Storm and Stone Ch. 02


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Rawn glanced down at Amevina and gave himself a mental shake. He had a drop-dead-gorgeous elf in his arms that had given herself to him after less than a day out of captivity. He had made friends of beings that everything he knew screamed in his head should want to eat him. As if that were not enough, there was also her gift of the armor, his physical and mystical enhancements and, to top it all off... he had been made a noble by virtue of his betrothal to this lovely creature who currently rested against his chest. Asshole much?, he asked himself, You got no right to be pissy. Confused maybe, but not pissy. This is a fucking silver spoon you just got handed, and you're sitting here sulking because of some perceived slight of the goddamned universe. Get over yourself man!

For a brief moment, he entertained the excuse that his three best friends had also dropped their own bombshell of dating a jinn, a naga, and a succubus, on top of the rest. Arawn drew a deep breath and sighed, then shoved the bullshit notion into oblivion. Amevina leaned up and kissed his chin.

"Is everything okay?"

Once she saw that smile from yesterday, he no longer needed to answer.

He did not know that, so she got one anyway, "Yeah, just had to shake off that foul mood from earlier. I've still got to talk to you and the captains about what Ray told me on the phone, too."

"Can you tell me now?"

Arawn nodded, "Time does not flow the same between Earth and Terrock. One minute on Earth is one day, here. For example, if we figure out a way to move things from my world to yours... any request I make for something from Earth could take months if not years, provided it takes him longer than a day to acquire."

Amevina sat up at the news, concerned, Arawn did as well.

"How did the two of you discover this, Arawn?"

"Our phones have built-in clocks as well as calendars. Ray was a bit shocked that I told him I'd call him back tomorrow only to have his phone ring again less than a minute later. From there, we looked at the clocks and worked out a pretty good estimate of one day here for one minute there, based on the fact that I called him earlier in the day today than he called me yesterday."

"Hmm, yes. That could prove to be problematic. We will have to hope that your friends and their ladies can find a way to send things, possibly even themselves, here."

"Yeah. That might not prove as difficult as I first thought, either," Arawn told her with a sigh.

"I don't understand why that bothers you, Arawn. Is receiving aid earlier than hoped not a cause for celebration?"

He nodded, "In that context, yes it is. I'm not upset in that sense of the word, though. I just got another shock. Ray told me about the other women. Neither of their races are supposed to exist on my world, or at all really... outside of myth and legend. Ray's dating a succubus that he bound... somehow. Ethan freed a family of Jinn and got a girlfriend fo..."

Amevina noted that if she gasped much more today, people would begin to suspect that she had breathing problems.

"Demons and Jinn and the language of the Elders? Just who are you, Rawn?"

He laughed, "Well, until I got sucked here I thought I was just a normal person from my planet, if a bit on the weird side."

She could not help but laugh with him. She was unsure what kind of answer she expected to a question like that, anyway.

"Well, whoever and whatever you are, I am glad you are here. Who knows what might have happened last night, had you not been here to notice what you did. It was obvious that Captain Grokan was a target, but who else? The assassin told us much, Arawn. They expected a response to the attack that would attempt to liberate us, that much was certain.

"You were also correct that they were spies, my dear man. They had been living in Frostleaf for three decades, completely undetected. They arrived as refugees. They have now forced us to question the allegiance of every human that ever left Vaszul territory in search of sanctuary. That information has already been dispatched to our allies across the continent.

"You gave us that, Arawn Stonebrook. Do not forget it. Now, tell me of the third lady that has claimed the heart of one of your friends," she finished.

"Mike's married to a Naga."

"That's the ancestral name of the Hassiriin," she whispered in shock.

Arawn rolled his eyes, "Oh boy." He flopped back onto the bedroll and sighed, "So, you're telling me that the lizard people you call the Hassiriin and the Naga of my world might be one and the same?"

"I... I must admit, Rawn, that is the only likely conclusion that I can foresee."

"You know, Amevina, this is all just too coincidental now. I'm starting to wonder if maybe your Elders originated on my world and somehow came here at some point."

Amevina looked thoughtful for a moment, "It is quite possible... or humans migrated from this world to yours."

"Yep, that's another strong possibility as well. There's definitely a connection somewhere, between the humans of my world and your Elders, that much is certain. That I see their glyphs in your magic, and can use them with my abilities are proof to the fact."

Arawn stood up and walked over to the armor mannequin and regarded his gift from Amevina. He ran a finger over the finely tooled details of the shoulders and spoke.

"I really cannot get over how finely crafted this leather is. I'd love to meet the maker."

Amevina smiled at him from the bedroll, "I'm sure that can be arranged. I designed the suit and made the enchantments, but my father worked and tooled the leather."

"Ah, well, let's hope he likes his new son-in-law."

Amevina enjoyed how he kept her laughing. She had not failed to notice the change that came over him when situations required more, but still, there was something, a quality to him that just seemed constrained. Even as he stood and studied his armor while engaged in casual conversation with her.

No, she thought, contained is a more accurate word. I wonder how deeply the experiences he told me about have truly affected him. I've only ever seen that kind of resolve in hardened soldiers and combat mages, but when he relaxes it is like he has never known bloodshed at all.

She returned her attention to the man she had to admit she was coming to love, despite all his surprises. Amevina had to admit to herself, she had not smiled or laughed this much in quite a long time. She decided that she was glad of it; his casual charm and sense of humor left her feeling like a young girl again, giddy in the throes of her first crush.

She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of his voice, "I still cannot get over how comfortable this armor is, especially without undergarments. I've never been able to go freeball in anything before... just couldn't get comfy. These cup the package just right."

Amevina shook her head in amusement at the fact that she had gotten so lost in her thoughts that she failed to notice him don the armor.

"I'll be certain to pass the compliment on to my father," she laughed.

He left the weapons on their racks for the time being. His pack was already loaded back up. Arawn had done that earlier while he waited for the trio to finish up with the prisoner, on the estimation that he was likely going somewhere either way... to Lake Home, or out on his ass. The only thing he left out of the pack was his phone and the solar charger, which sat just in range of the light that shone through the tied-open door flap of his tent. With nothing left to do but wait, he walked back over to the bedroll and sat next to Amevina.

"So, what are your parents' names?"

"Well, my father is General Talisinar Swiftwind, Lord Marshal of the Armies of the Northern Oaks. My mother is the Matron Lady Cille'rinia Auvrile'autur, and she is one of the eight Matrons of the Council of the Lake," she explained.

"Oh my, that's going to be interesting."

"Then why does your tone suggest that you feel the exact opposite, my fiance"

"Irony. I'm actually going to be about as comfortable as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs."

Some of his humor might be confusing, but Amevina definitely understood that joke and rewarded him with the laughter he loved so much.

"Amevina, do you have time to teach me the teleport spell to Lake Home?"

"I've known you for exactly one day in which we have been able to speak, and already, I recognize that look. What are you planning, Rawn?"



It was mid-afternoon by the time the excitement from earlier had died down enough to gather the rescuees and their possessions, and get them to the clearing outside of camp. Grok would accompany them and Captain Dakkrig would be left in charge of the two inbound squads and their charges, as well as the coordination of the new fort that would be constructed at the campsite once the current mission had been completed. Arawn had learned that Kem'erra was in the personal employ of Amevina, and that she had instructed the healer to remain with Captain Dakkrig to help speed things along when the others arrived. Rawn was curious how Kem'erra had managed to avoid capture, and could not resist the question.

"I left her back in Lake Home. She was working on some inoculation draughts for several friends of mine who are expecting children. They strengthen the mother's health throughout the entire process and also ensure that the child begins its life with a healthy start," she explained.

"Ah, I see," he answered as he looked around. "Well, it looks like everyone is finally ready. Shall we do this?"

"Yes, let's."

With that, she reached over and took Arawn's hand while he took a knee and placed the palm of his free hand to the ground. He reached into the pit of his stomach and pushed outward with his will, still amazed by the new functions his gift possessed in this world, and Arawn marvelled as he made a tiny, gentle connection with each one. He did so while he carefully worked through the spell she had taught him in his mind. Once he felt the spell lock itself into place and await the final step, Arawn nodded to Amevina.

"Okay honey, just like I showed you in the tent. Bring up that park in your mind, and focus on all the happiest memories you have from there, then hold it for me until I let go of your hand."

Amevina nodded and closed her eyes. Arawn slowly stood and maintained the connection, then stretched out his hand in front of him and focused on the elation that radiated from his elf. That thought almost distracted him, would have, if not for the sudden appearance of the beautiful courtyard park that she loved so much. When he locked the image into his mind and pushed it into the spell, a torrent of energy poured from his hand... completely visible to all, and formed into the largest portal any of them had seen. By Rawn's estimation, he could have fit two semi-trucks side by side in the thing with room to spare for maybe a motorcycle or two. A magic motorcycle... No, stop it, he chided himself, you're gonna fuck up the spell. He released Amevina's hand and turned to the crowd with a smile.

"Stonebrook Transportation Service, at your disposal. Step through the portal and complete your journey back to freedom, my friends!"

Nobody moved.

"What?" Still nothing. Rawn palmed his face, "Oh for shit's fuckin sake, it's not going to eat you. Its a portal, not a dragon's mouth!"

"Quivering idiots," Nudjik mumbled as he stomped through the portal. After a few moments, he stalked back through and into the camp.

"There," he shouted. "Through and back, and I'm obviously still alive! Now move!"

Arawn snorted and smirked at Amevina, "If only it were always that simple."

Grok laughed and patted Arawn on the back as he headed for the portal, "Too many surprises, my new friend. Too many surprises...," and he was gone.

Rawn looked to Amevina and gestured to the portal with a bow, "Ladies first."

She laughed and walked through. Arawn donned the mask and pulled the hood over his head and followed his betrothed through the portal, where it closed behind him.


Arawn almost fell to the ground on the other side from disorientation. It was the single most bizarre and unsettling experience in his life. He felt as though he had walked through a wall of flowing water that penetrated his body and into his very soul. When he finally regained his equilibrium and looked around, he was so awestruck that he had to remind himself to breathe.

He had stepped through the portal and into what his mind could only translate as a replica of the Garden of Eden... if elves had built it, of course. It was the most beautifully landscaped garden-orchard he had ever seen. Fruit trees of all varieties dotted the landscape, and here and there he could see a random elf pick a fruit and enjoy the snack during his casual wanderings. Until they stepped through the portal, that was.

Now all eyes were on them, and a group of guards seemed to be coming their way from a set of buildings that were no less inspiring than the gardens. Clear walls were framed by wood.

"Amevina, are those walls made of glass," Arawn asked.

She shook her head in the negative, "They are the crystalline products of an alchemical process. The material is as tough as stone. We call it, Alchacite." she explained.

It was yet another thing that amazed him. He finally noticed that the wood had not been cut or milled, and nailed into place... it had been grown, in place. There were no planks, no posts. Everywhere wood should be in the construction, there was a tree whose trunk had been shaped into place and allowed to grow so that the canopy sheltered the glass ceilings. Even the roofs of the buildings had no rafters, the branches of the trees had been carefully selected at the proper height and incorporated into the structure. How they got the limbs to not grow upward as the trunk did so was beyond his reckoning. The beauty of their architecture was simply astounding, and everywhere that he looked beyond the boundaries of the park, he saw more buildings in the same style, some were even constructed high in the air using the same techniques. He pointed to one such building.

"Those must be the trees that you were talking about when you told me how the orcs developed that technique you use to reinforce the trunks."

"Yes," Amevina told him, "that is correct. How did you know which ones?"

"Well, I've seen what the weather on my world can do to trees even that size, so with the extra weight of a building pulling down on those trunks from the limbs, I figured they would be the ones to need the extra strength. I also figured the smaller trees incorporated into the ground-level buildings didn't need it because you probably reinforce them through magical means. Must be impractical for the larger trunks."

"Your insight is impressive, Arawn."

"Thanks, but... not really. I told you yesterday that I'm wealthy, and how I got started, but I never told you how I made my money. On Earth... Ethan, Mike, Ray, and I are partners in a construction firm with my Uncle Kieran. We build homes. It's my job to know those things. Everything else is just personal enrichment despite the fact that I studied it as higher education."

"Ah, I understand. Still, do not ignore that it is good work. The bonds that form beneath the roof of a home are only made possible by the hands that built it."

Arawn smiled and took her hand. The guards were almost there.

"I think we have company."

Amevina nodded and the pair grouped with Grok, Vorsah, and Ke'line at the head of the crowd. It had just dawned on Arawn that he looked like a medieval ninja when he noticed that six days of facial hair now rubbed against the inside of his mask.

"Oh shit," he grunted.

Amevina turned to Rawn, "What's wrong?"

"I forgot to shave back at camp."

Vorsah and Grok belted out hearty laughter and Vorsah patted him on the shoulder.

"You're human, Rawn, and we just spent almost a week imprisoned. I think they'll make an exception should you be found in breach of protocol, my friend," Vorsah told him.

"Says the man who could shave with a butter knife," Arawn muttered.

They were still laughing when the five guards arrived and came to attention with a crisp salute. Arawn was impressed by the styling and construction of their armor. Gleaming shirts of polished steel scales reflected the abundant sunlight, and solid plate shoulders rounded off the upper half of the armor, while plated leather skirting surrounded their waists. Their legs were clad in solid plate greaves that stopped at the knee, and completed by heavy, black leather boots that covered the calf and provided mobility in combat. They carried no shields, and well crafted swords hung on each side of their waists. Captain Grokan stepped forward and responded with an orc salute.

"Captain Grokan tag-Gurogg nug-Trazzak returning with the Lady Amevina, Lord Vorsah, Lady Ke'line, Lord Arawn Stonebrook - Chosen Betrothed of Lady Amevina Auvrile'autur, and the first half of the refugees from Frostleaf."

The eyes of the elf guards widened in excitement and all five dropped into a kneel, then rose and saluted Amevina and company once more.

"Lady Amevina! Lord Vorsah! It is so good to have you all back! Your mother has been inconsolable since your abduction. We must take you to the council chambers at once to announce your return!"

The guards had been so excited that they had not even noticed the engagement that had been announced quite clearly to their ears. So it was, in total ignorance of the new situation at hand, they guided everyone straight to the aforementioned destination without further inquiry or interest.

Even Amevina was surprised, however, when they were left alone in the center of the receiving hall by the guards who dashed away down the corridors.

"Judging from the looks on your faces, I take it that happens a lot around here?"

Arawn's sarcasm was not missed, and Grok chuckled, "Yes, generally when we bring home strangers who have fallen through mysterious portals from other worlds. Happened again just last week, now that you mention it."

Everyone enjoyed a laugh at the pair's banter, and after a few minutes, the sounds of hurried footsteps rang out through the corridors. Arawn stepped back when he heard the footsteps break out into a dead run and turned to face the sound just in time to see a pair of elves sweep Amevina, Vorsah, and Ke'line into their arms. The two new elves were dressed almost identically to the three returning rescuees, but their outfits were adorned with far more lavish embroidery, even gems around the neckline of the female.

Arawn had already discerned that it was their parents, and patiently waited for the celebration to die down a bit as a warm smile crept across his lips. When things finally did calm down, Amevina cleared her throat.

"Mother, Father, I'm sure you recognize the armor standing before you. Allow me to introduce to you my betrothed, Arawn Stonebrook, of a world called Earth."

Rawn took a step forward and removed his mask and pulled back the hood, the warm smile still on his face.

"Hi mom. Hi dad."

Author's Note: I know this chapter is a lot shorter, but it just felt like a good place. Also, I have decided on a bi-weekly posting schedule for now, as that will give me plenty of time to write, tweak, and edit the chapters. Might even get ahead a few chapters, too. ;) As always, thanks for reading and enjoy the ride!


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TheLordWinterTheLordWinterover 5 years agoAuthor

Arawn is the 42 year old empath, not me. Just realized how I worded that.

TheLordWinterTheLordWinterover 5 years agoAuthor

Just realized I never really addressed the comments about his knowledge. I apologize, I got caught up in the other and lost track.

At face value, he does seem like an expert in a lot of things. He's really not. He does have three degrees from college, and you'll see them come into play directly, but I have always thought that it's amazing how much general information you can find online. It's actually something I do as a hobby, and as a result I'm generally chock full of useless tidbits of information that isn't good for much other than a couple declarations of "Oh, that's cool" in a conversation. It made me think about how much practical knowledge we take for granted every single day of our lives.

Real Empaths, if you believe in the supernatural, have an extremely difficult time in our world if you think about what they're bombarded with. Most will tell you that they can't shield or otherwise block it out. Until about 2000, there wasn't much you could find anywhere, even on the internet, about what the Empathic sense even was. In my mind, I see the most successful of them in our world today as self-made. If you look around at the accounts, most will tell you it's a curse and not a gift. They just want it to stop. It drives them to seek ways of controlling it, and in its own way, forces a deep spiritual education on the people it affects directly. From my studies, I see Empathy as a bridge to every other aspect of the supernatural. It just seems that emotion is the underlying force behind it all. Spells require force of will, desire is a powerful emotion, and easily propels the will into action. It goes even deeper than that, but I'm not going to write another book here. lol. Still, my writing reflects my beliefs in that department, and as a successful 42 year old empath of no small skill by Earthly standards, I can't see him not having a grasp of much of the fundamentals of magic before the other factors come into play.

While Grok kicked around in my head and protested his imprisonment long before Storm & Stone was ever birthed in any form, I wondered about these things, and how much of an effect they might have on the function of magic. Arawn Stonebrook, Raiden Bane, Ethan Glade, and Michael Satko are the end result.

So, while you wonder about how he came across some of the knowledge he has, hop over to youtube and see for yourself just how easy it can be to understand some of the fundamentals of things like quantum physics and cymatics, and how those might be applied to magic by a keen mind, even if that mind doesn't have a formal education in the field. You might just be surprised, I know I was when it first occurred to me, and I got the inspiration from elsewhere.

Hope this helps, and thanks for reading!


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Gary Sue

Im must agree with Guen about the pitfall of Arawn being a expert in all those fields. Its like he can do anything as if he is Q from Startrek, without being super annoying.

Even the elf falls in love with im in 5 seconds...

The time dilation with direct phonecall also seems over the top.

But... I also like the story and where it goes

TheLordWinterTheLordWinterover 5 years agoAuthor

His powers are actually something that I struggled with. Since the very beginning, I've had a clear vision of what I wanted Arawn to be able to accomplish. That is part of the reason I designed the multiverse that I've named Eternity's Fold. Metaphysical Empathy (as opposed to simply being able to empathize with someone) is a little understood phenomena. Thanks to the internet, there is a lot more known, but it is still a big question mark in a lot of important ways.

I have to state up front that Arawn is nowhere near as overpowered as he seems. A Patreon subscriber compared him to Saitama in One Punch Man. That's very accurate and I am taking a similar approach to this. Rather than have him bored, you are going to see the world grow to meet him. Terrock is absolutely enormous world, and Athul is about half the width of Asia. It's not even the largest continent on the planet. He might be the biggest dog in his little corner, but he's a puppy in a field, still growing into his paws and there are grown dogs everywhere.

In chapters 2 and 3, you see him start to understand a little more about what it is he can do.

For the time dilation, there is a variable there which you haven't yet put your finger on. I can't say just yet, because Arawn has not figured it out, himself. I will say that the phone is a key piece of the puzzle for him, in understanding just what exactly has happened to him and how everything ties together. The specifics will come out in chapter 4, I've almost written myself up to that scene. I can say this much: Magic, Science, and Empathic Ability are all separate, but linked in Eternity's Fold.

I can't say too much about the development of the other characters without giving away chapter 4, except that they start to get their bearings and step up.

Finally, act one covers his arrival, and that draws to a close with chapter 4. I'm going to do my best to make sure I answer the most important questions while leaving a few mysteries for you good folks to chew on going forward. One thing to remember, there are four books in this series, and at least one of them will run parallel to this one for a significant portion of time, probably two of them. Some questions will get answered in the other books. I can say a little more about that when you've read chapter 3. Since we're in the comments for #2, I don't want to drop spoilers for anyone catching up.

Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed response. You were not as harsh as you thought, your points were clear and I did not find them terse. You enjoyed things, but were concerned about others, I get it.

If I've missed anything, feel free to point it out and we can discuss what I am able to in more detail.

Thanks again,


GuenhwyvarGuenhwyvarover 5 years ago
Well written, if a touch rushed

An interesting continuation of your first chapter, though it does leave me with some questions: first of all, it seems that time travels at different speeds between the two worlds, though not while they’re talking to each other. If a minute on Earth truly was a day, then it would be next to impossible to call/FaceTime. Texting I could understand, though with significant delay.

Chalking up the time dilation to magic, my biggest critique is that so far Arawn is skilled at everything. Sword fighting, fist fighting, blacksmithinng, musician, architectect/builder, empath, etc. It makes it difficult to empathize with the character when all of the challenges he’s come up against so far have been, at best, easy. Making him super strong? Sure, maybe gravity is stronger on earth or some such. Increasing his magical abilities on par with Merlin? Totally buy into it considering his magical entry into the world. I don’t want to seem to critical, as you do give a reasonable explanation for each of his skills as they become relevant, but please keep don’t make Arwan more ‘overpowered’ than he already his.

On to some of your better writing, you are doing a great job in creating emotional depth in Arwan in particular, his mannerisms are already starting to be developed. However due to the speed that all of these events seem to be happening, it hasn’t given you the same luxury of developing your supporting characters to the same level. I understand that given the time of war, having such a strong ally appear out of thin air would be fantastic, and would lead to not asking too many hard questions. That being said, given how known assasins and spies are relatively well entrenched, I’d be surprised if the ‘higher ups’ will be as willing to place complete trust in, what eventually amounts to, a complete stranger. Yes he’s freakishly strong, gifted, and bonded with your daughter, but what if all of this was an elaborate trap to gain audience with, and assasinate the king/Queen? Trust needs to be earned, and though his new friends will vouch for him, I hope it isn’t that easy.

I realize that I’m coming off harsher than I intended to, and for that I apologize. I thoroughly enjoyed the chapter, which is why I am going through the effort of what I hope to be constructive criticism. Overall it was a very good chapter, and I hope to see you continue to improve as you continue to write. If this is in fact your first attempt at writing, then I will be even more impressed, though it may just be your first submission to Literotica.

At the end of the day however, this is your story, and take my thoughts with a grain of salt. You’re the author, doing something I could never do, and you do it well.

I’ll be looking forward to reading your next submission,



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