Surviving Retirement


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We left at noon and I loved how it drove on the freeway. The girls had fun exploring the cabin and putting their things away. We had only gone a hundred miles when we came to a town with a Wal-Mart and they told me to stop. They needed to get some things like sheets, pillows, and blankets and some food. We all went in and I went looking for music while they went in other directions. An hour and a half later, we loaded two shopping carts of things inside and I started driving again. Now they were busy making the bed and putting things in the refrigerator and pantry. I was listening to a new cd and lost track of what they were doing until Ellen came up and announced that they had christened the bed. She told me to stop and she would drive while I christened it with Abby. Ellen picked right up on driving it and even discovered something that I hadn't found. It was a camera in the bedroom and she watched as Abby and I christened our new bed. That night, Ellen and I christened it also.

We arrived at the house at noon on Friday. When I pulled the bus up the driveway and Ellen was certain that this was our house, she squealed with pleasure. She loved it from the outside. When we went inside, she did it again as she loved the inside even more. Then Abby took her on a tour of the house spending a lot of time upstairs. When they finally came back down, they proudly announced that we were going to knock out the wall between the master bedroom and the room that was nominally Abby's room. That bed was going to come downstairs and the room was now going to be the nursery. They might also use the closets in there for more of their clothes.

I had checked and there was food in the pantry and refrigerator as I expected since Bob and Megan had stayed there while we were gone. I expected them home soon, so I began preparing a lunch for all of us.

Fifteen minutes later, Megan walked in after class and was met by Abby and Ellen. I could see her expression change when she noticed the engagement ring on Abby's hand. Abby noticed too because she said, "Honey, hold the fort down when Bob gets here. Megan, Ellen, and I need to have a little girl talk."

"All right; Megan be careful, they may fill your head with lies."

Ellen snorted and said, "That's what guys do, not women. Come on Megan, I have been looking forward to meeting you." They disappeared into the library.

Bob came in and said hi before he asked where Megan was. I told him that she was tied up for a few minutes. Then he asked whose bus it was in the driveway. I think I needed to tell Bob about it acknowledging the obvious.

"Bob, that is our new bus. The old one is being fixed up and it will be your and Megan's wedding present from Abby and I." His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Really! Are you serious? That would be great. Does Megan know?"

"No, she doesn't. She is learning a couple of things on her own right now. Help me get lunch ready. He pitched in like I knew he would.

A minute later, Ellen came in and said, "Hi, you must be Bob. I'm Ellen and I am very glad to get to know you."

"Hi, Ellen. How do you like your salad?"

"I like a little bit of everything on it with a vinaigrette dressing. Joe, can I have a word with you for a moment?"

"Sure." We went into the living room.

"Megan accepted it much better than I expected. She isn't going to tell Bob yet though. She also suggested that we tell people that I am your brother's widow until they get used to me being around. That will shut down the suspicions and rumors."

"Megan said that?"

"Yes, it turns out that her real aunt lives with her parents, but that both she and her mother sleep with her father too. A few people know the truth but for most, it just simplifies the gossip."

"I understand. It will just be hard for me to remember to introduce you as my sister-in-law."

"Just remember who I am when we are alone."

"That I will never forget. So you just got here; what is your first impression?"

"I read what you wrote and had an Idea of what to expect. So far everything has exceeded those expectations. I want to go over to the college and see it. Abby is going to take me over later."

"That might be a problem. We may have a couple of dozen kids here later. Next week is exam week and a bunch of them will come over here to study."

"I'll like that too. We can go tomorrow. Will Cindi be here? I want to meet her also."

I called out, "Bob, will Cindi be here this afternoon?"

"As far as I know. Cable will probably be coming too."

"Do we need to get anything from the store?"

"I think we are good with meat and chips. A little beer and wine might help."

"I'll take the truck and get it after lunch."

Then Ellen asked, "Honey, you are leasing this house. When can you buy it?"

"Supposedly at the end of the lease which will be in late July. Why don't you live here for a couple of weeks and if you still like it, we will buy it then. Both Abby and I want to stay here for a long time."

"Me too. Go ahead and buy it. If we need anything, we can remodel or add on. This is a perfect layout for me."

"I'll call the realtor Monday morning."

"I love you and we are going to be very happy here. I can feel it."

"I can feel it too now that I know that both of you are with me."

I went back to the kitchen when Megan and Abby came out of the library. Megan had a huge smile on her face. She came into the kitchen to help us finish lunch. Abby and Ellen talked quietly for a few moments and grinned too.

Before we started eating, the door opened and Cindi breezed in. "Hi, did you guys miss me?"

I looked at Abby and asked, "Has she been gone?"

"No, doofus; you have been gone. I know that you missed me, I was just asking Abby. Hello, who are you?"

"I am Ellen and I don't have to be told, you are Cindi."

Cindi looked at Megan as she said, "Ellen? Where do I know that name from?" Megan shook her head slightly. Cindi covered herself by saying, "I guess you remind me of an Ellen on television. Is there anything left for me to eat?"

Bob was already dishing up a plate for her when Megan asked, "Where's Cable today? The two of you are normally inseparable."

"I think I wore him out last night. He was still asleep when I went to class. He'll be along; he knows where I will be."

As we began to eat again, we heard more cars arriving and people began gathering on the patio. Several opened books and notebooks and began to study. Ellen looked on in shock. "They are actually studying!"

Abby responded, "That is one of the things we expect. They come here saying they are going to study, so they must study. The unwritten rule is that they study until we get dinner finished; then they can eat and relax. Those who don't need to study won't show up until later. We will go out in a minute and help anyone who needs help and several of them will need help. Join in as you feel like it."

Ellen said, "I like that idea."

Bob added, "It really works pretty well. Sunday afternoons are just for relaxing though."

We finished and Megan and Bob took the dishes to the kitchen and began washing them. Abby and Cindi went outside leaving Ellen and I sitting next to each other. Ellen whispered, "I see what you meant about Bob and Megan. They are so cute and so much like we were." I nodded. "And I can why you have a special feeling towards Cindi. She is a hoot and I can tell that you loved sleeping with her. What is her guy like?"

"He is really good for her. He is retired military and provides her a strong support that she has needed. You will like him but, just because we are going to introduce you as a widow, don't let your tongue hang out. You will drool over him just like all of the women do."

"Abby doesn't seem like a drooler."

"No, but trust me, she looks. You can look, but remember, you have a husband and will have a wife too. You are spoken for."

"You know, it has only been a couple of days, but that very thought just seems to feel more and more right as we go along. I think that we will make a great family."

"I do too. Let's go out and let you meet some of the students. Those guys on the chairs sitting together are all art students and they have a tough final next week. They are trying to remember all of the paintings and things they looked at in class. You might be able to help them out some."

"I just hope that they will accept me."

"They will and I'll bet you get asked out before the night is over too. You can't imagine how horny those art guys can be."

She grinned and said, "Let's go find out."

We went outside and several people looked up to see who was with me. Several smiled and mouthed 'hi' to Ellen. She nodded and smiled back. A minute later, Abby came over and took Ellen from me saying, "I want you to meet some guys over here, Ellen." She took her towards the group of guys studying art. Five minutes later, Ellen was the center of attention as she answered some of their questions. I smiled knowing that she would have no problem fitting in.

Megan came over and took my arm and said, "Show me your new bus." I followed as she dragged me towards the driveway. I had the feeling that she also wanted to talk. I was right.

I showed her around the bus and she was impressed; then she sat down on the sofa and patted the spot next to her. "Joe, Abby and Ellen explained things to me. You are a very lucky man and I hope that you know it. Both of them are very special. I am not going to tell Bob. He met my parents and likes them all, but he doesn't understand their relationship. I think that he is definitely a one woman man and I like that just fine for me."

"Megan, a year ago, I was a one woman man and never even thought about another woman. This week Ellen told me that I love every woman I get close to even if I don't go to bed with them. I can't argue that because I realize that it is probably true. I love you and Cindi and some others too. Whatever happens, I will always love you and I will always respond to you whenever you need it."

"Thank you; that is really special to know. Bob also told me that you are giving us the camper. Are you sure? I mean that one cost a lot of money and this one must have cost twice as much. Can you afford it?"

"Honey, I never told you the details, but when Ellen and I sold JoEllen, we made a lot of money. I mean it is almost a ridiculous amount of money. We will never worry about where our next meal is coming from. I won't brag about it or show it off, but don't worry about that at all. And if you need help, it is available for you too. That is part of my love. I doubt that you will need it because I think that Bob is going to do really well as will both you and Cindi. But it is there if you need it."

Megan leaned over and gave me a big hug and whispered, "I love you too."

Then we got up and went back to join the others. Ellen was still holding court over her new protégés. Abby came up and whispered, "Are you and Megan ok?"

"Only if you think that we love each other is not ok?"

"That is what we wanted to hear. These guys are accepting Ellen like she has been here for months. Bob started the grill, so I guess we need to get busy. Cable called and he is bringing some beer and wine."

"Sounds like no one here needs me anymore."

She swatted my ass, "None of this would be happening if it wasn't for you."

Later after everyone had gone, the three of us had coffee on the patio and reflected on Ellen's first day here. She said, "I can't believe how many people I have met in just my first day. This is wonderful!"

Abby added, "Yes it is; it is an ever changing scene too. People come and go. They fall in and out of love in a day. For some of them, being here is more support than they have ever had before. Several of the guys you worked with today came from families where they didn't even want them to go to college much less study art."

"That is a shame. They are really trying hard, but get frustrated because they can't retain it all."

Abby said, "I'll tell you a secret if you won't tell any of the students. This class is a required one for graduation and many students put it off until they are juniors or seniors. Anyway, the professor is very well aware that this may be their only exposure to art that they will ever get. She loads the class up with a lot of stuff hoping that something sticks. Then she makes the final hard just to get them to go over the material again. In fact, she already knows what grades a student will get based on their class participation and the project she had them do. She will only grade the final of those on the borderline between grades. All of the guys here today will pass with at least a B. She just wants to leave them with something to remember about art."

Ellen thought for a moment and replied, "I remember a couple of classes like that. They seemed to be really hard, but I always seemed to come out with an A and never knew why."

"I think that this is fairly common among teachers of required classes but outside the student's major field. You only get one or two chances to plant the seeds about your subject. That's why I like theater so much. A kid who doesn't want to act, can still participate by building sets or running lights or sound or even selling tickets. All you have to do is get them involved and find out where their interest lies."

I finally said, "Thank you Abby; you just told me the answer to a problem I have been thinking about."

Before Abby could respond, Ellen said, "I smell a fabulous idea that has been waiting to see the light of day. Speak my love."

I grinned and said, "A couple of weeks ago one of the B School professors approached me about setting up a class or something for business students who want to go into Arts Management. I told him that I would think about it. Frankly, I don't know enough about the specifics of Arts Management to create a program or class, I mean that is sort of what I am doing now, but I have no training in that; I have just used my business background and applied it to what we do. What you just said makes perfect sense if we offered those interested students an internship or practicum for a semester or a year. Maybe have them do a rotation between the Art, Music, and Theater Departments. What do you think?"

Abby looked at Ellen and said, "You are right. It looks like he has a whole bunch of eggs floating around his head and a word, phrase, or idea becomes the sperm that fertilizes the egg and a baby is born."

"I hadn't thought about that analogy, but that is almost exactly what it is like. Isn't he special?"

I jumped in, "I'm not sure about the idea of you two knocking me up."

Abby shot back, "Why not? You don't have a problem knocking us up." We all laughed.

When they settled again, Ellen asked, "I haven't checked yet but does the school have an Art History program? That is what I want to do when I get settled."

Abby eagerly responded, "Yes we do. As a matter of fact, the teacher of the class we were just talking about is the one who heads up that program. Her name is Dr. Mercer and she has written six or seven very respected books on Art History."

Ellen broke in, "Is that Dr. Mary Mercer by chance?"

"Yes; do you know her?"

"Not personally, but I bought two of her books to read when I went to Europe this spring. I love the way she writes and explains things."

"Then you will love her in class too. Her program is also interesting. The same classes are offered as both undergraduate and graduate classes. If you take it as a graduate program, you take the same classes but then do research projects instead of all of the other classes the undergrads take. We'll go over to school and you can meet her. She is great and is usually in her office on Saturday."

"I'd like that a lot. Now speaking of getting pregnant, today might be my last fertile day. Do you think I can find a guy who would take advantage of that opportunity?"

Abby shot back, "You just want firsties again." Ellen grinned and nodded.

I added, "Let me see, how many offers for dates did you get tonight?"

"Three but only two of them were for dates. The other one just asked if I wanted to play hide the sausage."

"You turned down three offers tonight. I guess I don't stand a chance then, huh?"

Ellen said, "You sure have turned him into a wimp, Abby."

"Not me, I got him that way. You; get your ass up to bed; you have two women to satisfy tonight."

"I went from a brilliant man to a wimp in less than five minutes. I don't understand."

Ellen replied, "Honey, you are brilliant professionally, but you need to prove yourself personally on a regular basis to keep up your stud standing."

"Ah, now I see. Women, bed! Lose clothing!"

Abby responded with, "I love it when he does his cave man thing. Don't you?"

"Me too. It makes me tingle. Race you to the bedroom, girl friend."

We slept late that next morning and I had a nice breakfast prepared by two smiling women. Then we dressed casually and drove to the school. First, I drove around and we showed Ellen the whole campus and then I parked by the theater. I said that I was going to check my e-mail and we would get together after they got through with Dr. Mercer.

I went to my office and checked my e-mail. There were a couple of minor things that were easily dealt with. Then there was an e-mail form the President asking me to see him when I got back. It didn't sound like there was a big problem, but it also didn't sound like we were going to have a beer together. I wondered if he was in today. I would rather deal with a problem today than to stew about it until Monday. I called his office, but got no answer. I decided to check again before we left. Then I spent half an hour writing up a draft of a practicum program like we had talked about.

I was starting to flesh the idea out when my cell phone rang. I answered and Abby simply said, "President's office in ten minutes. We'll meet you there."

"Is there a problem?"

"I don't think so; we ran into Samantha and she said that he needs to clarify something with us and then talk to you about something else."

"Ok, I'll meet you there."

I actually met them on the walk to the administration building. Ellen looked like she was on cloud nine. She ran up to me and excitedly said, "I love Dr. Mercer and she would love to have me in her program this year. I'm going to be a student again!" Then she dropped her voice and added, "With Cindi and Megan graduating, you can still have a coed when you want one."

"You have always been my favorite coed." Then I turned to Abby and said, "And you have always been my favorite teacher."

Abby grinned and said, "Our boy still knows how to charm us, doesn't he?"

Ellen just grinned as we entered the ad building. Even though it was Saturday morning, his receptionist was also there and she smiled as she showed us into his office. Samantha was already there and smiled as we entered. The President stood up and smiled. "It is good to see you again Miss Winters and Joe. And it is a pleasure to meet you Ellen. I have been looking forward to meeting Joe's wife. Welcome to our campus. I understand that you might be enrolling in our Art Program. We would love to have you. I will have your application expedited. If you will excuse me for a moment, I have to get Mandy to do something. Samantha will entertain you while I am gone." He walked out and shut his door.

I got a lump in my throat when he called Ellen my wife and from the frowns on Ellen and Abby's faces, I think they were thinking the same thing. We all looked at the still smiling Samantha.

"Get those looks off of your faces. There is only a small problem and that is what we will talk about. When he is in his office, he has to act as the representative of the school and the board. This is our way of dealing with private issues. I will work things out with you and everyone will be happy. Joe, you are probably wondering how he knew about Ellen and what that will mean about you and Abby. A couple of weeks after the Board meeting, one of the members called him concerned about the donation of the new building. He had heard a disturbing story from another college and wanted to have the donor checked out. " She looked at my face which now reflected confusion.