Starlight Gleaming Ch. 21 Pt. 05


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"I love you so much!" Ixma sniffed, burying her face into my neck for several long seconds. "Are... are you telling me I shouldn't do this?"

I rubbed my hand along her back. "No, I'm not. I just wanted you to see the whole picture. You have my support, Ixma. Talk to your mama, and if she comes to me, I will do what I can to convince her. You're right. A baby should be wanted from the start. That doesn't change the fact I already have two amazing little girls that are mine to love." I kissed her head, then added, "You're on notice, Little Mama. If she doesn't agree, once your exit paperwork is processed, you will be too busy to think up other crazy schemes."

"I will?"

I lifted her chin up and kissed her gently. "Oh, yes, Ixma. Remember, you are my Little Mama."

"Yes, I am."

"Well, Little Mama, this is what's going to happen. Once you are out of the military, we will be having a lot of sex. You will be coming, over and over, and so will I, inside your hot little pussy until my seed takes root in your womb. I want to see your belly swell with our baby, to touch you and hold as it grows bigger and bigger. I will do everything I can to be there when you give birth. What do you think of that?"

Her eyes wide in the dim shadows of the room, she asked, "You promise? I will be your woman and we can have babies together?"

"As many as you want."

"Oh, Ranji! Yes!" She kissed me with a great deal of passion, and it was several long and pleasant minutes before she wound down. When she lay down on the bed next to Mina, she whispered, "I love you, Ranji Kandikan."

"Good night, Little Mama. Sweet dreams to you and all my girls."

I quietly exited the bedroom, then crossed the hall to my own room. Getting undressed, I made a quick trip to the bathroom, then climbed into bed. Janetta and Zinja were already asleep, but Izel quietly pulled back the blanket for me, then curled into my arms, nuzzling happily.

"Love you, wife," I murmured.

Izel shivered, then whispered back, "I love you, too, my husband."

* * * * *

As I neared the end of my second week, the days were much the same. I learned the routines and the names and faces of Ground Security; kept in touch with Doyya, Pen, Jay, and Chita at the 602; and kept the Commandant and General Barankoshto up to date with how well things were progressing with the 1267. The details were different, yet there was a great deal of similarity between the two regiments.

With the resumption of air traffic, recruits to both Air and Ground Security began to arrive to fill sorely-missed vacancies.

I was quite happy to welcome back to duty Group Captain Terkouri, the regiment's Second. During the immediate aftermath of the Atlantean attack, while conducting and participating in rescue operations, he had been seriously injured. Because he was stable, others were attended before him, but with a nudge from General Barankoshto, Terkouri went into the healing tank and after a pain-free night of sleep, returned to duty the next morning. That afternoon, we had lunch together and talked about the regiment's status and progress, and did our best to move past the reason I was there at all.

On the evening of my eighth day in command of the 1267, there was quite a bit of excitement about the all-day trip to the Capisco Aquarium. Eighty-eight people were coming, with a good portion of those being toddlers up to two years accompanying their mothers, and both buses were filled. There was a cruiser from Air Security and a second from Ground Security; the latter addition was Terkouri's insistence.

To my delight, Doyya and Chita were among the attendees, as was Pen, his two fiancés Tanti and Breena (that's how he introduced them), and their three kids; to my friend's delight, Sachi and Aarpo called him Dad and I was delighted to be Uncle Ranji. Sowitwee and Nariya with baby Daydo in a stroller also joined us, along with Terra and Salvia. Sadly, Calia stayed home, saying she needed the sleep; six troopers kept watch over her and our home during our absence.

On the other hand, the rest of my family were in attendance. Izel notified her servants and cooks that they were expected to come along as well. Oceotl joined in the outing. Lord Chiatl, the head of Izel's personal bodyguards, insisted on attending along three additional guards; the mere presence of Oceotl seemed to inspire more deference from the arrogant man, especially after Janetta whispered about his previous transgressions to Oceotl, and the huge man pointedly watched him like a hawk. Chiatl had been noticeably silent upon learning about Oceotl's new position in the household, and that didn't bother me one bit.

Besides the returning veterans, the former abandoned wives who worked as caregivers were excited about coming along. Each servant, civilian, or enlisted received forty credits in Capisco currency to spend at their discretion. I prefaced dispensing the funds with the notice all recipients were required to spend at least half during the outing.

The only person I really missed, besides Calia, was Cholan, who was still plugging away on the research project under Roshan's intense direction.

With all the off-duty troopers present, there were absolutely no problems, with the sole exception of one local citizen whose child had wandered off, and after a diligent and very organized search, the wayward child was soon located and reunited with the grateful parents.

As they had during their first visit, at one of the gift shops I bought my girls different sweatshirts to commemorate their visit. Mina's depicted a fluffy baby penguin inquisitively peeking out from under a watchful adult. Sisi opted for another sweatshirt with cavorting dolphins. Most everyone took part in feeding the bottomless seals, and seemed enjoying watching the show with dolphins do tricks with the human trainers. Ixma answered a surprising number of questions for those who asked, and if she didn't know the answer, the once shy woman readily asked one of the staff, using her tablet to translate the question and answer. Sowitwee wasn't the only person armed with a camera, and the older toddlers really took to the fried wedgies and dipping sauces.

Best of all, there were no emergencies that required any one to return to High Guard, a huge plus.

Around sixteen hundred hours, we gathered, confirmed that we'd lost no one, then boarded our buses to return home.

Once inside High Guard, a stop was made at the Commissary and four score box dinners were picked up, which surprised the enlisted and civilians. Pen and his family as well as Doyya and Chita were dropped off at Air Security, and they drove themselves home with their own set of box dinners. For those with allergies or other preferences, we patiently waited for quick meals to go to be completed.

All told, the day had run me about twenty-four hundred credits, but it was worth it. And yes, my account had taken a serious beating this past month, but I had no qualms about any of the many expenditures.

Of course, almost immediately upon arrival home, the washers were started up to clean the soiled diapers, but all in all, everyone was tired but happy, and with exception of my own girls, exhausted kids went to bed. After dinner, though they had snacked and napped during the trip home, my girls made it through one story before they were both zonked out.

In our bedroom, both Izel and Janetta insisted I spend some quality time with Zinja. The woman in question was surprised by their united front, and quickly demurred any protest she might have considered. Giving her plenty of kisses and after thoroughly massaging her small, sensitive breasts, my mouth duly explored my Farm Girl's furrow. With such attention, she soon gushed onto my face with a lot of pleasured moans. Zinja then tugged at me, trying to get me to climb up and fill her aching, needy, and empty pussy, but I ignored her, making her suffer through another toe-curling orgasm that left her heaving and shaking.

When I moved over her and pushed my hard shaft into her quivering folds, she eagerly spread her legs wider apart, reaching for me. Pushing my hard length at her entrance, Zinja gave me a look of sheer joy as her pussy stretched to envelope me. Bliss filled her face in waves as with each stroke that reached deeper into her quivering cavity. When my balls rested on her butt cheeks, she sighed with satisfaction.

"You feel amazing, Commander," she said, wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Always a pleasure to be inside you, Zinja," I murmured as I slowly worked within her hot, slick folds. "And not just because you have a great pussy. It's looking into your eyes, seeing the love there even as I feel our intimate union, and knowing you want this as much as I do. You deserve to feel love and to feel good."

She moaned out, "Oh, I feel wonderful!"

Rolling her hips under me, she ground her clit against me, pleasuring herself as her body pleasured me. Her tender folds clung to my shaft even as her wetness eased the friction of my moving back and forth within her steamy interior. My eventual goal, of course, was to have her dripping, swollen pussy convulsing around my length in ecstasy while I filled her to overflowing with my hot semen. But for the moment, I took the time to savor the wonderful sensations of her pussy engulfing my hard cock. In no hurry at all, I varied the angle and the pace of my thrusting. Zinja showed her appreciation by her moans and whispered cries, rocking her hips as her hands, by turns, caressed or tightly gripped me.

Passion slowly built, and eventually I pounded into her gaping pussy, my hips slamming against her squishy, swollen lips as I sought to bury my cock each time as deep into her as I could reach. With each firm, vigorous thrust, she answered with a downward rock, grinding her hard button against me.

I honestly tried to get her to come first, but when I felt my balls tighten, I pushed deep, grinding against her. Her arms and legs held me fast, pulling my chest down onto hers; my balls twitching as my hard shaft spewed into her rippling sheath. Grinding back, she gasped out, "Oh, gods, yes, sir, that's it! Give me all of your hot seed! I want it all!"

The next moment, her pussy began to milk me, urging me to do what she said and give her every single drop. I certainly tried my best.

Then the afterglow, that wonderful, floating time as our heartbeats eased, and our focus was still on her and me. A loving, full kiss before I lifted myself up to take the weight off her. The sweaty skin along our bellies peeled apart, and she giggled happily like a young girl.

However, when I pulled out, she made a sad noise. That prompted me to sit next to her and give her a hug and another full kiss.

Izel surprised us both by offering Zinja a glass of cool water, which she gratefully accepted and downed in one go.

"More?" my wife asked with a knowing smile.

"Uh, all right, Lady."

Izel left to refill the glass.

Janetta pulled Zinja into her arms. "Have a good time?"

"The best, Captain."

Janetta gave her a squeeze. "I'm glad. He's right, you know. You deserve to be loved and to feel good."

As Izel returned, I collected the wet towels and went to the bathroom to hang them up to dry and to wipe down my crotch. When I was done, Janetta and Zinja were curled into each other. Izel pulled back the covers for me, and once I was in my usual spot, I drew her into my arms.

"Thank you, Izel. What you and Janetta did, that was very considerate."

I felt her shrug. "She's important to you both, and as one of your women, it's only fair that she get some personal attention from you. Besides, she's always polite and respectful to me. All those are good reasons. You also noticed, which is an added bonus."


"Yes," she whispered back, then burrowed closer against me. "Even as I fell in love with you, Ranji, I thought I might have a problem with sharing you, but I find I don't. I was used to sleeping alone, but in a very short time, I look forward to sleeping next to you and having you within easy reach."

I kissed her head and gave her a brief squeeze. "You, too, deserve to be loved and to feel good."

Her voice hitching, she said, "Thank you." I felt a few tears on my chest.

"I've got you," I murmured, gently rubbing her back.

"I know you do." I felt a light kiss to my chest. "You're my kind and loving husband, my strong and fearless warrior, my miracle."

Nuzzling her hair, I whispered, "I love you, too, Izel."

Giving a happy sigh, she relaxed against me, and I joined her in sleep.

* * * * *

Part 27 -- Bitter Victory

* * * * *

It was in the morning of the fifth day since the outing to Capisco that Lieutenant Ja-See showed up at my office. I'd seen nothing of her for several days, and even her periodic emails were nothing more than, "No change in status."

She looked tired, which was new for me. Concerned, I asked, "Are you all right? Do you need to see Calia?"

"Not quite fully healed yet." She gave a long exhale, sat, then asked, "Can you secure your office?"

"Certainly." After closing the office door, I retrieved and activated the jammer, setting it onto my desk.

"The research team are nearly done with preliminary weapon testing," she announced. "They have a working weapon, and are arranging for a way to contain the energy blast."

I grinned. "That's great news!"

"You'll also be getting a report from Killayana soon. I tracked down Taruca's killer and eliminated both him and his Atlantean contact."

"Also, excellent news. So why don't you look pleased, Ja-See?"

"Because I haven't shared another part of my report yet. I'm concerned about its personal nature, about how this information will affect you." She was clearly distressed, which combined with the bags under her eyes, added to her frayed look. I even wondered if she had slept in her uniform. Before her injury, she had always appeared calm, in control, and measured, her uniform immaculate. I didn't know if her prior behavior was the norm for females of her race, or if what I was seeing was her showing more of her true self. Perhaps she wore an Air Security uniform so as to reduce the power drain of her camouflage device.

I perched on the edge of my desk, trying to convey trust and geniality. "Let's get back to what you said. What do you mean you aren't quite healed yet? You were under Calia's care for three days. What do you need to fully recover? Do you need to take more time off?"

She shook her head. "There's no time for that. Commander, I strongly suspect that Roshan's assistant, Hickatay, is either partially or fully an agent for Supay. I have no hard evidence. Just a gut feeling."

"Ja-See, you have passed Calia's scrutiny. That means you are trustworthy, and your 'gut feeling' has a lot of credence with me. Has he made any threatening moves?"

She shook her head. "No, nothing like that." Then she gazed at me. "Please be honest with me. When you saw my true form, were you repulsed?"

Taken aback by the sudden change of topic, I said, "No. Your coloring is unusual, but within the variations of color that humans express. I was surprised by the hair on your head being real, but that adds to your appearance. My interaction with aliens is admittedly extremely limited, and you are the one I have had the most interaction with. No, I'm not repulsed, Ja-See."

"Sergeant Cholan Yakalme is important to you, isn't she," she commented.

"Very important. You make me curious. Why are you asking questions like this?"

"She's one of your lovers?"

"Yes, she is."

"I saw them last night," she said quietly.

I had the distinct impression that she felt sorry for me. "Saw who, Lieutenant? Cholan and Hackatay?"

"No, Commander. Cholan and Roshan."

"All right, you saw them. I presume that means you saw them at the hangar? You're going to have to give me more information than that. They're working together on a project to upgrade the armaments and defenses of the Empire's mainline interceptor. He's the project administrator and she's a skilled electrical engineer. If the nature of their meeting was unusual, you need to be more direct. Tell me specifically what you saw."

"Very well. I had just returned to the hangar two hours after sundown. I was cloaked. I was near his office when I heard a woman making sex noises. The door was closed but I could see them together through the window shades. She lay on the desk and they were coupling. I believe the position is called missionary."

I had warned Roshan. Deliberately keeping myself calm, I asked, "How did she appear?"

"Ah. You are concerned she was being forced. No, she appeared willing. Affectionate even."

"Affectionate? What makes you say that, Ja-See?"

"They hugged and kissed after he inseminated her. She sucked his cock briefly after he withdrew, then put her hands between her legs and collected what I assume was semen discharge leaking from her vagina. He laughed as he watched her lick her fingers clean. They acted familiar with each other. Thus, I would judge that this was not their first union together." Ja-See paused, then added, "I'm sorry, Commander."

"It's certainly disturbing news. The male in me wants to charge over there and break his legs, but the man in me, while pained by the news, will wait to hear Cholan's side of things. There may be circumstances that required her to act as she has."

Part of me was angry, feeling betrayed, but I kept coming back to the fact that Roshan didn't like women in the military, and wondered if despite my warnings, he had pressured her. When the men hold the power, you can't blame the women for doing what they needed to survive. I sighed. "Was there anything else?"

"No, that's all. I have already been in touch with Lieutenant Killayana. His report will have the particulars about the enemy agent and the traitor." She stood up then. "This whole experience, it's been very enlightening and... educational, Commander."

"What about Lieutenant Compeche and his men? What's their status?"

At mention of them, Ja-See gave me a sour look. "I did have a discussion with Compeche. He showed me their resignation paperwork from Imperial Security and employment as security guards for Itcha Aeronautics. How that's in any way valid while secure communications with Tikún are spotty at best is beyond me. Their behavior during this matter has been very odd, and equally odd, not a single one of them seemed in the slightest affected by the loss of Captain Taruca and also curious was that not one of them made any inquiries about the murder investigation. They seemed entirely uninterested about the matter. My recommendation is that, after this project is completed, their security clearances all be revoked, and that in the future, before being allowed to work around anything of a sensitive nature, they all be subjected to Truth Drugs to get to the bottom of their inexplicable behavior these past two weeks."

"So noted, and so I shall recommend. Your work here has thus far been commendable." I stood up. "Anything else to report?"

She looked away, and I could see she was struggling with something. In a gentler voice I asked her again, "Are you all right, Ja-See?"

She briefly looked afraid before she answered. "It... it breaks all the rules, but you wouldn't mind... can I get a hug?"

Startled, the words were out before I could stop them. "Excuse me?"

Ja-See turned to leave, but I grabbed her hand and pulled her smaller body into a firm embrace. For two heartbeats, she stood stiff, but then she melted against me, her arms held onto me in return. Pleased, I looked down and suddenly, her mouth was on mine, her tongue pushing in.

I broke the kiss and she stepped back, panting hard, her face flushed. Stepping back, she looked at me with a mix of shame... and hurt.
