Supernatural Sensuality


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"Hey Jerry, could you just switch that cider keg over before you go? The oldies have a lunchtime bingo session and the pour meter says it's almost out."

"Yeah course" and I headed back to the keg room. As I opened the chiller the whole room seemed to freeze. "Nope. No way in hell is this happening again," I told myself.

Then the voice spoke urgently, "Good thing you can listen, boy. Now learn as well as listen!"

I got the keg plumbed in place and was just heading back to the bar when Sheree shrieked out, "Fucking hell Jerry. Come here!"

I panicked and raced out to the bar thinking we were getting rolled; the big screen hit me full frontal.

"To repeat: Breaking News, there has been catastrophic earthquake damage, tsunami alerts are in place, electrical infrastructure has been destroyed. This is the worst earthquake in this country's history," the presenter I recognised from the six thirty news back home was saying. The news feed returned to the local studio with the presenter in tears staring into the camera.

Her producer must have been giving her curry for not continuing the broadcast because she ripped out her earpiece with an, "Oh you can just fuck right off. I don't care if it's a ratings killer. Just think of all those poor fucking people!"

Test Pattern.

I was just numb. The complete picture emerged over the following weeks. My factory was destroyed. Larry survived but lots of others didn't. All up I'd lost about ten friends in the quake. Most of the surrounding towns were levelled. I was just glad Mum and Dad didn't have to live through that.

There 's no point in dewlling on what can't be changed but suffice it to say that many of those who still lived at home were almost refugees ; no assetts, no equity and no assistance because the country was broke. They called it red zoning, the propert has too much structural damage to repair and no insurance payout because the insurance companies went insolvent.

I helped a couple of mates to relocate where I had contacts but none of us kept in touch. It was like seeing each other made the memory too vivid. There became an unspoken rule, we would always help each other out but we didn't want to see each other unless we had to. They say it was like PTSD. Thankfully I wouldn't know because I had already left. The years passed and life eventually carried on. I didn't have any more hallucinations and I didn't hear her voice again, but I never forgot. Whatever she was, I'm pretty sure she saved my life.


I first saw Bob at the pub with her now ex about eight years ago; well more precisely her name is Wendy Bob and she is a pert, very athletic five foot not much blonde who dyes her shoulder length hair a lighter shade of brown. She has a boyish chest usually tightly wrapped in a sports bra, slim waist and as one of my mates calls it, legs to die for rising up to a tight sweet ass. There was something about her the first time I saw her that reminded me of someone from home, but I just couldn't put my finger on it; something slightly special. The leopard pattern tube skirt and tight fitting black men's shirt accentuated her figure and she wasn't wobbling around on high heels. The black flat soled shoes just made her more attractive. She cut a figure stating, "Yeah I can look after myself thanks so just keep your attention to yourself."

I didn't realise at the time, but I built my place across the road from her Dad, so it was a real surprise when she moved in with her kid. Over the months I got to know her in a neighbourly manner, but as I said, we didn't live in each other's pockets and this wasn't suburbia. The times I did speak to her as we crossed paths over the years I realised that she is very quick in conversation, but there is a certain edge to her laughter and voice that tells you she isn't like the others; that is if you are listening .

I didn't want to be nosy or rude to Bob so one day, over several beers and a bottle of Rum, I asked her dad what the story was with her name. He looked at me long and hard for about ten seconds with a forlorn bittersweet smile and asked, "What did she tell you about my wife?"

Reading his expression I was a little taken aback and wondered if I had made an almighty blunder.

"Um, nothing at all. Look Pat, if I've hit a raw nerve I'm sorry. I was just curious but forget it. Who do you reckon will win the footy game next Wednesday?" I stuttered. I was a bloody idiot breaking my own rules for getting nosey with the neighbours.

"Ah, it's not a secret Jerry. It's just been a while since I've spoken of it. You know we're originally from Finland don't you?"

"No Pat, by the accent I thought you were South Africans, especially with you both being so blonde and all."

"No Jerry, my wife and I eloped there before the children were born. It was very hard as we only learnt English from the American soap opera TV programs as our rural part of the country was very isolated."

"Sorry Pat, I didn't know that. I thought Bob was an only child."

"She was after her second birthday, but she had an older brother. We named him Keith after the Rolling Stones guitarist, but he was killed by a drunk driver and when my wife fell pregnant again, we were told we were going to have a son. I have always loved Bob Dylan. In Bob we trust, as the British saying goes. I love Wendy in the Peter Pan fable, so when she came out a girl, that what we named her. Unfortunately Wendy's mother, my wife, died in childbirth due to complications and I could not, how you say, get my head on straight? I mixed it up at the Registry and since my English wasn't so good forty years ago we just left it. She is a unique person though, isn't she?"

What do you say to that? How do you recognise someone baring their innermost hurt to you in lubricated casual conversation? I did what anyone with a heart would do.

Filled both our glasses with this very good rum and said, "To the three most important people in your life, wherever each of them is."

Pat looked hard at me, "Good answer." And we fell silent. When I got home I thought about Bob and how her confidence might be borne out of necessity.


The moment that changed everything happened one night about two years ago when her ex-husband came over for their kids birthday so we were having drinks at her dad's place. As she leant over my face to take my empty cans for the recycling she stretch her shoulders back to push her chest out and the nipple on one of her small pert breasts brushed my cheek through the blue silk top she was wearing. She felt like a taut musical instrument, or a sexually charged feline and my neck and chest bristled with goose bumps. It was a wonderful feeling, which had the capacity to cause major repercussions as my cock instantly stood to attention.

Thankfully Pat and Andy (her ex) were deep in conversation so didn't notice me blush as I really looked for the first time into those deep ocean blue eyes. We smiled at each other and it felt like an energy or consciousness transference. Bob smiled at me and licked her lips. Then she was gone, the something colour g string caressing her buttocks inside that hot pink mini skirt as she took my cans and wandered leisurely over to the fridge to bring me back a fresh cold one. When I opened it I swear it's the best beer I've ever drank. No pheromones there right?

Then she was straight back on cue, laughing and joking, the shield back up so it was our secret moment. It was like I gained a glimpse into an emotional oasis full or sensuality and sexual wonder, but I'd had enough stress of my own so kept joking and laughing along, ignoring the possibility of a liaison. That night I had vivid dreams for the first time in ages. Not a full blown hallucination, but a repeating pattern of her eyes and the voice from my psychosis, blending into one.

We remained friendly as life returned to the grind. Then about six months ago I wound up working away for a few weeks as security on a project so Bob said she would feed my cat and keep an eye on my place. I'd buy her vodka to say thanks but she used to get annoyed. It took me some time to relax and accept her generosity as usually I always make sure my friends aren't disadvantaged by helping me out. I guess that's just what friends and neighbours do.

It was a hell last week with contractors coming and going to meet the deadline. It also meant a few idiots would sneak in at stupid oclock hours trying to steal tools. I was just looking forward to getting back to my little piece of paradise and taking a couple weeks holiday to go through my place. The last day of the project a bad storm came through and all flights were grounded. I texted Bob to ask let her know I wouldn't be home and went to the pub with a few of the boys. I was really pissed off and just wanted to be back. As I got in the cab I put my phone on the roof and forgot about it as we drove off. Taking a hard left I heard it slide onto the highway so smacked the driver on the shoulder.

"Stop! Please mate that's my bloody phone!"

He was good and pulled straight in. I could see it and hoofed over to get it, but not before a semi-trailer ran over it.


I reckon Bob probably heard me 400kms away at home. I picked up what was left of it and even the sim card was disintegrated.

So, off to the pub. Nothing to be done now except have a couple and wait. As we were pulling in I recognised a mate from the neighbourhood that does long haul driving.

"Oi Steve, you coming back or heading out?"

"Going home, why mate, need a lift?"

"Bloody hell yes please," and I climbed up into the cab. It was good to be on the road, achieving something instead of stuck in limbo. Steve woke me up as we got in to the depot at about two am. We had a coffee and got the first boat back. It was just so good to be home. I had a cold shower and a few of those beers I missed out on at the pub. I'd just had four hours sleep so was looking forward to a relaxing day watching the water.

It was a beautiful morning so I went out on the deck to have a piss. No one's up this hour of the day as I stood buck naked watering the garden, and then the stream froze. I looked up as usual to see if i was having another hallucination and shook my head.

"Fuck me, I'm day dreaming. This is like a Freddy Krueger movie."

Everything was cold and that made no sense. I'd left that behind. This was the tropics. Then it was like a violet light lit up the world. My stream of urine resumed its fall to earth, the birds resumed singing and a warm breeze blew over me. I hadn't taken drugs in twenty years; what the bloody hell just happened?

I'd just finished and still stunned but that was only going to get worse. I looked to my left and there's Bob in a tight fitting blue and purple striped t shirt and jeans cut-offs with the obligatory black flats coming up the front stairs with a can of cat food. I don't know who went redder but she came out with, "Classy boy... Good way to scare the natives."

On top of what just happened this caught me completely unawares and I just grunted and dived inside, only to hear the warmth of her laughter. Even though it wasn't mean I still felt it.

"Fuck. Fuckity Fuck. What a fucking idiot."

"What are you doing, Boy" came the voice again and I froze, "Sorry Bob, what did you say?"

"Huh? I didn't say anything Jer... too busy still laughing. It's all good, that's the good thing about good neighbours; we don't hang each other out to dry."

I threw on a t-shirt and shorts and came back out the front door... "Sorry mate didn't mean to blind you with the whiteness."

"Oh its ok" she said, "I did wonder what you looked like in your birthday suit. No stress."

"Thanks mate and sorry again. I've just had the trip from hell, had my phone run over by a road train and if it wasn't for Steve, you know him eh? Drives trucks for Damien, anyway if it wasn't for him I'd still be out the back of bumfuck waiting with the rest of the poor sods for a flight back."

"Yeah I saw on the radar it got smashed where you were working. No I don't know Steve but I'm just glad you got a lift and you're ok," she said softly with this small smile and genuine warmth in her eyes that just got deeper and deeper. I shook my head again; after this morning what was real and what was a dream?

I must have zoned out because the next thing I heard was, "Earth to space station Jerry, let me know when normal transmission has resumed," and she was off              .

I didn't even hear her until she cracked the screen door. It jolted me back to the present.

"Fuck I wish I still took drugs as that would at least explain what's going on."

"Woah Bob, sorry but it's been a long couple weeks, do you want a coffee to make up for the scary movie?"

She turned, annoyed at first but the expression softened when she saw my expression, "Hmm, yeah why not, sounds ok."

I made a fresh batch and we sat on the deck for about an hour catching up on the whys and wherefores of the past few weeks. I'd always understood she was sharp but the heads up she gave me on a couple of things really helped me out.

I did wonder what sort of connection was forming, but it didn't really matter. Any connection with people of integrity is something to be relished. As she finally got up to go I had to check I hadn't hung myself out to dry so took her cup and put it in the sink. I opened the door for her and asked, "Still friends mate?"

"Of course Jerry, I wouldn't have it any other way. Don't feel awkward, I don't. Who knows, maybe we can see a bit more of each other?"

"Well you've seen all of me now," I said with a smile and a wink.

Bob just looked at me with an interesting expression, "That's stating the obvious, looks like its my turn next" and softly dropped a shoulder into my ribs as she walked back down the stairs. My erection was instantaneous.

"What the hell?"


We didn't see a lot more of each other, but we did get softer around each other. It was like two animals dancing and circling, testing boundaries in conversation, building rapport in a safe environment.

Then I got a text. Could I do her a favour and pick her daughter up from school? Bob's car had died at the shops and she wasn't going to get the boat back in time.

"Sure, no problem" I texted back.


And that was it. I took the daughter over to her dad's, had a beer with him and came home at about six pm, heading upstairs for another beer. I texted Bob to let her know all was good and she said she might come over for a chat. I texted her that I wasn't going anywhere and jumped in the cold shower to reinvigorate myself. I was feeling refreshed standing at the fridge in a towel cracking a coldie when she came up the stairs.

"Sorry mate, didn't think you meant right now. Least this time I've got a towel on."

Bob just smiled and there was something different about her today. She looked hot and flustered and, not hurt but, sweaty and exhausted. She looked tender, like she needed a hug.

Her nipples were poking through a black loose fitting singlet and her hot denim cut off shorts clung to her slim buttocks. I just felt aroused the second she walked through the door.

"Hard day?" I asked as I got her a cold Smirnoff from the fridge.

"You could say that," she replied and took a long swig.

"Want to talk about it?

"No, thanks, it's just good to chill with a friend. If that's ok of course," she added hastily.

"Of course mate hell you done enough for me."

We chatted again for about twenty minutes about small stuff and I became aware I was still in my towel.

"Be right back mate," I said, "just gonna throw some clothes on".

"You don't have to unless you want to," she said softly, "I've had a day that I'd rather forget. To top it off I couldn't get the parts dad ordered for the hot water coz the car died and now I can't even have a hot shower." Bob almost looked in tears.

"What about them, do they need anything?"

"No they're fine, he has the gas set up in his campervan. He's watching a disney film with her now.?

"Hey, mate, seriously, I'm sorry you've had a hard day. Do you want space or would you like some pampering?"

Her reply stays with me, "some pampering sounds nice", without lifting her head from her gaze out the window.


My mind was reeling. I had no idea how to play it; this was a good friendship that I didn't want to destroy, but when i offered my hand she took it and followed me into the bathroom. She stood looking out the window forlornly and I thought, what the fuck do I do now?

"My clothes won't fit you so I'm going to undress you now and get the shower ready okay?"

Bob nodded slowly still as if in a daze. I stood behind her and put my hands to her slender waist and lifted the singlet over her head. She had such soft skin and I caught myself drinking in the sight of her small breasts and taut stomach in the mirror. Bob's head sits about my collar bone height, so I dwarfed her in the mirror.

I placed my hands to the front of her hips and unbuttoned her shorts. As I started to slide them over her hips she jolted as if in a dream.

"Water first please. I really need to feel clean."

"Sure, of course," and I got the water temperate.

"Okay?" I asked her.

"Okay", she replied and I slid her shorts off. She was wearing a hot pink g string which stuck to her slit as I pulled it down.

Bob moved her legs apart slightly and sighed, "You know what? It's been a hard day."

I offered her my hand and she accepted it as she stepped over the bath wall into the shower.

I lathered the sponge and gently washed her back and the backs of her arms. I coated the back of her neck in suds so they ran over her shoulder blades down her pert breasts and stomach, down to the crease between her hips. Then I knelt down and washed the back of her legs first and then slowly turning her around washed the fronts of her thighs and her amazing knees.

What happened next is a blur. She loped an arm around my neck as my towel fell off and dragged me in as well. These are what they call peak experiences; you can't replicate them so it's best just to savour them when they arrive.

"I want a more personal wash" she whispered, so I started sponging her stomach from behind as my growing erection rubbed her back. She started sliding over me so I took some suds from the sponge and moved between her lower lips. They were so slippery that I had trouble gaining traction.

"I want a more personal wash" she whispered again. "I want to feel it inside me."

Wordlessly I grabbed the shower head in my right hand and parted her lips with my left. She pushed back into me so my cock was pressed harder against her back and started moving side to side. I trained the water jet on her cute little rosebud and held her labia open so the water could connect. After about five minutes of this Wendy Bob started to shudder, "put it in me, please?"

"I'm sorry mate but I'm out of practice and won't last" but she just smiled and guided me into her,

Fuck me, I couldn't last this out but she just looked over her shoulder at me and said, "I've been waiting years for this, I don't care how quick but I just want to feel you cum."

"I grabbed her hips and started sliding back and forth up inside her tight soaking wet raging inferno of a canal. She moaned and ground her teeth, hips grinding in an anti-clockwise motion as she fulfilled my most deep seated fantasy". She started writhing, which only sent me over the top faster and I started to lose control.