Stepping Out


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I had a couple hours before dinner, so I hit a clothes store I liked, where I bought an extremely nice pair of jeans and a white linen button up shirt and a pair cowboy boots with the help of a nice blonde sales woman. The collar was a little wide for my liking, and the boots looked a little out of place here in the city, but the sales lady said everything was all the rage. A black leather jacket that reminded me of the Cafe Racer I used to own rounded out the outfit. Freed of most of the cash I had on hand, and loaded with a few bags, I headed to the car and then to the restaurant.

"Dale, man, It's great to see you. How's Florida been treating you?" Dale was my best friend from college. We studied, partied, drank, and womanized our way through our freshman year together. Then I met Dana, and he met Lori. The four of us were immediately fast friends and stuck with each other through the rest of college. Dale got a job in Florida, and we stayed here. The rest was history. Lori and Dale Still had the relationship everyone wished they had. Dana and I had traded ours in for a far too nice penthouse apartment.

"Florida's been great. Got my hands in lots of pies, and my cash in a bunch of banks." he had a wide smile and we hugged like the old friends we were.

"I'm just getting to the cruise control part, myself. Soon, I'll have underlings like we used to be, and I can get a place in Florida." He laughed and I hugged Lori. She hadn't changed, just like Dana, and was still the top heavy, curvy Latina that Dale had fell for oh so long ago.

"Good to see you, lady." We hugged.

"Good to see you too," her words were genuine and her hug long and warm.

I hugged Dana, and reveled at her warmth. It was something I hadn't felt in quite a while. "Good to see you babe."

"I'll have to thank Jon for clearing your schedule." She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

Dinner was full of the small talk of long friends and the banter of fellow businessmen. Dale had excelled in real estate law and now owned a number of buildings and companies throughout the larger cities of Florida. He was likely worth more than I was, and it was all self made. And still he and Lori still looked like they loved each other.

When the girls excused themselves off to an always mysterious group bathroom trip, Dale and I talked frankly.

"You guys just don't look like you used to, Jake," Dale said, swirling his single malt in it's glass. "Dana barely looks at you, and you look at all the other women in the room."

I took a sip of my Merlot and watched the legs trail down the insides of the glass before I answered.

"Things got fucked up a while back, Dale," I began. "I got the new job, started working more and we started working apart. Then she got busy and in response I got busier. It snowballed, and now I am reduced to looking at porn and debating the merits of online dating."

Dale looked a bit dejected, and shook his head. Dana was as good a friend to him as I was.

"I know, Dale, it's shitty, and honestly I USED to respect her. Anymore, she treats me like shit, and secretly, we both know we made our money AFTER we got married, so I think we're just biding our time before the divorce because it will be hell."

"That's no answer, man, and you know it."

"No shit, I know it. I spent the last few days chatting online with a woman a few years younger than I am, feeling sexier to her, online after twenty minutes, than my own wife who would just as soon I skipped coming home."

"Maybe you guys need a change of scenery. Get out of here for a month. Go somewhere where there's nothing to do but talk and try not to get sunburned."

I took another sip. "I'll give it some thought."

Just as I finished my sentence the girls returned.

"Give what a thought?" Dana said, a smile on her face.

I spoke up. "Dale was just giving me some pointers. He's always been the business guy. Apparently, I need to think less about diversifying and more about improving the quality of the portfolio I have."

Dale smiled. "Well phrased."

"Well," Lori said. "Dana and I have been talking and I'm going to steal her away for a couple days. Dale has meetings all day tomorrow, and I have a spa day booked. I'll call Muriel in the morning and add Dana. Then I want to run down state for a day for some shopping, and I need an accomplice."

"You mean someone to keep you from spending all of my money," Dale said with a smirk. He and Lori kissed sweetly.

Dana smiled at the affection. "I may not be the girl you are looking for, Dale. I've been putting off my own retail therapy for a while now. I have a feeling that our Credit Cards may take a beating this weekend."

Lori and Dana laughed at that. I found myself smiling as well.

"That will actually work out pretty well," I said. "I have some briefs to go over for the Mitsuhama guys that should take all day tomorrow. Dale, want to meet Sunday evening for dinner?"

"Holy crap, a guy's night?" He joked. "Whatever will we do without chaperons?"

I looked at Dana. She really was radiant when she was happy. "Maybe we can do dinner again before you guys fly out, say at the Warf, for old times sake?"

Dana frowned, ever so briefly, then smiled again. "That's a great idea. Their crab cakes are to die for."

Lori smiled, "Oh god, I'm not sure my hips need the grease. A girl's gotta watch her figure."

Dale hugged her close. "Your hips are perfect, and I watch your figure all the time. You don't need to."

At home, it went back to being an ice storm. "Why don't you ever talk to me like Dale talks to Lori?"

"I don't know, Dana... Maybe it's because I haven't seen you naked since '09?"

"You're such a dick." She delivered that cold and curt, and stomped off up stairs.

I walked in to the den and dinked around on my Tablet until sleep took me away.

I woke at 8am and Dana had already gone. The kitchen smelled of coffee. There was a note by the half full pot.

~Sorry, Dana.~

I shook my head. Guess she couldn't go shopping with a guilty conscience. I showered, trimmed all appropriate body hair, and packed a small backpack with some overnight things. And a box of condoms. No need to be careless. Well, even more careless.

I wasted the day driving around the city, doing a bit of shopping and looked at a new BMW at a dealership. I wasn't in the market, but I just wanted to walk around a bit. I did go by the office and I DID actually go over the Mistuhama stuff, but it only took an hour. When I was done, it was 715, so I logged off my computer and headed to the car.

The drive only took 20 minutes, so I had the Valet take the car to the car park and I headed to the bar. I ordered a gin and tonic and nursed it a bit, waiting for the clock to strike 8.

Right at 8, I paid my tab, two G&T's later and headed to the night desk. I was dressed much different than I usually liked in the new clothes I had purchased. I wasn't over dressed for this hotel, but I was dressed like I was a good bit younger than I was. I was in pretty good shape, however, so it didn't come off as too fake. My cowboy boots clomped over the fine tile of the hotel lobby.

A pretty brunette greeted me, I could see the name Trish on her name-tag.

"Hi, Trish. Do you have a message for John?" I put my back pack on the floor next to my feet.

"Oh," she said. "You're John." She looked me up and down. "Well, she has good taste."

She reached into her pocket and produced a room key and a long thin flower box.

"Room 505, top floor. Down the hall, right next to the bar is the closest elevator."

"Thanks,Trish." I slung my back pack over a shoulder and headed toward the elevator. I could see her on the phone in the reflection of the mirror shined marble column I was walking by. Guess she warned my barista.

In the elevator I opened the box finding a small card sitting on top of a single red rose packed on top of some white tissue paper.

'John, walk into the room, then look under this flower.


Hmm... 'Mysterious. And the girl now has a name.' I thought to myself.

I decided to play the game and managed not to look the whole walk to the room. I tucked the box under my arm and stood in front of the door. My heart was pounding. I was pretty sure she could hear it through the closed door. I reached out with the card and noticed my hand shaking. I shook it, like it would make a difference and inserted the card into the lock. There was an impossibly loud click I pushed the door open.

The room was dimly lit by several candles throughout the room. It was a beautiful room, but the most beautiful thing of all was standing by the window. A thin woman in the white teddy with the black lace trim I'd seen on her posts was looking out, her back and her blue wig to me.

I stepped in and closed the door. I saw her flinch with the click of it's closing. I didn't say a word, not wanting the spell to be broken. Burdened, I suddenly realized that I was carrying things. I sat my bag onto the floor, then opened the box again. I dropped the lid to the floor, and lifted the rose and the paper. Underneath was a black silk blind fold and another note.

'Strip down and put the blindfold on. I'll keep mine on too, I promise. We'll take it from there. And no talking... at least at first.

Suddenly, music flooded the room. I saw her put down a small remote that must have been for the room music system. I put the blindfold half on, securing the elastic behind my head and the front onto my forehead, then I began to undress.

Totally naked I pulled the mask down and made sure I couldn't see a thing. Slowly, I walked toward her, my hand out in front of me just a little. When I touched her wig, I took another step and extended my hands out. She backed into me, and my slowly growing member found the cleft of her buttocks. Her warmth was heavenly and I soaked it in. I buried my face in her wig, the smell of coconut flooded my senses. My hands drug slowly up and down her arms and shoulders. I could feel her shaking a little, barely perceptible tremors. I was feeling the same way. I moved my hands to her neck and massaged her like I'd learned in the massage class I'd taken recently. I had intended to use my new skills on Dana, but she'd never given me the chance.

Lori appreciated my attention and let out a long 'Mmm' as I worked. I could feel some of the tension leave her, and she leaned back into me, her hands reached back and grabbed my thighs. 'MmMmm,' she said. I laughed softly. She teasingly worked her butt against my hardness. I twitched at the stimulation and involuntarily thrust a little toward her. This time, the 'Mmm" was mine.

I reached in front of her and ran my hands across her collar bones and down onto her breasts. They were full, and soft in my hands. I could feel the nipples harden with my touches, the metal bars fun new toys to play with. God how I loved that. She reached behind herself and found me with her hands. Slowly she stroked me, as I kneaded her breasts.

It was the single most sexy thing I had ever experienced. There was something about being so intimate with a stranger, and yet so determined to have her feel the same pleasure I was feeling. I turned her around and found her chin with my hands. I lined up and kissed her on the mouth. She tasted of lip gloss and minty mouthwash with a hint of alcohol. Her lips were perfection, her tongue a teasing warmth that toyed with my lips and tongue. She grabbed onto my hips as we kissed. There was so much passion and lust, it nearly hurt. She walked us backwards and we fell, unceremoniously onto the bed. It had a nice memory foam top and was just the right height. We re-positioned ourselves, side by side, and returned to making out. Hands caressed, hips thrust and legs intertwined.

I finally let her mouth go, and found her breast with my mouth. I took the end of each one in my mouth and suckled it through the silk cloth. I could feel the bar through the nipple and teased it with my tongue. She crushed my head into her breast with a hand, holding me to her. I turned her onto her back and drug the teddy over her head. She helped then returned to her back. I felt out her breast again and suckled it again, kneading the other with my free hand. I was hard as a nail and stabbed into her thigh. She reached down and pulled me into a kneeling position. I continued with her breasts, switching from side to side. She stroked me gently, her thin fingers knowing just how I liked to be touched. I'm not sure where she found one, but she slid a condom onto me and used it to stroke me until I couldn't wait any longer.

I kissed my way down her belly, and she took a sharp inhale of breath as I blew onto where her legs met. I moved between her legs and leaned down. I still couldn't see anything, but I could smell her musky scent and it drove me crazy.

I intended to go at it slowly, tease her, and work her over tenderly. I simply couldn't resist what was before me. "I've gotta taste you," I whispered, breathlessly, and dove in.

My tongue immediately found her folds and ran up and down them. I lapped at her like an animal. Long, deep licks. I pointed my tongue at the top so I caught her button just a bit, and flicked it. Then I started back at the bottom, repeating slowly. Her hips moved and bucked a little. I was supporting my self with one hand, but the other I moved so it could play with those cool little nipple bars. As I worked her clit over, suckling on it, and teasing it, I switched from one nipple to the other. I used my lips on hers, tugging, teasing and toying, then resumed my work lapping away. She ran her fingers through my hair and encouraged me with her sounds.

"Fuck, that's hot," she hissed, quietly. "Just like that. Don't stop."

Loving being told what to do, I kept at it, licking with long strokes, and flicking at the top. She flinched every time I hit her button, and all of a sudden, she pulled me up to her.

I entered her smoothly, to the hilt into her wetness.

"Oh, god, fuck me good..." She whispered into my shoulder, her heels digging into my ass, like a jockey.

I started up a good rhythm, long hard strokes. She sped up the pace, her heels helping me speed up. I could feel every ripple and contraction in her. Her breathing got faster and faster.

"Oh, fuck... Oh fuck." She was nearly begging. My hips were banging away, the long hard strokes were pulling the orgasm out of both of us.

"Yeah, baby, cum for me," I encouraged, my voice a breathy whisper.

Her orgasm sounded like one for the record books, and mine thundered behind my eyes like I've never experienced. Several long moments went by, I was supporting my self on my arms, still buried to the hilt with no signs of going soft. I could feel her hand on my face. I leaned on one arm and put my hand on her face. Slowly we pulled the masks off of each other.

There, looking up at me was my beautiful wife. The sexy woman I hadn't seen naked in forever, tears running down her face as she realized, as I was, just what was going on.

She pulled my face to hers, sobbing softly. "I'm glad it was you... I'm glad it was you..."

"Me too, baby." I was crying my self. Happy beyond belief, and, in all honesty, relieved. "Me too."

"So, I thought this was going to be a guy's night." I'd just told Dale that the girls were on their way.

"Yeah, well, remember the girl I was chatting with?"

Dale kind of scowled.

"Well, we're going to Honduras for a month next month. The Senior partners granted me some much needed leave."

"And you are running off to cheat. In Honduras?" Dale was visibly pissed.

The girls arrived just as he was about to get animated.

Lori sat down and asked, "Who's going to Honduras?"

Dana answered for me. "Jake and I. We decided that we needed some us time. We'd put ourselves on the back burner for too long."

I smiled at Dale, and Dana winked at him. Suddenly he got it.

Lori smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "I don't like lying to you, baby, but Dana needed a cover to go see this guy she had been talking online to, and I agreed to help her out. Thing was, Jake was the guy and they... well, lets just say they reconnected."

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pops12345pops12345about 5 years ago
Good work!

I liked the big payoff. Good job overall.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Not really good

Just two people.planning, hoping to cheat. Ending too pat.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Pina Coladas?

I thought it was Penis Colossus!

Anyway, it was just as predictable.

bigdnc13bigdnc13almost 9 years ago
I like happy endings, but...

They're both emotional cheaters. She was actually 'hoping' she was cheating with her husband!? I know this stuff is fiction, but his should have been in the Science Fiction category. If they were willing to go through all this effort to cheat, why did try doing it to save their marriage? The story just left me with a bad taste in my mouth, but I couldn't rate it.

looking4itlooking4italmost 9 years ago

Well said Twentyseven

stormbreyerstormbreyeralmost 9 years ago
Well done

I figured out where the story was going before the unveiling, but not by much. Well written and good dialogue. You have a knack for details. Keep up the good work. I look forward to your next one.

TwentysevenTwentysevenalmost 9 years ago
Escape (The Pina Colada Song)

Rupert Holmes wrote a great song about this in 1979 so its not a new theme. Personally I always thought the happy outcome unlikely. They're both prepared to cheat so where is the basis for renewal of their marriage?

Bedspread02Bedspread02almost 9 years ago
Not the ending I expected

The story is well written and I enjoyed it until the blindfolds came off.

At that point the shit should have hit the fan, this was his first cheat and obliviously not her first cheat.

This is where the lawyer in him should have taken over, after all she treated him like shit for how long?

The revelation from his buddies wife that she was covering for cheating should and in most cases would cause not only the loss of friendships but also put a terrible strain on his buddies marriage.

The loss of trust is a terrible thing and seldom results in a happy ending.

I am sorry but this ending was weak, you had the opportunity to explore the battles for both marriages with future chapters.

This is still a really good story and I gave it 5 stars, keep writing.

patilliepatilliealmost 9 years ago
Idk, kinda blah blah

I mean I made my way to the end, but not without stopping after the part where it transitioned from he and his wife hooking up, to him talking to Dale about going off for a month with his lover.

How did they know it was each other? Or did they? Maybe I am kinda dense, wasnt clear to me. She had her nipples pierced and he didnt know it? I mean he hadnt seen her naked in like forever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
they can go on and on about originality......

and sadly. still be almost a little right.

BUT.....BUT.......BUT, I say........

There are so few original ideas that fit the theme of this format, that one simply DOESN'T have to do original.....

IF....., IF....., I say, (and it's a BIG OLE IFFF!!!)

If it is well executed, well written, and passes most of the grammar tests.

Sure, I can think of a few, OK well, maybe I remember reading like four or five versions of the Pina Colada Song in story format here. And this is like over the last 2-3 years. I think may be quite a few more reside in the archives, found only with the help of the random story spinner. But to my memory, I think that this is the best version of it that I have read. And why?

Adequate Character Development and Passable Dialogue!!!!!!

Even Dana, who sadly is kinda like a minor character, has a decent amout of character development revealed to the reader. I really like the path of HIS thoughts leading up to the cheating. And the hints you gave, (use of the wig, use of friends name for the room, etc.) weren't so over the top that we HAD to be 100% sure of the outcome. Our guess turns out to be correct, but that is OK, because the reader doesn't REALLY know for sure, until the last few paragraphs before the end.

So, overall. I say fine job! Thankyou for your efforts! And more commenters need to remember that is STILL takes more creativity than many of them actually possess themselves, in order to remake art using an existing classic form, and still have it stand alone well, even on its own merits.

Thanks again! Easaily best read of the day here in LW.

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