Stormy 01


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"Molly, this is not my normal and it's just for one night. Besides, it will be plenty dark in the common grassy areas of my condo complex tonight, so?"

[Molly shakes it off]

"No, no, um, I just overreacted, Stormy. I'm not so used to, um, this, LOL, or should I say that, but you be you, Stormy. But I'm so totally texting Jilly to let her know that she onto something last Spring when she chased you on the side with one side eye!"

Again, nobody tells me about parties, events and if someone had a side eye for me! Or when!

"Anyways, Stormy, maybe you should change back into your Denim shorts before you leave the shop because at least they have a wrinkle or two of Denim to disguise, um, that, Stormy. And I guess I'll string your new shoe laces while you change back and put your other selection into bags. And I'm figuring that these two tiny items go in a separate bag, hmm?"

Well, just in case Tara asks me anything, LOL. A handy gimmick gift never hurts, right?

But the high waisted skinny jeans jeggings were perfect! For a nighttime covert operation to literally meet anyone who might wander into the condo complex's common area for a breath of fresh air or a smoke. Not that I wander around myself looking for discarded cigarette butts, like around the rear doors of the community center.

And everything went according to plan! I mean, not my plan because I lost all of my nerve the very moment that I stepped off of my patio to wander towards the community center to see, you know, if there were any cigarette butts on the ground that needed to be picked up, but the plan about the revelers held true! There were people everywhere! Inside, outside, chit chatting, laughing and just generally have a great time!

So, my plan B was to light the two bug candles and sip on an ice tea on the patio and watch the fun. I mean, do I know how to live or what?

And my plan C was to break out into a sweat as three revelers walked across the grassy area and walked my way with purpose! While laughing and still having a good time. Because they were coming from a closed invitation party. That I wasn't invited to.

"Do you mind if these guys light their joint from your table candle, hmm? Or weren't we supposed to see you from being in a covert operation manner of clothing, hmm?"

"I mean, it's just a look, that's all and hmm, those guys can help themselves to either of the candles, so?"

I would have lit that oddly shaped weed stick differently, but what the hell did I know, right? And do all weed sticks look like they're pregnant? And how bad did it look when I passed? I mean, I have a nice hand wave off, but still, I passed, right? But it's cool to pass, right?

"Do you mind if I use your bathroom then, Stormy with the big brown bedroom eyes, hmm?"

"Ah, not at all, um, just head through the patio doors and um, you'll find it, Tara."

"Thank you, Stormy. Teddy, behave then."

"Tee he, tee he, tee he, huh? Oh, Stormy, when did you arrive at the party? Wait, where are we?"

"Hi, Teddy, hi, Wayne, um, it's puff, puff, pass, right? Amongst yourselves, that is."

"Tee he, tee he, tee he (puff, puff, pass)."

"Tee he, tee he, tee he (puff, puff, pass back)."

Well, someone should post on Chang that not participating is like being the third wheel on a date!

"You look nice tonight, Wayne and I'm going to post that on your Chang page so that you remember that I said that tomorrow, so?"

"Tee he, tee he, tee he (puff, puff, pass)."

"Tee he, tee he, tee he (puff, puff, pass back)."

[Snap, post]

Well, everyone likes photos of themselves captured while having a good time, right? And comments with an accompanying photo are the best.

"Big eyes, pass me one of those candles again, okay?"

"You have more weed sticks in your shirt pocket, Wayne? Are you an addict or something?"

"Aww, lighten up Stormy, it's just a party, tee he, tee he, tee he (lights tip of nose first, ouch, puff, puff, pass) tee he, tee he, tee he."

[Snap, snap, post]

Oh, those were Wayne's words, so it was totally legit for me to capture that moment and post on Chang that there was another party that night! Totally legit. And that's why I would have lit the weed stick a different way because of the shape of the candle jar, which is why Wayne lit the tip of his nose with the flame first.

"OMG, guys, I popped a post about my outlandish impromptu party just now I already have two likes!"

"Tee he, tee he, tee he, Wayne, did I tell you that I almost popped when Stormy Night let me pop his hood latch for me at work this afternoon (puff, puff, pass)?"

"Tee he, tee he, tee he, dude, I almost popped when you told me when you told me about the odometer reading (puff, puff, pass), tee he, tee he, tee he."

[Patio door slides open]

"Alright gents, I think that is about enough "tee, he, tee, he, tee, he" locker room talk for one night. Let's leave this lonesome dove Stormy with his privacy. Get up, Teddy. And unfortunately, Stormy, that's code for I don't have the authority to drag you back to Kelli's going away party and the social stigma implications might be brutal, so?"

Well, I wasn't sure what that meant, but it almost sounded in my protective favor, so. Also, hah, Tara was saving her own butt! But it's a thing, so, okay.

"Oh, Wayne, if you want to hang back for a minute and say good bye, that's fine. Just keep it to more "tee he, tee he, tee he" than "aha, aha, aha" okay? And Stormy, I broke your code for what I found inside of the bathroom, so thanks for the ooh la, la body harness and tiny undies and let's get with it, Teddy! Your oil change boyfriend might like a moment alone with his other boyfriend, so, ugh, men on weed!"

"Tee he, tee he, tee he, Wayne, see you man later before I end up in the bottom of the girlfriend barrel (puff, puff, pass last time)."

"Tee he, tee he, tee he, Teddy, tell me again what Stormy said about finally being a bottom (puff, puff, puff)."

"Tee he, tee he, tee he, Wayne, Stormy said..."

"Ted! G.E.T. with it, now!"

Well, having Wayne hang back to say his good bye to me wasn't on my menu, but I let Teddy and Tara wandered back towards the community center before I literally dragged Wayne to his feet. I mean, since I don't have a type, Wayne wasn't my type, right?

"Alright Wayne, that's enough chit chatting for tonight. Here, Wayne, light up another weed stick from the candle and I'll walk you back towards the party."

"Tee, he, tee, he, tee, he, Stormy (lights tip of nose first again, ouch, puff, puff, puff), I'll follow the way, Stormy, tee he, tee he, tee he."

And it doesn't matter that I found out that weed smoke breath is earthy near the central pond, but just one quick lip smack good night. But it did sort of matter that the revelers were still carrying on.

[Mwah, ummah, smack]

"Will you make it from here, Wayne?"

"Tee, he, tee, he, tee, he (puff, puff, puff). Make it where? Also, were we just making out?"

"OMG, make it to the going away party, Wayne! It's right there. And we kissed a few times just now, but don't worry about that since I'm dressed head to toe in covert Ninja goth black. I mean, if someone spied on us, they might think you were playing tongue tag with the air, but I'm pretty sure nobody noticed me, Wayne, so?"

"Tee he, tee he, tee he (puff, puff, puff), Stormy, did we have sex too?"

"Oh, Wayne, I mean, from all the weed you puff, I mean, you're basically a wet and limp pasta noddle, right? Also, since you work at the local Nuclear Power Plant, I mean, you don't smoke your weed on the job, right Wayne?"

"Tee he, tee he, tee he (puff, puff, puff), Stormy, that damn plant practically runs itself by computer. Well, except for towards the end of my shift, but OMG, you should see all of the colorful flashing lights! It makes me light up another one and kick back and watch the light show, tee he, tee he, tee he (puff, puff, puff)."

And sometimes you just have to call it a night, right folks? And get some help from the party revelers who were still lingering just out of the rear of the community center.

"Um, guys, um, guys, could one of you help get Wayne back inside of the party that I wasn't invited to please? His vision isn't so good right now. Oh, and could someone please find him a new job? I mean, we all live in the accident red zone of skin melting, so?"

I mean, don't everyone move at once, right? But they eventually did, after they took one more puff, puff, pass. All except for Joey. Joey had other ideas and I was apparently one of them. But Joey is, um, less than gross and disgusting, I think.

"Bye, Wayne, hey, Joey, what's up?"

"Stormy, are you up for a walk around the fountain pond, hmm?"

"Joey, everything I'm wearing is new, so walk and talk, stop and smooch or what's on your mind then, hmm? And there is no way that I'm inviting you back inside of my condo, so?"

Of all the things you can learn from Chang, right? And not one them has anything to do with when to shut it!

"What? You live here, Stormy? I thought you were just here attending this party! If I throw you over my shoulder, I mean, which way to heaven then, Stormy, hmm?"

Well, I didn't see that one coming!

"Joey, this like the third time that we ever talked and this isn't fair since I've been sexually worked up since this afternoon when a certain oil change guy rubbed my legs with purpose, which happened after a certain server at the Lava Java Coffee Shop patted me a few times, which was all before I stopped into a certain boutique on the Strip and basically received a finger tracing job from a certain sales girl and now here I am, just after kissing Wayne good bye a couple of times and well, here we are then, I guess. Also, your heart beat seems elevated based on what's throbbing against my belly, so?"

Again, of all the things I have learned from surfing around Chang and not one them of had anything to do with shut it and shut it quick!

"Ahh, Stormy, it sounds to me like I'm in the right place at just the right time! You're worked up and I wouldn't be mad about getting with you and since you have been checking me out anyways, absent mindedly or not, I don't think you're mad about this either, so?"

Well, we were basically smashed together! And oh boy, Joey was not a wet and limp pasta noodle!

But what one does learn from Chang to always yell for help when help is needed!

"Weed stick! We need a weed stick over here! Weed stick emergency!"

Ahh, it works every time! Apparently. And what I learned from above was that when you passed on the "puff, puff, pass, tee he, tee he, tee he" then you can tippy toe away like a cartoon character and make a get away before the "who has another one and a lighter" and make a clean get away since the Ninja black from head-to-toe covert outfit did its job.

That is until you end up tippy toeing smack dab into the guy who let you eat lunch alone in the lunch room, but insisted on walking you home after school via the walking trail in the wooded area that just so happened to lead to the backside of the neighborhood that I grew up in. Nathan. And by the way, that walking trail was formed way before my time, but it had a lot more bends and hidden spaces then it needed. Or there have been boyfriends for eons for short.

And when I say it was a smack dab encounter, I mean smack dab!

[Mwah, ummah, smack]

"Hmm, Stormy, why didn't you ever kiss me like that in the woods, hmm?"

"Nathan, neither of us knew what was what back then and I didn't just now kiss you! I ran into your face with my face, that's all, so?"

"Hmm, Stormy, you tried to be my boyfriend once, so?"

"Nathan, well, I mean, Nathan, I mean..."

[Mwah, ummah, smack]

"Nathan, I mean, I mean..."

[Mwah, ummah, smack]


[Mwah, ummah, mwah, smooch, lip smack, lip lock, mwah, ah, rub, rub, mwah, ah, oops, ahh, ahh]

I mean, geez, Nathan must have had rubbed some magic potion on his lips or something because he had me under his spell after all that lip locking! And since I was under a spell, walking with Nathan directly to my condo seemed effortless.

You remember my condo, right? The one that I didn't lock the rear patio door on when I walked Wayne back to the party in a staggering motion earlier?

"Oops, sorry, Stormy, but I wanted Teddy to have a good look at me in the leather body harness suit that you bought for me, so, oops, I used your open condo. Wonderful party undies, by the way."

"I mean, Tara, I mean, Nathan and I were just talking and walking, so?"

"Yeah, well, your chassis needs a lube job, so just remember, Stormy, his cock pops into your mouth just like my boobs popped through the harness straps up top, so, bye now. Come on, Teddy, you know what waits for you later, so let's get with it and leave these two alone."

"Tee he, tee he, tee he, Stormy, tee he, tee he, tee he, I keep thinking about all those double..."

"Double up! Double up! Double up!"

"Stormy, do not start something that you can't finish."

Well, I was under a spell and both guys were ready, obviously ready and having a support system nearby didn't seem like the worse idea ever, so, well, I closed the rear patio door, closed the vertical blinds and LOL, went into a panic!

Which totally smoothed out as soon as Tara took to traffic control and although it wasn't a side-by-side thing, I had oral relations with Nathan and Tara and Teddy did their thing and oh boy, I have much to learn!

But Nathan made due with what there was. LOL, guys, right? Nuts respond to certain types of kisses, so, well, I had the pulling of the hood release handle experience before and now I have experience with checking the air pressure in a tire. LOL, which is the exact opposite of blowing up a tire.

End Stormy 01

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