Strictly Business

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Helping others can be hard hard work.
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 05/22/2006
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This being my first story, I would appreciate any feedback. I would also like to thank Angel Love for her help correcting my butchery of the language. Her encouragement helped enough to stop me from hitting the 'delete all' key. Thank you again Angel. Now on to the story.


Well what the fuck now? A year ago I thought my fucked up life might actually turn out all right. Now all I can think is what the fuck. My name is Rob I'm 38 on my next birthday.

Let me bring you up to speed here. At 26, I led an exciting and dangerous life in a Navy UDT team. Navy Seals, to all that might not know the lingo. That in itself is not important, but does have an impact on the story later as you will see. At 27an inner ear infection led to the end of my diving days. My options were few at the time, desk duty. I thought that one out for about 3 seconds. The question was, behind a desk at Navy pay? Fuck that. After almost ten years in, I resigned my commission and applied for my MBA at a small business school. I had earned my BA during my earlier Navy days and had used it rather well to advance. If I was going to spend my life behind a desk, I was going to go for the gold so to speak.

After two tough years and some sizable student loans, I was on the job market. It did take a while to find a position with a company that I thought had potential. I had been offered a few jobs with large corporations but I felt I may just be another small fish in a big ocean. The money would have been better at first but I was looking down the road a piece.

I settled in after a short time and a routine of sorts developed of visiting a little pub close to work after long hard days. One Friday evening I was sitting alone at the bar and a hand came down on my shoulder. I turned my head to see a tall husky older man I recognized as Ron. Ron was the CEO of the company I worked for, though we had never spoken, I knew him from the office and offered him a stool and a drink. We hit it off from the start. You see I try not to talk shop away from work and that suited Ron. He could clearly see I wasn't trying to kiss his ass and we talked on the same level. This is where the UDT thing kicks in. Ron also led a seal team in his younger days and we shared stories with each other from our old Navy days.

Ron and I met on no set days or even weeks and as the months went by we became fast friend almost brothers. I really didn't have much of a life at the time because of work commitments and frankly a lack of funds. My rent and student loan kept me tapped much of the time and I felt I didn't have much to offer on the dating front until I was a little more financially able. No I wasn't celibate, I picked up women from time to time and we had some laughs but I didn't have time or money to find a relationship. Hell I didn't really know if I knew what a relationship was at the time or if I do now come to think about it. I worked on weekends a lot to stay ahead and I really didn't have anything better to do.

One Saturday morning I was in the office and went down the hall to get some coffee when I noticed Ron's door open. This was pretty odd as usually no one came in on weekends. I looked in to find Ron sitting at his desk, feet up staring at the wall. I think he must have come close to shitting himself as saw me. He calmed quickly as asked me what I was doing here on Saturday. In my best Richard Geer voice, "I GOT NO WHERE ELSE TO GO." I replied. We laughed and I sat and put my feet on his desk and asked if he wanted to talk about it? "Talk about what."

"Look Ron if you don't want to tell me what's up your ass it's up to you, I won't press you."

He looked in my eyes for awhile trying to decide what to do or say. He looked away and said. "Rob I think I've really screwed the pooch this time."

"Want to tell me about it or should I go."

He hesitated a moment. "I fucked up big time and I don't see any way out, I cheated on my wife. She forgave me the last time, but not this time."

"What makes you think she will find out, Ron?"

"The girl's pregnant."

"Wow that complicates the shit out of an already shitty situation."

We sat and no one said any thing for awhile. He finally started filling me in on the details. The girl had just started for the company in the audit department, new from college in her first real job. He met her in the parking lot one night after work, she was having car troubles he had tried to help, and He offered her a ride they went to dinner. You can picture the rest. Now she's pregnant and wifey would take him for wild ride in a divorce court.

All of this was just the cause and effect. The real issue was she would not even consider giving up the baby. She just wouldn't hear of it. She had been raised in a strict moral fashion. That presented the clincher that had Ron's nuts in the vise. Her parents, they may welcome a grandchild but not without a husband.

"What do I do Rob? I can't marry her. What would she do with a 55 year old husband anyway? FUCK... FUCK...FUCK...FUCK."

"No Ron, fuck is defiantly not the answer. That's how you got in this mess in the first place."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and you know, I can't really figure that one out either. I haven't done anything like this for almost 20 years. What was I thinking?"

"Obviously you weren't, if you had been using the big head things would still be peachy."

"I know, anyway thanks for listening to my stupid sorry ass."

"Look, Ron what is the bottom line on this deal from every angle?"

"What do you mean?"

"Break it down Ron, like business deal. First she needs a husband and a father for the baby right?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure I follow you."

"Just go with me here for a minute, Ron."

"OK." "Is she in love with you Ron? I mean does the husband have to be you?"

"No I don't really think so."

"Second she will need some financial support, Infrastructure if you will. She will need a home for the baby, monthly support, and a trust fund for the baby's education. Can you handle that Ron?"

"Well yeah, that's the easy part. But Rob..."

"Number three, will she go for it?"

"I honestly don't know, she may, and I mean she couldn't really love me but she says she will marry me. How would you find a man willing to...?"

HEY Rob, what about you? How much is that going to cost me?"

"What do you ... Whoa there Ron, I didn't say I wanted to get involved."

"Well now that you brought it up, think about it. You're almost perfect for the job. No family to worry about, you're not attached to any one right now and as you said yourself you won't be for a few years?"

"Man I'm kind of sorry I brought it up now."

"Rob this deal maybe a long shot but it is a shot and to be honest if I have to go to divorce court the company will probably fold. If you can make this work I promise to make it right with you."

"Ron are you serious?"

"As a heart attack Buddy."

"At least let me chew on it overnight."

Well what the fuck had I gotten myself into this time. Shit this was a screwed up half baked plan if I had ever seen one and I came up with it. I knew Ron may be right I was as good a candidate for this as anyone. I had grown up in a single parent home, I never really knew my mother. And my dad, well I guess he loved me but he worked so many hours that I never saw him. This always left an empty spot in me, I suppose I understood the concept of love but never really had any experience with it. In my Navy years, love was in the back seat of a car or another thing that was probably more respect and camaraderie than anything. My dad was gone now and really what did I have to loose by helping out a friend and girl in a bad situation? I went over the list of what ifs, I didn't sleep well that night. The thing that decided it for me was the child. This wasn't his or her fault, and the baby shouldn't have to pay for grown up mistakes. I could at least draw the attention of the grand parents and make anything that happened be my fault. I could take the heat and let mom and pop blame me. Human nature seems to require blame be placed on someone, and it shouldn't be the baby. I would be the diversion and grandpa could still love his daughter and her child.

It all boiled down to family. I would do every thing I could to for a few years to see that the family unit was complete. We could come up with an excuse for divorce and maybe all walk away happy or at the very least slightly wounded.

Monday in Ron's office I asked him to set up a meeting with Holly. Shit, I had committed on my part to marry her, and didn't even know her name until then.

We met on Wednesday, at a very swank Italian place. Ron had filled her in on a little information before hand and offered to be there. I thought it would be much easier for us if we were alone. Holly was there when I arrived. I didn't know what to expect but it certainly wasn't her. Tall, slim and long dark hair, almost black, her face would have been perfect with a smile.

This looked like a situation that could head south in hurry. She didn't seem pleased. Maybe she had agreed to be here so she could chew my ass for coming up with this idea. At least I could have a nice dinner before the beatings began.

We were seated in a private area, tense doesn't even begin to describe the mood.

"What in the world would make you think I could marry a man I've never met?" Holly said in a low hiss.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Rob." Offering my hand.

She looked a little less threatening at that point.

"Holly, please could we enjoy a nice supper and just discuss this calmly."

Holly eased up but didn't speak.

We ordered and sat in near silence for awhile. After our salad she finally spoke.


I looked at her eyes for a moment.

"I'm just trying to help."

"It's that simple? Please. What's in it for you?"

"You'll have to trust me on this Holly, I get nothing. As a matter of fact I'm the only one involved with nothing to gain."

"You're not being paid?"

"No, Ron offered but I won't take it." "But why would you do that? I don't understand."

"There are several reasons but I'm not sure I could explain it well enough for you to understand."

"What, so now you think I'm stupid? I must be for listening to this crap."

"You would understand if I did it for money or some pay off, but could you if it was for loyalty and honor or just plain willingness to do something nice without a hidden agenda? Holly, I've helped people all my life in one way or another but never for money."

We finished a lovely dinner, and the mood was less tense but not yet friendly. We remained for coffee. I broke the thick silence.

"I know this all sounds pretty unreasonable but in end the only way to move is forward. You both would like to go back for a do over but we all know that can't happen. If the truth comes out, what will that accomplish? You may end up with an old unhappy husband and an uncertain financial future. This way at least the baby's future is secure, and you can provide a loving stable home. Holly I won't beg you to do this, remember I am the only one involved that can walk away unhurt. Just consider what is to be lost and gained by your actions."

I walked her to her car and hugged her and at the end I think she actually hugged me back.

Work was hectic Thursday, I stayed busy. I thought I did all that I could to convince Holly the night before, we'll see. Ron came in to my office at 5 o'clock as I was cleaning off my desk. He handed me an envelope.

"What's this, my last paycheck?"

"Tickets to Las Vegas, you and Holly leave Sunday."

What the fuck had I done?

I can remember jumping from an airplane one day and after I had committed to the jump, I realized there was no way back inside. I couldn't get back in if I tried. So I went with the flow and enjoyed the ride.

We weren't married by Elvis but it didn't matter, we were now married. The suite at the hotel was nice. Ron had gone all out for our stay in Vegas. Our first night was awkward. We both weren't sure what to do or say. We didn't have sex the first night but I softly kissed her and held her to me. She slept in my arms that night. The next mourning I saw her smile for the first time, she was absolutely gorgeous, wow. We planned a few things for the day, shopping and sightseeing. I made reservations for dinner and a show for the evening. We got to know each other and had a good time.

In our room that night we were more relaxed. We shared a glass of wine and sat at the window enjoying the lights. We didn't talk much, but that seemed ok, at the time. She rose from her chair to fill the in-room spa with water. I stayed in my chair as she went in the bathroom. A few minutes later she emerged in a long robe. Holly joined me at the window and took my hand and pulled saying simply and softly "please."

At the tub, she helped me undress and dropped her robe. "My god, Holly!" was all that would come out of my mouth. She was truly spectacular. We soaked and held each other for what seemed like hours. Latter in bed I kissed her more passionately than the night before and we slept in each other's arms. The rest of the week was good we had fun. Sex? Yes but it was tentative. Not a lot of passion but we had hardly known each other a week.

The week was cut a little short, we decided to 'meet the parents'. Things were a little strained but went as well as could be expected under the circumstances, they were disappointed about the Vegas wedding. We stayed 2 days with Holly's mom and dad and decided to tell them about the baby later. A few weeks later we found a house that Holly loved. Ron mumbled a little about the price but really was overjoyed inside that things were working so well at this point. I reminded him about the cost versus reward theory, at that he just nodded.

After we'd been married about 3 months Holly let her mom in on the pregnancy. She hadn't given her a due date, they could do the math latter. The doctor visits were going fine, we were having a little girl. Holly couldn't happier, I felt something I'd never really felt before but it was good. Cuddling in bed one night she asked me "what should we call her?" Man I was stunned for a moment. "How about Marie." she suggested. "Perfect." was all I could say at the time. I think now that is when I first felt I was becoming part of something, Part of a family instead of a conspiracy. We did all the baby classes together, shopped and got the nursery ready. This was all so new to me, we were busy and happy.

Marie was born and she was perfect. She impacted my life like a ton of bricks. I helped Holly all I could with Marie. The changing, 4 o'clock feeding and any thing I couldn't do I tried to learn. A year later a feeling started to grow inside me that some times made me feel like I was outside of our house watching our lives through a window. A Holly would some times just sit and watch me, like she was trying to decide or say something. These little things depressed me somewhat, I started thinking my bubble was about to pop. But nothing bad happened so I continued with the flow. My relationship with my wife was comfortable but I sensed we were both holding back a little. We had discussed a divorce before we married a couple of years down the road. I wondered sometimes if it was coming, I was afraid to say anything. I really didn't want to lose my new family. I liked where I was headed for once in my life.

Life moved on, the other shoe I was waiting to hit me in the ass never came. My carrier was in high gear. After 7 years together the bad feelings I had, were almost gone.

I was taking a proposal to Ron's office for his review. Ron was on the phone with his back to the door looking out the window as he spoke.

"Holly how are you, how's Marie?" I waited at the door smiling now, thinking of my wife and daughter. "Are things going as planed?" What plan? I thought. I wasn't smiling anymore. I stepped into the office. "Holly is Rob suspecting any thing?" I quietly laid the paperwork on his desk along with my heart and left. That shoe I had been waiting for had come up from behind and squashed me like a bug on a sidewalk. What the fuck now!

To be continued...

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19694 months ago

great setup and cliffhanger

Marklynda2Marklynda2over 1 year ago

Very good start, it's a very interesting concept, I look forward to reading more. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 1 year ago
It is obvious

that no-one proof read this

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Exceptionally creative plot and well executed.

a_reader_from_germanya_reader_from_germanyalmost 2 years ago

Just started reading this. Seems strange that the impregnated girl wants to carry and keep the child because of her moral upbringing. Such would usually include not to fuck the married boss in the first place. Did he rape her? Perhaps there will be an explanation later, otherwise this is kind of contradictory.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I thought this Holly was pregnant... what is she doing drinking alcohol?... Why is Rob so in debt with student loans?... first off, he spent 10 years in the Navy, they would pay for his MBA when he left... second, a MBA only takes 2 years after your BA... unless he was going to Wharton or some ivy league school the tuition would not be that horrendous... and finally, the payments on student loans are based on your income so you are not so indebted you can't live and if they are too high you can easily ask for deferments or restructuring so your payments are less burdensome... you need someone to proof-read or edit your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Interesting...very interesting.

enderlocke77enderlocke77almost 3 years ago

umm what time did this take place? bc why does she need to be married? if the boss man is going to pay everything then she doesnt need a husband maybe a nanny the the boss man pays for. so unless this takes place back when u were hanged for having a child out of wedlock it doesnt make any sense

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Reading again

Great start, great first story, but I don't think you'll go far as an author.

BeauReadyBeauReadyover 3 years ago
Rough Premise

... to buy, most certainly.

But I do sincerely like the shot to the solar plexus for a cliffhanger! There's a wake-up call, or better yet, a good hard slap across the kisser to get my attention!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Another whiny, childish rant by Dark2Dumbass2

kmreaderkmreaderover 4 years ago
Rob vs Ron

The only comment I would suggest is not having two characters with such similar names that it could easily be confused, unless of course this has some hidden meaning important to the story to be revealed in part 2.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
What a moronic nonsense of a plot

A guy takes a girl knocked up by another guy without any compensation.

What a foolish idea! Was that a topic for a LW Twilight Zone?

Who has been giving high scores to this drivel?

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Pretty good

Pretty good for first effort. Looking for equally good part two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

That ending is just contrived drama bait, propably some big misunderstanding that only works by giving one or more characters the idiot ball.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
Interesting and original

, as far as I know, premise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
what a start

great start, but the finish, could be a good one.....bill

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Whats that at that story "morals"???

He married a girl out of the blue and accept the child of another one without bad feelings?? Thats not reality!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
sbbrooks is right

Strict moral standard but screws a much older married man the first time they meet. Guess that is how very religious parents tell their daughters to thank someone for helping out with a little car trouble.

Does one get bj for opening a door??????

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