disturbed."

"Well, you have what you wanted, a fighting chance against those new Helios fighters from Atlantis. Congratulations again, Janetta. The upgrade process appears to be a complete success." I leaned back in my chair and waited for her to get out what she had to say.

She shook her head. "Cholan is my e-man. I care about her, too, Kandikan. Everyday I've been dropping off meals and snacks to her, but actually haven't talked to her the last few days. Come to think of it, I haven't seen more than a glimpse of her since her request that you stay away. I saw her today, but not close enough to even get a minute to catch up. It's a huge relief to have this upgraded fighter working. One interceptor alone is piddly, but now we know what it takes to build more and have something that can stand against Atlantis. Yet I can't help feeling that Cholan's been avoiding me, and that's not like her."

I got up from behind my desk, came around and pulled her up, into my arms and held her for several moments, rubbing her back. Some of her stiffness and tension faded, but not entirely. "Maybe tonight, you can take my magic poke stick for a joy ride. If you don't wear me out too much, Zinja can get a ride, too. And tomorrow, we can both go visit Cholan and get some definite answers."

She laughed into my shoulder. Then she tilted her head up and we kissed. "I'd love that."

It was a great night, and Janetta enjoyed my mouth on her body and being on top. After she recovered enough to speak, she encouraged Zinja to have some fun, too. And I looked into the eyes of my farm girl as I entered her and told her I loved her. She smiled as she told me she loved me back. When she was ready for me to fill her with my seed, I told her that because she was a beautiful, strong, wonderful woman, there needed to be more people like her in the world. Zinja moaned with the first hot splash deep inside her center. I'm not sure if she came a second time or just once for a long time, but her pussy milked me while I emptied myself inside her. We shared kisses and caresses until I finally slipped out.

* * * * *

The next day was even more memorable.

As soon as I arrived into my office, I received a call from the Base Commandant's office, ordering me to come to his office immediately. I notified the Deputy Watch Commander on duty, grabbed my things and told Janko where I was going, and for him to reschedule any morning meetings. Then, Akama and Mack drove me to Command & Control.

We were both surprised, Janetta and I, to see other heading in the same direction.

"I'm going to the Base Commandant's office. You?"

"The same," she answered. Janetta's face darkened as we resumed our journey together.

A pair of Ground Service guards were on guard outside the office. Sergeant Barris arrived right behind us carrying a tray with a coffee carafe and half-a-dozen bulky white ceramic mugs that military quartermasters everywhere seem to love. The Commandant's admin waved us through, getting the door for us.

Inside the familiar office, which had been completely redecorated and reorganized, I saw the Commandant sitting behind his desk. In a chair nearby sat General Barankoshto. Sergeant Barris poured cups of coffee for both generals, then asked Janetta and I if we wanted any. Both of us chose not to partake. I noted two more Ground Service standing at attention near the door.

Seated in the room was Captain Kilfoor from the Ground Service JAG office. We nodded politely to each other. Two civilians sat together behind a small work table. I recognized Lord Hackatay, but didn't know the identity of the second one.

General Rikoletsi nodded to Janetta and me. "Both of you, please take a seat. For what's about to happen, I want both of you to know that General Barankoshto and I levied strenuous objections but were overruled by High Command. I'm sorry. Neither one of you deserve this."

At his words, Janetta's face went stony, but her eyes glittered as she stared at Hackatay.

Hackatay actually sneered at the Commandant, then looked at me with open disdain. I wasn't impressed with his intelligence or his attitude.

The Commandant's admin closed the door behind us, and took a seat nearby, laptop open. "This meeting is being recorded," he announced, then proceeded to record the date, time, and the names of all the attendees. The civilian was someone named Elko Brennar, an attorney working for Roshan.

Hackatay rapped his knuckle on the table, "Let's begin, shall we? This is unpleasant for me as well, I assure you. I should be on my way to Cuzco right now, relaxing, but instead I'm here having to wrap things up. Barrister Brennar?"

The man opened a file folder, stood, and handed over several papers stapled together to Janetta. "The Commandant has already received notarized copies for Air Service Personnel and Air Service Finance."

Puzzled, she took the documents. In seconds, her face went livid, and pushed the stack across the table to me. "I want to talk to her, now!"

"I'm afraid that's quite impossible, Captain. As of six o'clock this morning, she's no longer at High Guard War Base," Hackatay announced, looking pleased with himself.

I scanned through the documents; it was a set of DD-214 Exit Orders for Sergeant Cholan Yakalme. Behind that was the medical certification that she was not pregnant, and a certificate of Honorable Discharge after nine years of service to the Emperor. Between Hackatay's statement and what I had in my hand, my belly knotted and then turned cold.

"You promised me full cooperation and full disclosure, Hackatay!" Janetta shouted angrily, rising to stand.

"And you're getting it, Captain!" Hackatay replied. "Let's give the Captain the next bit of news, shall we? Maybe it will improve her disposition."

Brennar passed over another set of documents. I recognized the topmost document immediately, having filled out one myself quite recently. It was a marriage certificate for Roshan and Cholan.

Janetta looked apologetic, then fell into her seat, muttering, "Gods of North and South, Ranji, I so sorry. You tried to tell me something was wrong and I wouldn't listen."

Beaming with delight, Hackatay continued. "Please note the statement from the Assistant High Priest to Inti, certifying he queried both parties as to their intentions, which was to marry immediately, and signed assertions that both bride and groom were not under duress." Hackatay took out a data stick and pushed it toward us. "That's for you both. I strongly urge you to watch it before you do anything rash. It's a message from Lord and Lady Roshan. I hereby notify you both, Captain Tlacotli and Commander Kandikan, that Lord Roshan has requested no further contact is to be permitted from either of you to him or his new bride." Then he turned his gaze to me, tersely asking, "Onto the next matter on this meeting's agenda. Commander, you are the current CO of Ground Security. I believe your Second commands Air Security. Lord Roshan's bodyguard disappeared some days ago. Do you know his whereabouts? Perhaps he in your custody under seclusion? I understand you like to do that. I understand that you have Kirfan Tenochta, the head of Nahua state, in isolation, and that he's been there for weeks."

Before I could respond, General Rikoletsi said, "I can answer that. Sergeant Bomar, pass this to Commander Kandikan. It seems that Roshan's personal bodyguard, Eeso Tlakatsl, was taking money from Atlantean agents. He also murdered Captain Taruca. I believe you knew both men, Lord Hackatay. That same bodyguard, Tlakatsl, also tried to murder a security officer and died while resisting arrest. Lord Roshan's bodyguard committed treason against the Empire. If Lord Roshan had not fled High Guard War Base like a scalded cat, there would be serious questions about his relationship with his traitorous retainer."

"I will remind you, Commandant, that Lord Roshan is loyal to the Empire!" He turned to Janetta and demanded, "He delivered on the technological wonders -- as promised. Captain Tlacotli's upgraded AT-7 Lightning has working energy shields and plasma weapons like those Atlantis uses. Do you agree with those statements, Captain Tlacotli?"

Grudgingly, Janetta growled out, "That is correct."

The Commandant barked out, "And that's the only reason Roshan hasn't been hauled back here for further questioning. As for Tenochta, unless you have something pertinent to add to his case, you'd best stay clear. Considering the serious crimes committed in the immediate aftermath of the attack by Atlantis, he was duly examined and his case is before the High Court, who is currently deciding his fate. Back off from Tenochta or you might yourself sharing his fate!"

"So, he is here. Interesting," Hackatay said. "I remind everyone present that the top-secret project Lord Roshan headed here at High Guard has since provided the Air Service with a fully upgraded and working version of the AT-7 Lightning is clear and unassailable proof that his lordship had nothing to do with his retainer's unfortunate lapse in judgment." Then he looked at the Commandant. "Do you have any proof of these allegations against Eeso Tlakatsl? His lordship will want to know."

General Barankoshto retrieved a data stick from her breast pocket, and without a word, set it onto the table before Hackatay and Brennar.

"What's this?" the smarmy nobleman asked.

"You asked for proof, Lord Hackatay. Everything permitted to a civilian is there," General Barankoshto replied coldly.

Collecting the data stick, he slipped it into the front inside pocket on his suit. "Well, I have nothing more to say. There were three topics to discuss and they have been discussed to my satisfaction. Are we done here, Barrister Brennar?"

The silent man nodded.

"Good," Hackatay continued. "Let's get out of this armpit of the Empire and back to civilized life." As he stood to leave, he said, "You know, Commander Kandikan, there are ears at court that will be very interested in your so-called Unit Protection Order. Some of those listeners may see your actions here as challenging the status quo, perhaps even revolutionary."

Both generals stared at me for a reaction, but I ignored Hackatay's goading. May? Maybe? Could? Yeah, a gossipmonger and a troublemaker.

Hackatay and Brennar gathered up their things and departed.

While both generals relaxed, the Commandant's admin ended the recording. Sergeant Bomar said, "I'll have the transcripts typed up within the hour, Commandant," and exited the room.

Janetta looked at the two generals. "Do I have any recourse open to me, sirs? Sergeant Cholan served with me as my e-man for nearly three years. This sudden behavior change is completely out of character for her!"

The Commandant shook his head. "Unfortunately, no, Captain. I sympathize, but Roshan called up favors at Court and Sergeant Cholan was granted an immediate discharge. With her marriage to Roshan, he is your former sergeant's gatekeeper. He is legally her husband. This whole thing reeks of underhanded shenanigans, but there's not a bloody thing any of us can do about it. I'm truly sorry. To both of you. Do I need to officially order either of you to not attempt contact to Roshan or his new wife?"

"No, sir." Janetta gave me a sad look, saying, "Generals. Captain. I think I'm done here?"

The Commandant nodded, they exchanged salutes, and she left.

I gathered up the copy of Cholan's Exit paperwork, the marriage documents, and the data stick from Hackatay and put them into my laptop satchel. "Anything else I should be aware of before I leave?"

Kilfoor spoke up. "Commander, you might be interested in taking a look at the Pre-Nuptial Agreement attached to the marriage forms. It's a bit stringent, but not entirely unusual when a member of the nobility marries a commoner. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me."

"Thank you, Captain. General. Commandant. Safe flight and safe return."

Outside the office, Janetta waited with Mack and Akama for me, and together we exited the building.

Once we were standing in the parking lot, Janetta shouted, "I can't believe Cholan did this! I'm shocked she did it to me because I thought we had a good working relationship, but you? She loved you, I know she did! Two days before Roshan finally decided to do some work, Cholan had that nightmare, and she was in your lap crying her eyes out, and you stood up to me, defending her. In less than two weeks, she leaves the Air Service, gets married to a man she hardly knows, and she cuts all ties to all of us? We supported her when her parents were murdered. You helped both her sisters, for fuck's sake, and both of you nearly got yourselves killed doing so! This whole mess reeks of three-day-old mammoth dung, Kandikan. That skeezy bitch stabbed you right in the heart. All her promises, all her words of love, all of it just fucking dust and ashes."

I could see Janetta wanted to say something to help make things right. She stepped closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Are you going to be all right?"

"Probably not, but I still have to go back to work," I replied. I gave her a quick hug and a kiss. "See you at home, Captain. Mack? Akama? Time to head back to the 1267."

I left her staring at me as we got into the cruiser and drove back to Ground Security. During the drive, Mack looked at me with great concern. "Commander? Would it be too forward to ask what happened?"

"Sergeant Cholan is gone. She quit the Air Service, married that patronizing prick Roshan, and left High Guard without a word to me or to her officer. I've changed my mind. Call Dispatch and let them know I'm going to the gym for some exercise."

With a mix of shock and outrage, Mack burst out, "What? Cholan loves you! I was there on the trip to Copán, on the shopping trip and getting her hair done, the whole time she was talking about you. I heard what she said to her sister on the way back, too. She'd never leave you and go with that man! I heard what he said! He thinks women are only good for one thing—"

"Mack, Lieutenant Ja-See saw them fucking in his office! She told me that it not only appeared consensual, but further described their interactions as affectionate." I closed my eyes. "Make the call, Sergeant."

"Yes, Commander. I'm truly sorry, sir."

While Mack called in our change in location, Akama started driving us to the gym.
