Still You Want Me Ch. 02


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"I don't intercede into your life, very often, and I'm not going to start now, not really anyway. Jackie, from the charity group, has a son a few years older than you."

I see what's happening and I roll my eyes.

"Stop that. Right now," mom demands.

Her eyes stop me in my tracks. It doesn't matter how old you are, momma is still the boss!

"Colin, I've met Jesse and he's awesome! He's funny, smart, caring, he does a lot of charity work, he's on the team at Nike that gives money and organizes the community work, and he's really humble. I wouldn't say anything, except, I think you guys might hit it off."

"You know what? Sure, I'd love to meet him."

"Really!" dad says and looks at me in surprise.

He definitely didn't expect me to accept.

"Yes. I haven't dated because I've been so busy with...well, everything. I don't want to be alone forever."

"This is great! I'll give you his number and he'll be expecting your call."

Seeing the smile on mom's face is worth it. We finish dinner, then I take my parents home.

* * CHARLES * *

It's Monday morning and I'm a little nervous. I haven't seen Colin since Friday night and I think things ended a little abruptly. I'm worried it'll be awkward between us when I see him, again.

Colin and I run into each other before entering the building, as usual. I shouldn't have worried because we talk about our weekend and hangout together until we part for work. Everything is as it had been.

This week is going to be very busy. Everyone in the department has new projects to start and, for the first time, Colin and I will be working together. Our project is a big one, marketing new production factories in Asia, which means we're going to be working on the same project together for a while.

I'm so excited. We get along great and I think we'll have a good balance of friendly banter and serious work ethic.

Before I know it, half of the week has gone by. Colin had mentioned, earlier this week, that some friends of his are opening a small restaurant/coffee shop and it's opening today. I have plans for lunch, but it won't take much to cancel...anything for Colin. This seems to be a new mantra in my life.

Colin is getting his stuff ready when I approach him.

"I cancelled lunch plans for this. I hope I won't be disappointed or you'll owe me," I tease.

He smiles at me and finishes adjusting his jacket.

"I know you don't like small businesses, but I promise you, it won't disappoint. Besides, I need you! I'm going to buy you a coffee so you can tell me how it is. Since I don't drink it, I can't give a recommendation, but I've heard it's amazing."

He needs me.

We meet the rest of the group and make our way to the lobby. Colin's excited about lunch and I decide I'm not going to rain on his parade by offering to pay. Besides, I didn't invite any of these people. It's weird to think I might be impressing Colin by not impressing everyone else.

We're leading the group through the lobby when a breathtakingly beautiful woman turns around and faces us. She's been standing at the information desk with Deb.


She has long, black hair with soft beach curls, dark brown eyes, and ivory skin. She dresses as a true Portlander in jeans, Patagonia jacket, and a light pair of ankle boots. Colin is apparently equally excited to see her.

Cool. Awesome. Not!

They rush toward each other and he lifts her into the air as he spins her around.

How freaking romantic.

"Oh, my god! I'm so glad you were able to make it for lunch!"

"I wouldn't miss Greg and Degen's (the new coffee shop owners) opening any more than you would."

He kisses her as she intertwines their arms.

"Let me introduce you to the crew."

They turn and face us.

So glad you remembered we're here. Bleh.

"Ok. This is Jonathan, Sharon, Keith, Daniel, Stephen, Kelsey, and Bethany."

He pauses.

"Everyone, this is Natalie!"

Everyone says hello. I'm not sure why I was left out.

Did he really forget about me?

"I've heard so much about you! I didn't realize you were coming today. I'm so excited!" Bethany says as she leans forward and gives her a hug, clearly knowing who this woman is.

I have no clue. He's never mentioned her before.

"Nice to meet you all," Natalie says.

She gives a slight wave of acknowledgment and then looks and points at me.

"What about him? Is this Charles?"

Colin smiles at me with mock surprise.

"Oh, Charles! I forgot you were here!"

Ha. Ha.

"You're a dick, you know that?"

I give his cheek a light tap and take Natalie's hand.

"Yes, I'm Charles. It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I've heard so much about you. It's nice to have a face to put with the name."

Colin talks about me? A lot? Holy heartbeat!

We arrive at Brew'd Awakening and the place is already full, but the owners held tables for Colin, so we're able to get right in.

It's a comfortable place. The tables are big, long farm tables. It's set up community style, so people sit together. Whether you come in alone or as a couple, you'll sit at a table with others. The whole environment is very welcoming and friendly.

Greg greets Colin to give us menus and waters. The menu is simple and there's something for everyone, but it still has limited choices. I love simple menus, they make ordering easier. Everyone takes their time looking over the choices before we order and it doesn't take long before we all break off into smaller conversations.

I'm sitting at the end with Bethany next to me. Colin is across from me with Natalie by his side. There's an intimacy between them. History, love, respect, and future. It's discouraging for me to watch. I'm probably unusually quiet because of it as I don't know what to do or say. How do I compare to her? Not that it matters because Colin is straight and there's definitely something between those two.

"Okay, you must tell us everything about Colin!" Bethany inquires.

"No way, you have to figure him out for yourself. I had my own crash course, so I'm not giving away the secrets."

She's so genuine and sweet. I hate her.

We talk about random things while we eat lunch. My Turkey Panini is mouthwatering, one of the best meals I've had in awhile. I'm watching Colin and Natalie interact with one another and the way they smile and touch each other is making me jealous. It's been two weeks since Colin started his job, so I should be accustomed to abnormal feelings such as jealousy, but I'm not.

"So, where are you guys going tomorrow?" Natalie asks Colin.

He shoots her a glance that says, shut up before I kill you. We're not talking about this right now! and her eyes widen, apologetically. Luckily, Bethany also catches it and she isn't about to let it go.

"Who's going where tomorrow?" she asks.

Natalie rolls her eyes at Colin and nudges him to spill the beans.

"I have a date with Jessie. I don't know where we're going, but we'll figure it out."

He smiles.

"It's a blind date, courtesy of mommy dearest."

He doesn't sound overly excited, but he doesn't seem upset either.

"Yeah, but you're excited. Jessie seems great, a real winner," Natalie says as she squeezes Colin's arm with encouragement.

So, clearly, Natalie isn't a romantic interest, but she's encouraging him to date other people and I don't like all.

"This is so exciting! I've been trying to set him up since we met, but he keeps rejecting my offers," Bethany says while bouncing in her seat.

Apparently, I'm the only person not excited about Colin dating Jessie. I bet she puts a heart above the letter i in her name!

I'm not sure what to say or if I can even speak, so I give my most encouraging smile. The rest of lunch is spent tossing around date ideas for Colin.


There's three reactions when I don't offer to pay for lunch. A few of them stare at me and are disappointed, a few don't notice or don't care, and then there's Colin. He looks at me, giving me the most heart melting smile.

"Well, this is unexpected."

I roll my eyes at him as if this is no big deal, but I'm trying to hide my blush.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't," the corner of his lip curls in the cutest smirk.

He stacks the plates before we go back to work.

* * *

I walk back with Bethany and we talk about nothing in particular, mostly her boyfriend and my current sexcapades. Colin and Natalie are behind us and I can hear them talking with quiet, muffled voices.

"You should take Jessie to Fogo de Chao," Natalie suggests.

"Are you buying? It might be my favorite restaurant, but it's more for an anniversary date than a first date's expensive as hell!"

"Stop pretending you're poor."

"Stop forcing me to concede."

"Fine! How about Portland City Grill? It has good food, a great view and it's nice, but not over the top."

"I was there with my parents last Sunday, but yeah, that's always a good choice."

"Portland City Grill it is."

We're less than a block away, so it doesn't take us long to walk back.

"Okay, I have to leave. It was really nice meeting you all!" Natalie announces.

Natalie hugs Bethany, I'm confident they'll be good friends, and gives the rest of us a wave before she turns and leaves.

* * *

The activity in the lobby is more than usual. I scan the room and immediately notice Mr. Clarke, several other executives, and a few board members hanging around. I've met most of the executives at some point, but I don't personally know any of them since, for the most part, our paths don't cross. I lean over to Colin and point to their group.

"That's Mr. Clarke and the other executives. Do you want to meet him?"

I can see him visibly tense up.

"No. No, I'm fine. I'm sure I'll meet them, eventually."

"You don't need to be nervous, they're all very friendly. It's not as if you're going to give a presentation in front of them, it's only introductions. They probably won't remember you anyway."

He palms my face as he pushes me away, laughing.

"I'm not nervous. I don't want to seem overly eager. I'd prefer the meeting to happen organically."

Then Mr. Clarke looks over and smiles when he spots me.


For as big as this man is, I'd expect his voice to carry more.

"Well, it looks like things are organically happening," I whisper to Colin.

He doesn't look especially happy, but most people are nervous to meet the higher ups.

"Fabulous," he mumbles under his breath.

"Hello, Mr. Clarke. This is Colin!" I say as I shake his hand.

I pause and look at Colin.

"I just realized I've known you for two weeks, but I don't know your last name."

He almost has a look of regret in his eyes as he looks at me for a moment. That doesn't make any sense. What does he have to regret? Me, as a friend? God, I hope not! I feel like an ass for never asking his last name. I've been so busy talking about myself, I missed a lot of opportunities to know more about him. He quickly recovers and reaches for Mr. Clarke's hand.

"It's also Clarke. Colin Clarke. It's really nice to meet you, Sir."

"Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Clarke. How's your second week of work been? I hope everyone's been treating you well."

Mr. Clarke is smiling brightly at Colin.

"Yes, everyone I've met has been amazing. It's been a great place to work."

I can tell Mr. Clarke is taken in by Colin. I can't blame him, Colin is pretty perfect.

"That's great to hear. Hey, why don't you come with me and I'll introduce you to the others over there."

He points toward a small group of executives and boards members. I swear, Colin is shaking his head no and it appears Mr. Clarke is trying not to laugh. Maybe he enjoys seeing his underlings squirm.

"There's no dipping your toes into the water, he's going to shove you directly into the pool!" I say directly into Colin's ear as we follow Mr. Clarke.


Mr. Riley raises his arms as if he's going to offer someone a hug and he has the biggest smile I've ever seen, which is saying a lot because he never smiles. Mr. Clarke quickly jumps into his embrace and rocks him back and forth wildly.

This not only surprises me, but everyone around me (including Mr. Riley) is finding this situation unusual and shocking. Then his face looks alarmed, he whispers something to his boss, and they finally break their embrace.

"I had lunch with you, but thank you for the warm welcome," Mr. Clarke jokes, then they look at each other and laugh.

All of the other executives and board members are laughing, also, as if there's an inside joke happening. I bump Colin.

"This isn't normal, I think they got drunk or something during lunch."

"Yeah, or something."

He has a crooked smile, but doesn't appear amused.

"I think most of you have met Charles Gabett."

Mr. Clarke gestures toward me and everyone nods affirmatively, then we exchange handshakes and hellos. When we finish, Mr. Clarke continues.

"I'd like to introduce all of you to Colin Clarke."

He puts his hand on Colin's shoulder and lifts his remaining arm and starts pointing toward the various people he's introducing him to.

"Here, we have Mr. Riley, COO; Mrs. Levan, CFO; Mr. Patterson, CRO; and Mrs. Keller, SMO. You'll get to know her well since she oversees marketing."

He moves to a second set of people.

"Over here are a few of our board members: Mrs. Brandt, Mr. Bauer and Mr. Darr."

Normally, they give a polite handshake or hello and continue on their way, similar to how I'd been greeted by them. But this time, they're all smiling like idiots and falling over themselves to shake Colin's hand. Not only that, but they're really emphasizing their words: It's so nice to meet you; It's so nice to meet you; It's so nice to meet you. A few of them are even emphasizing his name. It's so bizarre.

They're drunk and high. I'm sure of it.

I'm barely holding back a laugh. This shit is funny. I think Colin also suspects they're drunk because he's shaking his head ever so slightly.

Oh, lighten up. This is entertaining stuff!

We take the elevator up to the sixth floor, where Colin and I sit toward the back, waiting for the big meeting to start. The executives calm down once they get into the conference room, but it still feels as if they're staring at us. Maybe they're nervous because they know, we know, they're drunk. They can settle down, I can keep a secret.

* * *

I track down Ryan before I leave the office. He works on the same floor, but with research and development. He's the only other gay man, or at least open one, at ClarkeCo. We get together once a month, or so, for dinner and a drink. Sometimes we go to a club, but there's never been anything physical between us. Ryan has been with his partner, Quinn, for five years.

"Hey, Ryan! What are you doing this fine Friday night?"

"Having dinner and drinks with you?" He questions, anticipating my invitation.

I pump my fists into the air with excitement and he laughs.

"Quinn may or may not meet us due to meetings tonight."

"No worries. What about Portland City Grill around seven o'clock this evening?"

"Yeah! I haven't been there in years. I'll meet you there, in the lobby, and we'll ride up together."

"Perfect, see you in a few."

I decide to hang around downtown because rush hour is a bitch and I'll never make it home and back before seven. I go over to Brew'd Awakening to try a coffee so I can report back to Colin later. I'll be his test dummy for anything he wants.

* * *

"Ready? We have a reservation."

I've been impatiently waiting in the lobby for Ryan. Not that I'm in a hurry or anything.

"Sorry! Traffic is stupid. Let's go, I'm thirsty!"

Ryan smiles and I know he loves to drink. I've never realized how long the elevator ride up to the thirtieth floor is until now. My nerves are starting to get the best of me. I'm anxious, sweaty, and nervous.

"What's wrong with you dude? You'd think you're going up there to be thrown off of the roof!"

"What? No, I'm fine. Nothing," I ramble.

I need to get a grip or I'm going to give everything away.


He doesn't look convinced. I address the hostess.

"Party of two for Gabett."

I look around and spot Colin sitting at a table by the window.

"Yes, of course. Would a window seat be okay?"

I'll never say no to a window seat.

She's leading us toward Colin's table when Ryan spots him. They haven't been formally introduced, but Ryan knows of him.

"Is that Colin?"

"Oh, yeah, it looks like it. Small world," I respond, casually.

Yeah, small world...

I decide we should stop and say hello. This will be a good time to introduce Colin and Ryan, so I motion for Ryan to follow.

"Come on, I'll introduce you two real quick."

I'm not trying to scope out my competition.

Colin doesn't notice my presence so, never to be one to shy away from touching him, especially if he's on a date, I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Colin!"

"Oh, hey!"

He jumps because of the surprise, then gestures to the other side of the table.

"Charles, this is Jesse. Jesse, this is my colleague, Charles Gabett."


Suddenly, it's a very ugly word. I don't like the way it rolls. Colleague. Bleh! Then it hits me!

Jesse, not Jessie! Jesse is a man! All man, similar to me. Clearly bigger than me, but a man, like me.

It's the best and worst news all rolled into one surprise burrito.

"Nice to meet you!" I say with too much enthusiasm.

Calm down man!

I shake his giant hand.

"Colin, I don't think you've been formally introduced to Ryan. He works in R&D."

I gesture to Ryan as I try not to stare at Jesse.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you. What are you guys doing tonight?"

I'm worried he might be upset at us for interrupting his dinner, but it doesn't appear to be the case. Colin is glad to meet Ryan.

"We're having dinner and drinks. Hopefully, my boyfriend, Quinn, will be here, soon."

Ryan glances over at our table.

"Oh, shoot. I think the hostess is waiting for us. It was really nice to meet you Colin, and Jesse. You two have a good evening."

We say our goodbyes and part ways. My brain is running a million miles an hour. He's been gay this whole time? I had no clue! Now he's here on a date with a freaking Greek God!

I sit down across from Ryan, so I have a direct line of site to their table. Colin's back is toward me, but I can see all of Jesse. He seems tall, blonde, and has dark-blue eyes (I do, too). He's wearing a navy sweater and chinos that do all of the right things for him. He's a model of perfection. He resembles a much better version of myself. I mentally smash my head into my palms as Ryan makes a comment.

"So, it looks like Colin's on a date. His boyfriend is fine as fuck!"

Ryan acts as if this isn't a big freaking deal. As if Colin is't currently causing me soul crushing anguish.

"Yeah, I didn't know he was gay!" I let out.

"What! How? Everyone knows he's gay! You know, for a gay guy, you really have terrible gaydar!"

"Yeah, clearly!"

Everyone knows he's gay?

This is news to me.

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MickyFox0MickyFox09 months ago

😄 You do have a way with your tales and I'm going to reserve my views until the end, 👍

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I laughed so hard at the scene where they’re meeting the executives. Charles thought they were high and drunk🤣

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I know the story is technically finished but since this is my first time reading it, I’m really hoping Charles realizes he’s a sub to Colin in the chapters to come!

AKA983AKA983almost 6 years ago
Holly Shit

Awesome i love this story myammmmm

sm1982sm1982about 6 years ago
Per @Mrsgnomie's feedback request: This chapter..

Is when I knew Colin and Charles were made for each other. Charles was beginning to change, on his own, based on the eerily accurate assessment by Colin and Colin's initial impression of him starting to improve from the first chapter. I loved 3x the karaoke car scene, probably one of my faves in the series so far because they were each themselves and had so much fun doing something so simple. Charles was already falling hard for Colin's and while he was placed in the friend's zone with Colin, their foundation was built on their friendship which included trust and being each other's confidant, which meant a lot to Colin, even more so than he knew at the time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
five stars

truly enjoying this story ,it is great cant wait for next chapter ...jonathan from england x

mfa607mfa607about 6 years ago

Just found this story today. Loving it! Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I was so stoked to see part 2 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am truly thankful that there are 10 parts to this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Having fun

Discovered the story today and enjoyed the two chapters. You have some decent writing skills and a great sense of humor. I look forward to the remainder of the tale.

Carlos Hazday

judojonjudojonabout 6 years ago

Ok so you are becoming my favorite author. So like where this is going and do hope that they find total love with each other. Please hurry with the next chapter . Thanks John

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