Surefoot 47: The Nanny State


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“And if they call your bluff?” one of the Bajorans asked.

Chase smiled. “Then I’ll win out over Captain Hrelle in another way.”

“Bluff?” Masterson echoed.

Chase looked back at him and winked. “False sensor readings, Doctor. I guess we’re not as villainous as you might think.”

“I have more escape pod launches,” Yaxx reported. “Fourteen left on board... Eight... four left, located on the Bridge-”

“Of course,” Chase nodded. “The Captain wanting to be the last one off his ship.”

“Like you wouldn’t do the same, Corinne,” one of the humans commented, grinning.

Auto Destruct in one minute,” the computer offered.

“Is the Captain and his crew still on the Bridge?” Chase asked.

Yaxx checked. “Yes.” He looked up with alarm. “He’s not going, is he?”

“He will,” Chase assured him. “He won’t risk calling my bluff.”

Thirty seconds,” the computer continued. “Twenty Nine... Twenty Eight... Twenty Seven-”

“They’re moving!” Yaxx cried out. “The escape pod nearest the Bridge has launched! The ship has been cleared!”

Her people cheered, though Chase herself appeared more satisfied than celebratory. Masterson watched the scene. “I hope y’all are proud of yourselves.”

Chase turned back to him, drawing close once more. “As a matter of fact, Doctor: yes, I am. We can get what we need, and not hurt any of you.”

He glanced over at Gorman and Eydiir, who were still recovering from their injuries. “Tell your Nausicaan friend that.”

Chase glanced over at her huge comrade. “Duujar was never in Starfleet. His family had a farm on Soltok IV, until the Cardassians firebombed them while he was offworld obtaining supplies. We give him a chance to strike back... and curb his more ruthless instincts. At least, until we face the Cardassians and the Dominion again.”

He shook his head sadly. “Y’all will be killed. It’s pointless! Stay with us, Captain. Please. We need you, your leadership, your experience, your ingenuity and tenacity. We need all of you. We’re stronger with you than without you.”

She kept regarding him.

And when she finally replied, it was while she was wearing a frighteningly resolute expression on her face as she whispered back, “We’ve faced the Jem’Hadar already, Doctor. We know what’s coming. And we know it’ll make no difference if we’re with you or not.

They’re gonna kill all of us.”

Masterson just stared back, stunned.

Chase walked away. “Right, let’s get- wait!” She paused, glancing around, before turning back to Yaxx. “Access Life Support: check on onboard O2 consumption beyond this area.”

As the Bolian complied, one of the humans asked, “What’s up, Corrine? Let’s get going before they turn back!”

She shook her head. “Just checking.”

But Yaxx looked up, smiling. “Consumption’s dropped to nothing. Internal temperature has lowered, too, indicative of a lack of warm-blooded bodies out there!”

She smiled. “Lower the Quarantine field on the door.” She looked back at the Isochamber. “We’ll transport you all to the Azimech presently. Just stay where you are.”

Masterson crossed her arms. “You should have been a stand-up comic, Captain.”

The door slid open, and Chase and the others, weapons in hand, moved out...


...And got as far as the nearest junction before C’Rash, leading her Security team, called out from around a corner, “DROP YOUR WEAPONS!”

The Maquis hugged the walls and fired in the direction of the Security team. C’Rash crouched, firing from below and dodging backwards to avoid the returning fire, smacked her combadge. “Shall to Bridge! They’re out of Sickbay Three! Beam the hostages out!”

Unable to comply, Lieutenant,” T’Varik responded. “Their transporter inhibitors are still in place-”

“Then lock up Sickbay Three! I don’t want them going back in!”


C’Rash gripped her phaser more tightly, raising her hand to cease firing on their side as she called out, “Captain Chase! It’s over! Give up now!”

She listened, heard muttering from the Maquis, weapons being adjusted- a whine- her hackles rose as she twisted around. “BACK! NOW! Computer! Raise force field, Corridor 4-7-”

She looked back just enough to see the Starfleet phaser tumble to a halt in the centre of the junction, its overload cycle almost at-

The force field absorbed the explosion as much as it could, but feedback travelled into the adjacent areas, and her ears rang as she dropped to the floor and covered her head.

She looked back at the junction, seeing the crimson curtain of energy flickering to absorb and redirect the explosion, the corridors beyond having gone dark. “Bridge! Lock down the adjacent sections, get me a fix on the Maquis!” She checked her squad mates, confirmed no injuries. “Thykrill, Ree-Tan, you secure Sickbay Three and free the hostages! Travers, Adams, follow me! Bridge, I need a location!”

Not possible, Lieutenant; local sensors have been disrupted by the explosion-”

“Acknowledged! On my mark, drop the force field on 4-7!” She checked her phaser, ensured the others did the same. “Bridge! Now!”

She watched the wall of energy give off a brief flash as it shut down, and she led the group around the corner, her hearing giving her confidence that the Maquis had fled they investigate vicinity-

She’d been partially right. Captain Chase was sprawled on the floor, next to a Bolian male, both of them sporting phaser burns from the explosion. She checked their necks before reporting in. “We have two Maquis down, including Captain Chase, injured in the explosion!”

We’ll send medical assistance-”

“Belay that! Stay on Lockdown and maintain General Quarters until we locate and detain the rest of the Maquis!” She sniffed the air, her nose confirming what her eyes saw. “Bridge, the rest of the Maquis have fled through the Jefferies Tubes! We’re in pursuit, but they could be heading up or down!”


Deck 2 Fore -- Officers’ Quarters Section:

Duujar emerged first from the hatch, disruptor in hand, shaggy hair flailing about as he glanced down either end of the curved corridor they found themselves in.

Sheppard followed closely behind, sweating profusely. “I- I don’t get it- we saw them evacuate-”

The Nausicaan grunted. “We saw false data fed to us, human! Hrelle used Chase’s own tricks against us, and used them better than she did! Now stop snivelling and find us an escape pod!” He strode up to a door, and when it didn’t open, he fired his disruptor on the side controls and strode in with the others.

Jhess was kneeling on the floor, with Sreen on a mat and Misha beside her, the adult and the toddler looking up at the six intruders. Jhess rose to his feet immediately, stepping between the intruders and the cubs. “Who are you? What do you want here?”

Dargi looked at the civilians. “Come on, Duujar, let’s go-”

“Wait!” The Nausicaan pointed at the cubs with his disruptor. “Who are they? Your offspring?”

Jhess held up his arms, slowly approaching them, his voice remaining calm. “They’re just cubs, children, there’s no need to harm or frighten them, just go, there’s nothing here for any of you.”

“He’s right, Duujar,” Sheppard agreed. “We have to go before they track us here-”

“No,” Duujar snarled. “We’ll take them!”

Misha rose to his feet, claws and teeth bared. “You no hurt my sister! My Papa’s Captain, he fix you-”

“Misha!” Jhess snapped, never taking his eyes off of the Nausicaan or the others. “Take Sreen into your room and close the door!”

“The Captain’s offspring,” Duujar growled, his facial fangs clicking with thought. “They won’t dare stop us with them as hostages!”

“No,” Jhess announced resolutely. “You’re not taking them. Take me instead.”

“That’s no trade.” Duujar raised his disruptor to Jhess’ face as he barked, “Kojald! Wicks! Grab the little furry fuc-”

Jhess dodged away from the tip of the disruptor and struck the Nausicaan’s arm upwards, making him shoot towards the ceiling, before Jhess drove his foot into Duujar’s left kneecap, dislocating it. Duujar shrieked and fell to the side towards the couch.

Jhess moved with astonishing speed towards the others, grabbing Sheppard by the forearm and shoving the human into another, even while delivering a jackhammer kick into the face of a Bajoran, looking back at the cubs. “MISHA! GET SREEN OUT! NOW!”

Another human tried to aim and fire his weapon, but Jhess caught him by the arm, twisting it and making him fire at one of his comrades, glancing back to see Misha, carefully holding onto his sister as he scurried out into his room, the door sliding shut.

Good cub...

Now Jhess bared his teeth and let his Beast loose...


On the Bridge, T’Varik looked up from the Security display. “I have an intruder location- this deck, outside of Officers’ Quarters-”

“Sreen- Misha-” Kami gasped.

“Weapons fire detected!” the Vulcan snapped.

Hrelle was already up and headed to the doors, phaser in hand and Kami at his side, barking over his shoulder. “Get C’Rash up there!” For a brief second, he contemplated ordering his wife to remain behind, before accepting the futility of such an action, their feet pounding on the corridor as they rounded the curve-

The doors to Jhess’ quarters opened, and several Maquis poured out, scrambling and tumbling over each other in panic as Jhess was upon them -- Mother’s Cubs, he moved at Warp Speed! -- claws raking their backs and necks and faces. Hrelle raised his phaser and fired, stunning two of the Maquis but unable to hit the others without risking bringing down Jhess as well and leaving him vulnerable.

He handed his phaser to Kami and charged in- just as a huge, hulking figure, a Nausicaan, stumbled out, leg injured in some fashion but still mobile, and armed, raising his disruptor towards Jhess-

Hrelle slammed into the Nausicaan, even as he caught from the corner of his eye Kami stunning the remaining Maquis, before entering Jhess’ quarters. Jhess joined Hrelle, leaping onto the Nausicaan, Hrelle delivering disabling blows to nerve clusters, Jhess resorting to more visceral methods, his claws and fangs rending flesh. Hrelle disarmed their opponent, and the figure finally dropped to the floor.

But Jhess was still on him, still attacking. Hrelle reached out. “Jhess! Stop! It’s over-”

Jhess, crouching over the Nausicaan, glared up, breath triphammering from his lungs, teeth and claws still bared, eyes red, growling up at Hrelle in challenge.

And Hrelle saw something... very familiar behind those eyes. Something ready to attack him now. And being almost half Hrelle’s age and in prime condition, he could easily defeat the older male.

So Hrelle held up his hands and softened his voice. “It’s over, Jhess. You can put him away now.”

Jhess didn’t seem to respond-

-Until the sound of Sreen crying filled the air.

Hrelle looked up, to see Kami near the doorway, holding their infant daughter in her arms, and Misha at her side. For a second, he almost stepped in between Jhess and his family, wondering what insanity drove her to bring their cubs and herself into danger like this-

But already he saw that Jhess’ Beast was retreating, and he was rising weakly to a standing position again, teeth and claws sheathed once more. The danger had passed.

At least, for now.

C’Rash and her team arrived, surveying the situation, the human crewman Travers, a petite, pale-skinned human asking, “Who the hell did this?”

“Their nanny,” C’Rash replied blankly.

“Their nanny did this?” Travers shook her head. “Looks like he fed them a Spoonful of Whoop Ass...”


“Captain’s Log, Supplemental: the hostages in Sickbay Three have been released, and those injured have made a full recovery. Captain Chase and the rest of the Maquis who attempted to take my ship have been treated as well -- thankfully there were no fatalities among them -- and returned to the Azimech, confined, while the vessel continues on its way to Jaros II.

As to the matter of our nanny, my wife and I are arranging to have words with the woman responsible for hiring him in the first place, to get some answers that we should have received from the start.”


Ma’Sala’s holographic image glanced between her daughter and kin-son, clearly not accustomed to the reception she was receiving from both of them. “Firstly, let me assure you that I have seen Lt Furore’s unredacted records, both military and medical. He was never any danger to you, or to the cubs, or to any crewmember or cadet.”

“But you knew,” Kami accused, her tail twitching with agitation. “You knew more about him than you told us.”

Yes, Daughter. Reluctantly, but... yes.”

“He was with Colonel Srular’s Sabrecats?” Hrelle asked. “The 47th Squadron?”

The Matriarch nodded. “He served as a medic during the last Ferasan War, on an extended campaign on Azure Aura.”

“Is he even a paediatrician?” Kami demanded. “Has he any real credentials?”

Of course he is! He earned his degree, and his qualifications! He has been caring for cubs for almost a decade! The male you see is genuine!”

“His military record has been redacted,” Hrelle pointed out. “Why? What terrible act did he commit during the War to warrant a conspiracy of silence from him, his former commander... and from you?”

Ma’Sala shot him a look. “His ‘terrible act’ was to do nothing more than serve with distinction. To save many lives, not just as a medic, but as a warrior. To spawn a Beast that committed bloodthirsty acts to save his comrades... and more recently to save innocent cubs.

Sound familiar, Kin-Son?”

Hrelle bristled.

“The Militia doctors helped Jhess deal with his Beast,” Kami conjectured, “Or rather, to help him bury it.” She shook her head critically. “Embedment Therapy is so old-fashioned. Typical Militia thinking.”

“But it seemed to have worked,” Hrelle admitted, recalling how well Jhess maintained control even when Hrelle struck him. “At least until the Maquis forced his hand and brought it back to the surface.” Now he focused on Ma’Sala again. “But if he’s such a hero, and has done nothing wrong and is no danger to us, why hide it? It’s something he should be proud of.”

The Matriarch crossed her arms. “Both of you have spent more of your lives away from Cait than on it. You were far away in Starfleet during the last War, living and working among people serving just like you, supporting each other.

But there’s a large percentage of the civilian population here who have never left the Motherworld, have never faced a Ferasan or any other enemy and believe they would never draw claw against another, and that indeed no one should ever have to. Who don’t understand or appreciate the threats our people face, or the actions required by those in uniform to defend them and their right to maintain their pacific ideals. They’ve seen or read lurid media accounts of Militia actions offworld, or heard rumours, and react with fear and hostility towards those males and females who are risking, even losing their lives, in their defence.

Veterans who have returned from the War have had to deal with not the physical, mental and emotional injuries they suffered, but also with ignorance. The ignorance of people who see them as... broken things, damaged goods, or as potential killers who could be unleashed in their midst without provocation, and shouldn’t be around ordinary Caitians. Especially cubs.

In Lt Furore’s case, he has lost out on prestigious positions, contracts... and his family.”

Hrelle frowned. “His family?”

She nodded gravely. “He had a wife and cub of his own... a son, I believe. After he returned, she divorced him, refuses to let him near his own cub. Apparently she won’t have a killer as an influence in her cub’s life.”

“That’s... horrible!“ Kami exclaimed with outrage. “He’s the kindest, most loving male you could imagine! Didn’t he try to fight for access, for custody?”

I asked him about it... he refuses to put his son through such emotional turmoil, especially if it became public. But it’s obvious, when he talks about it... he’s anguished by the situation.”

Hrelle shook his head in disbelief. Divorces were rare occurrences on Cait on their own; to have a father kept from his own cub for no good reason... “You helped erase the military records for him.”

Adjust the records,” Ma’Sala corrected. “At the request of their former commanding officer, to give Furore and others a fresh start without questions or harassment from employers, families, friends...” The Matriarch looked between them again. “When I met him, spoke with him about taking on his current role, I tried to assure him that secrecy wasn’t necessary with you, but he- he’s been hurt too often.

I took no pleasure in withholding information from you both about him, but I understood why he asked for confidentiality, and I wouldn’t have done if it I hadn’t met him personally, spoke to him, looked him in the eyes... and trusted him with you, and my grandcubs.” She focused on Hrelle. “The way I did for you, Kin-Son, when you still had your Beast inside you.

Jhess Furore deserves better than what he’s received.

They all do.”

Kami looked to her husband. “Well?”

Hrelle looked back. He had been appalled to hear of the prejudices of Caitian civilians against veterans like Jhess... until he acknowledged his own fears and doubts about him, and he certainly knew better than most about the things one can spawn within themselves to deal with the violence, the threats that can arise.

Kami and he could help him; Ma’Sala knew that. Just as she knew that if it became necessary -- as it had -- he could help them, by using his skills to protect their cubs. Their Matriarch was no idiot.

And the cubs loved him, their instincts still primal, far more acute than adults’. They knew who they could fear... and who they could trust.

He looked to Kami. “What do you think?”

She rested a hand on his chest. “I’ll support whatever decision you make, Husband of Mine. You’re the Boss in this relationship.”

He grunted. “In other words, you’ve already figured out what my decision is, you agree with it, and you’re only saying that now to bolster my fragile male ego. Right?”

She batted her eyelashes at him. “What, little old me?”

Ma’Sala chuckled. “That’s my daughter...”


“Jhess, are we-”

The Hrelles had entered his quarters from the corridor, to see the younger male kneeling on the floor, packing one of his bags, before rising and facing them. His expression had been uncharacteristically melancholy since the incident with the Maquis, and his voice cracked a little as he approached them tentatively. “I haven’t been near your cubs, T’Varik and C’Rash will confirm, they’re taking care of them in your quarters while I pack-”

“What are you talking about, Jhess?” Kami asked him, smiling.

He frowned. “When... when is the Swift coming for me?”

Hrelle and Kami exchanged glances, Hrelle unable to keep a slight smile from his face as he asked, “Are you going somewhere, Mister?”

“You’d better not be,” Kami warned, smirking. “You’re still under contract with us.”

Jhess looked thoroughly confused now. “B-But you- you saw what I did-”

“Yes, we did,” Hrelle agreed, drawing closer to him, “You risked your life, facing armed, superior numbers to protect our cubs. You unleashed something you’d have preferred to keep buried in you forever. Something you’ve been afraid of for a long time.”

“We can help you with it,” Kami promised. “I’ve helped Esek with his own Beast. And the two of you can support each other.”