the Racer's Edge


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"Never better!" she hollered back. "Let's pick it up a little!"

They pushed it to about 22-23mph for the next hour before hitting the hills then they dug in and ground it out until the road flattened again. The best riders were well ahead of them but they never had any intention of competing with them. This was all about doing this for Marlis and trying to make their goal of finishing in under 15 hours. Jimmy had staged her car in Portland (for a fee of $100 plus bus fare home) and the plan was to cool down then drive back getting in sometime after midnight the next morning.

They were clicking off the final miles when Marlis said, "When we cross the finish line, I'm got something I want to tell you."

"Okay, I'll look forward to it. You got anything left in you for a final push?"

"Not really, but I think I can hold this pace. Is that okay?" she said.

He could see she was exhausted. "It's more than okay. We're right on schedule so let's not do anything crazy!"

The got to the last mile marker and Lane held out his hand. "Come on, partner!" he said as she took his hand.

They were maybe a couple of hundred yards from the finish line when the people on the sidelines increased in numbers. It was still light and there was a little boy holding a ball. He was throwing it up and catching it until he missed. It seemed to happen in slow motion as the ball rolled out onto the road. Lane called out to Marlis to slow down and they both tapped on their brakes but the ball seemed like magnet hellbent for her front wheel. He let go of her hand and she tried to swerve but she hit it full on.

Lane saw her go flying off the bike and held his breath. They'd slowed to under 15mph but he knew she was going to suffer some nasty road burn. She'd flipped over and landed on her back, with her shoulders and buttocks taking most of the blow. He was already nearly stopped when her body skidded to a halt. He dropped his back making sure no one was going to run into him or it and bent over. "Marlis? You okay? Can you hear me?"

"I think so," she said. He gently lifted her up and saw blood on her back. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your beautiful ass seems to have taken the brunt of this."

She raised her hand wanting help to sit up. "Why don't you just lay there until help arrives," he said. Someone with a black bag was already making his way toward them weaving in and out of oncoming bicycles.

"Uh-uh. There's no way in hell I'm getting this close and not finishing. Help me up!" she demanded.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Positive. Give me your hand!"

He took hers in his and watched her slowly and painfully stand up. She told the guy with the STP jersey, "I'm okay! I'll be fine!"

Lane looked at her backside and knew she'd live. But once the adrenaline wore off he knew that was gonna hurt. He walked her back to her bike which was scratched up none the worse for wear. "Can you ride?" he asked her.

"Hell, yeah!" she said. "Come on, let's go!"

She stayed with him until they reached his bike. He got back on and coasted to the finish line with him. The crowd that was remaining cheered loudly for her and called out their support. "Good job! Way to kick ass, lady!"

They rolled on until they found a place where they could safely get off and Marlis let her bike fall as Lane reached out and grabbed her arm. He set his down using his legs then put his arms under hers. "Let's get you set down so someone can check you out."

She put her arms around his neck but he ended up carrying her to the aid station just a few feet away. "What do have?" another guy in an STP jersey asked.

Lane told them what happened and the guy had him lay her face down on a table. "Any broken bones?" he asked her.

"I don't think so," she said.

He checked her out from head to toe looking for any sign of fractures or dislocated fingers, etc. "You've got a couple of nasty abrasions and some minor scratches but nothing serious. I'm gonna clean you and even though I'm using hydrogen peroxide, this is gonna sting. Is that okay?"

"Clean away," she said. She reached out for Lane's hand and said, "We made it, partner. We did it."

He knelt down so he could see her face and said, "Yes, we did. I'm really proud of you, Marlis. You kicked ass out there today."

"This kind of put a kink in my plans," she told him.

"What plans are that?" he asked her.

"Tony and I separated this week. I didn't want to say anything before the race."

"I'm really sorry," he said squeezing her hand tightly as she winced each time he cleaned out a wound.

"Don't be. It was over a long time ago. It just took me a while to admit it."

"So what plans did this affect?" he asked.

She did her best to look at him and smile. "I made reservations at a hotel here in Portland." She flinched as the guy poured a huge amount of peroxide on her raw ass. "I booked two rooms but I was going to ask you consider canceling yours."

Lane smiled and said, "Really?"

"Really. That was my primary motivation to finish in one day. I just kept thinking about you and me together...tonight. Ouch!" she screamed.

"Sorry, lady. This one's pretty wide."

"Guess I won't be wearing a bikini anytime soon," she said trying to keep her sense of humor.

"Bikinis are overrated anyway," he told her.

"How about knit tops?" she said trying not to laugh.

"Oh, those are definitely in all year 'round, at least in my book."

"Good, because I bought one to wear for you tomorrow on the ride home. Well, assuming you won't abandon me and take the bus home to avoid me attacking you again."

"So...are you planning on attacking me again," he asked looking into her eyes.

"I was," she confessed. "I might not be able to carry out the attack now, though."

He gently unsnapped her chinstrap and lifted off her helmet then removed his. "I can wait," he told her. "I mean, I've waited this long. I think I can wait a few more days."

"You've been waiting for me?" she asked with disbelief.

"Waiting and hoping," he told her. "Isn't that awful? I've been silently hoping you'd decide to leave your husband, but I certainly wasn't going to tell you that."

"Okay, you're all done here. I'd strongly recommend you let a doctor have a look at you, but as far as I can tell, you should be okay. Can you sit up?" he asked.

"Uh, I'm not sure that part of my anatomy is working right now," she hissed as she tried to roll over.

"I got you," Lane said. He scooped her up off the table and held her in his arms. "Wow," he said.

"What wow?" she asked as she put her arms around his neck.

"You look just as beautiful after a major crash and burn as you did the day you made dinner for me."

"I know that's not true, but I love for you for saying that."

Lane looked over at the medical tech and said, "Did you give her morphine or something."

"No, nothing," he said. "Why?"

"I think she might be delirious."

She pulled herself closer to him and said, "Maybe just deliriously crazy about you?" He knew she was in pain but her eyes were so alive. "Can I please get a kiss? I mean, I have boo-boos and kisses are supposed to make them feel better."

Lane smiled and said, "You can have as many as you want."

"Really?" she said. "Because I'm going to want a LOT of them."

"Well, how about we start with one and see how it goes?"

"Well...okay. I guess we could try that," she said as she closed her eyes and waited for his lips to meet hers. "Mmmm. I think I feel better, but you might want to do that a few more times just so I can be sure."

He kissed again for a very long time. Marlis moaned softly and let her tongue gently make its way inside his mouth. "Oh, yes. That's definitely better," she told him. "Definitely."

He insisted on taking her to a local ER where, after a lengthy wait, she was properly cleaned up, her abrasions bandaged, given antibiotics and 48-hours worth of pain pills. They also gave her more bandages, tape, and an antibiotic cream with instructions to change them at least twice a day.

"You're definitely driving," she told him on the way out.

"Did you forget I drove us here," he said taking the keys.

"Yeah, but I wasn't full of Vicodin then," she said. "This stuff is pretty great."

He helped her carefully get in then went around to his side. When he got in and closed the door she said, "Speaking of're pretty great, too. And it's not the drugs talking. Lane? I have no idea where whatever this is might go, but as long it's with you for however long it goes..."

"I kind of like you, too, you know." He put the car in gear and looked over at her. "A lot."

Marlis's reservations were at a luxury hotel called The Nines which also had a rooftop restaurant. "Why don't you just wait in the car while I check us in?"

"That sounds great. The less walking I have to do the better."

"Oh, what name did you make the reservations under?"

Marlis smiled then made a kind of 'is that okay' face as she said, "Mr. and Mrs. McMichael."

Lane laughed and said, "You're crazy. Did you know that?"

She kept smiling and said, "You make me crazy. Did you know that?"

"Sit tight. Be right back."

Lane returned shortly with the room key card and drove around to the closest entrance. He helped her out of the car and asked, "Can you walk by yourself or do you need some help?"

She took a few tender steps and said, "I think I can manage. Would you mind getting my bag out of the trunk?"

"I'm gonna have to come back down and bring our bikes upstairs anyway so I'll grab it on the last trip up. Let's get you in the room and in a warm bath, okay?"

"You're a mind reader," she said as she slowly made her way to the elevator.

"Wow. This is nice!" he said as he looked around the room.

"May I assume you cancelled the other reservation?"

"You may," he told her.

"I'm glad, you know," she told him as she turned to face him.

"Me, too," he told her as he brushed her cheek with his hand. "You know, I've dreamed about undressing you a thousand times. I just never imagined it would be like this." He riding clothes were bloodied and ripped to shreds. "Even so..."

She put her arms around him and kissed him and said, "I see we've been having similar thoughts. Just be really careful, okay?"

"I don't think we can get these off by pulling. We're going to have to cut them. I've got scissors in my bag on the bike."

"Well of course you do!" she said. "Do you have a chainsaw in there, too."

"Just a small one," he said. "I'll go get the bikes then we'll get you undressed."

"Promise?" she teased.

Two trips later his very expensive bike and her expensive bike were safely in the room and Lane grabbed the scissors and asked Maris, "Are you ready?"

"Uh-huh. I've been ready since the day I kissed you," she said as he slowly started cutting her spandex pants just above the knee. Another long cut up the other leg followed by one more up the waistband let him carefully peel it off of her leaving her in a pair of black panties and the shredded top. The shirt was a lot easier and he had it open in seconds but had to carefully remove it as it had again stuck to her back and shoulders in several places.

"Are you going to stop there?" she asked him.

"Not a chance," he told her as he unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. "Can you stand up for me?" As she did he slowly pulled her panties down revealing a very smooth, very bald pussy. "Wow. You are so beautiful," he told her.

"I got a full body wax just in case," she told him.

"Okay, let's get you in some warm water," he said. He went to the bathroom and turned on the water in the tub making sure it was very warm but not too hot.

"Okay," he told her when it had a few inches in it.

He very carefully removed each of the bandages slowing even more each time she winced. "That's not so bad," he lied looking at the hamburger that was her upper back, shoulders, and ass.

"I guess I should be grateful I landed on my back, huh?"

He just smiled as he took her hand and helped step over the side then, holding her under her arms, he slowly lowered her into the warm water. "Oh, that feels so good. It's almost perfect."

"Almost? What else do you need?" he said willing to do anything to make her more comfortable.

"You," she told him.

"Are you sure?" he said. "I want you to be comfortable."

"I'm going to hurt for a few days," she said. "But I'd rather hurt with you than without you." She held out her hand so he quickly undressed and kicked his nasty riding clothes out of the way.

Marlis put her hands over her mouth and said, "Oh, my gosh!"

Lane looked down at his Johnson which had often caused women to respond similarly. He laughed when he saw her reaction and did that thing athletes do when they pretend they're looking up at someone in heaven and point. "Thanks, Dad!" he said as he started to slide in across from her.

"Could you maybe sit behind me? I mean, if it isn't too disgusting."

"Disgusting? Hardly." He slid in behind her and came face to um...back with her deep abrasions.

He picked up a washcloth and got it wet then held it over her back and wrung it out several times letting warm water trickle down her back. "Is that okay?" he asked.

"That feels nice," she told him.

For the next few minutes he gently and carefully washed her raw back then started in on the rest of her. "They did a good job at the ER, but we're both a sweaty mess and they didn't take care of that." He finished everything but her hair knowing she'd need to shampoo and rinse it either by herself or he'd need to use a small tray and assist her.

She grabbed his arms and pulled them around her. He tried to avoid contact with the worst areas but she didn't care. She needed him near her. She put his hands on her breasts and moaned softly. He gently squeezed them causing her to lay her head back against him. He began to harden and Marlis felt him immediately. "You feel so good," she told him.

He rolled her nipples between his finger and thumb with one hand while he slid the other between her thighs. Marlis pulled his hand in against her letting him know she needed his touch. As he continued to play with her hardened nipple, he began kissing her neck while slowly running his middle finger from the bottom of her slit to the top. Marlis gasped when he got to her clit which was already fat with blood. "Oooh!" she cried when he rubbed it softly with his fingertip.

His cock was now almost fully hard and parallel with her back. "I'm not sure what feels best," she said as she reveled in all of the sensations going on in her body. "I just wish I could see your handsome face," she whispered as he slid his finger inside her.

He knew she was very wet and not from the water in the tub. "I haven't made love in a very long time," she let him know. She reached back to touch his face and whispered, "And I've never had someone as big as you. Be easy at first, okay?"

"Are you sure? If you're in pain we can wait," he whispered back.

"Uh-uh. No way. I'm not waiting one more day. I've waited long enough. You made me be a good girl and do this the right way—and it was worth it, by the way. So cuts or no cuts, I want you inside me, Lane."

"I'm sorry I made you wait so long. I just couldn't..."

"Shhh. No apologies. Had you not made me wait, I'd have never gotten the courage to ask him to leave."

"Oh. This was your idea then?"

"Definitely. I wanted you so badly I finally had to tell him I wanted a divorce. But I don't want to talk about him tonight. Just know you didn't cause this. He did. Or rather his total neglect for so many years. Tonight, I just want you to love me, okay?"

"Just tonight?" he asked as he slid a second finger inside her.

Marlis moaned more loudly and said, "For as long as you want me," she told him.

"What if I want you forever?" he said as he circled her clit softly with the tip of his finger again.

"Mmmm. can have me forever," she moaned.

"I know that could be the Vicodin talking so I won't hold you to that. After all, I'm 19 without a job and no way to support you." He kissed her neck and said, "But I can you."

The tub was very full making it easy to gently raise her up. As he did, she reached between her legs to find him. Once she had him in her small hand, she lowered herself exactly on target then released him.

"Oh, God!" Marlis cried out as he slowly entered. He was still supporting her even as she used the sides of the tub to help. "Oh, my God you're big!" she said as she lifted back up then slowly sank back down. Each time, she took a little bit more of him until she was sitting on his lap with his hard shaft all the way inside her. Marlis just sat there and ground against him as she moaned with pleasure.

"I love this!" she told him. As she pushed hard against him, Lane reached around and gently massaged her clit sending her into sexual orbit. "Oh, ssshit!" she cried out. "Oh...yes! That feels so good."

He increased the pressure on her engorged clit and at the same she squeezed his rock-hard cock. Lane but his other hand on her breast and just the addition of that new sensation caused Marlis's body to go tight. "Oh...fuck!" she whimpered as she came for the first time in well over a year. "Oh, God! More, Lane. I want more!"

He put his hands under her arms and helped her raise up. Once she was a few inches above him, he began doing the work all by himself. Water sloshed everywhere as he began thrusting and giving it to her. "Oh, God...oh, yes! Oh...sshit!" she hissed softly.

Marlis came again just seconds later and was nowhere near finished. "You feel so good inside me," she panted. "Fuck me, please!"

Lane drilled her as hard as he could for as long as he could. When he couldn't hold out any longer he said, "I'm ready to cum. I'm gonna lift you up so I can..."

"Uh-uh!" she cried. "Don't you dare! I want you inside me. Cum inside me. Please!"

Lane kept hammering her as he felt the first shot leave his body. He grunted loudly as he fired a second salvo and then a third. He was rewarded with Marlis's third orgasm he shot the rest of his sticky load inside her pussy.

Almost unable to breath, she lay down against him with him still inside her. She reached behind her to touch his face and said, "That was so amazing."

He continued to nuzzle her neck and softly cup her breasts as she caught her breath. "As much as I'm loved having you as my bicycle partner, I'm even happier to have you as my fuck buddy."

Both of them laughed when she said that. "Well, I have to admit I love fucking you, Buddy."

Marlis laughed again and said, "I love being fucked by you." She stroked his thick, black hair and said, "I might even love you."

He pulled her wet hair to one side and said, "I think I might just love you, too."

"This has been one helluva ride," she purred. "Literally and figuratively."

"Did you just say you want another ride on the steel railroad?" he asked still fondling her soft, round breasts.

"Mmmm. All aboard?" she said as she raised up again to take him deep inside her.


Their torrid affair lasted the rest of the summer. Both of them realized there was no long-term future for them, but Marlis was ever-thankful he'd given her the courage to get out of a dead relationship and taught her how to love and to live again.

They made love one final time the night before he left to go back to school. She told him how much she loved him and how much she'd miss him. He kissed one last time and told her he loved her, too, and that she would always hold a special place in his heart. "You, too, my handsome lover. You, too."

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oldpantythiefoldpantythief2 months ago

I liked the story with the bike ridding tie-in, however the STP isn't a race, it's a ride, big difference. It was great that they made it in one day, but I'm not quite believing it. I've ridden the Houston to San Antonio ride twice and the Houston to Austin ride twice (years ago) and more than a few century rides. I had a younger riding buddy that wanted to push with the big boys on one of our rides, which he did. The problem was they were way ahead of any support and rest stops weren't set up yet, so it was something he only did once. Spandex is more aerodynamic than regular clothes and even shaved legs helps in bike riding . Toe clips are old fashion and have been mostly replaced by cleat systems that are on the bottom of the shoe. Granted Marlis was new to riding but I bet she didn't wear panties under her riding shorts as most riders go commando for better comfort and fit. One of the things I loved about riding was drafting behind some nicely shaped ladies in spandex. Never saw any VPLs. Glad that the story didn't have these two trying to prolong the romance as it would have been very difficult considering all the issues they would have faced. Wonder if she ever compared herself to the women at the country club that were screwing their pool boys?

DormayVooDormayVoo5 months ago

They seemed to have all the makings of a true love. They were hot for each other. They liked each other’s personality. They had common interests. They were gentle and caring for each other. There wasn’t one damn incompatibility between them. The only problem seemed to be age. When you find someone as perfect for you as these two seemed to each other, then the age thing is a flimsy excuse for walking away

bhill8671bhill86719 months ago
Not your best but

Still a good story.

Rancher46Rancher46almost 3 years ago

Too bad that the age difference wasn't a little closer as this would have made a great happily ever after love story. But I guess not every story can have that ending. Well done 5++stars

auwingerauwingerover 5 years ago
Great story.

I'm glad you didn't try to make this a "forever and ever" love story, because that would have just been weird. Nicely done, Komrad! 5*

tennesseeredtennesseeredabout 8 years ago
Good story

The STP is no joke. Five weeks of training? For a one day? No, even with Zumba. I could more believe a tryst at the half way point in Centralia. The witty repartee is a little stilted at times due to their ages. I think the average 19 year old and 40 year old hottie are not going to carry on like this. Maybe 25 and 45, or 25 and 40, but 19 is just a kid. But I'm not complaining, I read it all the way through!

arrowglassarrowglassabout 8 years ago
Definitely a nice one!

You again did not disappoint. Thanks!

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