Starlight Gleaming Ch. 21 Pt. 05


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I also signed the papers authorizing the rebuilding of First Home, which Doyya collected. I owned both First Home and Second Home; First Home had once been Voyacherno's residence, just as Second Home had been owned by his partner in crime, the late Tonca. To my mind, the expenses of having both homes cleansed, remodeled, and repurposed were well worth the cost.

After Doyya left, I picked a new admin, a young man by the name of Sergeant Janko Sabre Cat. After talking with him about his duties, I dove back into the morass of emails, memos, and reports crossing the CO's desk on a daily basis. There was a monotonous and grinding similarity to this work, so that was something.

I chuckled to myself, recalling an oft-repeated phrase from Uncle Styen. The plumage might be different, but it's still the same old shit demanded by High Command.

The rest of the day was spent meeting staff, showing up at the change of watch, and assuring staff and the field troopers that everything was being taken care of. I planned to stay later the next day, but I hadn't given my family notice about being late, so at the end of my usual shift, I packed up to go home. Janko was still learning and getting a feel for things, but I asked him if he was staying.

"I'd like to, Commander. There's so much to do!"

"One extra hour then, and no longer," I told him. "Then you need to go home and relax or do whatever. Sergeant Hanami, when she first became my admin at the 602 made a lot of mistakes, but she learned fast. Being a CO's admin is a demanding job, and while I expect improvement, I'm also aware there's a learning curve involved. If you make a mistake, don't hide it. Tell me and we'll go from there. I respect honesty and the courage to face mistakes. If you hide something from me, you're telling me I can't trust you and that's a surefire way to get yourself replaced. If there's training that will help you do your job, bring it to my attention. If I'm not here and you're stuck, give Hanami at the 602 a call. When you go off-duty tonight, put the work away and get plenty of rack time. We both have a full day tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

At home, my guard troopers went off duty and I greeted my family. After getting out of my uniform, I washed up and we settled down for our meal. With so many people, it was still pretty noisy and there were a lot of hungry mouths to feed. Fortunately, a couple of troopers provided regular transportation during the day bringing in needed supplies.

Down in the basement shelter, I had a quick visit with Ja-See. We spoke Vedan as I updated her about what had happened the day before at the hangar and the so-called transfer of Imperial Security troopers to Roshan's command. She was still healing up from her rather serious wounds, but because of Calia's help, she was healing remarkably fast, admitting to me that her recovery was proceeding much faster than Ja-See herself expected.

She bluntly responded to the news about the actions of my Imperial Security team by declaring they had essentially defected. "What's happened here is not normal. You are the ranking Imperial Security officer at High Guard. Whoever asserts they have taken command is lying. Once I am able to move around, I will go to the hangar and check things out. I would also like to poke around and see if I can get any leads on the bastard who stabbed me."

I blinked at her in surprise.

"What?" she asked.

"You've always been calm and collected, it's just a surprise to hear real anger in your voice and to hear you use the word 'bastard'."

"I take a very dim view of being stabbed and left for dead, Commander," she responded drolly.

I had to smile at that. "True enough, and truth to tell, I tend to respond the same way. I'm just glad the attempt failed."

"Thank you, Commander. I'm glad, too." She paused, then continued. "I have access to some shielding technology elsewhere. I mention this because I'm concerned about your Personal Servant, Calia."

"Oh? Why are you concerned, Ja-See?"

"She has remarkable powers. Her intervention undoubtedly saved my life." Then she gave me an odd look. "There have been a few stories I've heard about you that had me wondering how you yourself could have survived. During your duel earlier this year with Lady Izel's late husband, you and Lieutenant Terrapan were poisoned. Knowing the type used, you and Terrapan should have died, yet somehow you both survived. That's just one event that comes to my mind."

"Yes, Calia helped both of us. She is a remarkably capable and giving woman."

The woman nodded. "Whispers of her abilities are already beginning to spread. There may be attempts to kidnap her for study and experimentation. Others will seek her death. It's important that I get that shielding for her. If the Sokiksli learn about her or if she comes to the attention of enemy governments, she could be in real danger."

"The what?"

"Sokiksli. It's the draconian word for the Greys. It loosely translates as bug mind. If the Greys discover that she has such abilities, they will abduct her and she will not be returned. Worse, her ending will likely be most unpleasant, with live vivisection being a definite possibility. My own people can be quite vicious, but the Greys are casual sociopaths with those they deem lesser to themselves, and humans are in that category. With the technology you have available, you cannot prevent them from taking her. Likewise, the Atlanteans and others, if they even suspect her telepathic abilities, they will treat her as a very serious threat, and if they don't attempt to capture her, they will definitely try to kill her. This hot peace could quickly turn to war. The Greys who scouted this planet before they making official contact discovered you humans were developing psychic abilities. They released a bioweapon targeting those genes known to help manifest those abilities. They casually killed tens of thousands to squash those efforts and will do so again in a heartbeat if they learn about Calia. The Greys have energy shields and weapons, and have obviously been sharing weaker versions with Atlantis." Ja-See shrugged. "You are familiar with the short dwarfs that accompany the Greys?"

"Yes. They are sort of like drone workers for the tall, thin ones, aren't they?"

"Correct. In that way, the Greys act very much like insects. The dwarves are susceptible to psychic control, and their energy shields are ineffective against psychic attack. Do you know the current range of Calia's telepathy skill?"

"Close to two rads. Possibly further now."

"That's remarkable," she replied. "How long has she been manifesting those abilities?"

"She's always been highly empathic, but maybe for the past year?"

"I see. I've asked her to be more circumspect. I think she understands the danger, but any ability that she uses over distance can be picked up by any Greys that happen to be in the area. They can't stop any psychic attacks but they have devices that will alert them to any abilities used around them. Calia saved my life. I can at least partially repay that. Once I'm able to move about, retrieving a shielding device for her will be my first task, even before tracking down the enemy agent who stabbed me. Calia is your secret defense, Commander. This upgrade project is important to the Empire's survival. I tell you that Calia's survival may be the key to the survival of humans. She's that important."

"I appreciate your candor and assessment. Any protection that you can provide to Calia will be welcomed. She's very important to me." I reached over to Ja-See. Initially, I had thought to give her a reassuring squeeze, but then had the idea that I was being terribly forward and withdrew my hand as soon as contact was made.

She watched my hand briefly touch her arm, then calmly gazed at me. "Why did you do that?"

"I don't know for sure. When one of my women give me looks such as you just have, it means they need a hug for comfort. You nearly died. I only meant to offer you reassurance. I hope I didn't offend you, and if I did, please accept my apologies."

She looked thoughtful. "Touch among our people is rarer than among humans. When it happens, it's often a serious and deeply personal matter. It signifies great trust. As a female, it is acceptable to hug other females that I am on good terms with. Mothers will hug their young. Naturally, it's integral to mating. You are a male, but you are also from an alien species. However, since we have been sharing very dangerous secrets with each other, and if it is not too forward, I confess that I do like you, Commander. You and Calia have seen my true face. Our eyes are often a point of human revulsion. Having seen what I really look like, you still would offer me a hug?"

"Yes, I would." I exhaled slowly.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because, Ja-See, it's actually a relief to know that not all draconians are the enemies of humanity. You are helping us for your own reasons, but your reasons and the help your people give us is truly appreciated. On a personal level, you work for me, and you nearly died. You spilled blood for us, which makes you a trusted and brave warrior. I had the impression that our mutual friend in Tikún depends upon you a great deal as well. Once things stabilize, will you be staying or do you have other tasks to attend to?"

"As you say, Commander, the situation is fluid. "

I nodded. "Such is moot at present anyway. You're still recovering. Besides, dinner will be soon. Will you come upstairs and join us?"

She looked surprised. "Truly?"

"I wouldn't have offered if I hadn't meant it."

"Those above us, they are your family, yes?" Ja-See nodded. "Then I will be honored. Please, vegetarian dishes only, not even meat broth."

"Of course. Are you able to stand yet?"

"Yes, I've been able to successfully use the toilet down here."

"All right," I replied. "Have you tried the stairs at all?"

"No, I haven't."

"Very well. Rather than bother Calia, let's just assume that we don't want to tear any freshly healed wounds."


Scooping her up into my arms, I said, "If you wish, you may use your hands to hang onto my neck. Otherwise, lean into my chest, relax, and enjoy."

Without ado, I carried her up the stairs.

As I reached for the door leading into the kitchen, she said, "Commander? I think I can walk the few remaining paces from here."

Pausing, I looked into her face. "It's no problem."

"Appearances matter," she said, and looked uncomfortable.

Carefully setting her onto her feet, I waited to make sure she was steady, then opened the door with a half bow. "After you, Lady Ja-See."

The busy hubbub of our communal dinner getting underway washed over us as people moved to let us squeeze by. Many of my troopers knew her at least by sight and that she was an officer; one trooper stood so Ja-See could sit. Calia saw her appearance with a flash of surprise that briefly turned to amusement before she resumed plating up food for a few others in the queue. Two weeks ago, Calia didn't speak Nahuatl, yet I listened to her speak to the cooks and she demonstrated a solid grasp on the language.

Izel arrived and took her place next to my usual seat. My wife watched me sit with a shy happiness. Taking her hand into mine, I lifted it to my mouth and kissed her knuckles, then, breathing over her hand, murmured, "A pleasure to see you, Mrs. Kandikan."

Cheeks darkening, she affectionately answered, "Welcome home, my husband."

I saw Sisi, sitting in Zinja's lap, ask her something. Her mother gave me an assessing look, then nodded. Sisi made her way around the table until she stood next to me. "Not enough chairs, Tenant. Can I sit on your lap for dinner?"

"Does this mean I get an extra magic hug from you?"

Suddenly beaming in delight, she held up her arms. "Yes, Tenant!"

Lifting her onto my lap, we hugged each other. Holding her as she turned, she settled. Terra set plates in front of Izel and me. Salvia passed a smaller set of silverware over to her sister, who added it to mine before moving off. Curious, I saw embossed on the smaller set the words, Junior Cadet and the Air Service logo.

"Can I start, Tenant?"

A nuzzle into my daughter's hair caused her to giggle. "Of course. Help yourself, Sisi."

While my daughter started to eat, I looked to where Janetta sat eating. To Janetta's right was Zinja, and to her mother's right was Ixma, alternating with small bites to Mina and herself. Janetta gave me a brief nod. Ixma watched Sisi while she chewed and gave me a grin.

Izel leaned close and said, "I'm surprised my sister isn't sitting next to you."

"I think the idea was for both of us to occupy the table ends, sort of like a family. Though with all the extra people, we're a lot more distant from each other at present. This crowding is temporary."

While I had been gazing at the women in my life, I noticed Sisi spear the last piece of fruit salad on my plate and polished it off. I cut the slice of meat into smaller chunks for my daughter while Izel came to my rescue and gave me a bite of her own portion of fruit salad. The fruit was mixed with some white coating that I deduced was whipped cream. I winked at my wife as I chewed. On the sweet side, but it was fruit salad, so no surprise there.

"Eat some quinoa while I finish cutting up the meat, Sisi."

Using a spoon, she dutifully ate some.

Nearby, Sowitwee sat at a chair. He shared the food on his plate with his wife, Nariya, while she cradled and nursed their son, Daydo. Here and there, a lot of the women troopers eating with us had their children in their laps, and with those able to eat solid food, they shared their meal.

"Eat some squash, too, Sisi," I said. Then I asked Izel, "Is this capybara?"

"I believe so," she replied, taking another bite of her meal.

Because a lot of the adults were sharing their plates of food, second helpings were doled out to those requesting them. For those with children and finishing, many of them gave up chairs and moved into the family area to nurse their kids and talked or sang quietly to them. Dessert for the household turned out one of various pies and sweetbreads or pastries. Mine turned out to be a slice of custard pie with roasted cashews on top. The nut flavor was different, of course, but it was comparable to those topped with pecans.

When we were finished, I made sure Sisi's face was clean. As I moved to the family room couch, Sisi went to retrieve the night's reading selections from the front room. I realized that again I hadn't seen Cholan at dinner.

My lover sat back in her recliner with a tumbler of metl juice.

"Janetta, where's Cholan?"

"Working," she answered, taking a sip of the potent, clear liquid. "I called and checked on her earlier today, and we dropped off some dinner and snacks for her before we came home."

I understood the urgency. Still, I worried about her putting in such long hours on the heels of her nightmare, and the long hours she had already put in, contributing to the war base's recovery efforts.

Just before leaving Ground Security, I received confirmations about the projected weather and my reservation of two buses. With those components in place, I had Sowitwee call ahead to the Aquarium that I expected close to a hundred visitors to attend, and that any food vendors should be prepared for the flood of additional customers. Payment information was provided to ensure ease of preparation. I called Chita and invited her and to pass along the invitation to Doyya, and if her sister Movane was still at High Guard, to include her as well. Next, I invited Jay and Pen, and Pen's new family. I expected both buses to be filled.

Standing up, I made the announcement about the planned day trip to the Capisco Aquarium, informing them that anyone not on duty would be welcome to attend. I further explained that we would take some prepared meals, but I would cover both the entrance fees and supplemental food purchases. I added that those unable to attend at this time would be invited to attend the next outing in a few months' time, and preference would be given to aid with any scheduling adjustments, and to communicate their intention to attend to Sergeant Chita at the 602.

Zinja, Ixma, and Mina took their places as we waited for Sisi to return with the books.

After sitting back down, I managed to convince Mina that it would be a good idea for me to receive one of her magic hugs, and after a moment to consider the notion and at her mother's encouragement, my younger daughter consented.

When I asked for another one, I barely waited for the okay, then hunted along her neck for a few nibbles along with a couple of growls and a few "Num, num, num" noises, causing the young girl to giggle hysterically.

As Mina retreated to Ixma's protective arms, I told Mina, "You are my girl and that fact makes me so very happy. I love you so very much, Meena-beena."

The best part was when Ixma asked her, "Was your daddy playing with you?" Mina nodded back at her with a grin.

When Sisi returned with her two books, I asked my older girl for another set of hugs.

"No, Sisi!" Mina exclaimed in warning. "He wants your neck!"

Sisi looked at me, her face serious. "No nibbles, Tenant. Promise?"

I nodded back to her. "I give you my word, I won't nibble, Sisi."

"Okay," she said, and we embraced.

Once she was in my arms, I immediately began to beg, "Please, Sisi, can't I nibble just a little bit?"

Alarmed, she jumped back. "No, Tenant! You promised."

"And I kept my word," I reminded her. "Asking is not the same as doing."

Sisi pondered over my answer.

Zinja added, "He is right, Sisi. He asked you, and he kept his word."

"If he does get me, will you get him back?" Sisi asked.

"Yes, Sisi. He will regret messing with my girl," Zinja assured her, then scowled at me.

I smiled at her. "So, can I have another magic hug, Sisi?"

There was an intense inner debate going on for what must have been to Sisi were several long seconds. Then she steeled herself, and moved close again. "Okay, Tenant."

Holding her small body to mine, I took a long, slow inhale and exhale into her long hair, then released her. "That was a good hug, Sisi. Can we do that again?"

"No, Sisi!" Mina exclaimed. When Sisi looked at her, Mina explained, "Too dangerous."

Ixma struggled not to burst out laughing. Izel gave a brief stifled laugh, then quickly recovered.

My sharp girl took in their reactions, then looked past me. "Should I trust him, Mama Zinja?"

"He's your Tenant," she told her. "Besides, if he gives you his word, he will do his best to keep it."

Holding out my arms, she stepped to me and we gave each other another good hug.

Using a low, animal-growly voice, I said, "This is so good. Please, Sisi! Tickle Monster is so very, very hungry—"

"No, Tenant!" Sisi exclaimed, stiffening in my arms. Though I will credit her; she didn't pull away even if I could hear her racing heart. "You promised!"

Letting loose of her, I lifted her up till she stood on the cushion, then said, "Sometimes the way to deal with what you don't like is to let an adult you know and trust what's going on. Part of growing up is that sometimes you have to face it and do the same right back."

She thought about it, then looked at me. "Want another hug, Tenant?"

Ixma started to snicker.

"Always," I answered, and she wrapped her little arms around my neck.

Growling as she burrowed into my neck, she said, "Nom, nom, nom," as she peppered me with kisses.

I laughed, and she kept on doing it. Then, using my own low, animal-growly voice, I cried out, "Mercy, Sisi! Have mercy on an old Tickle Monster! Oh, please! No more! You've discovered my secret!"

"Do you surrender? No more tickles, you bad Tickle Monster?" she demanded.
