Still You Want Me Ch. 07


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"I don't fucking care what you say, Charlie, you two are in a relationship. Just make an actual move, already. How did you guys sleep together for a month and not do anything?"

I shrug, because it's useless to explain to them. Ryan glares at me and says.

"When he comes back, make sure the next person to dance with him is you! Claim your shit, already. This is brutal to watch and it hurts my damn nuts to the point that they're going to shrivel off before shit gets rolling with you two idiots."

"It's not me! Colin's the one not interested. I'm so far in his friend zone that the chance of extradition is unlikely."

Quinn suddenly has a look of panic in his eyes and abruptly changes the subject.

"What happened to your boyfriend?"

Startling me with his return, Colin says.

"I'm not interested."

That explains Quinn's look and change of topic. Quinn asks Colin.

"Why not, he's cute?"

Quinn says as he curls his mouth into a smirk.

"He's not what I'm looking for."

Ryan has that, told you so, look on his face and says.

"Oh, that's interesting! Do you have something specific in mind?"

"I don't know, I'm just not feeling these guys."

I'm flooded with relief that he's not interested in any of those guys. I know I need to man up and do something but I'm terrified! I've never had feelings like this before and it's foreign to me. I didn't realize how safe I felt when he was with Jesse, I didn't have to worry about dealing with my emotions, but now I do.

Colin's pointing at all of us.

"Are you guys going to dance at some point or just sit here all night? This is my first night out in a month and you're all ruining it."

"Pick one of us and we'll dance with you."

Ryan may be smiling at Colin, but I know he's smirking at me.

"Okay, Charlie, let's go."

Colin repeatedly nudges his head in the direction of the dance floor as an impatient toddler does, then he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the booth. Quinn jokes.

"Happy spouse, happy house!"

Colin's wearing tight jeans and a tight, dark-green V-neck that makes his eyes pop. Everything he embodies is simplistic, yet, it speaks in volume.

I can't help but notice how his clothes hug his body, the way his arms move around me, his leg muscles flex as he twists and turns to the beat, and his flat stomach trails the motions of his hips. He moves his body in such an explicit way, he screams sex and vitality, yet there's something so innocent about him.

He's dancing incredibly close to me. It's not only dancing, it also feels intimate to me. Our chests are touching, our groins occasionally bump, our arms are wrapped around each other, and our legs are intertwined.

My nose is so close to the curve of his neck, I can smell his musty scent and I can feel his breath on my neck. Normally, I don't like this position while dancing, but I do now! I'm definitely not going to stop what's happening. It seems as though this has been happening more and more. Maybe not this exact moment, but other moments, too.

I begin to realize some things that started to happen while Colin was staying with me. Like, when he basically attacked a guy at the gym who was complimenting my shirt. Colin staked his claim on me and actually kissed me. That was quite surprising. The whole thing was arousing, to say the least. Watching Colin claw that guy to death, without touching him, was the hottest thing I've ever seen! So much so, I had problems showering at the gym.

He's been hanging on me a lot and kissing my cheek, too. I know he's mostly joking, but the frequency has been increasing.

He'd walk into the bathroom when I was showering, too. The curtain isn't see-through, but it's not solid, either. Sometimes, I'd wake up and he'd be on my side of the bed, semi-snuggling against me. I'm sure it's the hopeful side of me reading into things that aren't real.

I snap back into reality when I feel Colin's hands touching my waist! This isn't normal touching that happens when you dance. No, he's slipping his fingers under the hem of my shirt and is caressing my stomach. Yep, he's definitely caressing me and my heart is racing!

Every time I dance with Colin, the whole world shuts out. I don't notice anything except us. Suddenly, I'm aware of everything and everyone! I look at our table and see Ryan and Quinn are staring at us, nodding their heads, and smiling with approval. While Quinn lifts his hands up raise the roof style in celebration, Ryan mouths, I fucking told you!

Celebration of what? Nothing has happened, but all of a sudden I'm aware that maybe something is? Or might?

Damn, I'm feeling parched. I have fucking dry mouth. I think someone has slipped me something because my nerves are firing so fast, but I know they didn't. It's just Colin! I need to clear my head and get a grip. If I stay here, I'm not going to be able to control myself for much longer.

"Um, I think I need a break. I'm really thirsty!"

I yell over the music as I move away from Colin, his face is a mixture of shock and disappointment.

"Do you want me to get you one, too? I'll meet you back at the table?"

He's staring at me, slightly confused as we leave the dance floor.

"Um, sure."

* * *

I'm waiting to get waters when I hear my name.


I look for the person talking to me.

"Ben! Why didn't you call me and tell me you're in town?"

Ben was my college roommate and best friend. He leans forward and hugs me.

"It was a last minute business trip."

"Are you here alone?"

"No, I'm here with a colleague, but his parents are local, somewhere around here, so he's staying with them."

"Where are you staying?"

"I just got here so I haven't made arrangements, yet, but I'm going to check into a hotel."

"Come to my house, I have a spare room. No need to stay at a hotel, unless you're looking to hook up, then you're not welcome at my house."

I nudge him and laugh as he excitedly says.

"That'd be great. A sleepover like old times."

Ben's always had this carefree childlike thing about him, it's the reason people love him. We talk and share some fun anecdotes while waiting for my waters and his drink. He's such an easy going guy, I'm glad we were paired together back in college, I think we balanced each other in a good way. He's one of the few gay guys I haven't done anything with, I've never thought of him like that.

"I'm here with some friends, if you want to join us?"


He follows me to the table. I really want to introduce Ben to Colin but I don't see him so I give a quick introduction to the others.

"Ryan and Quinn, meet Ben. Now you're best friends. Where's Colin?"

I look around, in case I missed him. Ryan responds dryly.

"I think he went to the bathroom."

Ben asks me with a smile.

"Want to dance for old times' sake?"

Whenever we went to clubs, we'd dance together, but since it was never sexual between us, we'd end up mocking the weird things that other people did. It became our signature. He follows me to the dance floor and looks around.

"Let's dance like those two."

He points at a pair of dudes that are so incredibly awkward to watch, it's cringe worthy.

We mimic them and I can't stop laughing because everything Ben does is hilarious. He's always spot on with his impressions. After a few dances, and when I'm sure my sides can't take anymore laughing, I decide to call it quits and go back to the table.

I see Colin is back from the bathroom and I can't wait to introduce him to Ben. They're my old best friend and my new best friend (secret love of my life).

"Ben Brown, this is Colin Clarke. Colleague by trade and best friend by divine force."

We take our seats at the table. I'm not sure what happened while I was gone, but Colin looks extremely displeased. I look at Ryan and Quinn for answers, but they look irritated and roll their eyes at me. Ben looks happy to meet Colin and says.

"Nice to meet you, Colin Clarke!"

Colin only gives a slight head nod in return then Ben asks the group.

"So, where's the best breakfast place around here? If I'm only in town for one night, I want an amazing breakfast!"

Everyone responds, except Colin, which is strange because it's his favorite place, too.


Since I haven't been there since Colin's birthday, I suggest.

"I'll join you, we can drive together. It's not far from the club so I'll drop you off at your car after we eat."

Ben finishes another drink and he's quickly becoming intoxicated.


Colin and I have become very good at reading each other and I'm surprised by what I see written on his face. We have a silent, expression only, conversation, the kind you can only have with someone whom you're very close with.

'What the fuck!'


'Don't be coy with me, asshole!'

'Is everything's okay?'

'I can't fucking believe you have to ask!'

Followed by an eye roll and complete dismissal, Colin walks off as he says.

"I'm going to the bar!"

I watch him go, I'm totally confused by what's happening, he's clearly upset with me but I don't know why. Instead of walking to the bar, he exits the club.

"Whoa! Colin left the club!"

I crane my neck, trying to see more, but he's gone! Quinn looks at me in mock surprise.

"Oh, really? That's so fucking strange."

I'm trying to figure out why Quinn's being so sarcastic when Ryan starts yelling at me.

"Colin is upset because you were about to make love to him on the dance floor (Ryan points in that direction) then, all of a sudden, you stopped dancing to go pick up this (he points at Ben) auburn dreamboat at the bar! You two were laughing and having a good 'ol time!"

He looks at me with concern.

"Colin was so disappointed and angry that he had to go outside for ten minutes to cool his jets, only to come back and find you two had moved your little party from the bar to the dance floor! I thought Colin was going to spontaneously combust!"

Ryan takes a sip of his drink.


"Then you two sit here talking about morning after breakfast, picking up cars, and making it obvious that he (he points at Ben) is staying the night with you (he points at me)! Probably in the same bed you and Colin have woke up together in every morning for the last month...including this morning!"

I defend myself and Ben.

"Ben is my college roommate! We've never even kissed, let alone anything else!"

"Well, none of us knew that! You didn't add that tidbit of information with any of the introductions as any normal person would!"

He turns to Quinn and makes a mock introduction.

"Hello, Quinn! This is Ben, my old college roommate."

Quinn concludes their how to tutorial.

"Nice to meet you, Ben. Thank you for that information, Ryan, now I know he's not a random hookup so I won't make any assumptions that could possibly ruin the relationship that neither of us are man enough to admit to!"

I look at Ben.

"You're getting a hotel tonight. I have to go find Colin!"

I grab my jacket and run out of the bar.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Anon 4 years ago,

Wow, you're the same dumb anon in the previous chapter or something? Charles literally said that he never gave the information of Ben being a friend from college. Ryan and Quinn, before that happened, were all about "Damn, Charles, there's something going on between you and Colin, but it won't just happen out of nowhere if you don't do something more!" and then what Charles did was bring a new guy.

I can't believe I have to review the chapter that you should have thoroughly read before commenting, but please remember how Colin acted at the gym. Colin is definitely acting a bit annoying from even when he dated Jesse, because he seems to be in complete denial about his thing with Charles and him leaving like that is his own fault when he never showed that he has feelings for Charles in the first place.

Regarding Jesse, it's getting harder and harder to trust Colin's perspective in the story. From the start, he seems very biased so I wonder how much of that bias is planted whenever we see the story from his perspective.

That bias on Charles' way of life when he's not exactly doing that great on not getting attention at work if he wants to work without getting exposed. That creates a lot of questions about Jesse as well. Was Jesse actually fine with how dominant Colin is during the relationship? Jesse leaving like that is not a good move to make, but with the facts that Jesse doesn't like Charles being mentioned, I start to wonder if 90% of their dates consist of "Charles this, Charles that."

Not to mention Jesse being shy and new on gay relationships. He must have kept it bottled up and knew that there's too much focus on Charles that he didn't think as thoroughly on that work offer. (Also, I feel like ditching work just stay with Colin is not a good idea considering their ages - Work opportunities like that don't come easily either, and it's silly to sacrifice that for a guy who hangs out waaaaayyyy too much with the best friend as well while Colin keeps saying that "it's just the two of us.")

I'm not sure if spoiled is the right word, but Colin feels like someone that hits adulthood recently that doesn't know what he actually wants. Then, he would be so hardheaded that he doesn't want to be known as this and that when his actions tend to not justify whatever he says to his parents and Charles.

Lovetoplay7591Lovetoplay7591almost 4 years ago

Sooooglad I’m late to this party. I don’t have to wait. This chapter was explosive!

Kabba118Kabba118over 4 years ago
Of COURSE that scene from the office explains my emotions right now:

Oh my GOD ok it's happening!!

Everybody stay calm

Everybody stay calm


Everybody just FUCKING CALM DOWN!

*sooooo ready for the next chapter*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
I'm done reading this

So Colin is only interested in Charlie when he thinks someone else wants him? Charlie has sat through numerous of Colins dick sucking stories and still respected Colin. Charlie hasn't been with anyone in months. Charlie's old friend Ben shows up and they all flip out on Charlie? Yo Charlie needs some new friends and he needs to forget about childish ass Colin.

AKA983AKA983almost 6 years ago

I.enjoy humm

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I Celebratory Colin Danced! the news of a new chapter tomorrow



P.S. Thanks for explaining about the editing process. I'm surprised it's so rigorous given the quality of some of the stories on here. I guess the bad ones take longer to read 🙄

MrsgnomieMrsgnomieabout 6 years agoAuthor

Yes, it’s true, once I submit it I have to wait for the website to publish it and it can take anywhere from three days to 11 days!

On a better note, it will be published tomorrow!! (Or 2:30am EST)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I used to have stories on Literotica and can tell you it's a pain in the arse sometimes. Sometimes they take over 9 days to actually publish it so this isn't Mrsgnomie's fault. We just have to be patient- she says ehilst checking back multiple times a day

judojonjudojonabout 6 years ago

so if nine is done where is 8 please your killing us . So need to see what you came up with as they have left the bar. thanks again

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
AZ Bartender

I just found your story and read through every chapter. Your writing is real and witty. The gym scene had me in stitches. I’m so stealing all the nick names you gave Shorty, specifically Twink McTrashy! Dead. Dead. Dead 😂😂😂 I’m glad I don’t have to wait for chapter 8 like everyone else!

AZ Bartender

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Torturous editors.

I've decided Literotica editors hate us. They honestly want to see us suffer 😩 I literally check back on this damn story about 8 times a day, why is it taking so damn long. It's a really unhealthy obsession. What have you created MrsGnomie!

MrsgnomieMrsgnomieabout 6 years agoAuthor

I’m submitting each chapter as the come back from my wonderful editor and I don’t dare rush his process. He’s half done with nine, so I imagine I’ll see it this week. There’s 11 chapters total.

You can search my name or the Still You Want Me and find all the stories in case you missed it in the new release section.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
But ......

When can we expect the final two chapters? I'm always scared I'm going to miss it in the new section.

I'm also surprised that work hasn't busted Colin yet.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Re: hmmm

I might have to avoid the internet altogether in order to avoid checking for updates to this story. :P

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Amazing chapter as always though I'm tempted to not check back for maybe a month, hopefully by then all chapters will be released and I can stop torturing myself with daily checking 😂

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