Stuck In Heaven - Pt. 01

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John gets stranded in an Island with Elizabeth Olsen.
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Stuck In Heaven

On a Friday morning, sleep betrayed me for excitement. As I lay awake on my bed at 3 AM with the thought of my voyage that was about to begin in a few hours. 3 months after my 20th birthday, I thought things would be different, and it sure was. As confident as I was, that I won't be able to sleep anyway, I got out of the bed, brushed my teeth, put on some facemask on the face, and ice mask for the eyes. Did some meditation for a while, before I stripped naked and hit the cold shower.

By 11 AM, I left the house, on the cab to the harbor. The traffic didn't bother me for the first time in a long time. I reached the Brisbane harbor around 12 PM. Although, the ship I am going to board won't be in the harbor itself, but on a private port about 3 miles down. For some reason I felt like taking a stroll, and on the way, I had my breakfast and supplies for the next 10 - 15 days, though, I knew, it would take more than that for me to reach Hawaii. More specifically, Honolulu.

By the time, I reached the private port, carrying my bag and trolly, which had gotten so heavy after the supply run, there was a sturdy, robust man called for me, waving his hand. He had a balding head, bushy beard where his lips were hidden, and sunburnt here and there. His wore a white shirt, which was stained with dirt and looked greyish with buttons unbuttoned, displaying his belly and hairy chest to the locals. Despite his untidy appearance, he had a strong arm. And his legs were beastlike with huge calves, that appeared after his knee length orange shorts.

'Jacky?' He yelled at me, still waving his hands, while his other hand held a dark green brimmed hat.

'It's John, uncle, not Jacky.' I said as I reached near him. Kept my bag down and hugged him. Like the stereotypical sailor, he did not reek of booze, but he definitely reeked of dry fish, salt, sweat and grease.

'Yeah, yeah, Johnny, how have you been?' he asked.

'Not bad uncle. Looks like you've been living your life huh?' I said as I kept my hand on his belly.

'Oh yes, you'll see, you'll see.' He grabbed my trolly and walked to the old, almost a ramshackle of cargo ship. A small one compared to the normal cargo ships but still bigger for me. This should could fit about 20 people, excluding the space of mini containers and goods. I took my steps carefully as I placed my bag and trolly in the captain's deck.

'You can either wait in the shop, or you see a small hut over there, yeah, so you can go there, maybe a grab a couple a beer or a have a small nap or something. I got another last-minute booking. They said they might be little late, maybe couple hours.' He said as he grabbed his old phone, which almost lost its paintings and I for one was surprised on that century old mobile still functioning, like the ship itself.

'How many passengers? I mean if you're taking passengers other than me.'

'Yeah, I'd say about 8 others. One of them said, they would pay me a shit ton of money to get them to Hawaii. I wonder what's there in Hawaii really. Never went past the port.' He got off the ship, down the shore.

I followed him and went to the hut like place, which was essentially the local bar. He got us both a couple of beer and sat there talking about my old drama and his old adventures.

A while later, he got a call, and he went out rushing, answering the phone. 'Get to the ship Jacky...I mean, Johnny.' He said as he walked away urgently. I did as he asked and sat in the captain's deck, taking a look around. That's when I noticed, it's already half past 3 PM.

As I was looking around the ship, I heard few voices of women in distant, and among those cluster of voice, one sounded very familiar. I looked through the glass and saw 3 women and 4 men, and my uncle getting on the ship. The voices echoed louder now, as I went back to the deck to take a peek, I saw a tall, muscular men, and one lean and another one of an average height with bush like curly hairs, altogether blocking the view. I couldn't see anything but the tall pole on the front. I move to the side and I see one petite blonde woman, and another chubby yet, fit women.

The familiar voice kept speaking and my uncle was responding, curious, I try to get close to my uncle, and the time along with world stopped. For the third woman, another blonde haired, blue eyed gorgeous lady stood there in a white tank top and blue jeans, casually discussing the travel timing and payment. It was none other than Elizabeth Olsen, the infamous Hollywood actress.

First question to my mind, among thousand others were, why would such an actress prefer a ramshackle of a ship like this, instead of choosing first class seat in a private jet even. Not that I had a complain, but I started wondering the possibilities of this.

'This is my nephew. Ja...I am sorry...John. If you need anything let him know. We will be leaving in an hour.' My uncle said as he left the group and went to the engine room, while I stayed behind, adoring Elizabeth Olsen. They all looked at me, including Elizabeth Olsen, and she passed a weak smile at me. I considered that as a luck.

24 hours in the sea, with rain drizzling now and then, little harsh waves, it was all good. At least for me. That night, I stood leaning on the edge, looking into the ocean, with bright dense stars on the sky and she appeared before me, once again, after one complete day.

'Hey' she said and stood near me, wearing a grey t-shirt, a jacket and denim shorts. It took me a short moment to realize and get back from the blank zone.

'Hi...Hey, I mean, Hi. You know I am a huge fan.' I stammered, my hands trembled and my cheeks shivered in fear.

'Don't sweat. Relax.'

'Of. Okay.' I stopped talking after that.

'Don't get so anxious around me. I am not gonna bite you.'

'Okay.' I smiled. She had her hair pulled into a bun now, which the loosened it and let her silky hair flow for a while. Then she pulled it back into a pony.

I got the feel of getting an erection just by seeing her do this.

'I am..a huge fan of yours Ms. Olsen. If...If you don't mind?' I grabbed my mobile from the pocket. 'Can I take a picture with you?'

'Aww, thanks. Yeah, Yeah, sure, come here.' She got close to me, with her hand on my shoulder, her face near mine, her tits pressing against my arms as I raised my mobile for a picture. That moment was more pleasurable than any orgasm I attained through masturbation.

'And, call me Lizzy. I'd like to be considered as a regular person and leave this drama behind for a while now. Initially, I craved attention, wanted to be an actress. I loved signing up autographs, click pictures with fans and the sound and view of them going crazy...I loved that.' She started speaking, leaning on the edge, looking into the ocean, just like I was. I joined her and listened to everything she had to say.

She had to lot to vent it out. If I am being honest, I was only actively listening to her half the time, cause the rest of the time I was just checking her out. Her plain lips, loose t-shirt where I got a glimpse of her cleavage and even better view when she crossed her hands, and her thick legs in the shorts. It was too much beauty in a single form.

'I don't even know, why I am burdening you with my rants.' By this point, her eyes were red, and few more minutes, she'd have been crying. 'You have a cigarette?'

'Umm, no. But, just a second, I can get it for you.' I rushed to the wheelhouse and grabbed the cigarette box from my uncle and rushed back to Lizzy.

'Here you go.' I handed her the cigarette and an electric lighter, which I carry with myself for safety purpose. Thanks to Bear Grylls on this.

'Thanks!' she lit the cigarette and started smoking it up. Two puff later, she looked at me and asked if I smoke, I said no, hesitantly. But then, when Lizzy Olsen is offering you a smoke, you don't say no. Hence, I said, 'I've been wanting to try though.'

She smiled, dusted the ash and passed me the cigarette she was smoking. I didn't expect this, but I was also fast on accepting the offer. I tried on puff, a slow moderate one. Didn't do any harm. I blew it out. And on second one, I got greedy and took a big puff this time, which caught me and I coughed, passing the cigarette back to her.

'We're not on race. Take it slow.' She said taking another puff, and gave it back to me.

'I don't know the technique.' I answered, trying to pull a moderate one.

'There's no technique. It's just the process. You should learn to enjoy the process, rather than crave a good result. Now, breathe some air in along with it.' She instructed and I did as she mentioned.

'You feel it hit the lungs? Now, get it out.'

I did and this time, it felt wonderful and my head started losing focus for a minute. By this point, more than half the cigarette was done. Few more puffs and few more rants out of her system, the cigarette was done and she handed me back the cigarette box. But I asked her to keep it. She smiled and thanked me for that.

'It's time for dinner, I guess. We better get going.' We started walking to our cabin, as she walked beside me, with her hands on my shoulders.

People had their dinner in deck sometimes, and sometimes in their cabin, or in the common place where the food is served. My uncle Jason had to assistance to run the ship. Which was majorly under-resourced, but considering pay, they were sufficient.

That night we had dinner in the common cabin. Elizabeth Olsen for the first time looked at me while others were and passed me the typical Lizzy Olsen cute smile as she had her dinner.

'What's your name?' one of the tall men from Lizzy's group asked me, while one of petite blonde girl looked at me eagerly.

'I am John.' I said, instantly offering my hand.

He introduced himself as Marvin, and so the introduction session began. I shook hands with all, and got to know all their names for the first time after getting on the ship. Next to Marvin were two guys who looked almost identical, Liam and Logan were their names. Next came Elizabeth Olsen, whom of course I know. And the petite blonde woman who sat eagerly introduced herself as Celine, and the other blonde fit woman was Katelyn.

It was awkward mostly because I was nervous and anxious. I was nervous and anxious because Lizzy kept passing me the cute smile, as if she had her eyes on me. And at some point, Marvin figured what was going I guess and he grinned seeing what was happening.

After dinner, I lay on the bed, starring at the ceiling, trying to get a good sleep or at least an average one. But sleep never came, instead, I got an erection thinking about Lizzy's smile, the mental picture of her hand on my shoulder, us smoking together, her lips, her cleavage. Before I knew it, my hard dick was suffocating under the undies.

In the past, I jerked off to Elizabeth Olsen more times than I could count. There were moments I came and creampied my pants without even rubbing one out or massaging it, but just by imagining her. Especially after the the movie Oldboy came out. But this time it was weird for some reason. Maybe it was because I had to face her in person after I jerked off to her. Sleep eluded me, and my erection was hurting me too.

I went out to the deck, stood again on edge and looked into the dark ocean with strong waves crashing against the boat and splashing water in. Lizzy still wandered in my mind and I figured I wouldn't be able to sleep for a while now. I sat near one of those Hydralic pins, with anchor chains and tyres around. I sat watching the waves crashing with the light from masthead and the wheelhouse.

Few minutes later, when I decided to get back to my cabin, I hear a silent giggle and inaudible voice, but familiar one. I turned to look back, there came Lizzy and Marvin. Marvin was trying to grab her by her waist and tickle her and he was succeeding in that and also getting subjected my jealousy.

'Stop it, I had a heavy dinner.' She said trying to get away from his grasp.

'Guess what, I am still hungry.' He said and pulled her even closer, with his groin pressed against her ass.

'Of course you are.' She giggled a bit louder and instantly lowered her voice, looking around. 'You keep doing this, then I am gonna giggle louder, wake everyone up. Then, they might feed you a proper dinner then.' As she said this, she got out of his grasp and went near the handrail.

Marvin tried to get back closer to her, hence she moved to the edge, where me and Lizzy stood earlier, smoking cigarette and talking.

'So, what's the deal with that kid huh?' Marvin asked, leaning on the edge, facing the other way to the ocean.

'Who, John?' She asked as she grabbed the cigarette box from her shorts pocket. They both took each and Marvin lit the cigarettes.

'You see any other young man around here, than him? What is he 18? 19?'

'Yeah, he is young. I didn't ask his age though. I think maybe 21. He's got some beard thing growing here and there on this face.' She said and giggled as she took a puff from her cigarette.

I for one felt very happy, that I was considered as a topic for Lizzy Olsen to discuss in the first place. And moreover, she noticed the budding beard, which mean she gave attention to me, while we were talking.

'So?' Marvin repeated, getting awfully close to Lizzy that he was basically leaning onto her.

'I think he's cute. What else should I say?'

'I saw the way you looked at him today, at dinner. What was that?'

'I was looking at you moron.' She said and gave a peck on her lips.

That sight, that statement made my tummy curl like water.

'Ooh, is it? I didn't know...that.' He said dropping his cigarette into the ocean and leaned onto Lizzy and kissed her. She didn't resist, obviously. She started it.

'Oh yes, and I was also what this would feel like...'she almost whispered in a teasing tone, and grabbed his dick over his pants. 'In my mouth, maybe.' she scrunched her nose, like she usually does.

'Oh oh...woah. We gonna do this here?' Marvin asked between kisses as Lizzy's hands rummaged over his jeans, grabbing his groin, and unzipping it.

'Why not?' Lizzy didn't stop. She had almost unzipped his pants and was trying to unbutton his pants. But at that point, his dick was almost out. She wanted full access to it I guess.

What a whore, I mumbled to myself.

'What if someone sees us? What if the captain guy...or..or the..young guy. John...'he was saying, but started stammering when his pants fell to his knees and his 6 inch dick stood pointing at her tummy.

She grabbed his balls, and looked at him, sliding her tongue in his mouth. She then slowly got to her knees as her hands did the wonders of making his cock grow bigger. When she was done with her magic the cock was almost 7 and half inches long, and stood upright close to his tummy. His balls shrunk, legs and butt tensed up.

Lizzy got down to her knees and took his huge dick in her mouth and started sucking it. To make it better for him, he held back of her head in one hand and a lock of her blonde silky hair in his other hand and started thrusting his cock deep into her mouth. As far as I was, with the waves crashing, I heard her choking, but not so much..

A minute later, he let go of her hair, but still held her head and kept face fucking her. But he wasn't looking down at her beautiful face, lusty eyes staring up at him, while her warm sensual lips wrapped around his dick, sucking the soul out of his cock. He was rather enjoying it all too well to watch it. His eyes shut, with his head leaning back, facing the sky, gasping as if he had swam 100 miles.

'You keep doing this, I'll be done soon Lizzy.' he said between gasps and moans.

She stopped sucking and stood up slowly, kissing all the way back and kissing his lips. This time the kiss was a little more intense and passionate. As weird as it was to see my celebrity crush sucking dick in real, it was also a major turn-on, In fact, I was oozing precum and my boxer was a little wet already.

'What do you want me to do then?' she whispered in his ears.

'This' he grabbed her by the waist and made her sit on a wooden box, behind which were more boxes. She sat, leaning on them. She understood the move and hastily unbuttoned her shorts and pulled it to her knees, and from there, he removed it completely and threw it on top of a box.

It was his turn now as he got to his knees, held her legs by the ankle, and spread her legs, where the black panty was the only thing blocking something so wonderful from his sight. He hated it and so he wanted to tear it down. But not so soon. He kissed and slide his tongue in her mouth. His hands got busy, feeling every inch of her breast between her half-loosened tank top and his other hand was also busy roaming down, exploring the flesh and crack over her panties.

'This is too fucking hot...' he whispered between kisses with his mouth still over hers. She shivered at a point where his fingers slowly tried to get under her panties from the gap between her left thigh. His finger did reach in and it definitely touched the passageway, Her cunt, which was a little wet by that point.

'You're fucking're little cunt.' he hissed as he tried to tear her panties down. Usually, in porn it's shown as a easy task where the male actors would tear it down like piece of paper. But here, he struggled, but didn't even manage to tear a tiny bit.

'Just a sec.' she said as she hastily removed her panties, looking around. Once it was out of the way, he grabbed it from her and threw it in the ocean. For a second, Lizzy was just angry for what Marvin did, she found that a bit hot.

Once the panty was away, Marvin was able to see now. The clean shaved pussy, with glistening fluid between and around. 'Damn!' he exclaimed as if he was seeing it for the first time. She looked at him with a kinky smile, enjoying the view of Marvin getting excited seeing her pussy.

She grabbed Marvin's head and pulled his face closer to her pussy and pressed it. He went all in wholeheartedly. Marvin started doing his wonders with his tongue, digging, licking and exploring her cunt. A minute or two later, her tummy shivered a bit, she arched as she moaned and gasped. Her legs were moving sideways and pressing his head between her thighs.

'Oh fuck! Yes.' she almost yelled as she started shivering and arching her back more so, moaning with it. Her eyes rolled up, her head backwards, and gasping intensely. 'Fuck me'. She basically yelled in a loud moan and gasping tone. But, I am sure no one would have heard her yelling except for him and me, with the waves crashing.

He obliged and got back to her face, kissing as her hands guided his missile into the tunnel. It was a big one, but the tunnel had seen more of those, hence it was not a struggle. Her face showed the sign of the painful pleasure of Marvin entering her, rather than the raw pain of taking a 7 and half inch dick.

He was inside her, almost completely. He started slow under Lizzy's instructions as she managed the rest of grabbing his hands and placing it on her tits, and her legs wrapped and locked around his waist. He kept thrusting it in and out, and her body swayed up and down with the rhythm as her tits jiggled up and down, whenever he was not cupping them.

Any porn gets boring at somepoint, especially if it's just two couples fucking the shit out of the each other in the same position, without any naughty words coming out of their mouth. Likewise, as hot as it was for me to experience a live porn with Elizabeth olsen as the main cast, it got boring when Marvin kept fucking her in G-whiz position. She had her ass on the edge of the wooden box with her legs spread, her back and head leaning on the other boxes behind her, and he was on his knees, with his groin matching the height of the wooden box and comfortably to the level of Lizzy Olsen's cunt.