Stormwatch - The Love Boat


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Veronica looked around to see if they were being listened to the said softly, "Josh and I are thinking about having a baby...shhhhh! We're still thinking."

"I can't help you there," said Kim-ly with a shrug.

"I know, but if we do have a baby, I need someone to talk to. My mom and sister left dad and myself, my stepmom is 21 years old, and my best friend has a governess, I need someone with experience to talk to."

Kim-ly hugged Veronica and said, "for you I'll do it, and a premature Welcome to the Moms Club. You said that there's two things I need to know."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, it's about last night, on the boat. I saw you watching and I want you to know that I don't mind."

"I... oh god I'm so embarrassed. I fell asleep in the lounger and woke up and you guys were..."

"No, it's ok, I kind of have an exhibitionist streak. All those years as a model and I never showed a boob, never! But now that I have a man that can fuck my eye teeth loose, it kind of turns me on knowing that someone can see me. I don't know if it's from years of modeling and being the upfront girl for any company I worked for, but there it is."

"That's sick!" said Kim-ly feigning shock. "I love it!" then with a sly grin she added, "You guys should sell tickets."

The men were gathered in the bar room of the Atherton's house. The girls had their beach, the guys had a cigar bar. Even though the bar room was wide open front and back, it still had the proper gloom of a bar where whiskey was sipped, cigars were smoked, and deals were made. This night there were no deals to be made, when military men gathered the talk always turned to their stories. The Navy calls them Sea Stories, the Army calls them War Stories, and the Air Force calls them Bullshit, but if a veteran has nothing else, he has his stories.

The men talked about military bases that they had been stationed at in the past, the things they did, and the stupid shit that went on all around them. Don and Josh both worked on airplanes, but Don could only work on fighters while Josh could work on any airplane that carried and delivered weapons. Paul was a surgeon and normally only went to large hospitals, he occasionally was able to get a tour as a flight surgeon with a flying unit, but only at a base with a hospital that could use his skills. Kenny was Army intelligence and couldn't talk about most of the things he did and saw.

"I had this new kid with three private pilot classes under his belt who thought he was going to step into the Air Force and they were going to recognize his glory and ask if he would like to fly the airplane instead of loading bombs," Josh shook his head at the memory of that guy. "I was a new team chief, but I knew the B-52 inside and out. We're loading live 500-pound bombs for one damn thing or another, fifty-one bombs per airplane and this kid was fin walking. Not exactly Steven Hawking stuff, all he had to do was hold the bomb tail fins and walk next to the bomb lift truck and hopefully he wouldn't let a bomb drop."

"He dropped a bomb," said Don taking a sip of his beer.

"Big time. The bomb lift truck was backing up and the kid stopped for some reason, but he held onto the bomb fins as the truck backed away from him and the bomb slid right off the lift-arms and hit the ramp. Damn thing bounced back up about two feet..."

"What did you do?"

Veronica came up behind and said in a bad southern accent, "I took my happy ass up to the personnel office and volunteered for gunships where I could be safe from that kid!" She slid into Josh's lap and commandeered his beer.

"Yeah, just like that," chuckled Josh as he kissed Veronica.

"We need to go. We have sailing lessons in the morning. The Campbells challenged us to a race around the island."

"I did...?" asked Don innocently as Lanh and Kim-ly appeared at Don's shoulders and whined in his ears in unison.

"Haw-neee? I want to learn to sail."

"I guess there's a race in my future," sighed Don.


The honeymooners walked back to their beach hut hand in hand until halfway to the hut Veronica stopped and took off her bikini top. "Now you take it off?" chuckled Don.

"I'm like Lanh, I'm uncomfortable with taking my top off in front of other people."

"But you don't mind if people watch us make love."

"Not all the time but yes. I'm not showing off, they're sneaking a peek and to me there's a difference. I know it's weird, but it's me."

Josh took Veronica in his arms and held her close, reveling in the feel of her breasts against his bare chest. "It's another part of you that I love."

Arriving at the hut Veronica dug something out of her purse and patted the mattress for Josh to sit down next to her. It was a hot evening, and a gentle cooling breeze was wafting in from the ocean, a perfect one sheet night for sleeping, why couldn't summer nights be like this in Buffalo? Buffalo was always hot and humid, so muggy that fog would set in. And it was stifling, the air would never move, like a particularly foul fart at a party, it just hung there daring you to breath.

The night was the perfect summer night, the hurricane chimney covered candles flickered gently in their private hut, the new moon was setting over the ocean and they would be conquering in sail boats tomorrow. Between them on the bed lay Veronica's birth control pill dispenser. "I've been taking them for twenty years," she said softly.

"We don't have to do this, if you feel safe with those pills, then just keep taking them."

"I do feel safe taking them, but I feel safer in your arms... this is going to change everything..." she bit her lower lip as doubt started to enter in her mind.

"For me everything changed when you asked me "does anyone call you Effi?" said Josh softly as his fingertips stroked her hand. Those were some of the first words she ever said to him. "I was prepared to live out my life alone in an old boy scout campground, preparing to be that grouchy old man that parents warn their kids about. Then you smiled at me, and my whole world changed in an instant, terrifying but entrancing... I can't wait to see what is next."

She realized that it would take a month or more for her body to throw off the hormones and allow her to conceive, what if they're too old? Then she thought of her father and Josh taking care of little Mike, all three loving every minute of it. Taking a shuddering breath she said, "We can do this, right?"

"I believe that we can do anything if we do it together."

She nodded and tossed the pill dispenser in the trash can. "You're right, we can." In an instant everything changed, it felt like she was truly naked for the first time in twenty years, naked and vulnerable and even more in love with Josh than she thought possible.

Josh stood and offered his hand to Veronica like he was asking her to dance. She demurely rose and he led her out to the dock and as he did, he turned on a blue tooth speaker and commanded his phone to "Play Etta Jones, At Last." The air filled with the silky sound of a dozen violins playing a sweet intro, and Etta began to sing,

At last, my love has come along ... My lonely days are over ... And life is like a song...

Veronica melted into Don's arms, and they slowly danced naked on the dock in the starlight savoring the feel of each other's body. "I don't think I've ever felt this much in love with anyone," whispered Josh. "Thank you for waking this feeling inside me."

You smile and then the spell was cast... And here we are in heaven... For you are mine... At last

Veronica was speechless, she was overwhelmed by the love and the thrill that she may be carrying this man's baby in the very near future. Finally with tears of joy she whispered "This is real Effi, this night, the stars, our love. Remember this moment when the gremlins attack."

"Nica, there has never been much love in my life, then you came along and taught me everything that I've been missing." They kissed sweetly as the next song started. They resumed their slow dancing, naked bodies in the starlight and Josh began singing along. Veronica was transported back to their first date when he serenaded her with a barbershop quartet. It was corny and funny, yet she was overwhelmed by the realization that she was utterly head over heels in love with this man.

Take my hand... Take my whole life too... For I can't help... Falling in love with you

"Now I need to fight back the gremlins," sniffed Veronica, "this is so beyond anything I ever dreamed about." As the song ended, their slow, sweet dancing came to an end, and they kissed. He gently led her back inside where the antique oscillating fan purred and a bucket with champagne waited. "Did you bring this?" asked Veronica.

"No..." Josh picked up the ice bucket and bottle and said, "There's a note, it says, "You should learn to lock your door" and it was signed by Aunt Kim-ly. Is there something I should know?"

"She's my stalker, I asked her if I could call her and talk about babies when I'm pregnant," Veronica chuckled at the thought of Kim-ly bringing them champagne. "Usually, women learn about babies when they're girls and they babysit, but I never got that chance, and lord knows I can't ask my mom."

"No, you can't," said Josh as he took the foil and the wire cage off the bottle of champagne. "Should I do it safely or let it fly?"

She's seen him ease the cork off and hand it to her, safe but boring. "Let it fly Effi!"

He aimed the bottle out to sea and pried the cork with his thumbs and soon the cork took off with a satisfying pop, then he filled the glasses she held at the ready. "What should we toast to?"

"Just to us," said Veronica, "and to whoever may join our family in the future."

"To us and our baby," and their glasses touched gently.

"Babies?" asked Ronnie.

"I'll drink to that," said Josh as he sipped his champagne and leaned over to kiss Ronnie. "It's not too late to get your pills back," he whispered as their lips parted.

"What do you think of Neils for a boy's name? or maybe Annelien if it's a girl."

"Good answer," he said as he took the glass out of her hand and placed it on the nightstand. They lay together and kissed, the importance of their decision overwhelming them, Nica and Effi, two friendly co-workers who allowed a snowstorm to reveal their feelings for each other are now daring the boundaries of their love.

His fingertips danced down her side to her hip as they lay side by side gazing into each other's eyes. Quite often their lovemaking is playful, joyful, filled with laughter and teasing, but tonight everything is different, their hearts are laid wide open to each other. "Are you scared?" she whispered.

"Terrified, but..." he smiled wistfully, "I know everything to not do so I'm ahead on that count."

She realized he really was scared, that's no way to start a marriage. "Come here you silly..." she pulled Josh close then rolled onto her back bringing him on top of her. She already was ready, she felt her moisture welling between her thighs, on the other hand Josh was half hard and trembling slightly. He began kissing her shoulders gently, his fingertips traced slowly down her arms. Finally, she sighed, "Wake me when you're ready to get started."


"Look, Effie, I love you and I get it, this is a big decision, but that doesn't mean that we have to act like we're defusing a nuclear bomb."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not made of porcelain." He still looked confused. "Ok let me put it this way," and a sly grin spread across her face, "fuck me like you just caught me!" and she wriggled out from under him and darted away.

"Game on Nica!" and he dashed after her. Veronica is lithe and has some great moves, several times he thought he had her, but she wriggled out from his grasp. She darted out to the dock with Josh hot on her heels but she was able to evade his grasp and she darted to the edge of their dock and dove perfectly into the warm, inviting water. When she surfaced she looked and saw Josh sailing at her through the air, hitting the surface of the water in perfect cannonball form hitting her with a small tsunami of water.

When Josh surfaced Veronica was moving to the dock, rubbing her eyes whimpering, "that was so mean! Got water in my nose and eyes and it was scary!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Veronica's demeanor changed the moment her hand touched the ladder on the dock. "Psyche!" she cried gleefully and darted up the ladder. She was quick, but Josh was quicker. With one mighty stroke he propelled himself to the ladder and just as Veronica scrambled onto the dock Josh grasped her thighs. Veronica's eyes shot open wide in shock and delight as she felt Josh's tongue slide into her anus.

He growled and snarled lustfully as he feasted sending thrills through Veronica. As for her, the race was over the moment she felt two of his fingers spear into her pussy and begin to slide in and out stirring up an already overheated pot. "Try to escape from me?" snarled Josh as he kissed those luscious ass cheeks.

"No master! Never again!" she whimpered trying not to laugh, but the word master did exactly what she hoped it would.

"Yer damn right, and here's a reminder for ya!" Getting into the game Josh knelt behind her and drove his iron hard cock into her sodden pussy and they both moaned at the exquisite pleasure of their connection. After a long, heavenly pause she pushed back as a reminder that the game wasn't over. Josh began to fuck, long slow withdrawal followed by a bone jarring slam back in.

"Oh, you fucker," Veronica crooned as the force of his strokes became harder and faster. "You're making me cummmmm...." She groaned.

"I'm right with you Nica."

"Your eyes!" she gasped, "I need to see your eyes!" For some reason she couldn't let herself cum without seeing his eyes, but she needn't worry, she rolled over and he was between her legs and deep inside her pussy in a matter of moments. Once again her warm brown eyes met his ice blue eyes and she fell in love with him all over again.

"Oh Effiiiii," and her orgasm hit her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her ankles, meanwhile her arms wrapped around his shoulders drew him tight, fingernails traced down his back and they were both cumming. Their minds were blown as wave after wave of delicious relief washed over them and soon her cunt was overflowing with his sperm.

Gasping, laughing, kissing the couple regained their breath. "How was it Mrs. Gravely?"

"Not bad for a newlywed," she teased.

"Let's rinse off," he said and urged his wife to a sitting position in his lap, then holding her tight he rolled backwards into the ocean, the splash cutting off her shriek of surprise.


After breakfast Josh, Veronica, Kim-ly, Lanh, and Don met Gerrard and Parker, two grandsons of Donald and Nicoleta down at a beach near the pier. They were handsome young men in their early twenties and were eager to get started. Gerrard opened with, "This is not a competition between you two families, it is between myself and my cousin Parker. We've done this before and we've found that the best trained team will win. Your job is to have fun and sail around the island."

"This is a lot of fun," said Parker. "Ignore the fact that the honor of Cornell and Columbia is on the line, Gerry and I have done this sixteen times right now we're tied eight to eight, with thirty-two survivors. Ready?"

Josh looked at the two small sailboats pulled up on shore and asked, "Won't having three people in the Campbells boat put them at a disadvantage?"

"Kim-ly and Lanh are going to sail, I'll be in the coach/rescue boat," said Don.

"Gravely's you're with Parker, Campbells, you're with me," said Gerrard and the young men led the couples down to their boats which were named Cornell and Columbia. They spent well over an hour talking about boating safety and familiarizing them with the parts of the boat, then they went up to a tiki hut where a white board was set up and they talked about the basics of setting sails, catching the wind, and tacking into the wind.

"Do you think you're ready to give it a try?" asked Gerrard.

"Hell yeah!" cried normally shy and nervous Lanh, she loves being on the water and fishing but her gregarious sister Kim-ly looked nervous. They have a large pond on their farm and are rowing and fishing on it quite often, so they weren't too nervous, Kim-ly was mostly worried about the lack of shoreline.

Josh and Veronica are also familiar with small boats, they have a pontoon boat and a couple of rowboats on their pond in Western New York, this just looked like a big rowboat with a stick in the middle. They pushed their boat off the beach and using canoe paddled they got about fifty feet away from shore and they started to get their boat ready. Josh helped Veronica get the rudder and tiller set up, then as she dropped the center board he hoisted the fore sail then returned to the cockpit and hoisted the main sail.

And now they had to wait. There wasn't a puff of wind, which Josh thought was strange, but Parker came up to them in his little zodiac with his girlfriend Cindy and said, "It happens."

"What do we do?" asked Veronica who has never been sailing before.

"Well, you can get out and walk home," said Parker. The only thing that kept him from getting an earful from Veronica was a puff of wind that rippled the sails. "There's a little something, there's probably more where that came from."

They sat and waited and soon the sails rippled again, and again, and soon the sails began to fill. There was a creaking from somewhere, the lines, the mast, the sails, something creaked and Veronica cried out, "We're moving." The sensation of movement without a detectable current, the pull of an oar, or the noise of a motor was amazing to Josh and Veronica.

Josh looked over at Kim-ly and Lanh's boat, they were closer to shore, and they were starting to move also and the look of shock on Kim-ly's face was hilarious. "Ok, you have the wind off your port beam, you can get going pretty good with a wind off your port or starboard beam," called Parker.

They played with the light breeze for what seemed to be hours, tacking into the wind, sailing with a following wind, gybing and tacking. "You guys look comfortable," called Parker. "Ready for lunch?"

"Let's do it!" called Veronica and they headed back to shore and beached their boat where they found it, dropped the sails and raised the rudder and center board then joined Kim-ly, Lanh, and Don in the tiki hut.

"How do you feel?" asked Gerrard, "feel a little confidence?

"Hell yeah," cried Kim-ly, "I'm salty!"

"Good because after lunch we're going to race," said Parker with a grin. "There's a lunch buffet in the bar, then meet back here in one hour."

"Yeah baby!" cried Kim-ly who jumped up, grabbed Veronica's hand and said, "come on blondie! Let's go eat!"

Lanh and Don chuckled as Kim-ly led Veronica off to the house, then they turned to Josh and Don said, "Come join us for lunch."

"You won't get a word in edgewise when Kim-ly is in a mood like this," said Lanh.

Lunch was a familiar treat for Josh and Veronica, roast beef on weck. "THIS is the traditional food of Buffalo," said Josh as he put horseradish on his sandwich. "The chicken wings are for tourists."

Don was overwhelmed by the horseradish and had to mellow it out with Mayonnaise, but Lanh loved it. "Would you like to put a wager on this race?" Don asked.

"Like what, case of beer?"

"I was thinking loser travels to visit the winner."
