Suddenly Sarah

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Two married people hook up.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/31/2020
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This is a story is a fantasy grounded in some truth. It is different than my usual stories, but like all of my stories, it was inspired by some recent events. I hope you enjoy.


I hadn't kissed another woman in almost 30 years. It was weird at first but became electric. It was a long time coming and it did not disappoint. I shouldn't be kissing a woman other than my wife, but I was past that point. I was on a swim dock with Sarah and Sarah was pretty much all I thought about for the last month. What started innocently was now moving from a simmer to a boil.

I kissed her tentatively at first. One kiss in response to a peck she had just given me. We backed off. I looked at her again. Her eyes shined and her smile was nervous but genuine. I slowly leaned in and our lips met again. This time it wasn't brief, and it shed its tentativeness. We kissed like two people who had been building to this moment for weeks. Which we had been. I had almost forgotten what it is like to kiss passionately. My wife and I, like many couples that have been together for years, kissed affectionately, but rarely passionately anymore. With Sarah it was all passion. Her lips were firm and she parted them as we kissed. My tongue joined in the fun and soon it was like we were teenagers necking for the first time.

But we weren't teenagers. We were married with kids and in our 50's. This was not even on my radar when summer began. I had known Sarah for 7-8 years as a mom of three girls who sailed with our daughter at the club. I had always thought she was good looking and had always loved her smile, but our interactions were brief, and it was just fun to talk to her and admire her briefly as we both moved on with our lives.

I sail, I bike. Sarah does too. My wife doesn't really do either. So, when I did encounter Sarah at the Yacht Club it was always without my wife. In our case the "Yacht" club is really a sailing club since there were only small racing sailboats at the club, no yachts, no clubhouse with a fancy restaurant, no bar or shop. Just a summer only sailing club that focused on racing. I would also see her riding out on the road around the lake and we would wave. I had her middle daughter crew for me a few times when I needed the extra weight and extra hands on a windy day. That was it. Nothing there. Two members of the club that were friendly and cordial with each other.

Then this summer began. She started racing the smallest boat at our club. It was her eldest daughter's boat but it was not being used as she was now in college and not interested in sailing it. Sarah thought it would be fun to learn to sail and race after all the years of supporting her kids at the club. Even though the boat is primary for the kid's fleet, there is an adult fleet too and I was the fleet champion as I had sailed a similar small racing boat for over 10 years and actually liked the simplicity of a one-person boat. Sarah was a novice and like I do with any of the novices, I offered some friendly advice and helped them get better.

Sarah and I started seeing each other twice a week for racing and always interacted. Then one day after racing she came to me and said, "I have a small proposition for you." And I, because I am naturally a flirt and a wise-ass, responded, "But Sarah, I am a married man!" We both laughed and she shared her proposition. Her mom owned and sailed a boat that was now Sarah's and would I be willing to take her out on it and race with the fleet for that boat. Her mom had passed a few years earlier and I could tell this was important to Sarah.

I really couldn't say yes fast enough. The yes created many wins. I had always wanted to try that type of boat, it would get me on the water one extra day, and of course, it would put me with Sarah.

We made arrangements to race the next day and exchanged cell numbers. I was excited. I tried to scoff it off as excitement of trying the new fleet racing, but the reality was I was excited to spend time with Sarah. And man was that time fun. We were terrible in the boat, but we laughed and talked and enjoyed. We didn't finish last both races so we decided it was a victory.

I was almost sad when the racing was over. But when I got home I was happy again because she texted me a thank you. I was basically a kid with a crush and my crush just texted. And then the next day another text. Did I want to race again on Friday? Absolutely. And then we bantered on text for a while.

Friday racing was fun once again. We talked even more and a few of the things she said and the topics we talked about made me think that she might be as interested as I was. She complained a bit how her husband didn't like to sail and wasn't supporting her attempt to learn and was spending most of the summer at their home in Chicago leaving her here to handle the three girls. I commiserated about a non-sailing spouse and in a joking way made the quip, "Well I guess we will just have to be each other's sailing spouse."

I almost immediately regretted saying it, but she simply said "deal!" and I was not only relived, but I don't think you could have wiped the smile off my face if you tried. Perhaps I was looking with wishful eyes, but she seemed to be in the same boat! (I couldn't resist the pun!)

We approach the club and I had her skippering. Then as I was trying to teach her to land the boat at the dock she tacked the wrong way and sent me overboard for an unintended swim. My reaction: I laughed and instructed her from my wet standing position in the lake to spin around and get back to the dock. I am sure I would have been annoyed at someone else. I just couldn't be mad at her. It was funny and it gave us a bonding experience. She kept apologizing and I kept honestly telling her it was no big deal.

Late that night (she was thinking about me late!) she sent me a text saying she was still "giggling" over the failed landing attempt and thanked me for being a good sport. I must have read the text 15 times. I loved that she used the word giggling. It was somewhat out of character for her as she is a law school professor and it made me think she might be crushing too.

We exchanged texts for a good 20 minutes making light of the incident. I mentioned I would be back racing the next morning in my main boat. She said her daughter was crewing for another skipper and asked me what my boat number was. That was a good sign, it means she would look for me. I had a rough first leg of the race with an equipment failure and I bailed on the rest of the race and started back towards the club. The boat sailed fine, but I lost a key control on the boat I would need to race.

As I was sailing back to the club a Boston Whaler appeared with Sarah driving. She was checking on me. Her smile radiated from the bridge of the boat. I decided right there and then that I was going to keep pushing my crush to see what happened. We exchanged some nice words and she wished me well.

I saw her at the club the next morning as she was dropping her daughter off again. She looked great in an athletic top and a skirt. We chatted and I went out and sailed. I was happy even though I did poorly. For the first time in all my crushing over her I looked at her with lust and I spent most of the race picturing her in her outfit that I guess qualified as a refined version of MILF attire. When I got home, I pleasured myself in the shower thinking about her. She isn't necessarily more attractive than my wife, in fact most would probably say less, but she was in my head and working her way through my dick to my heart. The momentum was fierce and I was struggling to make sense of it.

I decided to make a move. I texted her that evening around 10pm and asked if she was still riding her bike much as I was looking to ride around the lake on Monday. It had to be obvious. Sailing was our thing and now I asked about biking. I didn't get a response and went to bed thinking I had likely blown it.

I got up and got our big dog fed and took him for a walk while my wife slept in a bit. I had my earphones in enjoying some music and was trying not to think about my stupid move the night before. Then my phone chimed indicating an incoming text. My heart leapt. I fumbled to get my phone out of my pocket and opened it. It was a text from Sarah.

Sorry I missed your text, I went to bed early. Riding today would be perfect as the girls are visiting their cousins for the day. Do you still have plans? If so, I am definitely in!

I literally just stopped and read the text three or four times. She expressed enthusiasm for the idea, and she told me she was solo for the day. I thought hard about my response and texted back.

Great to hear, a ride with you will be a treat. Would it work for me to just drive to your place and we begin from there? I am not sure I up for doing the extra half a lap to pick you up by bike!

I hit send with nervous excitement. I just invited myself to her place. Again, I worried I went to far. But my nerves were for nothing as I got an almost immediate response.

That's a great plan. After the ride we can take a swim here. Would 10am work for you?

That was perfect. There is a Monday group ride out of the nearby town that I have done regularly, so I could easily tell my wife I was doing that ride. I know, what an asshole move, but at this point I was beyond making good decisions.

10am is perfect. Just need your address, I know the basic location, but I don't want to turn into the wrong driveway.

4521 Lake Drive. Bright red mailbox. Looking forward to it.

Me too. See you in a few hours.

The rest of my walk I don't think my feet touched the ground. I was sure this was not just a bike ride and definitely not just a swim. While my feet barely touched the ground, my dick pushed hard against my clothing. I got home and started to have breakfast. My wife joined me and I told her I was doing the group ride and she simply said "enjoy" and didn't make anything of it.

I took care of a couple things around the house and then loaded up my bike. I carefully picked out my riding clothes. I decided to hedge my bets with clothing choice. I would normally just wear bike shorts and a jersey, but didn't want to look too scantily clad, so I also wore a pair of over-shorts. I figured I could also use them as my swim trunks.

I pulled out of the driveway with the excitement of a high school kid on his first date. I wasn't positive that something would happen between Sarah and I, but I was very hopeful. And if things didn't occur, I was still going to be hanging with my crush.

I arrived right at 10am and found her house. It was a bit of a crazy driveway going from the road down to the lake, winding through the trees. I parked and noticed the lot was very private. There were woods on either side and thus you couldn't see the neighbors, and even better, they couldn't see us.

Sarah came out to greet me and she looked great! She had on bike shorts and a jersey and with her level of fitness and her tan, she made them look good. We were both in our early 50's so it wasn't like either of us would be mistaken for models, but we were both fit and at our ages that was half the battle.

I unloaded my bike, ditched the over shorts and we chatted. Both of us smiled through the whole thing. She asked me not to ride too hard and I promised I wouldn't. We were both seasoned riders so I mentioned we should draft each other and enjoy the back and forth. I would be lying if part of my motivation wasn't to look at her from behind.

The ride was great. It is about 30 miles around the lake so it took a bit over 90 minutes. We worked as a team and enjoyed some great conversation. We finished up energized and happy. I love a bike ride of any kind, and a fun and fast one with a great looking partner has to be near the top of that list.

We got off our bikes and got out of our riding shoes and helmets. She looked at me a bit nervously and asked, "got time for a swim?" I read it as she knew that was another step together and perhaps I might shut it down. But that was not at all my intent, my intent was to stay as long as she would let me.

"A swim sounds great! Change first, or just jump in with our bike clothes."

She answered me by pulling her jersey over her head revealing a red sports bra and said, "I am ready." I pulled off my jersey so all I had on was my bike shorts and said, "me too!"

We walked to the end of her dock and without hesitation she gracefully dove in. I waited till she surfaced and followed her not so gracefully. I am not a great swimmer, but my motivation was high. The water was cool and the company was hot! We swam out to the swim platform and in one athletic movement she pulled herself up onto it. I laughed as I tried to be as slick and barely made it.

She leaned back and her body was on full display. She was wet, her nipples had hardened from the water, and she looked at me in a penetrating way. We held each other's stare and then she said, "Are we being stupid?"

In my usual, need to make a joke about things I am nervous about way, responded, "not yet, but there is still time!"

She laughed, and then leaned over and kissed me. It was really just a peck, but it was amazing. "How about now?" was her response.

I leaned back towards her and said softly, "let's get stupid." And after a moment of staring at each other, we did. We kissed each other once, then again, and soon we were making out like kids. Finally, she said, "let's slip into the water so I don't cause a scandal with a nosey neighbor."

We did and she immediately wrapped her arms around me and we kissed again. We kissed and treaded water in an embrace for a good 10 minutes just a foot or two from the swim float. We didn't speak, we just enjoyed the feel of each other's bodies and each other's lips.

Sarah broke away from me and went under water. A moment later she came up right next to the swim float and reached up and put her sports bra on the deck. I smiled and pushed over to her. I looked at her and very honestly said, "are you sure, because I don't think I am going to want to stop?"

She smiled and said, "I have been sure since our second sail together." And with that she kissed me hard, pressing her now naked breasts against me. I returned the kiss and then found her breasts with my hands. It was hard to try and tread water and be romantic. But we persisted and let our passion loose.

Finally, she said with a smile on her face, "shall we swim back and see what happens?"

I was honest one more time, "if I get a vote, I am going to make love to you. But if that is too far, just let me know." I really didn't want to pressure her, and I didn't want to beat around the bush either.

"It is exactly how I hoped we would spend our time today." I kissed her one more time and we swam slowly back to her dock. She got out of the water still topless and as soon as I was out, grabbed my arm and said, "Let's go inside."

I followed her in and soon we were in her bedroom. I felt a bit bad that I was going to cheat on my wife and do it in the room that Sarah shares with her husband, but that really only lasted for about two seconds. We kissed, we pulled each other's wet biking shorts off, and if you have never done that, it ain't easy. But instead of being awkward, it was fun and we laughed in between kisses and our struggles.

Once fully naked I laid her back on the bed and started to suck on her rock hard nipples. Her breasts were fairly small, but they were firm and her nipples were quite pronounced. She moaned as I enjoyed her chest and moaned again when my hand ran up her thigh and to her sex. I rubbed her and could feel her wetness. I flicked my finger up and down and then slid it into her. She gasped and pushed my head hard against her chest. I played with her sex while sucking her nipples. The sounds she made indicated she was enjoying my attentions. She shifted a bit to open her legs more but it also allowed her to grab my cock. She rubbed my already hard penis to its fullest size and then leaned up to my head and said, "fuck me now!"

I slid up her body and quickly and smoothly my cock found her wet and ready pussy. I slid in and the feeling was glorious. We both froze for a moment as I went all the way in. She then grabbed my head and pulled me in for a set of seriously raw and passionate kisses as we first experienced each other's body. I started to just fuck her. Nothing special just the missionary position and the usual approach. But it wasn't ordinary. It was amazing. She pushed back at each of my thrusts and soon we were in a strong, but not frantic back and forth.

"God this feels good." She cooed at me just before we kissed again. Her body, every part of it, felt good and our sex felt natural and in-synch. Our pace eventually quickened and in a flurry of moans and gasps we climaxed together. I came and she orgasmed, and it was glorious.

My first reaction really should have been guilt, but it wasn't. My first reaction was to stay in her and kiss her again. I then broke the kiss and looked her right in the eye and said, "that was amazing. You are amazing."

She smiled and we kissed. Finally, I slid off to the side an we cuddled.

"Are we terrible people?" she asked me honestly.

"Probably. But that felt so right. We should make that a one-time thing, but that is not what I want. I want you Sarah. And I want you hard!"

"I feel the same. Just hold me, let me get used to feeling like a desired and satisfied woman again, and let's not worry about anything for at least a little while."

"Sounds perfect to me." And that is what we did. I held her and caressed her and told her that she was beautiful and amazing and I meant it. Soon our cuddling became more and 10 minutes later I was back inside of this amazing woman. This time she wrapped her legs around me and got vocal.

"Fuck me hard! Take me! Make me yours!"

She wasn't really mine, but for the next 20 minutes we ignored that and had mind blowing sex. After a few more minutes she threw her head back and declared, "I am cummmmmming!" practically loud enough for the whole lake community to hear. I was inspired and finished hard and came in one of the most intense ejaculations of my life.

We collapsed together and actually fell asleep for a while. We were physically and emotionally spent.

Reality eventually set in and I said, "I really should go."

She said she understood but we still kissed for five full minutes. I rose, looking back at her naked body. It wasn't perfect, but either was mine, but it was damn good and we had just had possibly the best sex of my life. I said, "I'll text you later. I guess we have to figure some things out."

She watched me put my bike shorts on and replied, "that we do, although right now I hope that includes more of this."

I came over to her, bent over and kissed her one more time and said, "me too, but for today, let's just enjoy the fact that we just had an absolutely amazing few hours and worry about what's next tomorrow."

She smiled, kissed me and said "deal!"

I left her naked in her husband's bed and went out and put on my shorts and an extra t-shirt I brought. I loaded my bike into my car and drove back up her driveway. I was not sure about much, but I knew I didn't regret what had just happened. I decided to take my own advice and I just smiled and thought, "reality can wait until tomorrow."

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phill1cphill1calmost 2 years ago

where are the BTB's now? See, for me, this is hot. It's not really about the LW, it's about the romance. That's why I'm not a BTBer. Who really cares? You love someone, either they love you back or they don't. If you have to go through some pain and sacrifice some gains, in the long run, it's life. You still have to make the most of it and BTB is making the least of it.

It's sad once the connection is broken and it's not raw anymore, just not what you wanted. But life continues if you make yourself take each step. Perfect movie analogy: Swingers.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 3 years ago

And suddenly a good story. Just a plain old good story

paulsubpaulsubalmost 4 years ago

I especially enjoyed this stories as it is close to my life.

I appreciated the slow build and reality of the growing serial attraction.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
so familiar....

... So exciting, ... so potentially painful,....

Seems pretty realistic to me.

katibkatibalmost 4 years ago
Several nails

ReedRichards has hit several nails on their heads in commenting on this wonderful short story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
The problem with this story

Both were married with children, but through the story it was like their spouses and children were in a limbo, never showing up, not even when they were at home texting each other many and many times like they lived alone. That and their lack of regrets, destroyed this.

luedonluedonalmost 4 years ago
Indeed, George

That is starting to look problematic, as you suggest.

But our lad also described his feelings as akin to a teenage crush, and while some teenage crushes may lead to a lifetime loving relationship (mine's 55 years so far), a lot are fleeting. Who knows where this one may lead?

As he said towards the end "but for today, let's just enjoy the fact that we just had an absolutely amazing few hours and worry about what's next tomorrow."

That suggests a degree of thoughtfulness about their situation. Mr G has created a couple of rather interesting characters in this story.


GeorgeAndersonGeorgeAndersonalmost 4 years ago
@luedon; @RR

Ah, but it already *is* relational: "...she was in my head and working her way through my dick to my heart." This, even before the first kiss. Sorry, no "just recreational sex" here.


26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Reading Lue's effusive praise of innocent, joyful cheating, and Reed's learned rumination on his views on cheating and those of us who don't care for it helped me decide to skip this whore wife story.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 4 years ago
Luedon asked:

"So long as the extra-marital sex remains only recreational (and especially not relational), why not?"

Good heavens, Lue, you know that you can't express that idea in LW! LW is populated by men who are strong, steadfast, tremendous lovers and faithful, always faithful.

The women here? Sluts, all of them, wretched, spiteful, straight razor totin' sluts, all of whom should be burned at the stake.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 4 years ago
Anony wrote:

"A decent story about indecent people. Maybe they get totally away with it and off scott free. Maybe they get burned. Maybe someone who has writing talent and imagination will finish the story."

Someone with writing talent wrote the story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
It sounds like they have fallen in love, . . .

but that their marriages were already dead anyway. So why not do the honorable thing, or at least the ethical thing, and divorce their spouses so they can pursue their romance and see where it ends?

Because they are cheaters. They want to have their cake and eat it too. Like most cheaters they are selfish and greedy and thoughtless. If they are really shallow despicable people they will end up ruining their marriages and their reputations. And they will deserve whatever such arrogance and selfishness begets them.

A decent story about indecent people. Maybe they get totally away with it and off scott free. Maybe they get burned. Maybe someone who has writing talent and imagination will finish the story.

Thanks for the first chapter. Hope it wasn't too much effort.

luedonluedonalmost 4 years ago
Well done, Mr Grizzley

Mr G has been around these pages and in several categories for many years with mixed topics and mixed reactions from readers. This one was 'interestingly different'.

I felt that the idea of two 50+ people, both married to others, developing the equivalent of a teenage crush on each other worked superbly in this story. (Enough for me to add it to my favourites list.)

We've had his side of the story. I doubt that her side of it would be much different. (Although it would be entertaining to see what the LW commentariat would say if it was Sarah as the narrator rather than him.)

RR and Overcritical made thoughtful comments with which I agree mostly. Here we have two people who have both enriched their life's experiences. So far, it's been at nobody's expense. It would remain so if nobody else finds out, or if our society would accept that extra-marital sex was no different to any of the very many other acceptable extra-marital activities.

(In Mr G's story, neither of their spouses apparently expresses any concern that these two engage in sailing together. Should they express concern that they also engage in sex together?)

Sex between a man and a woman has three purposes. It can be for recreation, procreation and/or expressing a loving relationship. So long as the extra-marital sex remains only recreational (and especially not relational), why not?


iameaseliameaselalmost 4 years ago

Well written, but still just a disrespectful a cheating spouse.

Yes, I know the testosterone dependent little boys will see nothing wrong with the husband cheating, but he's as much a slime as those wives the little boys scream about.

OvercriticalOvercriticalalmost 4 years ago
Very complicated

These people are in their early 50's and have teen aged children so they weren't kids when they got married. You assume some level of maturity with people 30 or so when they met their spouses and got married. People do change and perhaps life seems to get into a rut and interests like biking and boating start to become the center of attention for enjoyment and you find that your spouse of 20+ years has no interest in what really turns you on. Then you find that someone else is in the same boat and the connection is inevitable. you do the right thing and flirt and become friendly or do you step across the line? Where does it say that in order to consummate a friendship involving biking and boating you have to complete it with sex? Where does it say that a relationship of any kind is not complete unless you share sex? Society frowns on this, but people seem to invariably seek sex to complete a relationship. I'm well past this stage in life, but I clearly remember the development of a relationship was not considered anywhere near complete unless sex was involved. Of course it was not enough: necessary, but not sufficient. You could have a pleasant relationship, but once you accomplished the sexual interaction then you got down to the nitty gritty: you had all the ingredients, but was it enough. Almost always it was not enough and the relationships died - a proper death. And you moved on. But once you signed on for a lifetime this flexibility was supposed to disappear. You said your vows and good people keep promises. So, bottom line, these two people signed on and with no obvious reasons to violate their promises they have no excuses to have sex with someone else.

I remember reading a SciFi story many years ago where society was set up with contracted marriages with time limitations. You signed up for 7 years or 12 years or 3 years. The contracts were renewable for additional time and often were, but lifetime contracts were by far the exceptions. Does this make for a more stable, happier society. I don't know although the children issue would tend to mitigate against it. But in our real world we have what we have and if we have a society that presents itself as one where vows of marriage are considered inviolate then that's what we should live by. As much as I'd like to sympathize with the two principals of this story I must condemn them for not living up to their vows and they deserve whatever bad things happen to bad people. When you buy in on the marriage package you can't pick and choose you commitments (unless, of course, you set up the marriage that way). That being said I will award a 4* for the tale because i thought it was put together well and as unpleasant as the outlook is for the protagonists, it still made for a good read.

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