Starlight Gleaming Ch. 23


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My wife gazed at me with wry amusement. "You understand that threatening me with a good time only encourages me to act out? Really, Ranji, that's something that should have been obvious to you. And for the record, the rest of your women have figured that out as well."

I snorted. "Well, that certainly explains a lot!"

Two servants carried in a portable reclining chair, and Chihua went to work, applying a hot, damp towel to my face, slathering my face with a lather that smelled of coconut, and surprised me by pulling out a straight razor. She worked quickly and efficiently, and afterwards, used another hot, damp towel to wipe my face. I felt around. Chihua had done a remarkable job.

My wife was in meetings that I sat in on, and somewhere in between that, we inserted a meal.

The first floor was a growing flurry of activity, as camera crews set up, and local journalists began to arrive. Izel's leading attendant, Chihua, did Izel's hair, and another specialist insisted I sit for some light makeup of my own. Janetta was awake by then, and makeup was applied to minimize her facial injury. Zinja was also awake, but she was expected to remain off-camera. Troopers and Eagle warriors checked people coming and going, and armed guards remained close at hand.

At ten hundred hours, things heightened further, and Lord Tango himself made an appearance. My four police friends, dressed in finer clothes, hovered around the still fragile Lady Acai, the latter whom was propped up with large pillows.

A rousing march played, and a squad of Hueztecan guards in dress uniforms carrying their flag marched in place. Across the aisle, a squad of Eagle warriors in their own dress uniforms, carried the banner of Ocotépan. An officer called out halt, and the marching stopped and the music faded out.

Izel sat on what appeared to be a throne, and Janetta and I flanked her.

One camera zoomed in closer to a well-dressed civilian. "Greetings, citizens of Huezteca and Nahua. This channel is broadcasting news of great importance, and the news will be delivered in Imperial Queschuan. Following this broadcast, the announcements that follow will be rebroadcast, first dubbed in Nahuatl and then dubbed in Huestecan, and both subsequent broadcasts will have Queschuan subtitles."

He stepped aside, and a second camera focused on Izel. "Greetings. My name is Lady Izel Kandikan. I am the ruler of Ocotépan, a region with the state of Nahua. My family and I arrived yesterday evening in the city of Uiyatiwitz to visit relatives and friends. What I soon discovered was Huezteca was a state without a ruler, its people left to starve with ruinous taxes and policies in place. As for Lord Huestichiya himself, he died nearly six weeks ago. Yes, I repeat, Lord Huestichiya died over a month ago. Lord Xingli, the major domo, has stolen his lord's money and has fled. I hereby declare him a criminal, and ask all law enforcement agencies and neighboring states to seize him and freeze any assets in his name.

"As of yesterday evening, I declared myself Regent of Huezteca. This regency is temporary. Lady Acai, the niece of Lord Huestichiya, and his closest surviving heir, was discovered imprisoned under the palace, where she had been left to starve, having only water to subsist on for nearly three weeks. To my left, you can see that Lady Acai is alive and being cared for. Lady Acai, do you have anything you would like to say to those watching?"

A camera approached the young woman, and a microphone was held before her. "Thank you for saving me! I look forward to getting stronger, and working to improve the lives of our people."

"Thank you, Lady Acai," Izel replied. "We, too, look forward to your rapid and full recovery, when you can assume rightful leadership of your state.

"In the meantime, I have things to say and things to do. As of right now, all border tariffs to other states within the Empire are ended. Tariffs on foreign goods will be examined, and any Imperial tariffs that have not been collected will become due, once they are discovered! All commoner property taxes are reduced to ten percent, and all commoner-held business taxes are reduced to five percent. All noble taxes, whether businesses or property are slashed to fifteen percent. All utilities will be reduced by ninety percent, backdated to the first of the month. All food prices will be reduced by eighty percent, and strict price controls will be going into effect for food as well as other goods and services. These will be posted at pertinent market squares and will be made available online as well. Wages will be rolled back, to be more in line with those of neighboring states, and these will take effect in stages over the next few weeks.

"For those seeking shelter and food, as of this morning, public kitchens are being established at places around the capital. More places are being established around Huezteca as this announcement is being broadcast. Temporary shelters are also being set up as well as clinics to assess public health. Many of those helping are people from Ocotépan, and they have my gratitude for stepping up to help! We are also establishing a process to review lost businesses and seized property due to unpaid taxes or other profiteering practices. At the same time as we examine the state government records, we will examine the records of cities and regions.

"I am putting all citizens on notice. All citizens forced into slavery in the past year will have the records and circumstances reviewed. Corruption and falsified records will be treated with great vigor.

"I am also announcing, effective immediately, that a Protection Order is now in effect in Huezteca and Ocotépan. This Protection Order states - No free person shall be forced to provide sexual favors without their consent. I repeat, no free person shall be forced to provide sexual favors without their consent. This applies to nobles and commoners alike. That rule also applies to all local and state military personnel, regardless of grade. Anyone who violates that order will be punished on charges of assault, and may be fined or imprisoned. Truth drugs may be used to ascertain guilt. In addition, I hereby submit this to the Nahua Council of Elders for their urgent consideration."

There were gasps of astonishment at this last declaration.

Seven hells, I thought. All three hot, all three cold, and the one in between! Because of Izel, the Protection Order is hitting civilian states!

"For those who want to know who is paying for the food, housing, and medical care, well, some of it will be borne by Huezteca, but some of it is donated courtesy of my husband, standing beside me. I am pleased to introduce Lord Commander Ranji Kandikan, of the Imperial Air Service, and commander of the 602 Air Security regiment at High Guard War Base. On my left is my blood sister, Lady Captain Janetta Tlacotli of the Imperial Air Service, and Mistress of House Kandikan."

Three dignitaries in the Nahua section stood up. Izel looked at them. "I recognize Master Danko of the Ocotépan Guilds. You have a question or statement?"

He gave her a bow before speaking. "Lady Izel, the Ocotépan Guilds give their full support of this new Protection Order."

"Thank you, Master Danko. Merchant Captain Wayers, you have something to add?"

The second well-dressed man bowed to Izel. "We do, great lady. The Merchants of Ocotépan give their full support for this Protection Order. Further, news of this disaster began airing in Ocotépan last night. The Merchants Guild has agreed to levy for one year, a three-percent sales tax, the funds to help benefit the poor and displaced in Huezteca. In addition, we are placing money boxes for donations to support the uplifting of our brothers and sisters in Huezteca."

"Thank you, Master Wayers. I hope the donation boxes help speed the recovery of these people. I look forward to seeing the reports on the collections. Lord Tambo will assign a liaison to keep track of the funds and to issue reports on how the funds were used to benefit the needy. I recognize Master Illahaxo of the Free Farmers."

"Lady Izel," he replied, giving her a bow. "The Free Farmers want you to know that we voted on this Protection Order, and the result was unanimous in favor of its passage. All three of us have agreed to send our written support to the Nahua Council of Elders, and to the Nahua Regent, Lord Axocotzin, asking him to support this new law and make it permanent throughout all of Nahua!"

"Thank you, Masters Danko, Wayers, and Illahaxo, for your support of this groundbreaking change in human rights. I note that other nations have begun to do the same.

"As for my actions in Huezteca, I wish to say that there has not been an effective government for some weeks now, and I assumed this Regency without loss of life. I beg the indulgence of the Emperor and Empress when they consider my actions here. Long may the Empire of Chimorro stand under the grace of mighty Inti! Thank you, that's all."

At the front of the local guests, the announcer said, "A microphone has been set up for those having questions. Say your name and your profession and ask your question. Lord Tambo will speak for the next two hours, after which we must end the questions until a later time."

Meanwhile, Izel rose and stepped around the throne, and embraced me. "Do you like what I did, Ranji?"

"I did, indeed, Mrs. Kandikan. A most unexpected bit of news. Considering those three in the gallery, I would say you have been planning this for a while now, haven't you?"

"I have," she admitted, beaming at me.

"Holy shit, Izel," Janetta exclaimed. "This is amazing!"

Zinja joined us, and the four of us hugged happily.

"Excuse me, Lady Izel, you have two calls waiting in the Communications Room."

Izel looked puzzled. "Two? I was expecting one. Who is the second one, Barto?"

The man looked pale. "I don't think I should say in public, Lady. It's best you see for yourself."

With Barto leading the way, Izel, Janetta, Zinja, and I followed, accompanied by at least a score of guards, including six Air Security. There was Lord Chiatl and three of his men, four Hueztecan guards, including a Lieutenant, and four Eagle warriors, and they also had an officer in their midst.

After ascending to the second floor, we traveled down the central hall and entered into a large room filled with computers and technicians. At one end was an office with a desk and chair with which to oversee the workers. Barto went to the desk and leaned over a small console. "Be prepared, Lady. I expect this will be unpleasant."

The large monitor on the wall came alive, and I think all of us inhaled at the furious face of Minister Supay. "Don't think I don't know what you're up to! You will have another televised show and you will immediately rescind this idiotic and misguided Protection Order! And maybe then you can save your life for the illegal and unsanctioned invasion of Huezteca, a sovereign state within the Empire!"

Izel's hand slipped into mine, and with that, she stood straighter. "I am unsurprised that the Devil is unhappy when people gain a bit more autonomy and self-respect. I will do no such thing!"

"Do it, or I will make you disappear!" Supay snarled.

"I am the wife of Lord Ranji Kandkian. You have been warned to leave the Kandikan family alone! This order was signed by the Emperor himself. Yet here you are, threatening my life! Do you intend to defy the Emperor, Minister?"

"I can always apologize later. Say it was a mistake, one I deeply regret. The net result will still leave you screaming in a cell, begging for me to end the pain. That is, after your tongue regrows. Of course, if the dogs are hungry, I may decide to feed them... your heart!"

"We're done," Izel said, and pushed a button, ending the call.

From outside the room, a man yelled, "Trojan carrier worm detected and vanquished!"

Izel turned to Barto. "Did you get everything?"

Barto nodded solemnly. "We did. Do you want to take the next call, my lady?"

"Yes," Izel answered, and without looking up, she dropped to one knee, and tugged at my hand.

The image that appeared was that of a regal woman in her late-thirties. More, Janetta and I recognized her and we knelt behind Izel. Empress Chaya!

"Face to the floor, Zinja!!" Janetta hissed.

Zinja did so. Nobles had to kneel before the Emperor or Empress until given permission to rise. Commoners had to put their head to the floor.

Beside the Empress was a woman commander, wearing the Empress' colors of purple with gold trim. At her feet were two ladies in waiting, and a clerk with a tablet.

"Izel," the Empress said, "I've just watched something most remarkable. It's one thing to stay away from our court, enjoying married life, but this? You surprise me."

"No disrespect was intended, your Imperial Highness."

The Empress looked amused. "No disrespect was perceived. It's true their lord was dead for at least six weeks, and that his major domo made off with the palace funds?"

"It is true," Izel answered.

"You may rise, Izel, you and your companions. Tell me, how much did this Xingli steal?"

"Thank you," Izel said, getting to her feet. "He emptied the palace funds and the state general budget funds. Many monthly bills are also at least two months in arrears, compounding the problem. I have used my own credit to obtain loans from Nahua banks, and my husband has generously provided me with a hundred thousand credits. But there's a lot of work to be done to keep Huezteca solvent while not over-straining my own government of Ocotépan. Both Xingli and his late master have been bleeding the government and the people for at least six years. It will take years to repair the damage they have done here."

"How long do you intend this Regency of yours to last?" the Empress asked.

"Ten days at the longest, Imperial Majesty," my wife replied. "Hopefully, Lady Acai will be strong enough to take over some of the easier duties by then, and I will begin transitioning authority over to her."

"Why so short a time?"

Izel gave a rueful smile. "Because after that, I am expected to accompany my husband during his visit to his parents. Besides, a short regency will reassure people that the presence of Nahuan troops is only temporary."

"I also hope it goes as you plan. Young man! Step closer. Let me see your face."

I stepped closer.

"Turn your face to the right. Now the left. All right, Commander, you can step back. Well, at least I have a face to the one who helped save the Black Orchid. Izel, I must say, he's so young!"

"I'm aware," my wife replied, giving me a sideways smile.

"Does he treat you well? Are you happy?" the Empress asked.

"I'm happier than I can ever remember. This Protection Order is his idea. He says it's important that women become real partners to men, that it's the only way we can hope to beat the Atlanteans and the Aesir-Vedan Alliance. When I approached him, he didn't hesitate to offer me Sanctuary within his House. And... I must say that a priestess I thought reliable turned out to be an agent of the Devil, and she tried twice to kill me, the first time with a poisoned blade, and the second time with a bomb!"

"You're positive this connection is secure?" the Empress asked, concerned.

Izel looked at Barto, who replied, "Positive, Lady Izel. We used the protocols you specified, and those were confirmed by Captain Tsocotchi."

The Empress relaxed.

"Your Imperial Highness, despite the security protocols, I do have a concern. I was late answering your call because despite you being the only one I sent notice of this televised announcement to, I was contacted by the Devil, and he told me if I did not immediately rescind the Protection Order, that he was going to quote, make me disappear, and either torture me or cut out my heart and feed it to his abominable dog-men!"

"Were you able to record the transmission?" the Empress asked.

"We were, and we were able to successfully thwart the Devil's electronic attack on our system as well. Would you like to see the exchange?"

"A moment." Turning to the commander standing beside her, the Empress said, "There must be a new mole. Find out how and where the eavesdropping took place, and plug the leak, Commander."

The commander saluted, and departed. Izel had Barto play the file back for the Empress. As she listened to the exchange, her face went from grim to coldly angry. When it was over, she exclaimed, "How dare he! Again, and again he continues to treat direct and explicit instructions from the Emperor as if they were somehow negotiable. Now he outright says he will deliberately disobey the order and his plan to claim it as an accident or some such nonsense!"

The Empress pursed her lips. "Lady Izel, I'm worried about you. If he's willing to threaten you and has an excuse he thinks will work in his defense, that's bad. Very bad. It means he's becoming more insane. I may not have shown it, but I do read nearly everything you write, and I value your assessments, regardless. Commander Kandikan, the Air Marshal speaks highly of you. Keep up the good work. Captain Tlacotli, I am aware of your difficult origins, and your father's brave sacrifice for the Empire. I'm also aware that it was you that allowed us to obtain the draconian suit, and cued the Black Orchid on how to obtain the second one. I also hear you are a good pilot, with three Atlanteans shot down during your first week at High Guard. Well done! We'll need experienced pilots to keep Atlantis at arm's length. Lady Izel, I will do what I can to support you and today's actions. Five, seven, chan, chan, three-zero-nine."

With that, the screen went blank.

Izel turned and put her arms around me. I rubbed her back, and then made room as Janetta and Zinja made their needs known and joined the embrace.

"Llam nuqan?" Janetta ventured.

The first word meant 'together.' The second word translated as 'we work.' That didn't seem quite appropriate for us. "I'd say yes, but also llam nubovano. We love together."

No words came through, but I felt both Calia and Ixma in the background, felt their love and their agreement with the sentiment.

We were a family.

Supay was without question an incredibly dangerous and cruel man, and yes, a madman. But gods above, I had survived the Seventh Hell. I would move heaven, earth, and all seven hells to keep my family safe!

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snornsnorn5 days ago

I have to say, I just binged the whole thing and I’m very grateful you’re still writing it. Incredible novel, really.

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

Again Janetta makes mistakes that endanger the team/family, but hopefully the intervention plus reconnecting with her family will help her course correct a little. The virility boost plus the toys should help return her to a happier head space.

Izel is turning into a power house. Great to see the clan growing in size! Protection order rollout!

Things are escalating and we could head into end game confrontation with Supay, but hoping to see many more installment as well!

GoneforeverGoneforeverabout 2 months ago

I really needed this more than I knew. I’m glad you seem to be relatively on the mend. Thank you for your time and effort on this story and I can’t wait for more and hope someday it gets finished. Looking forward to the ride lol

Funtimesforall1971Funtimesforall1971about 2 months ago

Another outstanding chapter. Thank you so much for sharing your talents and efforts.

DopamineFanDopamineFan2 months ago

I'm really enjoying this story, but I can't understand how they can all just go on with their lives without doing anything to try to rescue Cholan. Even if they can't do anything, they must be grieving, not just carrying on as if nothing was wrong.

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