Starting Over


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"It sounds good to me, but it's the DJ you have to convince," I replied.

So back up to the DJ we went. If he would have had a long line of people waiting to sign up, he might have been irritated at our reappearance. But no one was there waiting to sign up. So Lou told him, "Look, I really want to dance, that's all. I don't have to be included in the running for the prizes that are offered tonight. Just let me dance in one of the early rounds of competition and I will leave the club before you get to the final elimination rounds. Just let me dance, please?"

He looked her over and liked what he saw. There were quite a few openings for dancers and those openings were not being filled very fast. He figured he had nothing to lose. He scheduled her for the second round. He would pick the music. She would have three songs. She could strip nude, if she wanted to, but was expected to dance topless, at least. She was not to try to penetrate her pussy or her ass with anything including her fingers. She could use the pole that was on the stage but it was not necessary.

Seven girls danced before Lou. When she was introduced, I expected the DJ to use some kind of stage name. She was introduced as, "Stephanie!" That came as a shock. Then, when she appeared on stage I was mesmerized. She was absolutely beautiful. Her motions were sensuous and riveting. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. During the first song she took off the miniskirt. During the second song she took off the bandeau. She was right. Her generous tits were a perfect match for her generous ass and those two parts of her body were connected by a waist that would make a wasp proud.

People were not allowed to give money to the amateurs, but she received thunderous applause which at times could barely be heard over the shouts of appreciation.

Was what I was feeling in my lower abdomen and in my genitals sinful? I'd have to give that some serious thought. I was certainly sexually excited. But that happened sometimes when we went dancing. That happened sometimes when I masturbated and happened sometimes when I woke up with morning wood. I don't know that anyone calls morning wood sinful. The reviews are out on masturbation and dancing. She certainly was a sensual woman. I would tell her how much I appreciated her many times over -- both that night and on the road on following days. We still slept head to toe. She was not my wife.

We had been living this life out of a truck for well over six months. We were driving down I-75 from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to Detroit when, just before reaching Bay City, Lou turned to me and asked, "So what am I, chopped liver?"

I was taken completely by surprise. I looked over at Lou. She was dead serious. I had to ask myself, "What could she be talking about?" I decided I would give her the first answer that came to mind and the answer that also came from the bottom of my heart. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have never felt so much peace and contentment with my life as I have felt since you joined me. The only thing that comes remotely close is the time in my life when we had children at home where we played with one another and joked with one another and worked together on school projects and just had a real strong and happy bond with one another. But that pales is comparison to the delight I feel being with you each and every day."

"Then why haven't you made a move on me?" asked Lou. "I know you're not gay. The time we went to the beach at Lake Havasu and I wore that dental floss thong I thought your cock was going to rip right through your suit as it became hard. The first time you saw me dance, I thought you were going to ask me to marry you. Almost everywhere we go together we hold hands and it's more than holding hands. You want to hold on to me in every sense of the word. I feel it. You never want to let me go. And when we go dancing we melt into each other's arms and mold to each other's body like we belong there. Yet we still sleep in the sleeper head to toe while I long to have you put your arm's around me and make love to me. What am I missing here?"

I pulled off the expressway at Bay City. I had a little bit of acquaintance with his city. I knew I could find a motel near a mall and near more than one decent restaurant. As I pulled off the expressway, I said, "This conversation deserves my undivided attention, and I will give it to you." I found the motel and got us a room. I told her, "We're going to a nice place to eat."

We both showered and put on dress clothes. I wore dress pants, dress shirt and tie and a sport coat. Lou wore a tight miniskirt and a fitted blouse with a number of buttons left unbuttoned. On her feet were a pair of four inch high heels. Her hair was brushed out and falling to the middle of her back. She was wearing long dangling earrings. We had been dancing with her wearing an outfit like that. I loved it. I was so delighted to be seen with such a stunning beauty.

We walked to the restaurant just a little ways away from the motel and had a nice meal. Then we came back to our room. It was still early evening. There was a recliner and a desk chair in the room. I offered Lou the recliner while I sat down facing her in the desk chair.

I began: "You asked me a question. I will tell you the answer as best I know how. Feel free to interrupt or ask questions for clarification." (I paused to collect my thoughts.) "I don't remember when it began, but not too long after you joined me I began to have feelings for you. Over the past months as we have spent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with one another I will admit I have fallen completely head over heels totally in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

"And I realize that it is totally unfair for me to say that and at the same time stop short of marrying you and having a sexual relationship with you. So what's my problem? My problem goes back to my first marriage and to one of the times my wife threatened to divorce me. The reason for the divorce would be, she claimed, marital rape. She claimed that I raped her because I wanted to have sex with her at a time when she did not want it. Even though I did not force her, the fact that I wanted sex and she did not but we did it anyway she claimed to be marital rape. Furthermore she said that I had not sexually satisfied her for years and that she had faked her orgasms over that time.

"While I doubted that all that was true (does a woman fake squirting?), nevertheless those accusations still hover over me. We, you and I, have something good now. I would hate to mess it up because I'm the type of guy who would rape my wife or is unable to satisfy her. So it is my own fear about myself that has caused me to keep our relationship from going to the next level. You are the most desirable woman I have ever known and I love you with all my heart. I have misgivings about myself."

Lou let out a sigh of relief. "You poor, sweet, silly, frightened but lovable man. That was then, this is now. That was she, I am I. I don't know what her problem was but it doesn't matter. Look at my toys if you want to. You will see that I am not a size queen. My toys are not especially large. I don't require you to have extraordinary equipment. I've seen you in your swimsuit. Your size is just fine. The rest that is needed for a couple to enjoy their sexual relationship is just a matter of personal preference and technique. Personal preference we can discuss. Technique we can learn. You're making way to much of this. You're overthinking.

"Let's go over to the mall right now and find a bookstore and buy a couple of books on sexual technique. Then we'll do what we often have done -- we'll read those books together and talk about them. We'll talk about things we want to do. We'll talk about things we definitely don't want to do. We'll talk about all the alternatives in the middle. And unless we find that we are complete opposites in our likes and dislikes, we should be able to see a way forward. I have grown to love you, too, more than I ever thought it was possible to love another person and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I want our relationship to be complete. That means having a vibrant sexual relationship as well as everything we already have."

We went to the mall, came back to the room, read and talked that night for a while before turning in. We ate a good breakfast at a fast food place and went down to Detroit where one load was unloaded. At a different terminal we picked up another load to be taken to the west coast. Instead of going across I-94 I dipped down into Indiana and got on the Toll Road. At the rest area where I first picked up Lou, I pulled in. I parked in the far corner of the parking lot where we had first met. I got out and had Lou get out. We walked over to the bushes where Lou had been hiding. I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me.

We kept on reading and talking as we continued west. I had previously been married for twenty years, yet a day did not go by when I did not learn something new I could use to pleasure my wife-to-be. By the time we got to Nevada we were ready.

We stopped at Las Vegas and got married. Lou's wedding dress was somewhat unconventional. It consisted of white pasties covering her areolas and nipples on her otherwise very large tits, a white micro miniskirt (no panties), and white thigh high platform boots with a six inch heel. She had long earrings dangling from her ears and matching jewelry in her navel. After the wedding we spent most of our time in our hotel room trying out the techniques and positions we had read about. When we weren't in our room, we were down at the topless pool, each one wearing just a white teardrop thong. For going out to eat Lou bought a tube dress made for clubbing that had numerous cut outs strategically placed so that only the bare necessities were covered. But in Las Vegas we could get away with it. She loved to be seen. I loved looking at her. I loved to be seen with her. Everybody who saw us knew what we would be doing later on.

And now our relationship was complete. That was, until some time later when we returned to the headquarters of the trucking company, went to the post office, and retrieved my mail from our Post Office Box. In it was a letter from the denominational headquarters of the church for which I used to be a pastor. More that five years had expired since my divorce, and now, if I wanted, the execs would review the grounds for my divorce. If it seemed that I had done nothing deserving of a divorce, there was a possibility I could be reinstated as a pastor.

I filled in the proper forms and mailed them in. I did not give it much further thought. They would be contacting my former wife and our current pastor and maybe my children, so it was not a done deal. In fact, I thought my ex-wife and /or younger daughter would probably try to make me look bad and scuttle any chance I might have. For my part, I was happy with the life Lou and I were living.

About six months later I received another letter. Evidently even my former wife admitted that I had not done anything immoral that was deserving of divorce. I could be reinstated.

It took three cross country trips for Lou and I to weigh all the pro's and cons. The one thing missing from our marriage was a child. The life we were living was not what we wanted for having a family. I had loved the ministry. Lou was ready to give the life of a pastor's wife a try.

We looked on the internet for a urologist who would try to reverse my vasectomy. I would be in his town three days later to unload. He worked me into his schedule. We stayed a couple of days before I drove, and then worked on my itinerary so that I could go back for the recommended follow-up visit. At the follow-up visit we could see little swimmers under the microscope.

I turned in my keys. The company was sad to see me go. While I was not a driver that consistently racked up the maximum number of miles each day, I had a tremendous safety record. And I was courteous to other drivers and to the people who worked the loading docks.

We were assigned to a small rural church in Iowa. Lou made the parsonage into a home. I wrote my sermons at home and Lou continued her proofreading business, so we still spent a lot of time together. Often if I had to make a call at a distant hospital, Lou went with me. She would read a book to me or bring along her computer and do some proofreading while we were on the road -- just like old times.

Four months after moving to Iowa the pregnancy test proved to be positive. Stephanie Louise came on the scene and now there were three. Even then, if I was going to be gone for any length of time Lou and little Stephanie came along. Stephanie loved riding in the car.

Shortly after Stephanie was born, Lou asked me to make a portion of the basement into a place where she could practice dancing. She even wanted a stripper pole. She wanted to dance for the exercise and to keep her limber and flexible. Her dance area was right below my office. If I was home I could always tell when she was dancing because I could hear music playing. One day while she was dancing, I heard some loud tapping on the floor beneath me. Lou was evidently trying to get my attention. I went downstairs. She had a chair waiting for me. She handed me a script and told me to read it. "And now, our featured performer of the day. Let's put our hands together and extend a warm welcome to Stephanie."

When I finished reading she came out from behind the furnace, turned on the music and performed a complete set of exotic dances, stripping off one piece of clothing after another until she was nude except for her stripper heels. I did my best as an audience of one to show my appreciation. Fortunately, Stephanie remained down for her nap, and I could take my appreciation to the bedroom.

Once Stephanie started school my private dances became an every week thing, and we kept a mattress down in the basement near her dance area. Some times she went beyond what she could do at the club where I first saw her dance and she would use her fingers and toys to bring herself to orgasm before I showed her my appreciation.

I also found that she liked it when she masturbated for me as she danced if I also stripped and masturbated to climax for her. Neither Lou nor I ever had to worry that Brenda Big Boobs represented any kind of temptation to me at all.

We sometimes joked that Lou should offer exotic dance classes to women in the community. We thought that those classes would probably be more helpful to many marriages than many of the things that were offered as marriage enrichment classes.

When I had to go to pastors' conferences, Lou was right there with me. She often sat in on the theological discussions. She understood what they were talking about from having read all those theology articles to me as we crossed the country in the truck. As Stephanie grew older, Lou still went with me to conferences and Stephanie was taken out of school to go with us. Lou and Stephanie would spend time female bonding at the mall. The conferences were always held at a larger city that had one or more large shopping malls, whereas the town in which my church was located only had a Walmart.

Lou and I enjoyed being parents to Stephanie. We played games, watched her play sports, listened to her play in the band, encouraged her with her schoolwork and enjoyed family outings with one another. At home we listened to one another when one or the other had a bad day, we teased and joked with one another and shared our good times and our future plans with one another. Sometimes we read books to one another the way Lou used to read to me in the truck.

As Stephanie grew older she still liked going with her mom and dad to his conferences because Lou would tell Stephanie not to bother packing a swim suit. But then at the hotel there would be a pool and Lou would have packed an extra bikini in her suitcase. So Stephanie would wear one of Lou's bikinis to the hotel pool. These were much smaller than any of the swimwear that Stephanie owned or that she or her friends could get at the Walmart back home. She also had a chance to wear a pair of her mom's acrylic platform shoes with 6 inch heels down the hallways, in the elevator and out to the pool.

Eventually Stephanie went off to college and Lou and I were empty-nesters. But we continued to have the close bond we first formed in the cab of the truck. We are still every bit as connected to one another and as much in love with one another as we have ever been. Some might consider the fact that we spend so much time together to be a sign that we are somewhat dysfunctional. It works for us.

To keep things somewhat historically accurate, assume that this story ends about the year 2030.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I connected on a emotional level with the MC and the story. Since both of my children, asano was 17 and a daughter that was 15 at the time of the divorce took my soon to be slot. Ex wifeside. Even though I told both of them that I had an exhaustive 8 page private investigators report with pictures, which of course, I wouldn't show them. Both kids denied the fact that their mother hadippopotami on and off for the last five years of our marriage. Luckily, I listened to my father and my grandfather. When I set up my private consulting firm which did a lot of business with our family firm, and I had a couple of business trust in place which protected our family home, which was in my name, and the trust aim only 2 years before we even got married. So my wife or I should say ex. Wife only received 15% of our conjoined assets. 3 months after the divorce was finalized. I actually sold the company and sold my interest in our family's company, And walked away with a nice big pile of cash. Eventually, I ended up in Florida, where I had business associates who talked me into going in with them on a business venture and it's Florida, where I'm still living retired now. At 64 2 years after the divorce, and approximately 9 months after our company in Florida was doing good business. I met my second wife-to-be and we've been happily married ever since.. Lost track with the 2X kids long time ago. Have no idea if there's still alive or if I even have a grand kid's. Good riddance I say because blood is not always thicker than water.

oldtwitoldtwit9 months ago

I can see that you put a lot of thought into this but for me the way you write is off putting, the religion in it isn’t my thing but I can see you have some knowledge of such things and good for you,

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I drove over the road in the mid 90s and knew a guy that took in a foundling in Detroit. She stay with him until their second child was born by then they had a house in Missour. No one gave them a snowball chance in hell. But only time will tell..i

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Except for the striper part I drove with a guy that picked his wife out of a ditch along I 80 in 1971. I met them in 1994 and in 1998 when our company was sold, they were given a new Peterbilt as part of their severen package. I don't know what happened after that, but I do know money was not a problem. Both were drivers sometimes they drove team, sometimes, not. They were married when I knew them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Liked the story, but like Quintius stated below, there were too many holes left at the end.


QuintiusQuintiusalmost 2 years ago
Good story, poorly paced

When it comes to the actual bones of the story, the actions that took place and the sequence of events, it was a good story, really. It's nice to see a tale about a man who could craft an entirely new life for himself after basically living a previous one already. Man meets girl, man has kids, kids grow up, girl divorces man, man gets new line of work, man meets new girl, man and new girl make a life together, yay! It's a winning formula. That isn't the problem.

The problem, as I stated, is in the pacing and the lack of information. Or, perhaps, in the fact that the emphasis was placed on the wrong plot threads raising expectations that were never fully realized.

For example, the first problem crops up during the end of his first marriage phase. A LOT of emphasis was placed upon how his wife behaved and how he got jerked around by her selfishness and her refusal to compromise. One naturally expects there to be a climax of a sort regarding this plot thread. Instead we're given a lengthy explanation about the process of getting a divorce as a pastor with an active congregation and what the penalties are for it. While interesting from a technical standpoint, it's not what one is generally expecting from the facts emphasized by the story. Why was Babs so selfish and controlling? Why did she decide she didn't like sex anymore? Why was she so close to their children where he wasn't? Why did she push him so hard to do things he couldn't? We can extrapolate our own conclusions from her behavior but it's not the same as having a scene in the story where it's illustrated through a confrontation of some kind. That's... confusing story telling, honestly.

So, as far as I see it, here's a list of several issues that were brought up and pretty much never resolved or weren't brought up at all and really should have been:

- Why was Babs such a control freak (and other unanswered questions regarding her)?

- Why was there a lack of closeness between a man who is obviously warm, caring, and thoughtful and his children?

- Why was the age issue never addressed? After graduating from seminary college, interim pastoring, waiting to get his own congregation, meeting Babs, dating for a year and a half before marrying, being married to Babs for 20 years, and waiting another 2 1/2 years to marry Lou, Steve must have been at least 49 and change by the time he met Lou (who was either still in college or just graduated, hence about 21ish), and 52 by the time he became a father again. That's best case scenario. Most pastors have to be associate pastors for a long time before being given a congregation, depending on the denomination. Sure, age gap relationships have been done before and I don't personally have anything against Spring - Fall romances, but it should have come up SOMEwhere. He talks about them walking around resort pools in thongs like they're a 20s power couple drawing admiring glances from all.

- Why was such an emphasis given to Lou's exhibitionism only to ignore it later on? She spent 18 years as a pastor's wife and the kink didn't cause any issues?

- What happened to Babs and her other relationships?

- What happened to Steve's older kids? Did they meet Lou? Did they meet their much younger sister? Did they ever talk to Steve about how crazy their mom is? How did they feel about his new life and family? How did they feel about the break up of their original family?

All of these questions and issues occurred to me as I was reading and I felt frustrated that none of them were ever addressed to satisfaction.

So, yes, it was a nice story in theory. I liked the theme of the pastor going through a metamorphosis later in life. I liked the tale of the preacher and the stripper and the twist that there were really no sins for him to redeem. I liked the characters of Steve and Lou and empathized with them. Sadly, it was all wrapped up in a narrative that just never really picked up altitude and became anti-climactic. This author has a rather large library of stories and this is the first I've read. Unfortunately, given the way it was written, I'm not sure I'll be checking out many more. Hopefully this comment will be taken in the most constructive way, as that's how it's meant.

NitpicNitpicabout 2 years ago

Don't accept it was six months before Lou told him she needed shagging.Where could they store all their clothes in his truck.?Up to meeting Lou he was in contact with two of his children,so why didn't he tell them he was getting married again and invite them.?Also why did he not tell them they had a sister.?

NitpicNitpicabout 2 years ago

Why didn't he tell the children from his first marriage he had got married again and they had a new sister.Up to meeting Lou he was in contact with two of them,so what happened ?

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeabout 2 years ago

I loved it.

Thankfully many and hopefully most of the younger generations

don't know the controlled childhood hinted at here.

The writer here doesn't judge.

There is no need for that.

But he gives us a MC facing the need to update the values

learnt in his childhood.

We see the conflict in that updating

through all his thoughts on sin.

And to speed things up

an exhibitionist enters the picture.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this colorful story.

Top ratings from me.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 2 years ago

Martyr, you're misreading. The child remained down for her nap while her mother stripped for the MC, then he took his wife to the bedroom to show his appreciation. Stephanie was much older when she traveled with her parents and wore her mother's bikini. It doesn't say how much older, but there's no indication of her being underage or anything.

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