Stood Up, Up To The Hilt


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When I pulled out of her cum filled pussy she sighed contentedy and lifted her boobs. "I think you're beginning to know what I need before I do. It's so much more enjoyable if you suck these when you're doing me."

I pinched her nipple. "Well that's one thing we agree on, at least."

She grinned and hit me with the dirtiest laugh imaginable. "You're going to do that once too often mister, and I'll be forced to suck your brains out through your cock!"

"I'll bear that in mind," I leered "but right now I could eat a horse."

Mom prepared a light lunch, then using Glenda's recipe book as a guide, we packed all of the "unhealthy" food we had into a carton.

As an afterthought, she removed some of the more appetising ingredients. "This looks like being my last decent meal for a while, so it might as well be a good one." After preparing a rich casserole, she slipped it into the oven to cook, and we took the remainder to the local food bank to be used making meals for the needy.

By the time we had visited the supermarket to stock up on recommended foods like fish and white meats, before returning home, dinner was ready. I frowned but made no comment when she loaded her plate with far more than her usual serving. However, before she had eaten even half of it she pushed her plate away. "Might as well start now." She tipped the untouched portin back into the casserole dish, and divided it into plastic containers, which she placed into the freezer. "At least you'll be able to eat properly for a day or two," she told me ruefully.

A little while later Glenda rang to ask if we had replaced the unhealthy food, and ten minutes later she showed up with a cheap kitchen scale, and began to divide the purchases into individual portions - slightly larger ones for me. After bagging and labeling everything she packed it all into the freezer then left, giving us a list of vegetables that featured prominently in the recipe book.

Alone at last, Mom stretched out on the couch with her head on my lap, and thumbed the TV remote until she found an old movie she liked, then turned onto her side with her knees drawn up, and settled down to watch. Absent mindedly, I slipped a hand into the top of her dress and cupped her breast, not stroking or fondling, just appreciating the warm soft roundness.

When the movie finished she sat up and I yawned ostentatiously. "You go on up," she smiled. "I'll join you after I've been to the bathroom."

I leapt to my feet. "I'll beat you to it. I'll only be a couple of minutes. You take forever!"

I raced up the stairs before she could protest, and after taking a leak I refreshed my tackle, and went to her room, where I stripped and lay on her bed with the sheet pulled up to my waist. As usual, she took her time, but now she seemed to take longer than ever, so when I finally heard the bathroom door open and close, I decided to retaliate by teasing her a little. I watched through slitted eyes until she appeared in the doorway, then I let out a loud theatrical snore.

The mattress sagged as she climbed onto the bed beside me, "Surprise!"

I opened my eyes and gasped. "Christ, that's awesome!" I breathed, stroking her newly bald slit.

Mom pulled the sheet down to my feet as I pushed a finger into her pussy. "Don't say you weren't warned. Now get ready to lose your brains." she chuckled, leaning over and licking up and down my cock.

"I haven't even touched these yet." I protested, cupping her dangling tits.

"Really? What exactly have you been doing for the last couple of hours? And what are you doing now?" She threw a leg over me and pressed her hairless cunt to my mouth. "Now shut up and lick this! And take your punishment like a man!" she added, swooping to take my cock deep into her mouth.

"If this is her idea of punishment," I smiled to myself as I thrust to meet her, "I can think of sixty nine ways of getting up to mischief."

I licked her pussy as energetically as she sucked my cock, and when my cum gushed down her throat, it accelerated her own climax, until she was bouncing up and down on my face like Tigger, from the Winnie the Pooh children's stories. "My God, I could never get too much of that!" she panted as she came down from her high. I wasn't sure if she meant having her pussy licked or her mouth filled, or both, so I decided it was wiser to say nothing.

The next day, Monday, was back to the grindstone, and as I was leaving for work Glenda showed up to take Mom to the gym. My boss asked me to work overtime, so I arrived home a couple of hours later than usual. The two women were sitting on the couch chatting when I arrived home, but fell silent when I entered the room. They looked at each other and giggled, then Mom went into the kitchen to set my dinner on the table.

I looked dubiously at my plate. The portion of grilled chicken looked so much smaller than it had when Glenda packed it for the freezer, and smaller still compared to the huge heap of vegetables that comprised the rest of the meal. Still, I was hungry so I wolfed it down, telling myself that if Mom had to compromise, then it was only fair that I encourage her in her efforts to lose weight by doing the same. Besides, I could always make up for it by indulging in my preferred junk food at lunch times.

When I finished, I rejoined them, and for the first time since I came home I looked at our guest. She had exchanged her customary work leotard for a short black skirt, and a white blouse that showed a modest amount of cleavage. I dropped into the armchair facing the couch, pleased to realise as I did so that I had a perfect vantage point to look up her skirt if she turned towards me, although that was certainly not the reason I chose to sit there. It was purely a happy coincidence. There is no way of knowing if she had the same thought. All I can say is that she wore a faint smile as she and Mom kept their attention on the recipe book.

Hoping she wouldn't notice, I looked repeatedly but without success, and after almost an hour I gave up. I was thinking seriously of getting an early night, when Mom stood and picked up her coffee cup. "Anyone want a refill?"

"Good idea," I agreed. Glenda replied with a nod and watched as Mom headed for the kitchen.

As soon as the door closed behind her, Glenda grinned at me and opened her legs wide for maybe three seconds. My eyes nearly fell out as I stared at her tightly stretched beige panties, before she too stood up. "I'll give her a hand,"

It hadn't been long enough for me to make out the outline of her pussy. Not that it mattered, because my imagination filled in the missing details, so I decided to hang around a little longer in the hope of seeing more.

When she and Mom returned with the drinks, she avoided looking at me and sat primly, sipping her coffee and nodding occasionally at something Mom was saying. I was on the verge of going to bed, when she drained her cup and stood up. "I'd better be going, Steve will be wondering if I've left home."

Mom walked with her to the door, and when she returned she gestured with her head towards the stairs. "She came close to outstaying her welcome." She rolled her eyes and and tugged at the tie of her track pants.

Minutes later she was straddling me on the bed as I watched my cock disappear through her day old stubble, an instant before she pushed a hard nipple between my lips.

The first three months were sheer hell for her, and out of deference for her aching muscles, I scaled back on our fucking to two or three days a week. She wasn't too happy, but when she made me promise to let her suck my cock whenever she wanted, she gave in.

Gradually her body, and more importantly her mind adjusted to her new routine, and she actually began to enjoy and look forward to her workouts. Muscle replaced fat, and as her confidence grew, her painfully slow weight loss increased by the week. Thare was another milestone after the fifth month, when she felt confident enough to invest in a leotard, and after she modelled it for my approval, she tugged the crotch aside for me to fuck her through the leg opening.

Glenda continued to tease, but except for one occasion when I almost, but not quite, saw her nipple she was never as blatant as at first. Little by little I began to find it more amusing than enticing, and eventually, when she realised she wasn't getting the reactions or attention she wanted, she gave up.

It took about eight months of hard work and perseverance, until one day Mom emerged from her room with a smile a mile wide. "Look Billy," she beamed pirouetting triumphantly, "This is the smallest dress I have and it fits me again!" I hugged her proudly and suggested we go out to celebrate. After a moment's thought she nodded. "OK, but I couldn't have done it without Glenda and Steve, so it's only fair that we invite them too."

At Steve's suggestion we went to a restaurant with a five piece band and a small dance floor, where the owner greeted him like a long lost brother, and conducted us to a table far enough from the band to still hear them, and to carry out a conversation without shouting.

The waiter brought the menu, and Mom studied it longingly. "What am I allowed to have?"

I looked questioningly at Glenda, who smiled and nodded. "Anything you want Mom," I said. "You've earned it. Tonight is all about what pleases you and makes you happy."

She grinned and looked at the waiter. "I'd like to order the biggest steak you have, loaded with fries," she pointed at me. "For him, and I'll have a small steak with salad." I opened my mouth to protest, but she shook her head. "For the last eight months you've supported me by eating the same as me, so now it's your turn to have what you really like."

I thought it best not to mention all the junk food, like burgers and fries, pizzas, and fried chicken I'd had for my lunches, so I shrugged. Steve and Glenda placed their orders, and when our meals were served, along with a bottle of wine, compliments of the management, Mom and I lost no time in demolishing our first juicy steaks in almost a year.

As the waiter took away our empty plates, Steve rose and extended a hand to Mom. "I think it's time for a victory lap for my star client," he grinned, leading her on to the small dance floor. I had never seen her dance before - it hadn't exactly been my Dad's forte - and I was surprised how nimble she was. They stayed out on the floor for another two songs, and when they returned to the table, it was almost as though some fairy godmother had waved a magic wand. Mom was beaming, and had a spring in her step I hadn't seen since I was a child.

We finished the bottle of wine and ordered another, and for the rest of the evening I took turns with Steve dancing with Mom and Glenda. That is to say, they danced and I shuffled, because like many people I had two left feet, and mine seemed to be pointing backward.

When the second bottle was almost empty, I was sitting with Glenda watching the others gliding around the floor, and she remarked "They dance well together." I nodded agreement, then she floored me by adding, a little to casually, "You do know Steve wants to fuck her?"

It took me a few seconds to recover my composure enough to respond, choosing my words carefully. "The only thing that concerns me is her happiness, so if that's what it takes, then so be it.."

She looked at me in surprise. "Doesn't it bother you that Steve wants to move in on your territory?"

I looked at her sharply. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You don't have to pretend," she said calmly. "She told me how you tried to seduce her, and how she lay awake all night wishing she hadn't stopped you, although by all accounts you both more than made up for it since." She had described so precisely what had happened that I knew she was telling the truth, and I was lost for words. After a short pause she said thoughtfully, "I suppose in a way that might explain why you never made a play for me, although heaven knows I gave you enough encouragement. That is until I realised you weren't interested, so I gave up."

I could have kicked myself for having misread the situation so badly. "It wasn't lack of interest," I said carefully. "I just don't like being teased."

She looked hurt. "I wasn't teasing, I was offering."

I pointed to the gold band on the third finger of her left hand. "And there was that. I don't take other men's wives."

This time she laughed. "That's to deter serial pests. For some strange reason society frowns on brothers marrying their sisters."

Before her admission could sink in, Steve and Mom returned. Taking his seat, Steve glanced at Glenda with a raised eyebrow, and ordered a fresh bottle of wine. When it arrived, he took it before the waiter could uncork it, and stood up. "How about we finish the party at our place?"

"That's the best night out I've had in years," Mom sighed as I drove towards home.

"Same here," I agreed, then trying to sound casual, I asked, "Did you know that Steve and Glenda are brother and sister?"

"Of course I knew," she replied. "I've always known. In part that's what helped me find the courage to let you do me."

"In that case I have a lot to thank them for. There was something else too. Glenda told me Steve wants to fuck you."

"Oh?" Her tone was guarded. "What did you say to that?"

"I told her what I always tell you. The only thing that I'm interested in is your happiness. If Steve fucking you makes you happy, then I'm all for it. The big question is do you want it?"

There was a long pause before she answered. "I don't know. Maybe. I'm really not sure. He's already seen what I have, or at least most of it."

"Oh? Only think? When? How?"

"Yesterday. He was checking that everyone had left before he locked up. I was getting changed out of my sweaty leotard, and he walked in on me as I was pulling my briefs up. I know he saw my breasts, but I can't be sure about my pussy."

I shouldn't have asked, but it came out before I could stop it. "What did you do? Were you embarrassed?"

"If it had happened a few months ago," she said frankly, "I would have been mortified, but lately I've grown proud of my new figure, so I let him look. After all, I wouldn't have it if it hadn't been for him."

"Did you like him looking at you? Did he try to touch you?" I persisted.

"Yes and no. As I said, I'm proud of my figure, so yes, I like being looked at, and no, he's far too professional to mess around with clients."

By now I was pulling into the driveway at home, and locking the car, we went next door, where Glenda was just turning the key in the lock. Once inside their house, Steve poured wine for the ladies, and took a couple of beers from the fridge for himself and me. Mom seemed a little edgy when he sat beside her on one of a matching pair of two seater couches, positioned at right angles facing the TV.

Glenda and I took the other, and she took a sip of her wine and nudged me. "Wait for it," she whispered, with a sideways glance at her brother. "Any minute now."

It took more than a minute, but just as Glenda had anticipated, Steve took a sip of his beer and looked down at Mom's breasts. "Were you OK with me seeing those yesterday?"

Now that the subject had been raised, she seemed to relax. "Yes, of course, why?"

He replied with his customary forthrightness. "Because I'd like to see them again."

I wasn't expecting her response, but after our conversation in the car I wasn't surprised. She looked at me nervously, and when I smiled she nodded her head. "OK then." She closed her eyes and leaned back as he unbuttoned the top of her dress, drawing in a deep breath when his mouth covered her nipple.

Glenda couldn't hide her excitement as she squeezed my hand. "It's going to happen! He'll feel her pussy now." she whispered. "Oh God! This is exactly the way he did with me the first time he fucked me! I'd always liked him sucking my tits, but it wasn't until he started feeling my pussy for the first time that I realised that subconsciously, I had always wanted him to do what I was now certain was about to happen. When he took off my panties and put his hard cock inside me I was over the moon!"

Just as predicted, Steve slipped his hand under Mom's skirt. "Let's go find somewhere more comfortable." Almost before the words were out, she was on her feet and heading for the stairs with Steve hard on her heels.

"I told you!" Glenda exulted. "I knew she wouldn't be able to resist!"

"Yeah," I agreed. "I had the same thoughts in the car when I asked her if she wanted to. She said she wasn't sure, and that usually means she does."

She stood up abruptly and pulled me to my feet. "Come on, I want to see this!"

I needed no persuasion, and we took the stairs two at a time, reaching the bedroom just in time to hear Mom gasp, "Now Steve, Now!"

They had been too impatient to undress properly, and Mom was leaning over the bed, her panties pushed down to her knees and her skirt up around her waist, whilst Steve, with his pants around his ankles, grasped her dangling tits as he drove into her. It felt a bit weird seeing my Mom's cunt filled with another man's cock, but she was so obviously enjoying it that I couldn't have been happier for her.

I felt something being pressed into my hand, and I looked down in surprise at Glenda's briefer than brief panties - no more than a tiny triangle of lace, connected to an only slightly larger triangle of satin, by an inch and a half wide strip soaked in her pussy juice. I had been so absorbed in watching my Mom being fucked, that I hadn't noticed Glenda taking them off. Stuffing them into my pocket, I turned to her and gaped. She had taken advantage of my distraction to remove more than just her briefs, and she was wearing only a smile and her short black skirt.

Almost mesmerised, I watched my hands lift themselves to stroke her high firm tits, as she pulled up her skirt to reveal her pussy, before she unfastened my pants and squeezed my throbbing boner. "Do you want to use this on me, or are we going to waste it?"

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MorbidromanticMorbidromanticalmost 2 years ago

Adding Glenda and Steve also killed the story for me.

cageysea9725cageysea9725almost 2 years ago

I guess 1 is "a number" of your works published, but "a number of" is rather misleading.

That aside, I still don't believe you, neither the professionally published nor the modest success. I can extrapolate from your 1 being a number of, that your modest success was maybe half a dozen sales.

Your stats aren't impressive at all, especially considering you left off the really important one: less than 25% of them were well enough received to garner "Hot" status.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago
adding steve and glenda

killed the story for me...1 star

rufriterrufriteralmost 2 years agoAuthor


If you weren't so up yourself, you would have the courtesy to check my history, and see that over the past decade or more, I have had 57 of my works published in Literotica alone, and have 659 followers.

Although I no longer wish to have my writing published in book form, before I discovered Literotica I did have a period novelette, set during the Napoleonic Wars, published professionally, with modest success.

You claim that you no longer write for free, from which I can only assume that you only visit Literotica to polish your own over inflated ego by canning, and heaping scorn on, the efforts of those you consider your inferiors.

cageysea9725cageysea9725almost 2 years ago

Sorry Rough Writer, I don't write for free anymore, but even if I did, your story isn't worth writing over. You claim you've had "a number" (zero is a number, just for your information, which I actually do believe in that context) of your works published. That's what I don't believe. Not for a second. Except I do, if that number is zero.

rufriterrufriteralmost 2 years agoAuthor

Anonymousabout 23 hours ago

You asked "Do betas really need wank material? Can't they just walk into a gay bar and offer to suck the next available dick?"

I can only say that you know your own tastes best.

rufriterrufriteralmost 2 years agoAuthor

cageysea9725 For what it's worth, my username is a variation of "Rufus" a nickname I used on another social medium many years ago, which in turn was a phonetic version of "Roof Us," because at the time I was a professional roofing contractor.

As for your criticism of my writing style, I write for my own amusement. If others like it, all well and good, if not that's their problem. I have no wish for my work to be published in book form.

As the saying goes, "Those who can, do, those who can't, criticise," so if, and I repeat, "IF," you are the expert you seem to think you are, please feel free to rewrite it yourself.

homerjayhomerjayalmost 2 years ago

abrupt end, even if this is just part 1.

cageysea9725cageysea9725almost 2 years ago

Can I assume your username is descriptive of how you know you write? Rough writer -- you do write roughly. That makes it a bad experience to read, yet you seem to take pride in that fact.

I don't believe your bio. This garbage would have to have been totally re-written for any publisher to spend the money to put it in a book and market it. In general, anyone who has something actually published (other than self-published), has to have an imagination. I don't see you being in possession of one of those, based on this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I liked it all the way. If you're "up" for it, another chapter or two would be good!

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