Strange Car in the Driveway - Dude


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"If my devastated husband decides to divorce me, it'll be my fault, one hundred percent. If we find a way forward, it will take a long time for me to earn his forgiveness, and I'll need to spend the greater portion of our lives together making up for what I've done. This is my one-act, real-life assignment to start making amends.

"This car," she continues, sweeping her hand over to that strange vehicle, "is the vehicle Reg borrowed, at my suggestion, to leave in our driveway as a prop." The camera pans slightly and refocuses onto it. It doesn't linger, but it's long enough to see some more of those nasty hashtags.

Vera and the camera return to their prior positions. She gives her remorseful expression a few moments to marinate, and then she shifts gears. She's a little more upbeat; maybe that's not the right word. She's determined. She has a purpose.

"My husband and some of his friends have been using this car as a prop of their own, to right some of our wrongs - Reginald's and mine. He wanted to get it on campus, and play a recording, warning other students - especially married ones - about Reginald and Professor Strausberg. Since he has been unsuccessful up until now, I've enlisted some help from my fellow students, and I am here to issue that warning myself: Reginald Smith didn't threaten me or assault me, but he is a predator. He is a bottom-feeder. He uses Professor Strausberg's class to actively seek out married women, lie to them, and try to get them to cheat on their husbands with him. Professor Strausberg absolutely knows that he's taken her class five times, now. While I have no proof, I definitely think she knows why he keeps coming back too."

Her mission accomplished, Vera's energy wanes again. She gets smaller and casts her eyes downward. It's back to remorse and contrition for the finale.

"Never would I have believed that I could be so ignorant, so selfish, or so cruel," she says. I can see her shaking her head slightly as she does. She looks up at the camera one more time. She takes a deep breath, in and out.

"Obviously I could, because I was. I have a lot of work to do on myself. I need to figure out how to be a better person. I hope I don't have to lose my husband for that to happen, but, well, it turns out I'm not a very good judge of character - especially not of my own.

"Honey, I love you, and I'm sorry," she says. I can practically feel her, recording though it is, making eye contact with me. Hers are wet. Specks of light don't merely reflect, but quiver. "Whether we stay together or not, please don't let my cruelty harden your heart towards anyone else. Find someone better. Love them like you loved me. Live well, and be happy."

The screen on the TV goes dark. There's only silence, combined with a few audible sniffles. All eyes are on me now, and I'm very uncomfortable. I've been blindsided almost as badly as when I came home early to be greeted by that fucking car. Internally, though, my feelings are different.

Then most of the attention seems to shift somewhere to my right, and I turn to see Vera standing next to me. Her eyes are pleading with me in a more honest manner than I've ever seen. I don't want all these people to see me break down. Not here. I turn and walk with purpose into my house, and into the bathroom, locking the door, so I can collect myself.

It takes several minutes to regain control. I splash handfuls of cold water on my eyes and cheeks to control my flush and tears. I know I'll have to face them all again. Why am I acting like a baby? Is it relief? I don't think I'll figure that out tonight. So, with a deep, heavy breath, I walk out and I'm face-to-face with Vera.

She reaches out, not waiting for me to accept her, and hugs me tightly.

"I'm sorry, baby. So sorry, you'll never know. I'm sorry about all this too." She waves her hand towards the back yard.

"Go try to enjoy the party. Those people are all here because they love and support you. I could take lessons. I won't interfere, and I'll stay in the background. The kids have really missed you. You can have them any time you want this week, and I want to remind you that this is your home. I don't have any right to ask, but I'd like for us to talk over the next few days, when you're up to it, so we can decide what life will look like for us moving forward. If you decide to go through with divorce, I won't try to stop you. If that's your plan, I'm hoping I can convince you to put it on hold for a bit, to see if I can show you how much you really mean to me."

I spend the night recalling and sharing about the end of my old job with my friends and family, and bragging a bit about how wonderful the new one is. Surprisingly, very little is said about my problems with Vera. Ray comes over with Sal as most of the original crowd is leaving, and he hands me a beer. "You like your new car, dickhead?" Ray asks, with Sal laughing his ass off.

At some point during a lull, I'd gone out front and studied the totally refurbished Buick. "Yeah," I say. "I don't know how you two pulled that off."

"We used the money from that asshole to redo the interior. Well, we sprung for some too. Rolando and his brother did the body work, and Ray did the paint job himself. Ray also helped Vera get it on campus. Drove right past the rent-a-cop without so much as a look."

"And you're giving it to me?" I ask.

"Damn straight," Sal exclaims. "But if I need to borrow it, no questions asked, okay?"

We all laugh, and then Sal says, "And if you're not claiming your woman, then I'm telling you now I'll be putting on a full-court press. She's one fine chica - not like those cholitas on campus."

Damn, this guy's brazen. At least he's honest.

"I'll be trying to work through it with her, so back off Sal." That earned me a smile from the big, burly bastard.

Vera walks up beside me. "Most everyone has gone home," she says. The kids want to go with my parents, if it's okay with you? They'll just be going to bed anyway at this late hour. You can get them in the morning."

"Yeah," I sigh. "It is late, isn't it?"

"Well, I do have an ulterior motive for sending them," she says with an evil smile. "I was kind of wondering, well, asking, if you could take me for a night drive, in your new... pussy wagon."

I put my arm around Vera. "Of course. I think that little stunt of yours earned you that much. Don't get any ideas, though. I still haven't had my revenge."

"Oh, you've had little, honey," she replies warmly, "but you did teach me a lesson in the process, and it was a lesson I really needed to learn. You could have just walked away, but you tried to get me to understand just how fucked in the head I was. I'd say you succeeded. I just hope you'll let me prove that you did."

"Okay, Vera," I say finally. "Oh, and, by the way: I forgive you."


Yes, we went for a drive, but we didn't say much. Vera just cuddled up next to me on the bench seat. No, it wasn't like riding off into the sunset, like in some Hollywood romance movie. We didn't make mad, passionate love that night; neither of us was ready for that, and, frankly we were both drained physically and emotionally. We did sleep together - next to each other, I guess you could say.

Vera and I did stay together, and not just for our children. She worked hard to rebuild the trust and respect that had been damaged. She was very patient that first year whenever I had a bad day over our troubles. She kept her word, about everything, and our relationship is now stronger than ever.

Most importantly, she finally understands exactly how she hurt me. She knows that even if there'd been no sleazebag at all - if her 'prank' had been pure fiction, start to finish - that she'd still have crossed a line. Some things you just don't joke about; some things are sacred.

Professor Strausberg retired the following spring. How much Reg's sleaziness or Vera's stunt played a role, we'll never know.

Reg hasn't been seen around our town since his run in with Ray and Sal.. He's probably trying to set up another scam to that same end. Maybe it'll be cooking classes this time around. Pottery, perhaps? As long as he's doing it somewhere far away from my wife, I just can't bring myself to care.

My former company still employs Mrs. Wilkins, but so what? I love my new job, and the pay is incredible.

Vera and I have not only forgiven each other on numerous occasions, but we've also made a game of it - you know, one of those games. The strange car isn't so strange anymore, and is now prominently and proudly on display in my driveway.

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Btrying2Btrying25 days ago

6.11.24. Amen a version of EdRider73’s dreadful 😬tale that does not leave me wanting to make someone feel pain. Most of the things I thought should be done and said immediately following Vera’s public betrayal are undertaken by Gary in this very well written story. The old company getting him a new job at a competitor was a surprise but interesting addition.

My first thought on the Welcome Party was just turn around and go. He is going to be off balance no matter what happens. The public apology on campus and here to family and friends gives me pause. I want to say F U and leave, but I comprehend the risk and vulnerability she is opening herself to experience. BUT it is still manipulation and peer pressure at its worst. A good faith gesture of remorse and apology is where I land reluctantly.

Reconciling in a years time. Nope don’t buy that. I think they will get there though. Heavy duty counseling is needed by her to understand her, for lack of better description “stupid betrayal”. Gary needs to find the path to actual forgiveness not the hurriedly muttered “I forgive you” in a time of extreme flux for his emotions in an ambush party with family and friends.

All in all super storytelling given the cluster F that is its beginning.

Thanks for sharing. John

OOAAOOAA10 days ago

Good story! I would have included something more on Reg... Just leaving that scumbag out there to cause more pain to more people, does not seem really fare...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Good, but....The ending seemed rushed and artificial after all the angst and anger over the wife's terrible prank and her far too intimate conduct with Reg. And enlisting all the family and friends to show up and support the wife as soon as he gets back from a three week trip is exactly the wrong way to fix a very personal likely marriage ending problem between the two of them. I think many men would feel unreasonably pressured and would just turn around and leave. I thought the writing was quite good until the ending, but that ruined it for me. No score because I don't want to ding a mostly good well written story.

Dennis26Dennis26about 2 months ago

Good story. Enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This is a horrible story of gaslighting and manipulation. His wife manipulated him with “unconditional forgiveness” in advance, and gaslit him about what she did and why. His old boss was manipulating him. His new boss was manipulating him to stay “a good safe, stable, salaryman”. His so called friend took his wife’s side and manipulated him. The manipulation of the staged apology, enabled and witnessed by family and friends was breathtaking! See, I was contrite, publicly, and now you have to take me back, or everyone will think you’re the asshole, and you’ll lose your family and friends!


I would have told everyone that because they are attempting to manipulate me into forgiveness, they are no longer my friends, and to get off of my property. I would condemn my parents for choosing a cruel adulterous slut over their son, and tell them to take her with them, and to NEVER come back. Then I would explain to my children EXACTLY what their mother did, and that she won’t be living with us anymore, but not to worry, I’ll get them a better mother soon enough!


Then I’ll start my own consulting business. I’m able to resolve major issues at a factory in less than a month. Lots of firms will pay me a lot of money to do it for them. The next wife can homeschool the children, and they can all come along when I need to travel. Setup a tour bus as a massive RV/truly mobile home/office.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

The first step is to call the police and report them for stealing his gun. That’s a felony. Press charges. Insist on a restraining order.


The traitor sluts letter has given him legal evidence for criminal charges, and lawsuits. I would love to see a version of this where he shows up to get his kids with a deputy present, and she never sees them again.


There’s SOO MUCH potential for utter devastation, and all of it legal, all because she stupidly documented the criminal conspiracy, and unprofessional behavior of the enablers!



beatman04beatman042 months ago

After everything she still has a make out session and more at his apartment. She got off way too easy. Should have dumped her.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I read the original as per your suggestion and said at the time she opened up a can of worms by her actions and I wondered what would happen next. You showed us a way which resulted in a reconciliation. I think the wife was incredibly lucky in getting that. I feel if it happened in real life the vast majority of marriages would be broken beyond repairing after her lies and manipulation and betrayal of his love. Not to mention the total disrespect. To be able to find a way to trust her again is a feat that I'm not convinced personally I could achieve. This was an excellent story very well told and felt in character with the original. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Over all it wasn't a bad Alternative ending, a bit too drug out though. He really never get his revenge on Mrs. Wilkins, beside maybe slowing down her Career advancements. Or on Reg and Professor Strausberg, I think a good baseball bat could have fixed both of them nicely, truthfully..

26thNC26thNC3 months ago

Helluva story. I enjoyed it.

dgfergiedgfergie3 months ago

"I new what woman could to a man's soul" That is from and old Eagles song and it's so true. This is and was an excellent story. It points out the hurt and anguish that can be done to a person when another is just planning to 'prank' them.. Such a simple thing just pretend to be cheating on your mate, that is not a prank or a joke. It's mean and cruel. Marriages and relationships are very fragile. Just look at the divorce rate. Do you think our MC overreacted? Do you think what she did with her play was a just a prank? The woman deluded her self. She hid his gun and removed all the valuable's from the house so she knew he might react badly to the prank. Excellent story although some others don't think so. What do you doif this happened to you? 5 stars

willyk1212willyk12123 months ago

3 stars here she cheated as soon as kiss and hand on dick

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Nope. Betrayal, Disrespect, Broken Trust. I'm sure there were more "Dis's". She's sorry because it blew up in her face.

cruzer1955cruzer19554 months ago

This one sucked. The wife was halfway out the door and did in fact cheat. Penetration is not required for that. She lied repeatedly and totally had no respect for her husband. He should have told everyone in his backyard that they were out of line and walked away.

MountainMan1336MountainMan13364 months ago

4 Stars for this story. It was well written and the characters believable. However the Buick Riviera did not have bench seats at least not in 69.

CallmetrayCallmetray4 months ago

The best of the Strange car sequels. Great story.

Redaer99Redaer994 months ago

I am sorry but, despite liking a lot of your stories, this time I liked the original better

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