Stephanie's Humiliation Ch. 07


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On the end of his leash, she was available to pleasure at all times and Paulin made full use every day of her mouth, pussy and ass. Her holes were his to dip into whenever he wished. She became used to his cock. Its feel. Its smell. Its taste. He was the alpha male and she was his bitch. The wrench of the collar on her throat became second nature, guiding her to undertake any position he wanted.

While confined to the floors of his house, she noticed several mini camera lenses half hidden throughout the rooms. Whether he was paranoid about security, distrusting of her obedience or simply intent on capturing her actions on film, Stephanie not only felt subjugated but also under constant surveillance.

Of course, there were times when Paulin wanted to go out to meet friends or business acquaintances and instead of leaving her chained to his bedpost, he would sometimes have her join him. Naturally, he couldn't take her out naked and on all fours, so these were the only times when she was granted permission to return to her more human sensibilities. He ordered the finest clothes in her size, making sure she looked every inch the gorgeous woman he felt would suit his image. Her collar was replaced with a discreet silver choker, symbolic of her role. And in public, she would only speak when asked to, addressing him as "sweetie" or "darling" or whatever other affectionate nickname a trophy girlfriend may have for her sugar daddy.

Not that his efforts to embarrass her stopped when they went out. Even in her fashionable and well-groomed get-up, she would be the subject of torment for his warped sense of humor.

At a restaurant, he would decide on her courses and order for her. Then throughout the meal he would make her do subtle, almost undetectable acts, from stroking his cock with her foot under the table or fingering herself while the waiter discussed the specials.

One time, he spotted a man at another table staring at her and decided to have some fun, whispering into her ear the rules of his little game of the moment. When the other man got up to go to the men's room, Stephanie left the table and slipped in after him. Less than five minutes later, Stephanie returned to the table and Paulin was amused to see the man emerge from the restroom a minute later looking disheveled. As the stranger slipped back into his seat, taking a large glug of wine, Paulin turned to Stephanie and simply told her to "show me." Her mouth opened and she showed him the pool of fresh cum balancing on her tongue. Satisfied with the evidence, he allowed her to swallow.

Then there was the time he took her to the beach. For this adventure, she left her summer dress in the car and wandered out onto the sand in just her swimsuit. The twist was that the swimsuit was a sling thong bikini, consisting of merely a single thin piece of fabric that looped from her shoulders, down over her nipples, under her crotch and extended back up between buttocks. It left almost nothing to the imagination and the entire beach seemed to double take as she walked by.

As instructed, Stephanie found a group of young guys playing frisbee to join in with and her body left them salivating. Some of the men had to literally leave the game and go into the water for a while or sit in the sand and cover themselves with a towel. Everyone in the vicinity was staring at her. Families with children hurried them away while old men lingered.

For once, Stephanie would have had a fun day out in the sun if it wasn't for the embarrassingly slutty swimsuit. When she asked for help applying sunscreen, there was a race of eager helpers all vying to lather her up. The lucky ones took their time, making sure they got every inch of her bare skin. As for Paulin, he watched from a nearby beach bar, sharing cocktails with two attractive women and listening to people spread the word of the "desperate bimbo" flaunting herself in the surf. Stephanie received many indecent propositions that afternoon and took home a faint all-body tan line to remind her of the day.

After four weeks, there came the day that Paulin presented her with a brand new gown and told her to dress. But they weren't to be going out that night. He was to have company. It had been too long since his last dinner party.


The guests arrived at 7 PM. When Stephanie opened the door for them, she greeted them politely but without a smile. Her cold demeanor was respectful. Demure. And her elegance dazzled them as much as her bright pearl earrings. Her red crystal dust evening dress was stunning and she walked with the grace of a runway model as she led them into the house.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please follow me."

The two couples who had arrived for dinner were the cream of high society. One graying man in his fifties was a property magnate and his somewhat plain looking wife was the speaker of the city council. Joining them was a media baron, a refined white-haired man with a partner in tow forty years his junior. She was a twenty year old blonde he had met at a gala, beautiful but a little dim. Still, like the other women, she was dressed lavishly, matching the men in their hand tailored suits.

"Ah! My friends! Thank you so much for coming!" Paulin exclaimed, ever the gracious host.

"Delighted to be here," said the gray haired man, handing Paulin a small gift. "A fine place you have."

Stephanie took their coats and then, when they were seated, poured the merlot for everyone. Paulin and the guests were soon seated and chatting about their respective lives. The property man had a new home in the hills that Paulin simply must come and visit soon. The city councilor was dealing with all manner of new laws and meetings. The media owner had a new yacht being delivered in just a week's time and couldn't wait to get out on the ocean. His girlfriend was looking forward to letting him drive while she sunbathed on the deck. Throughout, Stephanie sat on the end of a sofa, listening silently and nodding at their gratuitous boasts. She was reminded of her first day at the house and that feeling of what was to come behind the artificial formalities. Thirty minutes in, Stephanie stood up.

"Would you excuse me for a moment? I must go and change."

"Change?" The white-haired man asked, smiling at her. "But my dear, you look perfect as you are. There's no need..."

Paulin held up his hand. "No that's ok. Dinner will be ready soon and she will prefer to be in something more comfortable. Go ahead, Stephanie."

She sauntered away into a bedroom down the hall. Perplexed, the guests went back to their conversation, letting the wine loosen them up. Meanwhile, Stephanie was to return as soon as she could and in the bedroom, placed herself in front of the vanity mirror and slipped out of her new dress. She was ready in under three minutes.

The people in the living room were in the middle of discussing where best to vacation in the spring when they heard a tinkling sound. They stopped and turned to the hall entrance as Stephanie emerged and then fell silent at what they saw. She returned on all fours, crawling across the carpet as she had become used to these past few weeks. The dress was gone and all she had left of her stylish outfit were her black thigh-high stockings and pumps, exposing her naked body to the room. Her luxurious jewelry had been once again replaced with the pink dog collar and two tiny silver bells clipped to her dangling nipples, the source of the jingling. Most noticeable of all was the addition of a tail, a black rubber imitation curving up from behind her and waving from side to side as she crept across the rug towards them.

"Ah! Here she is," Paulin said casually.

Not content with humiliating her in private, he had arranged for an audience. They watched quietly as the scene unfolded but Stephanie soon noticed that they did not react in shock, only curiosity. Clearly, they had been prepared for this sort of entertainment and had perhaps even taken part in one of his debauched evenings in the past. The only exception was the blonde woman, who sat with her eyes transfixed, almost spilling her wine.


Paulin stood and pulled out the familiar leash from his blazer pocket, hooking it to the front of the collar. "Ladies and gentlemen, I hope none of you are allergic to dogs."

Stephanie's face flushed with embarrassment. The councilwoman nodded, and relaxed smiles were already creeping across the men's faces. The blonde hesitated, then laughed nervously, not knowing what to expect.

"Sit," he said. Stephanie reared back on her knees and sat obediently with her back straight and her chest out. "Isn't she adorable with her little bells?"

His red-haired 'pet' then shook her breasts to demonstrate. The guests approved, grinning now at the game he was playing with her and gladly taking part.

"Present," he commanded, tugging the leash. Stephanie dropped again to her hands and turned in a half circle. Her face lowered to the carpet and she raised her ass in the air, spreading her legs. The four strangers could see that the tail had been plugged into her ass. Underneath it, her pink pussy lips quivered enticingly. "Who's a good girl?"

Still blushing deeply, Stephanie wiggled her butt in response, making the tail wag. The blonde almost spat out her drink and the others did a bad job of suppressing their laughter. They couldn't believe Paulin had been able to acquire such a subservient plaything for their entertainment.

"Walk," he continued, holding the chain firmly in his fist as Stephanie began to crawl. He led her around the outside of the rug, exhibiting his control with the simplest of words. The smooth curves of her bare body were exciting the men, who were now wringing their hands in satisfaction, immensely admiring the display.

"Heel." They stopped in the middle of the rug and Paulin reached back into his blazer, this time retrieving a small rubber dildo. Holding it out in front of him at chest height, his eyes flashed wickedly. "You want your bone, princess? Beg!"


Stephanie raised herself to a squatting position and curled her hands out in front of her in a typical 'begging' pose. Then she strained her neck up, reaching for the dildo with her mouth and letting her tongue loll out. She panted like an animal, pleading for him to let her have it, to let her taste it just for a moment. He refused to lower his arm, instead watching her with amusement as she hopped about on her haunches, debasing herself for a plastic cock. The guests were also thoroughly pleased. Both men had their legs crossed, hiding their own stiffening pricks.

Paulin dropped the chain and tossed the dildo across the room. As it landed on the floor, Stephanie was already scrambling across the carpet to get to it, clamping her teeth into it and hurrying back to give the toy to her master. Again he flicked it across the room, making her play fetch, watching as she stuck her delicious ass out each time she secured the phallus in her mouth.

"She's very obedient," said the property magnate, loosening his tie. "Did she take long to train?"

"Not at all," Paulin replied. "She came to me fully disciplined and all I had to do was make a few rules. If you're interested, I may be able to put you in touch with her regular owner." The gray-haired man stroked his chin, agreeing that he may be interested, a notion that his wife seemed to support.

"Is she housebroken?" asked the media tycoon, nudging his date gently with a smile and watching Stephanie drop the dildo back into Paulin's waiting palm.

"Of course. She'll scratch at the door when she needs to be let out."

"What about fleas?"

Paulin laughed. "No fleas. She can be VERY dirty but I always make sure she gets hosed a manner of speaking."

"I like her shiny hair," said the blonde, now eager to involve herself. "It's pretty."

"Well, I make sure she eats well. You know...a diet rich in protein." He grinned, placing the dildo back in his pocket. "Speaking of which, are you all hungry? I do believe dinner is ready to be served." The guests headed for the dining room and Paulin glared at his pet, making sure she waited for them to lead before she crawled into the room to join them.

There were only five places prepared. Naturally, Stephanie was not to dine at the table, as she never had been, but rather she remained without a sound on the floor as they enjoyed their fine cuisine and patiently waited for the odd scrap of food to be dropped to the hardwood, which she would wolf down with enthusiasm until every morsel and smear disappeared. Despite her unusual presence, the conversation at the table turned back to normal, ignoring her almost completely. The sun went down and the wine followed, creating a relaxed mood among the social highflyers.

When desert came, Paulin poured the last of the second bottle of merlot into the glass of the gray-haired man, who was tipsy and recounting a joke he'd overheard at the country club.

"All out?" asked the man, interrupting his story and peering at the empty bottle like it had just insulted him.

"Not at all," Paulin replied, grabbing another bottle from the rack. "But perhaps something else as well to help it along?" He snapped open a wooden box and passed it around. The three men lit up a Cuban cigar each while the women declined, content instead to tuck into their crème brulee.

"Yes, this should do the trick," said the property man, inhaling the smoke.

"Indeed, but that's not what I was referring to..." Paulin glanced down at Stephanie. "Bitch, relax my friend."

She crawled under the table, needing no further explanation. The gray-haired man coughed suddenly, feeling hands on his pants and his flies being undone. He looked over at Paulin with a delighted look about him and the host winked back. Then he felt her mouth on his flaccid cock, her warm wet tongue lapping at it impatiently. The man's wife smirked, not needing to look under the table to see what was happening but content to let it proceed all the same.

He hardened quickly, growing in the girl's mouth as she seemed to savor the taste of him with the same appreciation he afforded the cigar. He struggled to return his attention to his story but this latest development was distracting. "And so he said...ahem...he said you have to play the ball where it lies...and then the other...the other player...he...oh...oh...ahhhh....ahhhh...."

Stephanie sucked him hard, pounding her head up and down on his now firm appendage as it strained through the opening in his pants. His eyes rolled back and he was reduced to breathing heavily. The story ended abruptly and they never did he hear the ending. What they heard instead was the sound of slurping over their stilted conversation for the next few minutes until with a sudden shiver, the man emptied his balls into Stephanie's mouth. She kept her lips wrapped around his cock until he finished, catching every spurt of his cum in her throat and guzzling it down. Her own very special dessert.

"Perhaps I could interest you as well, my dear?" Paulin said, turning to the young blonde woman.

"Oh! No...I don't...well..." she stammered.

"Go ahead, sweetheart. Live a little." Her old lover gave her a reassuring look and puffed a ring of smoke.

"Well...ok? I guess? Like, sure."

Stephanie heard the discussion and turned around, pressing her hands gently on the woman's thighs. The young woman spread her knees slowly and soon felt the soft tip of the redhead slave's tongue circling her clit through her panties. Like the last participant, it wasn't long before she was moaning quietly in her own little world as the conversation continued without her, punctured every once in a while by a high-pitched sigh of pleasure from deep within the woman's throat. Stephanie pried the panties to the side and licked like a thirsty puppy. It wasn't long before the woman shuddered, grabbing the tablecloth, letting herself be taken over the edge.

Both the media man and the councilwoman sampled the added delicacy on offer that night, making Stephanie work her mouth hard to properly unwind them. The older woman took longer to finish off, but once she did, she felt like she had achieved another step to freedom from beneath the table and did all she could to bring the other man off as fast as possible. In under two minutes, she took his load in her mouth as before, swallowing without complaint.

Left tasting a bitter combination not unlike salt and lemonade, Stephanie remembered her own dog and how he would beg for scraps. She remembered her old apartment...her old life. But that life seemed so far away now. Like a speck of light disappearing at the end of a long dark tunnel that only grew longer. That old life was now beginning to feel like a wonderful dream, one she'd had before she woke up in this real world...

Paulin patted her on the head, picking up the leash with an unforgiving gleam in his eye. "Good girl. But the night is still young and our guests deserve some entertainment after their meal."

"Arf!" Stephanie responded automatically, wagging her rubber tail as raucous laughter rang in her ears.


[This version of Chapter 7 has been edited to meet Literotica standards. The full uncensored version may be found elsewhere online]

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