Strange Queens Ch. 02: Kidnapped Love


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'No.' The hoarse voice came back. 'No we don't. We have nothing. We have no one. We're all widows, ex-girlfriends, dis-connected and dissolved. We're vulnerable and alone and have nothing else to live for but as-' the voice seemed to falter just a tiny bit, '-as bodies and slaves and whores.'

Jordan was aghast. 'What the hell happened to you?' She asked.

'I was married for nineteen days,' the hoarse voiced woman replied after a moment. 'My husband, a soldier, was honeymooning with me in Fillamentia, a small town near a warzone, out of country when the town was attacked. We don't know why, and we don't know who. All I know is that he saved a family, two kids and their parents, by throwing himself on a landmine.'

A few moments passed, then another voice spoke up.

'Two years after I was born my mum sold me to a rich man who was promising to raise girls as eloquent, educated women in exchange for their birthrights. He raised me and nine other girls my age so that we could be his sex toys night after night from the day we were old enough. When I was an adult I was given to another family to seduce their son so that he would not dream of sex and run off with girls and be distracted from his learning, but I escaped and was found on the streets and taken here.'

'I was in love with a man who visited one day and named himself as my lost half-brother,' another girl spoke up. 'His parents thought we were going to movies and shopping for shoes, when he was in fact raping me in his car. I lost my virginity to him at tw-'

Just then, the whole container shook and screamed. The sound of metal on metal filled their ears and reverberated around the metal room. With a sudden jolt the whole crate shook and then tilted to one side. Anyone not sitting stumbled and grabbed for the wall, a few girls plonking into others. Some exclamations of pain could be heard above the sound, presumably from some of the girls falling into and hitting others.

The floor lurched and the entire crate lifted. More light streamed in from the corners and now edges and lines could be seen as the whole thing was exposed to light. Holding on to the beam inside the doors, Jordan looked about. She saw females, all mostly against the right side wall, leaning or holding themselves up. As she looked at them, seeing nipple here, eye there, some color from hair and flashes of white skin, the floor moved under them and her legs became useless. Several others fell, but Jordan was holding on to the beam inside the door and managed to stay upright. The container was now high in the air and moving, seeming to swing around. Momentum built up a little and after some moments they came to a halt, but thanks to their speed, weren't done moving. The crate swung, pendulum-like, in the other direction, and now the other wall was down. Girls tumbled over and one cracked her head on the side, landing with a thump on the floor in the corner and going still. Jordan wanted to help her, but couldn't - if she let go, she'd be subject to the motions too. It was all she could do to hold on.

From the outside, the huge crate could be seen being lifted magnetically by an even more huge crane and swung from it's storage area and out over a massive docking bay. Two long wharfs stood side by side with enough room for a shipping freighter to perch itself in for filling and emptying. Behind it, wide, open blue could be seen - the blue of a massive lake area. Part of a sort of half-bowl in the coastline, this bay was ideal for shipping. It had direct access to the ocean without detours, but was sheltered from the wind, storms and waves of the open water.

In the air, the girls fell about as they dangled over the wooden platforming. Then they jolted and lowered until their container was about a foot off the ground before, with a huge screech, the magnet let go and they slammed down the final gap. It was only a small drop, but inside it was like a car accident on a main road. Anyone still standing stumbled and most fell, while those on the ground jolted and some reacted in pain from the impact.

Jordan felt the jarring jolt spear up through her legs as they hit the ground but held on to her door rails hard. Outside she could hear, and feel, the soft vibrations of some large vehicle movement. She was just about to let go of her door and see if anyone was hurt when a scraping could be heard, as though something was sliding under them. A few moments later it stopped, and then the crate began to rise. It tilted, as though whatever was lifting it was lifting from one side. A moment later Jordan heard the beeping.

Outside, the huge double trailered truck backed in under the container. A massive transporter, the truck was capable of pulling three full shipping containers on the road, but would be carrying two today. The girls' container was installed on the first mounts, placed behind the driver's cabin. Then a second crate, this one loaded with normal stock, was placed directly behind it, effectively blocking off access to the live-female carrying one. Now loaded, the truck pulled out of position and rode through the massive warehouse that stood between the loading bay side of the wharf and the mainland. As it passed through it was cleared off and once out the other side it accelerated up the gentle hill that gave access to the shipping yard. Then, at the main road, it swung wide and turned onto the tarmac and picked up speed, racing off to it's destination, it's cargo of eleven live women safely loaded on it's back.

* * * * *

It took many hours to travel to their destination. In that time, Jordan and the others variously satisfied themselves in smaller groups. Several girls, including the hoarse-voiced older lady who had been so bitter and hopeless, took to resting in one end of the container. They layed themselves out or curled up against walls and most slept. One or two wept softly.

For her part, Jordan did her best to speak with them. After several unsuccessful attempts at rallying the group, three or four of them had come over to her. Either not able to rest, or still clinging to hope, they had approached one at a time. Jordan had just finished a short little line about "solidarity and hope" when one young girl with a very vivacious bust had made her way to her.

'Hey.' She'd said simply. 'Look... For what it's worth, even though we'll probably never get out of here... I want to say I believe you. I want you to know that you've made a difference, at least to me. You have hope and that makes us have hope too.'

Jordan had to take a moment to appreciate her words. The light streaming through the corners and gaps was enough to make her visible, and Jordan could see the outline of her face and frame, and the outline of her very impressive breasts. Even in the near pitch dark, she felt them much more impressive than her own. She could see why the girl had been taken.

'Thank you,' she'd replied evenly. 'That means a lot. It's been hard for me to stay positive myself, especially after I've let so many people down.'

From then, the two girls had sat on the rusty and dusty floor and talked. Jordan spoke first, telling her briefly of her girlfriend and her mission to find her, and about how she'd been taken. She also told her about Amele, something that seemed to sadden the other girl.

For her part, the other girl, Rachel, was a student who had been falling slowly behind in class. She'd gotten to the point where once she was getting A's, and now she was getting all D's. The course had outpaced her and by the time she'd learned one course, another module had already started and she'd fall behind. Eventually it had been her teacher who had asked her to "pay him" for out of hours help, and she'd refused him. She went to the head of the school and met him for a private meeting in his office to discuss the teacher's attempt on her, only for him to force himself on her too. When she'd fought him, scratching a nasty cut with her nails on his face and kicking a cut into his leg, he'd overpowered her into submission and locked her in his office, using cable ties to cuff her, before brutally forcing her to suck his dick before she was picked up by a private taxi. An hour later she was stuck inside a container.

Jordan had never heard of so many horrific stories before. Murders, rapes, abuses. These girls were the victims of some of the worst crimes known to humanity and not only were they here, now forced into a life of sexual slavery, but they were alone and objectified. As you might expect from this sort of terrible life, many were distraught, hopeless - those girls were the ones resting in the other end of the container. But what was more incredible was the ones that still had hope, the ones that still fought.

'I never minded oral,' Rachel told her. 'In fact, I have a bit of a fetish for it. Something about the sensation of that soft, ribbed length sliding past my lips and deep into my throat makes me wet. So I didn't much mind the abuse; it was just that he was my principle, my head, the high up, the leader of them all. How he could be so corrupt made me sick.'

And there it was. The epiphany. The reason these girls, some of them, were still fighting. Some of them were down, most were not out. Sure, there was still the horrible slave trade going on here, a tradition carried on from millennia ago, but most of these girls were unfortunates caught up in a bigger cycle.

It was at this point that another girl came over to join them. Tall, with a slender but elegant frame, she sat by Jordan and Rachel, who were now cross-legged on the door side of the carrier, and joined their posse.

'I was similar,' she said, introducing herself as Amanda. 'My boyfriend was incredible. So humble, so handsome, so modest. He blushed and looked at his feet every time you so much as said he looked good. On one of our dates, he spent an hour chatting animatedly with a homeless man we met, and ended up giving him three hundred bucks straight from his own pocket. The guy was a total joy, funny, smart and caring. But his father was a bad man. A rich man who liked his booze and his women. Turns out this son of his ran away from home and his father found him on our fourth date - the date I was working up the courage for to ask him back to my bedroom - driving past us while we strolled by the beach. He got out and punched his son. Just like that, bop, no warning. While he was on the ground he grabbed me and threw me in the car and drove me home. Half an hour later a man showed up and he shoved me into his arms and I ended up here. I never even got to try to escape; the fucking drunk just made me strip and sat there watching me the whole time. Never even looked away, not even for a text. If I moved, he threatened to hit me. When the guy turned up he just walked in and grabbed me and that was it.'

Another girl scooted over at this point, hearing the stories being passed. She seemed tiny, only taking up half the space anyone else was. Jordan wondered why she hadn't seen her before.

'I was nothing like any of you. All I did was one wrong click.' She said. Rachel, a curious and friendly sounding girl, the type to be loud, kind and the warmth of any group, asked her what she meant. 'Well, I signed up for a free site offering fifty-thousand dollars to one winner,' she said. 'That's it. The next thing I knew, I'd won and the delivery would arrive later that day. They'd already dispatched it, they said. Next thing, my roommate's answering the door and asking for me. I step out to their car, they need a signature, and bang, I get a bag over my head.'

'I want to know who's taking girls like you. Why? How? Who needs female slaves in today's age?' Jordan said. 'I mean, we were in a shipping port, so for a moment I thought we might have been sent overseas. That makes sense. But now we're driving inland. That means whoever wants us, wants us all, is here. At home.' Apparently far from a touchy subject, the three girls were eager to discuss their situation.

'I remember a conversation the men who picked me up had,' the little girl said. 'They were saying something about Paul. Or Pauline. Something with a "Paul" sound to it. They seemed to be quite happy about they pay they'd get from him...' She mused, sounding as though she were doing her best to remember it.

'We saw a big man just before, maybe the leader of the whole operation?' Rachel said. The busty girl was a thinker.

'I thought the same thing.' Jordan said.

'What do we do, then?' Amanda asked openly. 'I mean, we're going to get out of this, right? Get ourselves free? We have to, surely.' She sounded hopeful but unsure, as though she needed reinforcement. Jordan was more than happy to oblige. The raw courage inspired confidence.

'Yes. Damn right we're getting out of here. Now obviously we can't get out now, the doors are locked and if we got outside the truck, we'd have to jump off, and we're not protected. We'd skin ourselves.'

'Right. So we wait. What happens when we arrive?' the little one said.

'We have to improvise. Take it as it comes. We can't tell if we're being taken to another place where we get split up, or if we're getting dropped at our new homes one by one. But since we're in a container, and container trucks can't usually visit residential homes, I'd say we're going to a smaller place.' Rachel said.

Jordan had a thought. 'The big one, the leader guy, he mentioned an address. A location to meet us at. If he's meeting us there, then he'll be wherever we're going. He's our best bet. If we can follow him, or even just listen to everything he says, we might get some info.'

'Agreed. So what do we do now?' Amanda asked.

'I say we rest. We need to be ready for our big opening, and we don't know how close we are. Let's relax and get our strength, we'll need it.' Jordan replied. Rachel hummed agreement and the little girl piped up.

'We should huddle.' She said simply.

'What?' Amanda asked.

'Well, we should huddle. Keep warm.' She said simply. Jordan could have sworn she was shrugging as she said it. It was logical, after all.

Some nods and "sure, yeah" later, the girls shuffled their butts around and were soon side by side against the flat wall, arms around backs. Jordan had to admit that the skin on skin was calming, and Rachel's heartbeat was a comfort she hadn't realized she'd missed since she'd last slept with Chelsea. Resting her head on Rachel's' big shoulder, she closed her eyes and drifted into fitful sleep.

* * * * *

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